Author's Note:

EPILOGUE IS DONE! Sorry it has been awhile. I had some personal things going on that were unfortunately taking over my life for awhile. I hope everyone likes!


"What are you talking about?!" Draco was floored. He thought maybe the old woman had lost her mind.

"Oh dear, you really don't know, do you? Well, I shouldn't be surprised. Your father most likely didn't tell you about me. He was so ashamed to have me as a mother." The old woman finally made her way over to Draco and Hermione. Draco took a step back, almost afraid that the woman was going to do something to him.

" can't father told me his mother was dead." Draco's pale eyes widened even more. Hermione could feel his hand trembling in hers as he looked at the woman in bewilderment.

"Your father told you a lot. Not all of it was true however." The old woman replied.

"Why, after all of these years, do you decide to show yourself?" Hermione could tell that Draco was becoming angry. She could see the look of betrayal wash over his face at the news of his father's deception.

"I've always been around. I just kept my distance. You father told me to stay away from you. Every time you went to Diagon Alley, I was there. I watched you when you first went on the Hogwart's Express. I even went to a couple of your quidditch matches."

"I...I don't understand." Draco seemed lost. Hermione squeezed his hand in assurance.

"I'm pleased to meet you…" Hermione stuck her hand out toward the old woman.

"I'm very pleased to officially meet you Ms. Granger. I am Antigone Malfoy." The old woman responded and shook Hermione's hand. Before she let go, she turned Hermione's hand over.

"That ring finally has done it's job. I am so glad." She smiled and patted Hermione's hand. Hermione looked at Draco and slightly grinned.

"I still don't understand." Draco asked, very perplexed.

"Your father didn't want anything to do with me after I left your grandfather. All that talk of 'pureblood' 'dirty blood' was ridiculous. He, himself wasn't really sure if his father was really his father."

"Are...are you telling me that I may not be…" Draco's eyebrows raised in question.

"Who really knows. I certainly don't. You know...I was very much in love with your grandfather. He was at one time a very kind man, that is, until he got involved with He Who Shall Not Be Named. He was promised power and security. It managed to rub off on my poor Lucius. I told Abraxas that I wasn't having it and that I didn't want it to influence our son anymore than it had. I threatened to take him...that is until the day Abraxas had done the unthinkable."

Draco and Hermione glanced at one another in astonishment.

"He had made a vow with the Dark Lord to always protect him and promised Lucius as a warrior for his cause. I was outraged. The vow had already been made and there was nothing I could do. I had lost my husband and my son because of that monster. I had hoped...beyond anything...that you wouldn't follow down the same path."

"I made the same mistakes." Draco answered, his head low in disgust.

"But you weren't lost Draco. You realized...though it took awhile...that there was more and that the darkness could never overshadow the light. I saw it the day you came to me about Ms. Granger. I had watched you all those times you were in Diagon Alley. I saw how you looked at her. I knew...I knew because that's how your grandfather looked at your father looked at Narcissa. That's why I left the ring in the vault."

Hermione looked down at the emerald. The ring had once caused her such anguish but now it seemed like a beacon of love.

"After Abraxas had made the vow...I cast a spell, infusing all of my love for my husband and my child into that ring. I had hoped one day that it could be used to protect...and it did. It's charm saved your life Draco." The old woman smiled, a tears glittering in her small eyes. Draco's jaw clenched and unclenched.

"I don't deserve to have my life be saved. I have caused so much destruction and chaos. I have hurt so many." Draco rasped. Hermione clutched his hand.

"We all have made mistakes. I should never have abandoned my child. I should have fought harder to protect him. But through my mistakes came something beautiful. You. You Draco came out of it and I couldn't be prouder. Your mother too is so very proud."

"Mother?" Draco's eyes began to well with tears.

"Yes, I just spoke with Narcissa the other day. I told her what was going on. She said she wasn't sure where you had gone off to but was relieved to know you were safe. She knew about Ms. Granger. She's always known." Antigone smiled and patted Draco on the shoulder.

"She has? She…" Draco's voice cracked with emotion.

"She saw it the day in the manor with your aunt. She had told me about it. That is why I left the ring for you in the vault. She had mentioned the article in the Daily Prophet. Your mother is a wonderful woman. It is ashame that she had been drug into Lucius' mess. All she has ever wanted for you is to be loved, protected. She was willing to sacrifice her life for you." Antigone whispered and allowed her gnarled hand to move to Draco's pale cheek.

"'s true." It was Harry's voice filtering in. Draco moved his pale eyes toward his once hated enemy.

"The day...the day in the woods...when Voldemort used the killing curse...she could have told him I was alive. She didn't. She didn't because she wanted to know you were safe. She was willing to be tortured or killed to keep you safe. I will be forever grateful for your mother." Harry answered as he took a hobbled step forward. Draco looked as if he had been struck deaf. Hermione was unsure of his reaction.

"Thank you Potter." It was the quietest Hermione had ever heard Draco's voice. Then Draco's eyes wandered to the tall redhead.

"Weasley…" Ron's eyes shot toward Draco in a haze of confusion.


"I...I don't know what to say." Draco bit his lip and looked down at his feet.

"You don't have to say anything." Ron muttered and shrugged his shoulders.

"I...I still hate you." Draco slightly grinned, obviously trying to break the tension.

"You'll always be a git Malfoy." Ron slightly chuckled.

"I am...I am sorry...about...well…"

"No need. Hermione never really was mine. Just...just keep in mind, she'll never be yours either. She's her own person, always was, always will be. I was just too stupid to realize it." Ron added and sighed. Hermione could feel her face slightly tinge red.

A strange calmness filtered into the room. Suddenly, Draco dropped to his knee in front of Hermione. Hermione's eyes practically bulged in her head. Draco pulled the emerald off of her right hand and held it between his fingers.


"I...I…" Hermione began to stutter uncontrollably.

"Will you promise to always be you? Will you promise to put me in my place? Will you love me even when I'm stupid? WIll you marry me?" Draco asked, tears running freely from his eyes as he held Hermione's petite hand in his.

"Yes I will Draco." Hermione smiled and allowed Draco to push the beloved emerald onto her now free left ring finger. Draco stood up and hugged Hermione so hard she could barely breath.

"Oh...great! Now it's settled." Antigone smiled and proceeded to hug the two of them.

"Let me know the due date when you find out, I'll have to pass it on to your mother." Antigone added as she removed herself from the couple and began to walk away from the group.

"You mean wedding date?" Hermione and Draco said in unison as they looked at the old witch in confusion.

"Oh sweet Merlin no. I said due date. Your fiance is with child." Antigone laughed and continued to walk away. Draco and Hermione looked at each other, mouths agape. The rest of the group were just as shocked as they were.

"See you at the wedding. Hope you can find dress robes to fit that growing belly, By the way, I have always been fond of the name Scorpius." Antigone's voice echoed through the Great Hall as she left everyone in astonishment.

Draco and Hermione gazed at each other again. Draco grabbed Hermione around the waist and began hugging her again.

"I...I...I have no words." Draco was so shocked but very obviously full of joy.

"It's just you and me and perhaps one more, Draco." Hermione laughed and kissed him gently.

"I'm good with just you, me and one more." Draco added and kissed her back.