A/N It has been a really long time since ive been on here and for anyone reading this that used to be a fan of any of my other stories…well I'm sorry. Between deployments and getting out of the military and starting college I have been swamped.

But since I'm out now and back into the swing of things I have finally gotten the chance and inspiration to write again. That being said.

Rise of the Forsakened: Currently in limbo. I'm between attempting an overhaul on it and scraping it to use in another story.

Sanity's Betrayal: Pending rewrite. I went back through it and decided to listen to some old reviews about the direction it was going. Hopefully I can get something for that out soon.

Escape artist Uzumaki: Currently on the cutting board. I liked the original plan for it but then I realized how over my head I was with that storyline so I'm changing it up a bit.

My plan is to focus on this new story first just to make sure this writing frenzy I'm in doesn't leave me. Once I've established a good rhythm ill bring the other ones in.

Onto this current story, it is a crossover between Rosario Vampire and Naruto. I don't know why but that seems to be the kick that I've currently been on. For this story though I want to point out some things ahead of time since some elements won't be introduce till later and it might have you scratching your head a little bit.

First of Naruto is roughly 16 years old and the fourth shinobi war is over. I don't care what the real timeline is in Naruto but that's what I'm using here. Naruto ended the war personally but what he did to gain the power to end it has brought problems for our protagonist. This will be explained throughout the story and it won't just jump out at you till about the run in with Kuyo.

Also Naruto for a while will basically seem like…well a dick. He will swear a lot, he will poke fun at others, somewhat maliciously maybe depending on the person and he will be overpowered. Doesn't mean everything is going to be one hit KO though.

This chapter is a bit too short for my tastes but its just a pilot to see how people react.

Also since a lot of people will base what story to read of what the pairings are going to be im going to list them out.

NarutoxMizore This will not change
TsukuneXMokaXKurumu This is subject to change if enough people give suggestions.
And I have no idea what to do with yukari so if you guys have an idea let me know.

No matter what this is no going to be a NaruHarem fic so don't ask.

Also Tsukune is going to seem like a major wimp at first but he will get better and actually have a major part in the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rosario Vampire or Naruto.

There wasn't much left for him to pack. There never was really. Considering the past that he had had, he learned to live a rather frugal lifestyle. Not that it bothered him. Less stuff meant less stuff for people to break.

Glancing around he noted the few items that still needed to be packed away before collapsing on his bed with a huff.

"Fucking bullshit…" He muttered to himself. "Sure, the Uchiha goes fucking rogue to Konoha's most hated enemy and they let him back in with open arms. I go rogue to save the fucking world and the fuckers kick me out." Naruto eyed the apartment once more, more importantly the pictures that he left on the wall. The few things that he may have at one time considered precious to him. Not anymore, not with what happened.

"Bah, screw it. Had it with these pansies." He let his thoughts briefly linger to if he should maybe bring up the fact that just about all of the villages alliances where because of him before it was immediately crushed. He sat up on the corner of the bed and ran a hand through his hair muttering incoherent thoughts about ramen before quietly leaving his, for the moment, apartment.


As he walked down the main road towards his destination he idly toyed with the idea of maybe giving the village just one last hurrah before he left. Maybe paint the monument again except maybe this time use some sort of corrosive liquid instead of paint. He even thought of maybe torching a few buildings before tossing.

"Don't need to give the fruitcakes a reason to try anything…of course not that any of it would matter." He continued to brood for a moment until his thoughts were brought out by a heavenly aroma, letting it drag him the rest of the way to the small stand. As he lifted the flap to step inside he realized that there were others there. Others he did not want to talk to for any reason.

With a scowl on his face he tried to back out unseen until a certain cook noticed him.

"Naruto-kun! Come and sit, I'll have something out for you soon." Of course Ayame would notice him. She always managed to no matter what. With a huff he entered the stand and took the seat the farthest away from everyone else hoping they wouldn't try to strike up a conversation.

No such luck of course.

"Hey Naru-" The greeting was cut off by the scathing look he gave to the speaker. Said speaker had pink hair and sounded like a howler monkey.

But maybe he was just biased.

He faced forward and opted to stare blankly at the counter. That is until said monkey started to bother him again. By placing her hand on his shoulder. Growling he looked at her with an expression that easily said 'move it or lose it bitch', which to his dismay was ignored.

"Look I'm sorry with what happened but it was the right thing to do! You out of everyone should have known what was going to-"

"Shut the fuck up pinky." Immediately the hand from his shoulder was gone and she backed away before trying to retort.

"You're angry, I get that but-"Once again he cut her off.

"Shut. Your. Whorish. Mouth. You. Slut!" Each word was punctuated by a menacing growl that climbed up from his throat and the temperature seemed to drop. "I do NOT give a flying fuck what you or anyone else thinks you ungrateful little bitch. Now run along before I do something that will make me feel a whole lot better." Whatever Sakura was going to say after that died in her mouth when a ladle thwacked the counter between her and Naruto.

"As much as I appreciate your patronage Sakura-san, I'd appreciate it if you didn't bother my best customer." Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

"Note to self: get Ayame something amazing before I leave." Sakura seemed like she was going to ignore the girl until she noticed the glare from the chef and the way she suddenly materialized a cleaver from…somewhere on her person. Sakura nodded slightly before returning to her seat occasionally sending glances back at the blond. Said blond returned to stare at the counter but not before catching the wink that his surrogate sister sent him.


A few Minutes after his order was ready the stand was empty with the others not wanting to get on the bad side of their hostess.

"So Naruto-kun" She hesitated for a moment making sure she had his attention. "When do you think you're going to be leaving?" Letting out a sigh he placed his chopsticks down and leaned back in his seat.

"Most likely early tomorrow morning. I only have so much time before the fuc- I mean the idiots in charge try to do something." While he normally didn't care about his language, especially recently, but this was Ayame and she was not a fan of it.

"So soon? I thought Hokage-sama would have given you more time?" Now he was starting to feel depressed with how sad she looked.

"She managed to score me about a week but unfortunately with things sort of contested with her and the one eyed cripple I don't want to give her more to worry about. And it's not like I'm going to be gone forever either nee-chan." He gave her a soft smile to try and cheer her up.

Ayame nodded but still had that same look.

"It's not fair though! With everything you've done for them you should be the one sitting up there!" Of course he should have known she wasn't going to let it go that easily.

"And I will be," He leaned forward until he was rather close to the distraught girl. "Ayame, look I know things are bad right now but I need you to trust me when I say that I'm going to come back one day when none of the guys can stop me and I'm going to put everything as it should be." He pushed a little further to make sure his point was cemented. He reached over and grabbed her hand before looped his pinky around hers. Just like old times. "I promise you. I promise you that I will come back. I promise that everything that's happening right now will become just some sort of bad dream and everything will be right. Okay?" He felt her pinky contract a bit around his. He looked at her intently knowing that she would accept it. After all she knew just how serious he was being right now when he made a pinky promise. Silly to most people but to him it was a promise that would transcend even death.

"I believe you…Doesn't mean I like it though. Just, make sure to take care of yourself." She leaned over the counter and hugged him. "You better not keep me waiting Naruto-kun or I'm going to ban you from here until I feel like you've leaned your lesson, got it?!" Internally she smirked when she felt the man in her arms stiffen before letting out a childish "Fine." Letting go she stepped back and motioned at his half eaten bowl. "Although you better eat up now because I'm not letting you leave here without a full stomach."


He jerked awake with a jolt. The weird contraption he was currently sitting on was vibrating wildly and seemed like it was about to fall apart. Blinking away the grogginess he realized that they were in some sort of tunnel and currently driving into a bright light.

"This must be the gate to hell or something." He muttered to himself. Unknowing piquing the interest of the boy behind him.

"What makes you say that?" Naruto jerked in surprise and managed to smack his face against the window.

"What the devil!" He turned around and saw another boy looking at him from over the seat. "When the flying fuck did you get here?" Surprisingly it was the bus driver who answered.

"I picked him up when you were busy napping kiddo. Now you two might want to get ready. As soon as we get out of this tunnel we'll be there." Naruto was about to fire back some sort of witty comment when he saw the bus driver's eyes.

"The fuck? How could I have not noticed the creepy fuckers glowing eyes before?" As if sensing his thoughts the driver gave a chuckle that sent a feeling of dread down his spine.

"Um, hey, yea…" Naruto felt like bashing his face against the glass when he heard the nervous stuttering of the boy behind him.

"Great a fucking wimp, Annunciate kid before you drive me fucking bonkers."

"Ah, sorry about that it's just…well…do you know anything about where were going?" Naruto snorted at that.

"No fucking clue. Wasn't really given any details when I was…enrolled…" He could practically hear the questions rolling around the other kids head at this point. "No point in thinking about it now so quit your bitching."

"Your kind of a dick aren't you?" Naruto had to bite back a laugh at that. Maybe this kid had more of a spine then he thought. Any further conversation was cut off by a flash of light and the screeching of the bus coming to a stop.

"Alright kiddies this is your stop, off you go." The bus driver said facing them with a cigar in his mouth that sort of just appeared there. "Remember to keep your heads up though. Yokai Academy can be a very scary place." He made a shooing motion with his hand and then lit his cigar. Scowling Naruto grabbed his bag and got up. The other kid getting up and following.

When he got outside the first thing he noticed was the scarecrow which immediately brought a scowl to his face because it reminded him of another scarecrow. He absentmindedly heard the freaking out of the other boy about something or other and was contemplating murder to bring back the peace and quiet. However deciding it was not in his best interest to kill anyone, yet, he did something that he was loathed to do. He stuck his hand out to the other boy.

"If you're done with your little hissy fit, Names Uzumaki Naruto." The other boy looked at him and then his hand in minor surprise before he took it.

"Aono Tsukune." Naruto nodded and started to walk down the path.

"Well let's get a move on Limpy, don't want to be late."

"My names not Limpy!" Naruto turned a dead expression on him.

"Until you grow a spine I'm gonna call you whatever the fuck I want to, got it?" Tsukune scowled but Naruto was already walking away.

"Oi wait for me!"


"Okay, how big is this fucking forest?" Naruto was on the verge of just using a Katon Jutsu to turn all of the already dead looking trees to ash. Just before he enacted his plan he heard a slightly metal on metal sound. Quickly glancing back he immediately took a step back confusing Tsukune.

"Huh, why did you-Blak!" Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at seeing the other boy get knocked the fuck out by a person on a bicycle and get sent flying along with the rider. His chuckling died immediately when he saw who the other person was. Just as he palmed a kunai he stopped himself.

"She looks scarily similar to the pink howler monkey…except she's got nothing on this chick." Naruto couldn't help but let his eyes roam over the newcomer as she laid sprawled on the other boy somewhat disappointed with himself for not allowing the bike to crash into him instead. Shaking it off he noticed a certain detail that brought a smirk to his face. "Why Limpy, I must say that's rather forward of you. I'm starting to think I may have to call you by name sooner than expected." His smirk got bigger when he saw the confused look and he simply pointed to the boy's hand.

And what it was resting on.

Tsukune subconsciously squeezed his hand and heard a moan come from above him. His hand flung away like it was burned and he started sweating bullets.

The girl however seemed too dazed to note the boy's action or current predicament. She just sat up until rubbed at her eyes a little bit.

"Look you guys should probably wait to go any further. Wouldn't want to miss the first day because you were getting it on." Two sets of eyes looked at Naruto. One confused and the other with what looked like betrayal. Whatever. Wasn't his problem, so he started to walk away whistling a random tune.

He was a little ways down the path when he heard a shriek from somewhere behind him.


"Well, this sucks. Maybe I should have just stayed in Konoha. Not like anything they can do can kill me." He was only half paying attention to whatever the hell the teacher was saying. Something about an academy for monsters or something.

"And make sure whatever you do that you remain in human form! This is to help you learn how to eventually live among the humans." And that had his attention.

"Wait what…fuck…well maybe this might just be interesting after all." Naruto turned his full attention to what was being discussed.

"Psht, what bullshit. I say we just eat all of the humans and rape the pretty girls!" The few girls that where near the speaker immediately edged their desks away.

"Ah, well…" The teacher tried to stutter out a reply. Naruto hearing this growled out earning him the attention of the other student.

"You got something to say to me!" Grinning Naruto leaned back in his chair.

"You're an idiot." Naruto once again palmed a kunai when the other guy stood up aggressively. The teacher at the front trying to stop him.

"Komiya-san please sit down and please Uzumaki-san don't antagonize your peers!"

"Sorry we're late! We got lost after the ceremony!" The mood in the classroom did a one eighty as just about every guy started to drool and surprisingly some girls. Naruto snorted.

"This is going to turn out just like the fuckers fan club from back home."

"Ano, who are you?" The teacher asked the two by the door.

"Ah, sorry!" Bowing lightly to the class. "My name is Akashiya Moka!" She straightened back up and stepped back for Tsukune to introduce himself. Following her example he bowed lightly.

"My name is Aono Tsukune." The teacher noted the names on her roster.

"My name is Nekonome Shizuka and I'm your homeroom teacher. Now since it's the first day your fine but please try not to be late." Gaining a nod from the two she motioned to the back of the room. "Please take a seat so I can continue." Grabbing Tsukune's hand Moka dragged him off to there seats. Of course said action made most of the class to glare at the boy. Seeing the looks that his classmates where giving him Tsukune did the only thing he could think of.

He cried.

A/N So let me know what you guys think.

Next chapter is already partially written so expect that soon.