In Tortuga, Year 1593

Akashi Seijuuro (Empereor of Seven Seas)
Dead or Alive 50,000,000$$

Description: A pirate from southern seas with crimson coloured hair and single eye that consist of blood red with a red eye patch. Cruel and Sadist. Sly and swift.

"A~h, raised from 8 milion gold coins to 50 millions? Your job must be hard." hummed Satsuki while looking at the poster on the island of her bar.

"Urgh... The higher ups are furious you know? They tried everything with this Akashi Seijuuro guy but failed everything and sucessfully got all the weapon stolen by that guy." grumbled an over tanned navy captain. (Aomine: Screw you! I'm NOT over tanned A/N: XDXD)

"Woah, he even got you complaining, is him that good? " Satsuki was very surprised. Aomine catched numbers of pirates and never seem so stressed.

"Yea... He never raid towns for unknown reason and he always raid navy ships, merchant ships. Heck, even me never seen his ship after I tried to track him so hard!" Aomine groaned and accepted a cup of coffee from Satsuki.

"I heard from some drunk pirates, his ship looks just like any normal merchant ships from Britannia." Satsuki is an informat, she knows mostly about outlaws and is very smart at analysis. But sadly, she knows nothing about this Akashi Seijuuro.

"A lot of people also says that, he is not single eyed, he hides his other eye because it's the eye of demon. Just rumors, but nothing is good news about him." Satsuki warned Aomine sternly to not continues hunting the red haired pirate.

"Heh, I like challange more than this boring life!" Aomine grinned and left straight after finishing his coffee in one gulp.

Underground, Black Market of Tortuga

"Hoho, this is so rare!" exclaimed one of the nobles in the slaves section in front of a certain cage.

In the cage, laid a teal coloured hybrid that species are nearly extinct, fox. It was said that the fox race contained magics since ancient, and due to the selfish fear of their magic, human announced war against them.

In the end, the legends was fake and most of the "leftovers" of the war was killed or become slaves.

The fox's souless eyes looked blankly in front of him. Covering by a single piece of clothing doesn't seems to bother him eventho the filthy rich noble scanned him from head to toe. He once have 8 vibrant teal tails but the tails turned grey as he was dragged around by the slave lord with a chain connected to his collar around the neck without waiting him to stand.

"Ah! dear customers, you got nice eye, this is from the continent of Asia! We will be helding auction later, would you like to place your bid first?" Haizaki, a very cunning man offered.

"Sure sure! I'll place 80 thousand gold coins on him!" the noble is clearly interested in the teal haired fox hybrid. The fox hybrid grimace inside when he looked at the fat and obviously obese noble who covered himself in jewelries. Silently, he prayed that, he'll get a nicer owner than this pervert looking noble.

But 80 thousand gold coins was a huge amount. For a normal slave at least, but he is not really sure about himself. He's ears started to press down on his head in unease and tails naturally surronded himself. The nobles walked away to look for other stuffs. The slave lord a.k.a. Haizaki Shougo grinned and write down the nobles name with the biddings.

He was accidentally caught while playing with his brother, Chihiro 7 years ago. But the war broke out too suddenly and human spotted 2 of them, younglings playing without a care. Kuroko quickly hide Chihiro because he was younger and distracted the warrior before they could go after Chihiro.

Kuroko quickly throw the memories away as it will only bring sadness and worries. What happen to Chihiro? Will he be fine? Are him still alive? Is him okay now? The thought swarmed him. He started to frown.

"Boss! We caught another 1 from Asia! It was grey coloured and have 2 tails with white tips! ..." one man run down from the stairs connected to upper ground. Clearly just back from sailing.

Kuroko freezed. Wait...GREY, 2 TAILS, WHITE TIPS, ASIA. These thought make kuroko sense go crazy. His fur on the end of his tail starting to stands. His head chanting NO PLEASE NO WHAT HAPPENED TO MUM AND DAD!? They should be protecting Chihiro from the humans! But sadly, reality are cruel as the sailor continued.

"There're 2 foxes that are struggling, so we're forced to kill it as they're very strong and trashed the cages. Funny, one of them are teal coloured just like this one we caught 7 years ago. While the other are grey. "

Kuroko felt like his world are crashing down. He's eye hardened. Slowly, he touched the cage's bar and pulled on it. It is the first time in 5 years he ever tried to pull on the bars. He was abused for disobediant. But he just...couldn't help himself, he wants to see his brother.

Haizaki was celebrating and too happy to notice Kuroko trying to pull the bars to get out. He quickly go to serve other customers other than notice the teal coloured fox trying to escape.

Kuroko watched, the cage covered by a piece of white clothing being moved down from the stairs. His nose was quickly assulted by a very very familiar smell. The smell of his little brother.

He panicked, he doesn't want his brother to be in this hell hole, He willingly become a replacement 7 years ago he don't want his 7 years to go waste. Tears started to pool around his eyes without him knowing, he started to cry without sounds, just tears dripping. With ears flat and tails tighten around himself.

Do you, hate them?... Kuroko eyes widened as he heard a deep whisper from inside his head. Do you, hate humans? the voice continued. "Who are you...?" Kuroko quietly asked. Most people calls me Kyuubi, but please do call me Ogiwara Shigehiro, or i recommend! Ogiwara-chan~

...Weirdo. Kuroko thought

Hidoi! (so cruel!) kusu kusu(sob sob)

You can hear what I think? Kuroko was scared, was his despression so strong that he get imaginary friends?

Ahahaha nope nope nope~ I'm your er...great great great grandfather sorts of thing? wait, that's not the important things here. Do you hate humans?

It is an important thing. How am I suppose to believe you?

Please answer the question T~T I cant help you if you don't answer it

Huh...? Well, I don't hate them... but, I hate them... it's like I'm not sure... some of them might be good guy after all. Kuroko felt strange, he thought he hated them all along but when he really ask himself, he so confused

Well then, hate them.

...wha- Kuroko broken out of his trace as the white clothe covered cage placed beside his.

The red haired worker (-hint- -hint-) removed the clothe and looked at him with a single eye while the other covered by white bandages. The fox hybrid inside was terrified and hugged himself close with 2 of the tails between his legs, ears went flat sticking to his head and fur standing straight up.

Kuroko eye saw red when he seen how scared his little brother is. No mistake, the look, the scent and the colours was the same as 7 years ago.

Chihiro saw Kuroko and almost instantly throw himself towards the bars of the cage to Kuroko. He reach out for Kuroko tearily like he really missed him and scared at the same time.


To be continued