"So, in other words, the unnamed ensign got sent back to Earth against his will."
"Wow, that must have been a hard choice."
"Dad, you know that protocol states: 'Whenever a crew member has severe suicidal thoughts, no matter what rank they have, they must be returned to Earth for not only their own safety but also for more counseling. It is the counselor's decision, but must also have the captain's approval.' "
Just another video call with my father on a Friday. Despite the extremely long distance between the USS Excalibur and the USS Enterprise, the connection was surprisingly well.
"Well, I just want to let you know that I'm proud of what you're doing over there."
"Thanks, dad. And you should also be proud of what you're doing on the Enterprise. I mean, what number surgery is this? Your fiftieth? That's got to be a new record for Starfleet."
"Jennifer McCoy, don't go bringing that up again or you're going to make me regret not recommending you for the Enterprise... And for the record, it's the fortieth."
"I'm just saying that you need to be recognized more for your work. I mean, you did just save the Captain of your ship what, nine months ago?"
"Another reason why I didn't recommend you for the Enterprise."
"Dad, after what you've told me about him, I think I could handle myself against him. By the way, thank you for the Tribble you sent me, but are you sure that was a great idea?"
"Don't worry, that one won't reproduce like crazy. Not like the ones we had. But just to be safe, don't go feeding it any grain."
"Sure thing."
"… Your mom would be proud of you, too."
"Don't go bringing her up, please."
"I'm serious, she would be."
"I could care less for what she thinks and you know why."
"The same reason you became a counselor-which you still refuse to tell me?"
"Okay, forget I said anything."
Suddenly, red lights flashed in my room and sirens blared.
"Jenny, what's going on over there?!"
"I don't know. I'm requested on the bridge though. I have to go. I love you, daddy."
"Love you, too, sweetheart. Be careful!"
"Always am!"
And with that, I hung up on my father for what would be the last time in a long while, tucked my PADD under my arm, and raced for the bridge.
Now, typically, the bridge is not a place for a counselor. However, with my experience in psychoanalyzing people as well as my slight skills in diplomacy, I was usually welcome there in situations like these.
As I quickly sat in my seat (once again thanking the designers for the fact that my chair was not one with wheels), my friend in Communications, Samantha Rogers, filled me in.
"We've got an unmarked ship heading for us. It's size is far superior than ours, and it's denied all communication efforts," she said.
"Has anyone contacted Starfleet HQ yet?"
"We've sent a notice to them, but no other information yet."
"It's arriving in five seconds, Captain," said the head of Engineering.
I turned my chair to face the main screen. In an instant, an enourmous, pitch-black ship filled our sight. I was breathless from fright. It was exactly like the one my father described when Khan tried to take over and defeat Starfleet. But that was impossible. He was in cryosleep! I stealthily drew out my PADD, and took the best picture I could take. I sent it to my dad when another crew member said, "They're hailing us, sir!"
"On screen and broadcast ship-wide, for the record."
Soon, an image of a man filled the screen, covering the ship. I recognized him as Dr. Vincent Winters. He was head of the science program at Starfleet Headquarters. His silver, close cut hair slightly shone in his ship's light. Despite the fact that he was middle-aged, he was very fit.
"Dr. Winters," said the Captain to our ship, Hans Fredrickson. "That's quite a familiar ship you have there."
"Indeed it is, Captain. Starfleet repaired this ship in case there would ever be a war with the Klingons. It was not in use, so that made it very easy to steal."
"And to what do we owe the displeasure of your visit?"
"Test subjects."
"… I'm sorry?"
"I'll make this easy for your simple brain to understand. Surrender your ship, and submit yourselves to my experiments. Refuse, and I'll be forced to kill a majority of you along with taking less subjects than I hoped to gain. So, what is it going to be? Are you going to be a hero or be the fool?"
"I will not allow any of my crew to become your test subjects! We've all heard about your insane experiments, and we will not have any part of it!"
"Oh, I was afraid it would come to that. Now, let me see. Eeenie, meanie, miny, moe; let us see who's going to go!"
Suddenly, the white beams of light of a transporter shone and circled around me. I looked to Samantha, and she stared on in horror as I disappeared from sight.
Then, I found myself in a room of white. A glass window/door showed a black-clad guard in the center of the room along with other rooms similar to mine: filled with people.
I was in a prison cell.
I looked to my right, and was welcomed with sight of someone very familiar to me in only description. The same guy who had caused the Enterprise and Federation so much grief and pain. Chills went down my spine and fear clouded my heart.
The man in the cell next to me was Khan.
I know that I haven't exactly finished the first Khan story that I wrote but this one was begging to be written, so my focus was spent on this. Don't worry, I will go back to the first one and complete it.
Oh, and I want to say thanks to DrAgOnLOvEr34 for being a wonderful editor/revisor/best friend! Go check out her fanfictions because they are really amazing!
Keep Khan and Kling-On!
-Star Trekker 13