I sit down on the bed in my dorm room, my eyes swimming with tears as my eyes scan the paper for the hundredth time. It sounds like she's giving in. The strong, free spirit that I looked up to was breaking under the pressure. Strange how it only took three years in the adult world to crack her and tear her from what she believes in. Tearing her away from herself. I love her, every side of her. I feel like Margo has infinite sides. She reminds me of a six sided dice that you can roll and get a different result each time.

I ache inside, wanting to reply, but what do you say to someone who is giving up?

Its almost like I'm reliving the time I thought she was sending me a suicide message. My heart is pounding to the beat of an Arctic Monkeys song.

What do you say to someone who changed your entire outlook on life? Someone who made you look at the world in a different way and made you realize that of all the times you felt like nothing, you were the most important person to this one girl. What do you say to a girl you love with all your heart when you want them to never give up on what they believe in?

I took out a lined notebook and a pencil. I gave the pencil a final twirl in my fingers before pressing the tip to the paper and leaving marks like the ones Margo left on the world.

Dear Margo,

How do I explain how much you mean to me? You have changed my life, flipped it inside out and rewritten every page with your messy, coded, writing.

You saw that year, the year that changed my life, through your own tinted glasses. You saw your story unfolding in front of you, but you didn't see mine. You didn't see the tears and laughs and near death experiences and triumphs. You didn't see any of it so you don't know how important you are to me. Every word that fell from your lips opened new gateways for me and I can never thank you enough.

Sure I'm happy, but I'm not you. I want you to be happy, more then I want anything, but I would die before I let you lose yourself. The girl who changed me. The girl I fell for.

How do I explain how that girl has helped me through life, knowing that somewhere out there Margo Roth Spiegelman was doing extraordinary Margo Roth Spiegelman things?

How do I explain how much I need that girl to stay?

I guess you wont know how important you are to me until you see it from my point of view. I need you to stay real just as much as you need me to.

Read the year from my point of view in your apartment, in the city thousands of miles away from my paper town.

There is no other way to begin except to explain what you are to me.

The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle...

A/N: I hope you liked it! Reviews are appreciated!