Chapter 5: Baize's Plan

The idea of how to stop Ron tumbled around Blaize's head, and she knew this was the best way to help her sister out, but also to help Draco and Hermione to get together in the long run, as she doubted Draco would come out and admit that he had the powers on his own, as he never found himself pleased with the fact he always messed up. Draco was better then he thought though, and had come to have a good deal of control over his powers despite the fact he lost it with Pansy awhile ago.

She headed out in search of Harry and Ginny, hoping that she could tell them her plan so they could help get others helping with said plan. Blaize didn't know where to start looking for them, but soon she found them coming back from the owlery, and waved them down. "Could I talk to you please?"

Harry's eyebrows shot up. "If this is about Ron, we already don't want anything to do with him."

"I also sent a letter to my mother hoping she will do something about Ron, but it's going to be at least a day until I can get a reply. There is no telling what he will do between now and then, he tends to only think of himself."

"I was actually going to ask the two of you to help with my plan." Blaize folded her arms across her chest. "I am wanting to issue a challenge where Ron has to prove that he has the powers tomorrow, and if he is unable to prove he has the powers then he's got to stop saying he's the one with the powers."

"Yeah, but why do you need our help."

"I need you all to spread the word tomorrow after I issue the challenge, as it will take place in the Quiditch stadium, as that place is large enough for us to hold the challenge without burning anything down, or hurting anyone. Not that I expect Ron to be able to do any kind of damage. He wouldn't even be able to use any spells dealing with fire... or at least I'm assuming his magical skill isn't that good."

Ginny chuckled. "Yeah. Ron's horrible at schooling. Still, he might be able to convince someone to help him."

"That's the other place you two come in. I need you guys to keep an eye out, and use anybody you guys trust."

"Isn't there people in Slytherin you can trust?"

"The only person I'm close to in Slytherin is Draco, and he's not exactly – well, to say the least I am having him stay out of this, as he's getting used to the idea of confessing to Hermione, letting her know the truth. That would solve everything, if he could just tell her the truth. It would be good if Draco could go up against Ron in a duel, to see who used their powers, but that's out of the question. That's where the second part of the challenge comes in. If for some reason Ron were to cheat, I can call him out for another challenge with the real fire user."

Ginny frowned. "Yeah, but Ron's egotistical enough to want to make the rules for this challenge."

"He's not allowed to, as he's not a part of the Zabini clan, nor the one issuing the challenge."

Harry frowned. "He might argue that he would have issued a challenge had he known that was an option. I can't put that past him."

"I see. Well, that's why getting more people on our side is essential, though truth be told I doubt anyone is believing him, unless they're seriously dumb." Blaize took a deep breath. "I also wish there was a way to find out what he was thinking."

"Well, I don't hang out with Lavender, which would be the best way to find out something, but the twins – not my brothers – they may know something if she blabbed. I could go and try to find something out tomorrow." Ginny added.

"But doesn't that mean they're friends?"

"No." Harry piped up. "See, Lavender thinks they're her friends, but they put up with her so that they don't have to deal with her antics. However, even they are rather irritated with the fact she's on Ron's side, and are going on about how cheating isn't cool, and that Lavender is a floozy. Speaking of twins, we can possibly get Fred and George helping so that nothing happens."

"No. That means another letter. Actually, that's another letter I should send now that I think about it." Ginny shook her head. "Ron's been a real right prat this entire summer, talking about how Hermione deserves to be put into her place. I don't get why Ron is so... fickle."

"Fickle isn't the right word for it." Blaize shook her head. "He's a narcisist, and if he was a girl he would want to..."

Harry took a deep breath. "Oh, don't go there. That is, well, that is just..."

"Awkward, but so true of my brother." Ginny glanced at the ground. "What else do you need?"

"Well, normally I would need two others to officiate with me, but the two I know of, well, they're the people the challenge is for, so in this case I need two outside."

"Are you able to do that?"

"I simply need to sign that the challenge is for the male fire, and the female water, so I'll be able to just write that down."

"Can't Ron argue that because he's male fire that the contract is void?"

"No, and yes it is a signed contract. See, this is proving that he is the male fire, so that means if he is the male fire, it will prove his case, and thus it is still his. Not that he will be able to prove his case as I said. He isn't the male fire user."