Authors Notes: Hello my lovelies, such a long time since my last update, my life has been hectic, Since the last update I found out I was pregnant and have subsequently given birth to a bouncing baby boy called Connor who is four weeks old today, so thats kinda a reason why I haven't been around to write updates.

But I'm here now so hi there!

this chapter is dedicated to my son... Near or far you are forever in my heart my little prince.

Chapter the six.

Killian sat on the deck of his ship, it had been three days since his talk with the croc and as of yet he couldn't figure out how to talk to Ariel. He had even scoured the library causing Belle to ban him from the place after he had pulled out every book that he thought would be useful.

None else could help, He had tried most of them, Regina, Emma, All to no avail, they said it was simple... If it was so simple then why was he still here, wracking his brains to figure it out.

"Give me some clue Ariel, Please love, glow or something if i'm near to the answer, theres got to be something in that brain of yours, some hint." he said gazing at her casket as he lay on his bed.

The casket neither glowed brighter or dimmer.

'I'm here Killian, please please just hear me... I want to live... please your clever, you know the stars in the sky and how to follow them you'll figure this out.'

"The croc wants you to fight her, the mer inhabiting your body... What do you think love? I think its risky."

"of course its risky but I'll do it, I'll do whatever it takes to get back to you just like you've been trying to find a way to get me back"

He sighed "I wish I could talk to you"

There was a scuffle outside his door and different voices muttering in low tones that the captain was not to be disturbed.

"I don't give a bilge rats bottom that he's not to be disturbed, I'm here to tell the captain how he can stop giving himself premature wrinkles."

Hook sighed, his first mate, just what he needed.

"Do come in Mr Smee," he said in his most ferocious voice.

The first mates beaming face appeared around the doorway, assessing the damage to the room to judge what sort of a state his captain was in. Seeing the room remarkably tidy he hazarded a bigger grin "I've got it captain!"

To Hook, and he was never quite sure what his first mate was talking about half the time, whatever Smee Had was most probably better kept away from him if its symptoms were a beaming grin.

"Wonderful Mr Smee, do make sure you keep it to yourself, we can't have everyone catching it."

"No captain you don't understand I've. Got. It"

"No no I really most assuredly do confine yourself to your bunk until the worst has passed."

Smee took off his red cap and wrung it in his hands.

"No captain, the mermaids in the waters off Neverland, they weren't you see"

"I don't Mr Smee Kindly enlighten me" He thought it was best to humour his first mate, seeing as the poor soul had obviously descended into madness

""I thought they were mermaids but they weren't, they were Miss... I apologise... Princess Ariel ,Captain"

Hook frowned "Go on..." he dared to hope.

"I wasn't sure how Captain until I realised it was a sunny day, and the reflection on the water must have shown her in her true form."

Hook was suddenly angry, why had Smee kept this from him for so long neverland had been weeks and weeks ago.

"And you see fit to tell me this now because?"

"I.. I only just remembered captain. See I wasn't sure it was her and I didn't want any of us to have false hope, especially not you captain not when you've been trying so hard for her, then I remembered today how red her hair was how it glittered in the sun and I knew it had to have been her, and it wasn't swimming away from us more trying to make us notice it."

"Her Smee"

"Aye captain, her, but we didn't understand, So maybe thats how you can talk to her, in the water, then you can ask her about the plan, I'm sure she won't say no. Always up for a fight was Ariel... Princess Ariel that is."

Hook allowed a small smile to cross his features "Thank you Mr Smee, head into the bar with the others I have a Mermaid to chat to." He threw a bag of coins to Smee who deftly caught it.

"Aye captain, we'll stay until closing time."

Hook nodded his thanks, and waited until the deck was clear before he placed the casket containing his most precious cargo onto the railing.

He waited, and waited and so many times almost gave up, but then there she was, just as the sun began to set. A mermaid with flowing red hair frolicking happily in the swell.

"Hello there Lass"

"Hello Killian." she replied turning in the water and giving him that smile reserved only for him.

And gods her voice was just as he remembered it silky, so, inviting and he had never missed anything more.

He just stared at her unable to formulate anything to say.

"Another sunset Killian..." Her eyes looked sad.

"Aye, didn't I promise you? I'm a man of my word."

She nodded and let her hand trickle through the water, the slightest ripples distorting her image. "I'd have preferred you with me to watch them."

"I'm sorry Lass, the croc has a plan..."

"I heard" she said quickly.

"It has merit and currently is the only plan we have."

She nodded "I know"

He smiled slightly and wished he could just drag her up out of that water, drag her up and into his arms.

"Would you have me do it then?" she asked

"I thought this is what you wanted lass"

she sighed, "It is i want my body back, I just don't know if I'm willing to loose myself to do so"

"I want you back Ariel."

she sighed "but isn't this better than nothing.. this right here we're finally talking and if you'd known this sooner then we might have been ok"

"I'll not ask you to live this half life Ari"

She chuckled coldly "Better this than no life at all if I lose."

"You won't lose, you have too much to live for."

She smiled "I wish you had figured out how we could talk sooner, there were times when I had so much to tell you."

"And now?"

She shrugged and the motion caused her shoulders to vanish as the broke the surface. "I don't know... There still are things to say... but I don't know how to say them"

He nodded "Stay a little longer though I'm not done with you yet"

She smiled sadly "I'm just a Reflection.. I'm not really here"

"But you are... you are to me"

"I don't know how long I can stay." she sighed "but before I have to go Hook is all well and good to hide your pain, he's wonderful at changing it into something you can use, all that heartache becomes anger and that you can direct somewhere, at someone... but personally I prefer captain Jones"

He smiled "you'll stay to watch the sunset at least."

She nodded and he smiled, A seagull swooped low and dove into the water, intent on finding its dinner causing ripples to erupt all around Ariel. Killian looked at her and sighed when he couldn't see her anymore in the lapping blue water.

The moon began to rise.