AUTHORS NOTE: this is not sea or war, but a little one shot

all au's are mine, bearing in mind I can't see series three of OUAT cause I'm in uk and the internet hates me as does life,

This is just a sorta one shot between Ariel and Hook... it came about thanks to a convo with my cousin about story lines... and it wouldn't leave me alone, nor would it stop the feels so I think I was crying when I discussed it with my cousin...

Be prepared.

"... You cannot love nor have you ever cared for her, you have seen her as naught but a hinderance or a novelty not something to cherish."

Ariel frowned hearing her voice utter these words but knowing she was not the one thinking them .

"You are wrong" Hook ground out "I have never felt like that about her, I care too much"

"You do not or when Pan told you of us you would have sought to protect her... funny because I can hear her in here..." She tapped her temple "And she's telling me that you did try... I don't think you did, Oh dear she's still so convinced that you will save her... tell her you won't, tell her the only way you could possibly save her is by killing her, go on I'll allow you that, I'll allow you to see he hurt on her face at your betrayal."

Hook huffed out a breath "I will save her you know nothing"

"I KNOW EVERYTHING!" she spat back shocking both ariel and hook alike.

"You are Killian Jones... Enamoured with Milah, another mans wife... when you lost her you relied on your prize, darling sweet Ariel... did she keep the nightmares of what you had done away? because she won't show me. You ceased being that man and became... Hook is it? Oh... But she still sees you as the first man, Killian Jones... the boyish smiles... Waltzing around the deck under the stars... you began to win her to sate your need for another. Everything you have done for her has been a lie."

Ariel in her own head, for thats where she had been put by this strange entity, began to struggle 'He's not a liar you horrible horrible thing he's the best of men... better than you'd ever find in a million and one sunsets!'

Ariel chuckled a million and one sunsets what's that about then dear?" she asked looking at the pirate.

'Pirates don't generally swear to protect me you know Killian. They usually want to get as far away as they can' Ariel said smiling as she traversed the latest market.

"I swear I will always be here to protect you then' he replied grinning.

She giggled 'You really don't need to, I have fifty guards at my disposal at home.'

'You're not at home you're with me, and I swear on my life that I will do everything I can to protect you, for... a million and one sunsets' he said grinning happily.

'A Million and one wow thats a rather grand number are you sure? you could get bored.'

'A million an one is what you have, and I will never be bored.'

Her heart swelled and she took his proffered arm a serene smile gracing her lips as she accepted his offer.

A tear tracked down Ariel's cheek and Hook dared to hope. "Ariel?"

"Wrong!" the entity crowed "Tell me why did you promise that... you're always promising things to people and then not being able to follow through... I am enjoying it though, watching her hope keep swelling and then being able to crush it. It's like a fine wine."

"Just give her back to me please, I was going to take her home, back to her family, I would have fufiled my promise that way... Just leave her."

"I can't Hook... I need this body, I miss being corporeal, and you were only going to have destroyed her."

"Thats not true!" hook protested

"You are a pirate, the only thing you know is how to steal, how to drink and how to lie you sooner or later would have tainted her, in a way I'm doing her a favour... taking her from this world where the only direction she would have gone was ruin, and all for the sake of love."

'you are really starting to get on my nerves let me damn well talk to him... stop assuming!'

"You seem to know me so well... yet I know nothing of you, thats bad form"

"It doesn't matter who I am, tell me would you prefer it if I stay with you so you can gaze on the face of the woman who you betrayed or would that be too upsetting?"

"Like you care what I think"

Ariel aimed a mental punch at the entity and dragged it back into the recesses of her mind.

"Killian... I'm so sorry, it seemed so sad and I just thought if I sung to it that it might be happy again... it just grabbed me... I tried but then it had me."

He moved towards her but she held up her hands... "I'm so tired right now, like when you taught me words in books... my head got tired, I want to stay Killian. I really want to stay"

"Then stay... you can do it... I have faith in you Stay... we can go anywhere you want... anywhere."

"Do you swear it?"

"For a million and one sunsets Ariel... anywhere you want..."

She noticed belatedly that he was crying "No.. Please don't do that... I never quite know what to do when people do that"

He chuckled a little at that. "I can make a deal... get this thing whatever it is gone... I can go.. bring him back, I won't be a moment... Just hold on. Please Ariel Hold on."

She nodded "For a million and one sunsets."

Well what I thought was a one shot has morphed, possibly a three parter at most.. I hope you enjoyed. and excuse me while I get a tissue and begin work on part two.

all offers of tissues and hugs are welcome.