''…'' Hanji was in awe and unsure how to respond to the current situation.

''I'll figure out a way Levi! Just you wait! You'll be kissing my feet when I find a way to get Eren his hearing back!'', said an enthusiastic brunette.

As a quick indicator also when there's a number before the sign language e.g. (1) , (2) etc. it means that there will be a translation at the bottom!

As Erwin saw Hanji looking proud of herself in front of Levi, he let out a chuckle and walked to the two who were bickering. ''Erwin, I thought you would have told four eyes about Eren but you left it upon me?'' Levi said giving Erwin a cold glare. Erwin shrugged off the glare that sent shivers down his spine, he then said to both, ''Well it was only fitting that you were the one to tell her, anyway, Hanji I have the papers so we will be going to the meeting shortly. Don't be late.'' Hanji gave a goofy grin and said, ''Well of course!''. Levi on the other hand was unsure of what was going on.

As the trio concluded their conversation Erwin had left first along with the paper work. Erwin found himself thinking of a way to possibly cure Eren. When he had entered the court room, he saw the Military Police, the lunatics that worshipped the walls, and Stationary Guards. As the grand bishop entered Erwin felt a pat on his shoulder, when he turned back he saw a brunette who was gasping for air.

The Grand bishop had begun the meeting as the Military police started to argue against him. The discussion that was taking place was based on how Eren, a titan shifter could be used to find out more about the titans and how their origins. ''I believe dissecting the boy would be an excellent idea!'', shouted a man backing up his superior. Even Hanji who was incredibly stupid and would love to do that, wouldn't even dare. As they continued to argue Hanji spoke up. ''Sir, I was thinking, these bigmouths just want to dissect him. But, the Survey Corps could use Eren is ways that will not kill him or cause him to turn into a titan.'' Erwin became interested at what the brunette was saying and added in, ''we can also observe his behaviour and how he reacts to certain things.''

''And of course if he were to get out-of-line and attack someone in his titan form, Levi could easily put him down.''

The grand bishop began to think, he stared at the Military Police and gave a non-hear -able sigh, ''Mr Yeager will be under the care of the Survey Corps until further notice.' Dismissed!'' when the Bishop had left Hanji let out a wide grin and yelled to the other side where the Military Police stood in awe. ''Hey you can't dissect him anymore! Ha suck it! He's ours for the taking! Yahooo!''. Erwin let out a little chuckle and walked out with the brunette.


When Levi had entered the room where Eren was he saw the brown haired male smiling, to this, Levi gave a nod and settled the tray of food on Eren's lap. Eren had formed a (1) flat hand with his palm facing his face. He had his fingertips in front of his mouth and then moved it forward. Levi raised his eyebrow, he then (2)put both of his hands slightly in front of his shoulders with his palms up. ''I said 'Thank you Levi''', said Eren giving a small chuckle. Levi stared at Eren dumb folded and wanted to kick his ass out of the bed and send him off to clean the castle. Levi leaned over to Eren and flicked his forehead. ''Ouch! What the hell was that for?!"As Eren touched his temple he let go of what Levi had done, he then stared down at the food. On his lap was a bowl of soup, cup of water, piece of bread and a tissue. It was simple but filling. As Eren began eating Levi thought about what he did today. It had been a long day and all he knew was that he was actually exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go to his room, lock the door from Hanji, and just snooze off. It was around 6p.m and was wondering if it was safe to leave Eren alone. Eren scooped up a bit of soup and looked at Levi. ''Hey I'll be alright here alone you can go when you want to.'' Eren said to the raven head man. Levi looked at the boy and couldn't help but feel a slight bit of remorse for the idiot in front of him. Sure he was dumb enough to not know how to fire a cannon, and hasn't killed a titan and stuff. But, he was only a kid who didn't know anything about the world and still had a whole life in front of him. He could explore the outside world still when the titans are gone, he could muck around and do anything. Eren began to quickly shove soup and bread into his mouth. Levi hit the brunet's foot and put his right arm out, and (3)patted his left arm slowly. Eren coughed a little and caught what Levi had signed. (4) Eren shook his head and flicked his pointer finger up multiple times next to his face. Levi stood up from the armchair, if it was what he was thinking, and he was right. So god help him he was willing to throw the brat and bed out of the window, that is, if it would fit.


1)- Thank you

2)- What?

3)- Slow/Slow down

4)- I don't understand


I haven't updated since I've been having problems and all that crap .

But seriously, last time I checked this story had 300 and something views and now it has 783?! WHAT IS THIS?!

/Also dem French people like it /shoot/

I'll TRY to upload soon 3

-Your loving Heichoou~!