Harry, exhausted from the afternoon's activities was slowly starting to drift off in his father's arms. Lily sat beside them both, talking gently with James, all three content and at peace.

However outside the house, a cloak could be heard slithering along the pavement over the dead and fallen leaves. Emerging from the black, hooded cloak were two skeletal hands, caressing a wand of equal paleness. The man's flashing red eyes beneath the cowl bespoke of enjoyment, as did the cruel smile that touched on his thin lips. Each slow step brought him closer to immortality, and he revelled in the power that coursed through his veins.

He looked up through the window where the curtains had not yet been drawn and laughed at their foolishness. He saw the way they leaned into each other, and he scorned their faith. They would see where that love ended up, and he would delight in their pain. His power, true power, would grind them into the dust.

Voldemort paused at their door, running his fingers over his wand as if to decide how he would go about the deed. Then, lifting the wand above his head, he brought it down with a force and the door splintered beneath his spell.

The Potters heard the bang, and were instantly on their feet. James shoved Harry into Lily's arms and, giving her a last kiss, rushed out into the hallway, whilst shouting "Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"

James had no wand, but still he stood proudly before Voldemort, ready to give his life for his son and wife. Voldemort did not hesitate, and with a flash of green light, he felled James with no more thought than he would crush an ant.

Lily, who had been unable to tear her eyes away, saw her husband, the love of her life, collapse to the floor, with all the laughter, spirit and love gone from his eyes. She didn't see what happened after that, tears blurred out the details and all she could do was run so that James' death would not be in vain.

Harry thought it was just another game, and could not understand why his father was not jumping up, laughing and proclaiming his vengeance. How cruel it was that they would die just after all their happiness, how quickly the tide turns. But there was no justice, not that night.

Voldemort laughed derisively as he followed Lily up the stairs. It had all been too easy. He therefore took his time in reaching them, blasting holes with his wand and causing as much damage as he could.

During this time, Lily had been piling furniture against the door to try keep Voldemort out, but it was a futile gesture. He simply blasted it all out of the way and entered the room to find Harry in his crib, in front of which stood Lily, arms outstretched, wand in hand and a wild look in her eyes.

Voldemort stared at her impassively. What fools women became once they had children, didn't they realise it was all for nothing. One day that child would die and be forgotten. Far better never to love at all. Still, he had promised Severus that he would not harm the wench.

"Step out of way," he ordered. She refused.

"Not Harry, please not Harry. Take me instead, not Harry."

Voldemort sighed, such a waste. She did not need to die. However he was not about to argue with a Mudblood, so raised his wand and screamed, "Avada Kedavra!"

Lily hit the floor with a mundane finality, and Voldemort stepped over her body to face her son. He would look into his eyes as he killed him, Voldemort had decided. Once more he lifted his wand, and whispered the words, almost lovingly.

"Avada Kedavra."

And then he screamed once again. Voldemort felt pain, more pain than he had ever felt in his life. But it was nothing. Nothing compared to the pain faced by the Potters that night, because even when they had lost everything, they had not lost love. There was always love, and that had the power to hurt the most.

Author's note: And here we are, at the close. I hope you enjoyed reading this story, I certainly enjoyed writing it. A huge thank you to all who did read it, and especially to the reviewers and followers and all that jazz. I have no idea what to write next, for now I am content to bask in the glory of this piece (: But for one last time, thank you.