Never Have I Ever…loved anyone so much


Her always messy hair, long and straight and so blonde it practically shines when the sun hits it just right. The way it tangles first thing in the morning, then untangles so easily when I run my fingers through it.

Her blue, blue eyes, and the way they light up when she's sees me and knows I'm coming home. They pierce right through my chest, the icy color in them somehow warm and loving despite the coolness of the sapphire there.


The way she smiles, and sends my heart into overdrive and has my knees shaking the instant the second I see her, one look enough to drive me crazy with a mixture of passion and desire.

Not that I ever thought anyone would have that kind of power of me, let alone be able to trigger that much of a reaction with just a simple look.

Once I thought that I was strong enough to do everything on my own, and that I would never need anyone or anything-how wrong I was. I've become dependent on her, although I'd never admit it out loud.

She laughs louder than anyone I know, and cries only when she thinks no one's looking. Sometimes she thinks she's strong enough to handle the problems of this world by herself, even though I remind her that I'm there for her and that I WANT to help.

Crazy that she is, she'll argue with me until she gets her way, before I end up helping regardless.

Her dancing in the kitchen and the way she leaves a trail of teasing kisses on my neck when she passes me in the living room. It's honestly enough to make me wonder how I ever managed to get into her good graces with my bad attitude and then get her to marry me.

She's brilliant in ways you'd never expect, able to craft houses and buildings out of practically nothing. Not only does she have a hand in things most people can't even begin to fathom, but she runs her own land and farm as well, with a strength that belies her small figure.

The way the right strap of her overalls sometimes slips over her shoulder, sending an embarrassed look to her face as she pulls the fabric back up and tries to pretend it never fell in the first place.

The way she looks at me right before we kiss.

Not once did I ever imagine I'd experience the warmth that comes from just a touch of her hand when she comforts me, shifting my mood from grumpy to perfectly content in an instant.

There's something about her, something in her scent and her very being that has me constantly on edge, wanting more. As petty and ridiculous as it is, I can feel even the faintest stirrings of jealous when I see Allen touching her hair at the salon, running his hands through her blonde hair before styling it.

I've become greedy, after being married to her, and even more so after we had our son. I've no doubt that Elijah has inherited this trait as well; he clings to her when we go out, making sure to glare in my place if he catches someone looking at her.

I can't exactly blame them for wanting to look at her-she's beautiful, no matter what. Even after days where I know she's been out mucking in the barn or running around the forest foraging for things, she's beautiful.

She's radiant and glowing, wonderful and special in a way that I will never understand, not that I mind. I'm more than happy to just know that she's mine, and that she chose me-me, of all people!

I love her.

I love her more than words can ever express.

I love the way she stands up for what she believes in, and the little smirk she gives me when she knows she's won yet another argument.

I love how she crinkles her nose cutely and how she stands on her tiptoes to kiss me.

I love how she leans her head on my chest before we go to bed at night, and whispers to me softly that she's glad she married me.

I love the way she looks at our son, and the way she looks at me.

I love her so much it hurts sometimes, to think that someday she might leave me before I'm ready for her to.

I love her-and never, will I ever, love anyone as much as I love her.

Short and sweet, just the way I like it XD I'm sorry if the fluff killed you, but I just couldn't resist :P

Here ends Never Have I Ever, and I just want to thank everyone for all the reads and reviews once more! You guys are awesome, and you always inspire me to write more things even when I think I'm out of ideas!

This may be the last Harvest Moon story I write...although I'm not sure still, I don't have any other plans as of right now for this game series. My next series will probably be Fire Emblem Awakening, since I just got that game and I absolutely love it.

Well, until my next story, I hope to see you all again! Thank you so much!