Never Have I Ever…shared a bed

When I wake up, I feel much warmer than I should.

The thick, wooly blanket that covers me is nothing like the thin black fabric that I've grown accustomed to, and with my black nightshirt the heat seems nearly unbearable. Grumbling, I kick off my pajama pants and roll over to go back to sleep when I hear a rustling sound next to me.

Before I can react, I feel a cool touch of skin against my leg, and when I open my eyes I find that I'm staring at Rio.

Why the hell is she in my bed?

Instantly I'm alert, wondering where I am and what's going on before I remember what's happened; I'm a married man now.

I probably should have remembered that sooner, but at five forty in the morning its hard to remember much of anything without really trying, especially a wedding that only happened yesterday.

As I look at the peaceful expression on her face, I slowly begin to recall everything that happened the night before and turn crimson at the thought.

It's hard not to turn even more red at the thought that it certainly won't be the last time something like that happens.

Trying to not think about it (because who needs that kind of excitement this early in the morning), I awkwardly shift on the mattress when she mumbles something in her sleep and rolls over. My face feels warm as she presses up against me, the cool skin of her legs on mine.

For her part, Rio doesn't seem to care that she now has to share a bed; she continues to sleep in blissful ignorance of the fact that I'm in bed next to her without anything but a pair of boxers on.

I probably should've remembered sooner that I'm not in bed alone.

Still, looking at her face, I can't help but smile as I reach over gently to brush a few strands of golden hair from cheek. As my fingers trail across her face, she stirs a bit in her sleep and I freeze before she just settles all the more into her mattress.

I'd never admit this, but I married a really cute girl; when I move to prop myself up with an elbow, the covers move with me and she shivers a bit before curling up even closer to me. As she snuggles into my nightshirt, I send a silent thank you to the Harvest Goddess before cautiously brushing my fingers across her lips.

Without thinking, my hand moves to her hair and idly I begin to play with it, all the while enjoying the way she's cuddled up against my chest.

At this point, I could care less that it's hot under the covers; I don't dare risk moving for fear that she'll wake up and question me. I've never been the type to coddle her and tell her how I feel, but when she's as vulnerable as she is right now I can't help but want to enjoy it.

I feel like if she knew just how much I love her she'd either be grossed out or would try to coax the words 'I love you' out of me even more than she already does.

Ever since I said that I loved her more than anyone else in the world she's been doing all sorts of things to try and get me to say something or act romantic again.

I mean, her efforts are cute, but still.

I'm not the mushy type.

I've gotten so lost in my thoughts that without realizing it my hand has moved from her hair to her side, and as my fingers dance across her thin camisole I can almost feel how soft her skin is.

As soon as my fingers reach her waist, I feel her cool skin where a gap between her shorts and top reveal her stomach, and as I trace a pattern there I blush a bit and smile as she stirs in her sleep.

Unfortunately, it seems like I'm not destined to enjoy this much longer; her alarm goes off with a clang, sending a wave of shock through me that makes me fall out of bed with a yelp. As I sit on the floor, rubbing my back where it aches from hitting the hardwood floor, I look up to see her sitting up in bed with a dazed and confused look on her face.

Sleep tinges the blue of her eyes before she stares at me confusedly and reaches over to shut off her alarm. As she rubs her eyes and blinks, she tilts her head and asks, "Neil? Why are you on the floor? And where are you pants?"

"Shut up. It's not like I'm waking up in my own house, so I thought 'where am I?'"

My words only earn me a smile from the pretty blond as she puts some food on the table. She's been making fun of me nonstop since she found out that I not only took off my pants but also fell out of bed when her alarm went off.

On top of that, the look on my face must have been incriminating because she's been glancing at me for the past hour like I was going to attack her or something.

As she sits down across from me and digs into her food, I stare at my fork and wish that we didn't need to be awake so early.

It would've been nice to just lie there together for a few more minutes…

"Neil?" she asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah."

She takes a few more bites before clearing her throat and saying, "Do you not like sharing a bed with me?"

I say nothing and watch as she continues to eat before leaning my head against my hand and smiling at her. This seems to catch her off guard; she stops eating and stares at me questioningly before I put my fork down and reach out to brush her cheek with my thumb again.

As she blushes at my touch, I mumble, "I didn't say that…but I was pretty surprised this morning when I woke up next to you."


"Yeah; I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. Be prepared."

I let go of her face and move to eat my breakfast as she asks, "Be prepared for what?"

I don't answer, but instead slide my gaze over to where her alarm clock sits on the bedside table.

My mornings have suddenly become a lot more interesting.

Yayyy~ imagination~

No, but really.

I have Google to thank for the cover picture, and Natsume for the characters! I definitely don't own much as I would like to XD

Now, about this story; this is going to be like a collection of things that happen to Neil after he's married, from his perspective. Now, while I don't believe Neil is a sheltered character, there are just some things that he CAN'T have done before, and part of that is things are different when you get married! Thus, I decided to call this story "Never Have I ever". Kind of like the game XD

All that being said, as this is a collection story if anyone has requests or ideas, I would be more than happy to listen and write!

That's all for now, then :) Thanks all for the reads and reviews, and I hope to see you on the next update :)