My first ever fic. Yippee! It only took me forever to get off my ass and get this done. Make sure to review and all that good stuff. I apologize for grammatical mistakes etc. You guys know the drill. Without further ado:

Hello, my name is Perseus Jackson, but my friends just call me Percy. I am what you call a demigod, half mortal and half immortal. Most would say that being immortal is a blessing, although, I would have to beg to differ. Living longer than your family and friends, constantly grieving over your losses is not that much fun. Anyway, here I am sitting next to the most powerful beings in any existence, wondering where it was that I went wrong. How did I end up on a planet light years away from earth? Why am I sitting here on a couch, watching my family and friends fight for their lives, when I could be helping them? That is a question that even I don't yet have the answer too. Although, I am pretty sure that I'll know soon enough…

Somewhere Unknown

"It is time mother" a raspy voice reached out into the darkness of the pit. "The boy is still unsuspecting of our spy".

"Good, you know your orders. Carry them out quickly, accurately and successfully. I want no evidence of our involvement" The new voice was a little higher pitched, but just as cold and steely as the latter.

"As you wish mother". The first voice responded, the sound of the owners fleeting footsteps echoing throughout the pit.

"Soon young hero, you will meet your painful demise. MHUAHAHAHAHA!"(Sorry, couldn't resist the evil laugh).

24 Hours Later (Percy POV)

Hack, slash, dodge, staband repeat. This is what was running through my mind at the moment. My opponent made a half-hearted attempt to slash at my face with her celestial bronze dagger. I made to deflect it, but, was too late when she suddenly switched directions and bashed the hilt of her knife against my wrist, effectively disarming riptide from my hand. I tried to jump back and create some space only to find the familiar feeling of cold steel (Or is it celestial bronze?) against my neck.

"Yield" Piper stated firmly. I could've sworn I heard charm speak in her voice, but it didn't matter. No matter what I did, I was beaten.

"Looks like you win again Pipes" I sighed.

"Of course I did, would you expect anything different from the almighty Piper McLean!? Just kidding I don't have that much of an ego, unlike a certain daughter of Ares".

"Hehe, best 3 out 5? Loser has to do the winners chores for a week!" As she slowly, removed her knife from my neck I reached for riptide, ready for yet another rematch.

"Deal, I could use some down time anyway". Ten minutes later, there I was with riptide in the sand and a dagger at my throat. She was seriously getting better at fighting. Either that or I was getting worse. "I win again"

"Gods dammit Piper, I was looking forward to having a week with no duties". Piper simply stuck her tongue out at me. Gods she was cute when she did that.

"Come by my cabin after dinner to pick up my, sorry, your new cleaning schedule".

"Uuugh, Hades have mercy on my poor and tortured soul" I moaned. Little did I know, I would mean that later on today. Piper giggled before replying.

"Hey, the chores were your idea. I simply beat you in a fight" she replied. Although, I wasn't paying attention because all I could do was stare at Piper seeing that she was so stunningly beautiful. She had silky smooth, light brown hair that cascaded down slightly past her shoulders, perfectly tanned skin that came from her Cherokee decent, and an almost hourglass like figure. She also had long shapely legs that proved she was an athlete. Piper was more on the petite side, with almost zero percent negative body fat. If I had to describe Piper in two words, it would probably be smoking hot. Although, I would never tell her that, otherwise I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Hey, Olympus to seaweed brain. You there Percy?"

"Wah, what? Oh yeah, I just got a little distracted is all, sorry".

"I can see that. There may be more kelp in your head than I thought physically possible. Well if you're done zoning out, I need to go take a shower. See ya later Percy". I watched Piper's retreating form as she walked off to the showers, disappearing from my view. Finally, I stood up, stretched my back, turned and headed towards the bleachers where my training bag was lying in wait. Although, I never quite got there, when I felt something blunt make contact with my head. My vision turned blurry, the last thing I saw before losing consciousness being a pair of winged sneakers and a blinding flash of light, and then everything went black.

Third Person POV

"Well that was easier than I expected. I would've thought that the almighty savior of Olympus was tougher than that" stated the mysterious figure.

"Don't get too full of yourself son of Hermes. You only snuck up on him, any fool with half a brain could do what you just did". The son of Hermes flinched upon hearing the gruff voice, obviously not expecting anyone to be there. After passing the initial shock, the boy stiffened and bowed to the immense figure towering above him. At first glance, he would have passed for a Cyclops, but upon looking closer, you'd realize that the figure was actually humanoid in shape and features. With not one, but two blank eyes, a giant head covered in greasy and unruly grey hair. Under the head came a thick bull like neck followed by a tall yet stocky build of a midsection. Giant heavy arms connected to a pair of meaty hands the size of three bowling balls combined. Once past the torso (and the very revealing loincloth) you couldn't help, but notice the thick scaly legs that looked powerful enough to make most cars seem like motor-powered soccer balls. The massive being that accompanied the presence of our unconscious hero and the son of Hermes was none other than the Titan Atlas. "Nevertheless, you've succeeded in your mission. Congratulations Travis Stoll, you have done well". Hearing this statement nearly caused the boy to fall back in surprise. He never expected such praise from anyone other than his brother, especially not from a Titan Lord.

"Th-thank you sir" he replied, eyes still wide and jaw still hanging.

"You might want to shut your mouth; otherwise I'll shut it for you". This snapped Travis out of his stupor immediately.

"What is our next move sir? With Percy Jackson currently out of the picture, the camp will be distracted as they send out search parties for the boy. I suggest that as soon as my brother reports the camps defenses, we send out two parties, one to draw the campers out past the borders and the other to flank around the unprotected demigods, attacking them from the rear".

"Well, well, well. Who would've thought that a son of Hermes could devise such a worthy strategy? Your father would be proud were you not plotting against him". Said son of Hermes spun around on his heels, coming face to face with the person he kidnapped no more than ten minutes ago.

"Hello Percy, sorry about the whole knocking you out and kidnapping you thing, it's nothing personal to be honest".

"You plan on killing everyone in Camp Half-Blood, my friends and family. That makes it personal!"As he said this, Anaklusmos was freed from its pen form and aimed at the throat of Travis Stoll. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now!"

"Is the Titan that you failed to notice sneaking up behind a good enough reason" Travis replied with a smirk. Sure enough, as soon as the words left Travis' lips, Percy's sword was ripped from his grasp and thrown across the room. Percy was now facing a Titan along with a conniving Son of Hermes weaponless. To say he was screwed would probably be the understatement of the century; then again he's survived through worst, right? Right?

"Mother did have plans to keep you alive, but I'm getting kind of hungry. I could definitely go for a powerful son of Poseidon right about now". Percy didn't know whether to feel flattered or afraid after that comment, but his confusion didn't last long when Travis suddenly lunged forward with a knife in his hand. Where it came from was a mystery, but there were more pressing matters to worry about, as in said knife flying towards his face at an alarming rate. At the last second, Percy ducked the blade only to be met by the force of three trains colliding with his stomach, sending Percy barreling back into the marble wall thirty feet away. Upon impact, multiple cracks sounded from what appeared to be Percy's ribcage. Percy shook the cloudiness from his head and looked up to catch a glance of the meaty fist that connected with his jaw, causing said demigod to immediately go unconscious for the second time in twenty minutes. Travis merely watched as Atlas approached Percy, licking his lips in anticipation. The Titan lifted the boy effortlessly up to his face, baring his teeth. Although, at the last second, a flash of light one million times brighter than Hyperion's energy blast (Travis new from experience what Hyperion's energy blast looked like) engulfed the unconscious demigod and temporarily blinded both parties in the room. When the light faded, the only evidence of anything having ever been standing there was the lonely loincloth powdered in golden dust sprawled on the floor. Travis was completely frozen in shock as he stared at where his master and newly renowned friend had been just seconds ago.

Piper POV

After my training session with Percy, I headed off to the showers to freshen up before dinner. As soon as I finished drying my hair, I heard a conch shell echo throughout the camp. "Just in time" I said to no one in particular. I exited the showers, and walked over to the dining pavilion. Upon entry, I saw all of my friends and cabin mates chatting and laughing with each other, all except one. I glanced over at the Poseidon table and saw it empty. I quickly scanned the room hoping to see him somewhere, but to no avail. "He probably fell asleep again, the kelp brain". I sat down at the Aphrodite table and was immediately barraged by 'hello's and 'how are you's. Of all the people in the Aphrodite cabin, Drew was probably my favorite. She was a kind and sweet girl who didn't act slutty like the rest of the cabin, with the exception of me of course. "Hey Drew, what's going on?"

"Eh, not much. Just the usual dealing with guys who drool when they see us."

"I know right, who would've known that getting so much attention would've been so annoying? Seriously, if one more guy pisses himself while trying to ask me out I'm going to swear off men and join the hunters."

"Haha, I know how you feel sis, I know how you feel. Although, is that the only reason you turn them down?" She asked whilst winking suggestively. I immediately started to blush and barely managed to squeak out a maybe. "Haha, I've never seen you so flustered over some guy."

"He's not just some guy" I nearly yelled back.

"Okay okay, no need to get so defensive, jeez."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I really like him. Like really, really like him. He's so just modest and brave, and handsome. And his eyes…Oh my gods they're the most gorgeous eyes I've ever witnessed. I could get lost in his eyes forever." I glanced over at Drew to see her grinning like a madman at me. "What? I there something on my face?"

"No, but there seems to be something in your heart that is screaming for a certain male demigod to come and sweep you off your feet."

"Oh, but he already has" I replied dreamily.

"Ha, are you gonna tell me his name at some point or are you gonna leave me hanging?"

"Sorry, his name is P-" was all I managed to get out before I was interrupted by a booming voice.

"Heroes! Tomorrow is our weekly game of capture the flag!" Chiron yelled. Cheers went up from all around the pavilion. "Although, this week is going to be a little different". Everyone quieted down after that, bristling with anticipation to hear what Chiron was going to say."This week, all the Olympians including Hades and Hestia are going to be attending and watching the game from the sidelines". Everyone grew excited at that, thinking of ways to make their parents and leaders proud. "Of course, since Artermis is attending, so will her hunters. Although, we are allowing five of the camps strongest demigods to participate in a handicapped match with the hunters". Everyone grew confused at that since they didn't understand how it was handicapped. Chiron smirked, waiting for the campers to quiet down. "One other thing, the roman demigods of Camp Jupiter will be participating on the side of the majority of Camp Half-blood" Chiron finished. At this, the pavilion erupted into a deafening roar of approval. I cheered as well, excited at the chance to see my best friend Annabeth Chase from Camp Jupiter. Finally, Chiron dismissed us and we all headed to our respective cabins, everyone but me. I knew that Percy had missed the entire speech so I headed over to his cabin, expecting to see him sleeping on the floor. Although, he wasn't there, so I checked the next best spot; the beach. When I finally reached the surf, I still couldn't find any sign of Percy.

"Percy!" I whisper yelled. No answer. "Percy!" I tried again, a little louder this time. Then I remembered I told him to meet me at my cabin. I quickly ran to my cabin, starting to grow more worried with every second that passed. I burst into my cabin, startling a few of my siblings and asked if they had seen Percy. They shook their heads, so I sprinted to the big house in hopes of finding Chiron. He would know what to do, he always did. Eventually, I reached the big house completely out of breath to see Chiron in his centaur pj's preparing to sleep. "Chiron, have you seen Percy? I can't find him anywhere! I think he has gone missing."

"Piper dear, slow down and tell me what is the matter" he replied. I took a deep breath and repeated what I said a little bit slower.

"I can't find Percy anywhere. He didn't show up at dinner, and he wasn't in his cabin or at the beach. I don't think anyone has seen him since I finished training with him" I said more calmly this time.

"Hmm… That is strange, are you sure you haven't seen him since this evening?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, if he doesn't show in the morning, we'll send out a search party".

"Thank you, Chiron. I hope he shows up soon. He still has to do my chores" I grinned at that.

"He has to do what now?" Chiron asked quizzically.

"Huh, oh nothing. I didn't say anything. Goodnight!" I quickly replied and ran outside. After that close call, my mind immediately drifted back to the one boy I truly loved. Even though Chiron was a trustworthy mentor, I still couldn't help but feel like Percy was in danger. That boy always did have a way of finding trouble. Sighing, I returned to my cabin where I quickly drifted into sleep. I would tell you it was a peaceful nap, but that would be a dead lie. I found myself surrounded by pink. And I mean surrounded. There were pink walls, floors, furniture, there was even a pink flat screen TV. I swear the color was giving me some type of vertigo. Although, I was pulled out of my musings by someone clearing their throat behind me, and I was shocked to find my mother looking at with sad smile.

"Hello honey. I know that you're probably confused as to why you are here, but please try not to interrupt me. I don't have much time, okay" Aphrodite stated. Her voice was unsteady and facial expression showed one of worry.

"Uhh, yeah sure, I guess"

"Thank you. As you already seem to know, Percy is missing an-''

"He's what?! What happened to him? Is he safe?"

"Piper, I asked you not to interrupt me. Now please be patient" Aphrodite scolded with a slight glare at her daughter.

"Sorry mom" I muttered.

"It's okay, as I was saying, Percy has been taken. No one knows who took him or where he is, but you must not look for him. Do you understand?" I was in utter shock, my mom tells me the man I love is missing and she expects me to do nothing?

"What, why would I do that? What did Percy ever do to you" I screamed at my mother.

"Piper, you must understand what I'm telling you. There have been reports of monsters organizing themselves, and Athena believes that they plan to attack while the camp is searching for Percy. They will be in disarray and an easy target for attack. "

"But who could possibly be leading the monsters. I thought that we would finally have peace after Gaea was put back into her slumber?" At this Aphrodite stiffened and she seemed to be contemplating how to answer my question. Finally, she sighed and looked me in the eyes before answering,

"Piper, the gods have been hiding something for quite a while. There is –"at this she hesitated.

"Yes mom, what's happening?" She looks at me again in fear, and I feel a brooding feeling enter my mind. Whatever can scare the usually giddy love goddess this much, is probably something I don't want to meet.

"The Primordial gods and goddesses are rising Piper. The original deities of the universe, the sons and daughters of Lord Khaos himself are planning to overtake the earth." My breath hitched in my throat as I let that reality sink in. The most powerful deities in existence are planning to destroy humanity? A genuine fear entered my heart when I realized what this probably meant for Percy and who his captors are. I glanced up at my mother and asked her the one question that I didn't want to know the answer to.

"Wa-was Percy t-t-taken by the Primordials?" I whispered while barely choking back a sob. Aphrodite stared down at me sadly and almost imperceptibly nodded her head. That was when I broke down. I slid to my knees, my head in my hands, and cried. I barely acknowledged the slender hands that gently pulled me into a motherly embrace. I don't know how long I sat there in my mother's embrace, but I soon was pulled out my dream when I felt a pair of hands shaking me awake.

"Piper. Piper! Are you okay?"

"Mnhhh, hnnmmnn" came my mumbled reply. "What's happening" I finally managed to say without slurring my words.

"You were writhing in your sleep and kept yelling Percy's name. You were yelling for him to come back or something", came Drew's response. I finally seemed to notice what was going on. The entire Aphrodite cabin was looking down at me nervously, Chiron was standing in the background curiously glancing in my direction, and Drew was standing over me worriedly. "Is everything alright Pipes?"

"Yeah, everything is fine" I lied. "Just a bad demigod dream is all". I shot Chiron a glance, trying to tell him I needed to speak with him as soon as possible. He seemed to understand as he nodded in my direction before asking everyone to go to the dining pavilion for breakfast. Drew shot me another worried glance before filing out with the rest of the cabin. When everyone finally left to the pavilion, Chiron cantered over and kneeled in front of my bunk. He looked at expectantly until I took a deep breath and shakily recited everything my mother had told me. I'll tell you one thing; Chiron is a very good listener. When I finished summing up my talk with Aphrodite, I looked up to see his face three shades whiter and scrunched up in fear. He seemed to be contemplating how to write his own obituary. Finally, he looked up at me for a few seconds before speaking,

"You must keep this information to yourself Piper. If anyone finds out about this, there will be hysteria. Not to mention, there could be spies in our camp. Is that understood?" I nodded. "Good, I am going to make a visit to Olympus in order to discuss this matter with the council. If anyone asks about my leaving, tell them I'm delivering a message to the party ponies."

"No problem Chiron", came my whispered reply. He noticed my glum expression and cupped my face in his hand, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"We'll get him back Piper, there is nothing to worry about. Percy is known for getting himself out of sticky situations, we just need to have some faith in him.

"How can you be so sure that he's okay", I asked teary eyed.

"Piper, I have been training heroes for centuries, but never have I had a pupil so strong-willed and loyal. Percy is arguably the strongest demigod to have ever lived and I know that he'll be okay. Percy will come back to us not for his family and not for camp. No, he is going to come back for the one girl that keeps him grounded to this world and brings him true happiness. He is coming back for you, Piper Mclean".

And scene. I feel like this is completely and utterly terrible, but then again I believe that someone should never critique their own work. And that's where you swoop in and save the day with your super-powered reviews! Anyway, pls be completely honest in telling me how shitty my writing is, and keep on keeping on.
