Sorry for the really long hiatus, college has been kicking my butt.

Disclaimer: I do not own AC3, or any of its characters, I just enjoy messing with the story lines.

Thanks to everyone who ever reviewed, Favorited, or liked this story. That really means a lot to me.



Myriam, Emily and I walked the streets of Boston, Emily and I in almost matching dresses of pink and green, hand sewn hats pinned to our hair, while Myriam wore her simple tunic, pants and boots. Despite Emily's attempts she could not convince Myriam to wear a dress.

Plum in hand I took a bite, my lips curling at its initial tartness. Seeing the face I made, Emily laughed.

"Well?" Myriam said. "How is it?"

" Quite good," I said taking another bite, juice dribbling down my chin. I wiped it away curtly with the back of my hand.

" As I said it would be," Emily said. " I don't know which market you've been visiting, but this is the best." She waved across the marketplace, bustling with people. I glanced around, true I hadn't visited this marketplace before. Connor had always taken me to the others, finding that this particular part of the city was never very inviting to us.

" You've been eating all day," Emily said.

" Is that bad?" I asked.

" No, its quite the opposite, we must fatten you up. Such a small size, is not good for you hearty man of size." Emily patted my stomach tenderly. More people crowded around us, pushing as they tried to make way.

" Well. What is going on now?" Myriam asked.

" Auctions," I said.

" Ah." She said awkwardly.

Emily never missing a beat, looped her arms around both me and Myriam's arm. " Well we should be going then, this is no place for women such as ourselves." Suddenly I reminded of Connor, of how he would pull me away so I wouldn't have to see. See what my people were going through, see what he fought for every day.

She got us away from the crowd, and sighed heavily. "Blazes, I've ruined the end of my dress, yet again." She pulled up her dress end to observe the wet end stained with some sort of black liquid. I could only image what that was. Myriam mocked a cough and gestured to her unstained attire, drawing a laugh from Emily and me.

"Monsters all of them," Emily said beckoning to the crowd with her chin. "Shame most are my most visiting clients. Be happy you are done with such messy business." She sighed and gazed out at the horizon, her eyes forlorn and tired. I could see the years in her gaze, clouded and full of regret. I wondered if I had such eyes to others. Emily and I were the same age, had come from the same places, endured the same things and yet ended on two completely different sides.

"Who are truly the monsters? Those buying and selling, or those of us who just stand and watch?" I asked.

Emily frowned. "When did you start to have such morbid thoughts? Such things are really bad for the skin you know."

" Well?" I asked impatiently. Emily scanned my face, her gaze moving up and down its contours, as if searching for something. Then she sighed and closed her eyes.

" It's hard to say," Myriam said finally. " But what can we do?"

" I…" I began when Emily squeezed my arm.

" Is she not precious? If only I could keep her. The fun we could have...have had."

I realized she did not wish to talk on the subject, and I did not wish to argue, so I dropped it, much as I would had I been talking to Connor. They were both the same in that aspect, when they wish to discuss a subject they were quick to make it known.

I grinned at her, " I do not think Connor would approve."

Emily snorted, " Then he is no true man. It is in my own experience that most men enjoy the company of more than one woman. Especially two of our particular set of skills. Three if we are to count Myriam."

" Emily," Myriam and I scolded at once.

" Fine," she said. " It is your loss." Then she laughed, and we laughed with her unable to hold myself back. I hadn't had a good laugh in what felt like months. No surprise Emily was the one to pull it from me. I laughed so hard I began to cry, the tears falling so hard they ran down my cheeks in large thick drops.

" Where to now?" Emily said calmly rubbing both my arms, "We have not finished our shopping. Oh you simply must meet my hatter, he is nothing short of delightful. Oh and my dressmaker as well, he is a genius." I knew this was her way of getting my mind off the subject of Ngozi and Connor, and I silently thanked her for it, still all the shopping in the world could not shake my thoughts.

" Where would the Ladies like to go," the driver asked us as we approached the carriage doors. Brianna was already inside, twining long pieces of straw together, the items she'd brought stuffed up under the seats. When I stepped in she glanced up at me, nodded then when back to twining.

" Back please," I said before Emily could speak. " I am feeling a bit tired."

Emily sighed. " Might as well. Dinner will be waiting for us. Roasted duck tonight, my favorite if you remembered. Curtesy of Myriam."

Myriam grinned.

" I do," I said nodding. I pulled off my gloves to peer at my hands underneath, they were shaking, and the palms still stained with black ash, underneath my nails carried the remnants of dried paint.

" Oh I forgot to tell you," Emily said, " The girls found your painting to be delightful. They've yet to figure out a place in which to put it. I was thinking the meeting room. The paintings there are a touch to old, and clients always like a change of scenery now and then. What do you propose?"

"The meeting room would be nice," I said shoving my shaking hands between my thighs so that Emily nor Myriam would not notice. Myriam did, like she always did, and reached over taking my hand in her own. I avoided her gaze, afraid of what her eyes might say. She'd come with us, first despite my wishes, and I knew it was partly because she felt obligated to watch me in place of Connor. As if by doing so, she was clearing away some debt she owed him. Part of me was happy for it, the comfort of having a friend when I needed one so desperately, the other, and angry because it was only because of Connor that Myriam was my friend.

Had she not once loved him more than a friend. Did she still? It was not my place to ask, and yet I sometimes sensed her stance on my relationship with Connor. I sensed that, although she may not mean to, at times she felt I did not deserve him…a pure echo of my own feelings at times, yet it never seemed to hurt any less.

At times I wondered what would have happened if it were Myriam he chose, instead of me. What would have become of everything? Then like always I stopped myself, because it was me he chose and no one else, me he wanted. I should have been happy, not clinging to what ifs and impossibilities.

" I thought so." Emily said. "Ah. If you two don't mind, I would like to stop and check on my girls. Just to pop my head in. Heavens knows if I don't they may just stage a coup in my absence."

" I don't mind," I said.

" Neither do I," Myriam said.

" I knew you wouldn't. Did you hear that?" She said to the carriage driver.

" Yes ma'am."

" Delightful. Now about the meeting room." She continued to talk until we reached the brothel, an elaborate and grandiose three story mansion that sat on a huge expansion of land. A man made lack stood at its front, surrounded by trees, a bridge connecting to the entrance serving as a path. Like before we were greeting as we rode in by one of the guards at the front, then helped out of the carriage. I'd initially refused, seeing no reason to get out if Emily merely wanted to check up on how things were going, but she insisted, saying that she wished for me to see the meeting room.

I followed her inside, coming first to a large open room a staircase leading up to the second floor stood on either side. On the second floor were rooms, some of the doors opened, others closed.

"These paintings dear," Emily said pointing to the paintings I'd seen a least a hundred times in the time I'd spent with her. Around us some of the women flinted about, while some lay on couches of burgundy and gold, naked or half dressed. There were a few men as well, sitting at tables cups of wine in their hands, girls on their laps.

Emily stopped in front of a lavishly dressed red headed woman who stood propped up against the wall, pipe in hand, seemly uninterested in anything that was going on. When she noticed Emily she straightened up her posture, but her expression stayed the same.

" It is looking a bit empty today," Emily said frowning. " I see some of my best girls are still here."

" It would appear that way," Amanda said taking another drag of her pipe.

Two men passed by us then, drunk, slurring their words as two of the women led them towards the stairs. Seeing them Emily smiled and waved curtly, before turning back to Amanda, "Why is that?" She asked still slightly smiling.

Annoyed Amanda turned to Emily, " The play was cancelled," she said as if that was all the explanation Emily needed. " A few of our new girls have clients but-"

Emily raised her hands, " Say no more. I do hope you have marked this in the books. I suppose since you have not already started, we will send none of our girls out tonight. Make sure they are all washed, prepped and ready for tomorrow. And let us pray it is better than tonight."

" We have guests," Amanda added as Emily started to walk away. " Who are in need of escorts for the night."

" What?" Emily exclaimed turning on her heel. " And why are you not with them. Nevermind mind, where are they?"

Amanda pointed up the staircase .

" It is a good thing I stopped by," Emily said gathering up the ends of her dress and heading up the stairs, I followed her. The further up we went the stronger the scents of perfume, honey, milk and mirth grew making my senses cloud." It is far harder than you imagine to run such an establishment," Emily complained finally reaching the top of the staircase.

Men's voices and women's laughter arose from the room up ahead, and Emily followed the sound. She led us into a large room with burgundy couches that lined the walls, above them paintings of naked women encased in large ornate golden frames. Two men stood in the middle of the room, five young women surrounding them.

My eyes fell on the men for a long moment, before wondering upon the walls, and the paintings that lined them, a few were different than the last time I'd visited the brothel with Emily, just a few days before. I wondered to the oldest, and yet newest painting on the wall, that was also the most familiar to me.

It was a painting of a young woman standing partly on her tiptoes in not but her shift and stockings, her body underneath visible through a white cloud of silk. She looked as if she'd been captured in mid-stretch from a nap.

" Is that you?" Myriam asked her gaze moving over the painting, a flash of interest crossing her face.

Is that me? I was there when the picture was painted, I posed, and thinking it exciting and queer that was once someone wished to paint me standing up instead of laying down. When it was finished and placed on the wall, I basked in the other's jealousy, including Emily's. That Emily kept it after all this time…was strange.

" Shall I smile?" I'd asked the painter, grinning. " To tell you the truth sir, I've yet to do something like this."

" I wish for beauty," He said simply not looking up from his canvas, " You may keep your truth."

That was the day I took up painting on my own, wishing, if nothing else, to paint not just beauty but the truth. For truth, no matter how horrible, could also be beauty.

" Yes," I said softly.

" Yes, she is quite elegant isn't she? Unfortunately gentlemen, Uduak is unavailable for this evening."

At the sound of my name I turned to face Emily, to find that both men were staring at me.

"A shame," one said lifting a gloved hand to scratch at the stumble on his cheek. On his ring finger sat an assortment of golden rings, one of which held the remnants of wax that partly covered the engravement of a cross.

A Templar cross.

" A tragedy really," Emily began, " She was the bes-"

" I no longer have any other engagements for the night," I said stepping forward. My mouth moved of its own accord the words falling into place before I could stop them. I thought of Ngozi, captured in the hands of those Connor deemed enemies, those he'd sworn to kill. Ngozi's grandfathers were both Templars and they were both now dead.

" Uduak," Myriam said and her hand went to my arm.

" Grand," the man with the ring said stepping forward. " We are finished here, the carriage awaits." They filed out of the room, the girls following behind them, leaving Emily, Myriam and I alone.

The door closed behind them, and Emily spun towards me.

" What are you doing ?"

I ruffled my shortened hair. I didn't even truly know.

" I…"

" You are no longer a courtesan or have you so quickly forgotten in the face of-"

" They are Templars," I said. " They may lead me to Ngozi." Now that was saying my intention out loud my intention sounded weak, as unplanned as it really was.

Myriam raised her hands, as if trying to express the inexpressible. " Uduak. They may, there is no guarantee. You not know what these men truly want."

" I know," I said, " I know as well as anyone what they want."

" You are with child," Emily said, " What will you do when these men realize your true intentions?"

" They won't," I said. " I just need to know…"

" Heavens," Emily sighed. "Uduak I am the least bit regretful, but I cannot let you go."

" You can't stop me," I said. " Unless you plan to tell them the truth."

" Uduak…" Myriam said. " Emily is right, you do not know for sure, if these truly are the men. Perhaps you should let Conn-"

" Connor is not here," I said. "Should I wait for him it might be to late."

" And if you don't," Myriam cut herself off. " I do not think this is a good idea," she said, " But if it what's you insist, let me go with you."

" Heavens no," Emily said, " No one is going anywhere."

Myriam continued as if not hearing her. " I'll follow behind and if anything happens I can help get you out."

I nodded.

" Wait. Wait. The both of you, this this madness. Take no offense but what can you do in the face of these men?" Emily glanced over at Myriam.

" Connor taught me how to fight. Defend myself, and as far as stalking it cannot be any harder than hunting. Hopefully it won't come to hand to hand combat."

" I will be no part of this," Emily said throwing up her hands. "If something happens to you…"

" Send one of your guardsmen with us. If Ngozi is not there, he can withdraw me and bring me back here without suspicion."

"And if he is there Uduak? What then? Do you suppose they will just let you take him back?"

" Then we'll figure it out then, either way I need your help."

Emily mulled over the plan for a long moment, looking back and forth between Myriam and I, her face the pentacle of doubt before she nodded slowly. " I'm going to instruct the guards that at the first sign of trouble they are to drag you out of there, kicking and screaming if necessary."

" Thank you, Emily," I said moving to hug her.

" Don't thank me yet," she said stepping back. " I'd yet to pick you out a dress, worthy of my best courtesan."


This was a bad idea. Myriam had know it since she agreed to help Uduak, knew it even more so as she stalked the carriage on her own horse, keeping far enough behind in the woods that she wasn't spotted, yet close enough that she could still see. She hoped that Brianna would talk Uduak out of it, or at least force her to not go ahead with her plan, but nothing seem to work. Myriam knew it was because Uduak was not thinking straight, her vision tunneled towards just one objective. Getting Ngozi back.

Nevermind that when Connor found out he would be furious, or that she was currently with child, or that she could be seriously injured or die. None of that mattered to Uduak, and honestly to Myriam that was the worst part of it all.

If something happens to her…Connor will…Connor will…She couldn't finish the thought, because she didn't truly know what Connor would do. She'd seen him cry, on the day of Achilles's funeral, so subtle it was barely noticeable, but there were tears there, shed after everyone left. And she'd seen his struggle in the years of Uduak's disappearance from the homestead, watched how he sometimes walked around, seeming to go nowhere. On the days no one could find him, he often arose from Uduak's house, smelling of paint and perfume, frowning deeply until someone noticed him, until someone asked of his condition.

Myriam decided then, that nothing would happen, that if she had to give her life, she would protect Uduak. Such a thing she had to admit, was easier said in her mind than done. But she had to try.

The carriage came to a stop in front of a grandiose mansion, larger Myriam guessed than Emily's. The large expanse of land in front and behind it was covered in guards, rifles in their hands. Myriam cursed. She had no weapon other than a long hunting knife and her bare hands, neither of which would fare well in a gun fight.

Perhaps I should have donned a dress and rode in the carriage with Uduak and others. She thought as she crept hidden in the grass, closer to the house. Myriam the prostitute…Somehow imagining it made a laugh threaten to bubble in her throat. She sucked it back, knowing it was only there because of the madness of the situation.

For Connor…She thought as she crept closer. For Ngozi…and the homestead.


" A poor vintage," Luke said pouring the wine onto the rug, caring not for the damage it would wrought on its hand crafted fibers. Excellent wine, fair pay and a reasonable amount of pleasure that is all he asked for. Sure he sent their lackeys out to fetch whores, not that he trusted their tastes, if their skills at picking women was anything like their skills at choosing wine, then they were in worst shape than he thought.

Speaking of whores.

" Sana where are you?" He hissed into the air.

Three days felt like an eternity. He was beginning to think she was doing this on purpose.

" Sir, Sana has returned."

Luke closed his eyes.

Speak of the Devil…

" Send her i-"

" Luke?"

Slowly. Ever so slowly he peeked open one eye. She stood at the doorway, her hands tangled in her dress at her sides. Her hair was shaved, the soft makings of black peach fuzz dusted her scalp, revealing a face that once hidden by bangs. He frowned. While she was not totally unappealing without hair, the lack of it, gave her a more savage, almost untamed look. The tattoos did not help either.

" When I asked Sana to bring me back a woman that fit my taste, I did not intend for her to bring you." He pushed his long legs off the end of the bed and stood, trying to seem as calm as possible, even though his heart was pounding with eagerness and anger. " It is times like this I wonder why I keep her around."

Uduak took a hesitate step forward. " Luke I-"

Even when I try to escape from you, still you come running…

She rubbed her hands together. He watched her fingers for a long moment, how ashen and stiffed they looked. "You should have worn gloves," he said absently before he could stop himself, then added suddenly " Why are you here?" Already knowing half the reason.

" My son…" she began.

" Your son?" Luke said laughing cruelly. " You have a son?" He let his eyes roam her over form. The delicate curve of her wrist, the roundness of her bottom. He knew that shape, the feel of that skin as it molded under the fingertips, hot and soft.

She frowned. " I should not have come here," she turned to the door, shoulders shaking.

" Was it Connor?" Luke asked.

" Yes," Uduak answered.

Luke ran a hand through his hair, figures.

" Where is your son now?"

" He's been…" Uduak started, then she stopped. Her eyes roamed over the room for what seemed the first time, taking in the curtains and the insignias on the walls. " Wh-Why are you with them?" She spoke the next word in a whisper, as if she was afraid the walls could hear, " Templars."

Luke smiled, " Is my being here a problem? After all Uduak it is you who showed up unexpectly."

" Then you must know," she said taking a step closer to him, bringing with her the scent of rosewater, and the natural musk of her body. " If he is here?" The surety in her voice made his chest ache. There was once a time when such a thing would have made him leap to obey, leap to please. "It is cruel of me to ask," she admitted sadly. "Forgive me…but I must know."

They were past forgiveness. Past anything that even resembled it.

" How much?" Luke said.

Her face fell, gone was the hope that made it glow just seconds ago, replaced with a look of pure surprise.

" What?"

" Quite a messy business," Luke said moving to pour himself a glass of wine. If were being completely honest with himself he moved less for the wine, and more to remove himself from her proximity. " Contracts and the like. My current contract holders have set a price, a price which is quite high if I do say so myself. If it is my help you want, your price will have to be higher. Much higher."

He did not turn to face her, to take in her facial expression, the frown that probably touched her full lips.

A long frightful moment passed before Uduak replied, "And what will your price be," Uduak asked. "What would you have me give?"

What do I want from her…

"I want nothing from you…"It would appear his mouth and his heart were not agreeing.

"Is it money you require?" She asked aloofly.

He lurched at her then, coming towards her in two quick strides. She lifted up her arms as if to block his blow. Deftly he pushed his foot under hers, sweeping her off her feet. She fell with a gasp, and he locked both his arms around her form, lowering her onto the ground. They both fell with a soft thud.

"Luke…" She gasped.

"Money?" He laughed, the sound thick and full of loathing. "Money is of no consequence to you," he said lifting his knee and sliding it between her legs.

She sucked in her breath, the movement of air between her teeth making a soft yelping sound.

" Lu-"

"I want," he said leaning in closer to her, until their noses brushed. What do I want? He pressed a hand to her breast and squeezed. Her hands lifted then, to press forcibly against his chest. "That which you now refuse to give. That which will not be without consequence"

" Get off me," he hissed hands coming up to bat at his face, one nail successfully scratching him against the cheek. Blocking her blows he took hold of her wrist, lifting them forcibly over her head.

" Get-" she began, leaning forward he captured her lips in his own.

She struggled against him, for a long moment, her hands writhing in his, her legs moving frantically beneath him. But he did not let go, did not pull back. This. This is what he wanted. To watch her squirm beneath him.

I want to watch you hurt as I've once hurt.

She shivered then fell still, all resistance gone.

He pulled back away from her, realizing the moment he did that his lips was bleeding.

She glared up at him.

"Done fighting already?" He asked.

"You won't do it," she said softly. He'd expected her words to be angrier.

"I won't?" He asked. He raised an eyebrow in skepticism.

"What would you gain," she said before he could ask why.

He laughed again, "What is to be gained? I would say there is quite a bit." He gestured to her body spread out underneath him. "Provided you play along." He pressed his lips against her clothe breast, trailing down to her stomach. "Not that you will have to pretend."

Her body fell still under his.

"Very well then," she said still glaring up at him. " Do what you must."

There was nothing inviting or kind in her gaze, and part of him delighted that at least that had not changed.

" Silly Uduak-" be began when a knock at the door stopped him.

" What?" He called annoyed.

He expected Sana but it was one of the other mercenaries instead.

" Well get on with it?" Luke said not moving from his place looming above Uduak. He could feel her eyes still on him, confused and inquiring.

" We caught one, sneaking bout outside. What do you wish to do?"

Uduak shifted beneath him, kicking to push herself up.

" Bring him in, and try not to make a bit fuss of it. I don't want the others coming in here."

The mercenary left and Sana took his place, arms folded she leaned against the doorway. "Why not just let the others handle it. It is their fight."

Sighing, Luke slid from atop Uduak, straightened up his clothes and faced the doorway. " Yes, but this what we are being paid to do, no matter how much I wish to cut corners."

" Luke!" Uduak said crawling to her feet. " You can't."

Is Connor here? He glanced quickly over Uduak, No…he would not have sent her alone. This is someone else, someone she knows?

They arrived again with the captured intruder, and Luke recognized him instantly as one of the Assassins. Uduak rushed forward, stopping suddenly when she finally noticed who it was. Something like relief crossed her face, and Luke took that as a sign that she did not know this Assassin.

" Luke what are you-" Uduak began.

" This," Luke said walking to the nightstand beside his bed and pulling one of his discarded daggers off the table. Then with unsheathe blade in hand he strolled back to where the assassin was, pushed on both knees, head bowed. To his credit he did not make one sound, not even a word to validate his claim. Luke pressed the blade against his throat.

" No. Please," Uduak called. " Don-"

This is the kind of man I am now…the kind of man I have always been…

With one quick movement he slid the blade across the thin soft skin of the Assassin's neck. The man fell, choking and sputtering, blood staining the carpet.

" Why?" Uduak asked as they dragged the Assassin's body away. She stared at the spot where he once sat, as if not registering that he was dead and gone.

Smiling, and a few moments away from a grin, Sana handed Luke a white clothe.

" Oh, the floor is ruined," Sana said glancing down at the puddle of blood.

" And I much liked this room," Luke added sighing.

" Why did you kill him?" Uduak had resorted to shouting now. Both Luke and Sana turned to her.

" Would you have preferred they did it?" Luke asked pointing out side with the end of his dagger.

She said nothing.

" They would have tortured him for information. The entire process is quite slow and gruesome believe me."

" So am I to believe what you did was a form of mercy?" She did not sound convinced. Still her face remained hidden from his sight.

" Believe it to be whatever you will," Luke said.

" You should have just let him go."

" For him to kill more of my men, and possibly my contractor. That would not be good."

" Where is my son?" Uduak demanded.

" So this is her?" Sana said stepping around Uduak, her eyes moving across her body, examining her like a leg of deer at market. " Uduak," she whispered the name in a breathy laugh. "She has the look and smell of a whore. What should we do with her?"

"She wants something," Luke said facing her. "That I do not have. Take her to Isaac."

Uduak drew in a tight breath.

"Tell him she is my personal guest, and if at all possible try not to harm her. I much prefer for my goods not to be damaged."

"Isaac," Uduak said her eyes widening as the pieces came together in her head. "You are working wi-"

"Quite. He is in need of my aid, or at least the aid the mercenaries, and is willing to pay. A good enough excuse if any to help."

Uduak bit her quivering lip, then slowly nodded accepting the request. As if she had any other choice. They started out of the room, and Sana turned to Luke still smiling.

"You handled this surprisingly well."

Luke forced himself to tear his eyes away from the door, from her disappearing form. There was no telling what would happen when Isaac saw her, or what Uduak would do when she saw him. Luke had seen how unpredictable she could be, how willing she was to kill in order to get what she wanted.

" Go with them," Luke said.

" Scared for Uduak?" There was a slight taunting tone to her voice that annoyed Luke. He did not let it show.

" More for Isaac."

Sana chuckled. " Very well."

She started out and Luke stopped her again, "And have the boy sent to me, I have a feeling things are not quite as they seem."


Blood stained Myriam's hands as she ripped free the rifle from the hands of a dead guard. His body thrown in the bush she'd just dashed from. Around her other guards walked, doing their rounds. Up ahead, a window stood half opened, light from a candle bearing through it.

Happy for the darkness, Myriam took a deep breath and darted forward, having timed the guards to her left and right movements. She rolled into the bushes ahead, right below the window, clutching the rifle tight to her chest, ready to hear the gasp of surprise that someone had seen her.

A long moment past with nothing but the sounds of their footsteps echoing in the distance and the crickets chirping in the forest.

This is harder than I imagined it to be…She thought as she peeked from the bush. The men had not moved, still circling, occasionally straying a few feet from their path, but not going very far.

Slinging the rifle over her back carefully Myriam crept over to the wall, one hand moving up to dig her fingertips into the indention. She'd done this a million times at the homestead, usually with the trees, but houses were really not that different. Only this time it seemed harder, maybe it was the threat of having someone hear, or the men walking about around her. Either way, her hands never shook so much while climbing.

Part of her said to stay put, wait for Uduak to come out, but it had been over an hour since she went in, and if there was trouble she would likely need Myriam's help.

" What's that over there?"

Liquid fear spread through her then, and she tensed up, ready for the sound of gunshots, the hurried rasp of footsteps. She glanced over her shoulder quickly seeing the men around her running in the opposite direction, deeper into the forest, by passing her all together.

They aren't looking for me…

Arm burning, and hands still shaking she hurried upwards, using whatever had distracted them as a chance to quicken her pace. Reaching the window seal she hesitated to pull herself up as she peered over into the lite room.

Inside was a small room, consisting of a bed, dresser, and a desk overflowing with stacks of books and paper. Beside it a pair of small buckled shoes sat, fumbled to either side as if the wearer quickly kicked them off. The room was empty.

Wasting no time Myriam placed one hand under the partly opened window and lifted it, heaving as she strained to hold herself up. Behind her the men were trekking back through the woods, their prize in tow.

Come on…come on…

The window opened with a hinged whine, and she pushed herself inside, landing on the wooden floor, any notions on being quiet lost.

She stood to her full height.

Shite…now what…

She could walk into the hall, but that ran the risk of definitely being seen. Maybe even take her chances with another window, but with the guards on full alert that was asking for death. Still she had to get to Uduak somehow.

She walked to the door.

" Myriam?" A voice said and she spun around.

She saw a hand first, its fingers peeking from under the bed, then the length of a child's tan arm. The legs came next, clothe in blue trousers. By the time the boy peeked out his head Myriam knew who it was. Excitement filling her she reached out and grabbed him pulling Ngozi from under the bed.

" Ngozi…"

" Myriam…" He pulled back from her, his hands coming out to touch her face, " Myriam…" A grin spread across his face. " Myriam." He hugged her, wrapping his arms around her neck, his legs around her waist. When he pulled back again his eyebrows were furrowed. "Where is mother?" He glanced around as he'd somehow misplaced her in the nook and crannies of the room.

Myriam sat him down. " She…is…" She wondered whether or not to tell him she was in the house with them, and possibly in danger.

" Peter?" A voice outside the door called, a woman's voice.

Ngozi ran forward placing his back against the door.

" Hide," he whispered. That was all the prompting Myriam needed. Crawling on her hands and knees she slid under the tight space of the bed, curling in ball between two trunks on opposite sides of where she lay. The door opened and the feet of another appeared.

" I heard talking are you alright?"

" I…" Ngozi said. " I was practicing the words. Isaac says I am to know it by heart, and be able to recite it at a moment's notice."

" That you are," the woman said. " Why is the window open dear? How many times do I have to tell you?"

" It is hot," Ngozi answered.

" Would you rather it be cold," she said shutting the window. " Do I have to nail it shut?"

" What is happening outside?"

" Nothing you need concern yourself with. Now," the woman said sighing. " Now show me what you have learned."

The woman turned her back to the bed, and Myriam slid carefully out of place, standing.

" Is there som-" she began. She moved to turn and Myriam brought the butt of the rifle up, slamming it into the woman's head. She fell with a cry, hitting the floor.

" Is she…" Ngozi began.

" No," Myriam said. "We should get you out of here."

" Where is mother," Ngozi began. " Did she come here with you?"

Myriam nodded. " She's in trouble…I think."

" Then we have to help her. There is a man here, he knows mother. He might help." Ngozi started to the door, and Myriam pulled him back.

" Wait.

He opened and door and bolted out into the hall.

" Wait," Myriam called bolting out after him. He ran down the hall, bare feet slapping against the wood tiles. The halls were empty, the smell of food growing stronger the further they moved.

Ngozi turned the corner, into an opened room, disappearing inside.

" Mother!" Ngozi shouted.

Myriam turned into the room after him gasping at the sight. Men sat around a large oval table, their faces down in their plates, drinks spilling onto the floor. Standing beside them Uduak and a dark skinned woman with tattoos. She held a knife in hand, the end of which was pushed into Uduak's side.

" Uduak!" Myriam called running into the room, the barrel of gun pressed into her back. Myriam paused suddenly.

" Don't move," a man's voice said.

" Uduak…" Myriam called again.

" I cannot do that, mother," Uduak growled jerking her hand back suddenly. She stumbled backwards, blood spilling onto the floor, gasping and choking as blood curled down one side of her mouth. In her shaking hands was a golden bangle

" Do not!" The woman with tattoos screamed lunging for Uduak. Uduak lifted the golden half circle, the metal glowing brightly. Then with hands on either side she pulled the two pieces apart.

Light filled the room, bright and hot. Then nothing at all.

Yes! The happiness. So I've been gone quite while, and I've had this chapter on my computer for a minute. I was just a little to busy to post it. So yes. I hope you enjoyed. Who knows when I will be able to post again. Hopefully sometime soon.

Feedback appreciated. Virtual tomahawks and waffles for everyone who reviews.