Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

"Jellal! You bastard!" Natsu screamed as he stood in front of a beaten and bloodied Erza.

The Tower of Heaven. The pinnacle of Erza's torture. Team Natsu had come here after a ruined vacation. They had been at Akane Resort relaxing at a casino when Jellal's 'friends' had come and kidnapped them off to The Tower of Heaven.

During their time at the tower they had fought Jellal's 'friends' who they eventually beat. The enemies had switched sides after learning that Jellal had tricked them for eight years. They had also been made to deal with their respective enemies from a team known as 'Trinity Raven' which Jellal had hired.

Now Natsu had reached the top of the tower only to find Erza in terrible condition with Jellal who carried a sadistic smirk.

"Natsu! How nice of you to join us!" Jellal laughed with maniacal tone. He looked like he could kill children without remorse. "Oh? Like what you see?" he sneered as he pressed his foot down on Erza's chest. "Erza!" Natsu yelled as Erza groaned in pain.

Natsu's face contorted into one of pure anger as he watched it happen.

Magic energy flared up in a red aura around Natsu as he really started to rage. "DON'T FUCKING MESS WITH FAIRY TAIL!" Natsu roared. "Is our itty-bitty dragon angwy?" Jellal asked in an innocent tone.

Not much could have pissed him off more at the point

"Maybe I should just push him over the edge..." then Jellal proceeded to lift Erza's arm an bite it as she screamed out in pain.

Erza screamed.

Natsu suddenly felt all of his anger just pulse.

That was the last thing that Natsu remembered before he went berserk. His skin took a scaly pattern on his forearms, cheeks and forehead. Natsu's scarf flailed in the wind as he looked Jellal down with a gaze of wild fury. "Dragon Force..." Jellal murmured with wide eyes which then relaxed again. "Perfect! Now our little dragon here is all fired up!" he said with his maniac gaze.

Natsu had totally lost it. He had never had the guts to admit to it but he had a crush on Erza since they where little. And if he was perfectly honest with himself he would know that he was head over heels in love with Erza.

Seeing him hurt her like that didn't help his anger at all.

Natsu lunged for Jellal and hit him right in the gut which made him cough up some blood. Jellal hadn't expected Natsu to be so fast and so strong. "Ha! You'll still have to be faster if you wanna catch me! Meteor!" Jellal's speed instantly quadrupled. He punched Natsu in the gut, chest and head before he could respond. Then Jellal followed up with a swift knee to the head and sent him spiraling into the wall with a round-house kick.

"Flame Dragon's Roar!" Natsu responded with from the dust not even aware of what he was doing as he had totally lost his mind to anger and blood-lust. Jellal dodged by jumping over the flame and hitting Natsu with his Heavenly Arrows. While Natsu was down he took the opportunity to walk back over to where Erza lay. 'tch Erza is so pathetic' Jellal thought. "So Natsu, Erza here seems to be the key to your anger. Does our little dragon boy have a crush?" Jellal asked turning to Natsu who was getting up again. "Get away from her" Natsu growled with a slight yet unnoticeable blush. "Hush dragon boy. Heavenly Arrows!" Natsu jumped back and successfully dodged them all but now he couldn't see Erza due to the dust cloud created. 'Shit, shit, shit! I can't see her!' Natsu's subconscious yelled. Yet there was no active thinking other than blood from Natsu right now.

"Jellal... you... bastard..." Erza barely puffed out 'I can't believe he hurt all of my friends!' "Hmm? Still breathing I see. Maybe I should silence you!" Jellal then swiftly snapped her arm with a loud crack and Erza fainted from the pain. 'Damn...' she thought as she fell to the ground.

Since Natsu had joined Erza always had a thing for him. At the time she didn't know what a crush was.


"Mira~!" The little redhead yelled across the guild. "Wha~t" came the response from the white haired demon. "I need to talk to you about something!" mini Erza hollered. "Be right there!" mini Mira hollered back. Before their rivalry they used to be great friends. What caused their rivalry? You probably already know but if you don't this next part is what started it all.

"Um..." "What is it!?" Mira asked aggressively but not unkindly. "What if their was this um... boy that um..." "C'mon! Spit it out!" Mira countered against the redheads nerves. "Well... S-See... theresthisboyintheguildandhemakesmefeelwarmandfuzzyandIjustdon'tknowwhatitmeans!" Erza spat this all out with a blush as red as her hair. "...Eh?" was all mini Mira could say.


"So you have a crush on a guy in the guild?" Mira giggled. "Is that what the warm feeling is? Then yes I have a 'Crush' on a boy in the guild" Erza replied with a faint and dusty blush coated upon her cheeks. "Who is it!?" Mira squealed all fangirly. "C'mon! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Mira begged. "Well... its the new kid... Natsu, the pink haired fire bastard?" Erza nervously responded with a bright blush. Mira suddenly stopped squealing but her smile stayed although it looked a little forced now.

"Umm... Erza?" Mira asked quietly her smile dropping. "Y-Yes" Erza nervously asked her best friend. "You can't date Natsu Erza..." Mira muttered with a blush. "Hmm? Why not Mira?" Erza asked her smile faltering and blush gone. "Um... You see... I kinda also have a big crush on Natsu..." Mira stated quietly. Both of them stayed quiet and frozen for five minutes.

Guild members had gone over to see why they had suddenly stopped moving and talking.

"WHAT!?" Erza suddenly screeched scaring the shit out of the guild members nearby. "YOU HEARD ME YOU RED HEADED PIG!" "I'M NOT GIVING HIM UP YOU BLEACHED WHORE!" "WELL I'M NOT EITHER!"

And thus began their famous rivalry full of guild brawls.


All Natsu heard was the snap. When the dust cloud cleared he could see Erza crumpled on the ground, not moving. A horrified expression slowly made it way onto Natsu's face. "Finally I got her to shut up!" Jellal spat when he kicked Erza. " Y-You killed...E-Erza?" Natsu just barely pressed out. A gleeful expression appeared on Jellal's face as he formulated a plan. Jellal, even though he knew she wasn't actually dead decided to play along to see what would happen. "Of course I did! Why would I want a nuisance like Erza around?"

Big mistake.

Natsu's eye faded from black to a reptilian gold. His pupils became slits, the scales on his body hardened and turned red. The scale process occurred everywhere else on his body as well until he was covered head to toe in red scales. All of his clothes had burned off from the insane heat his body was letting off. His 'junk' had disappeared and his 'area' was just flat and scaly now. His nails turned black and elongated into claws while a pair of black horns sprouted from his forehead. After his horns came his intimidating wings which where about 5 feet long each and topped with a black spike at the joint. Then his tail. A thick red scaled tail grew out of his skin from the bottom of his spine (A/N Imagine Mira's Halphas tail but red and scaly). Then at the end of his tail grew a large and wicked-looking black spike.

Natsu's facial expression would have made the devil shit his pants. His face was one of such anger and hatred Jellal actually pissed himself. Natsu's eyes carried the emotion of true hatred. The hatred of raging against someone so much you wish that their presence had never stained the world.

Natsu's tail whipped back and forth as Jellal stuttered "W-What the h-hell happened?" Jellal was looking extremely pale right about now. "Dragon Fate" Natsu said, his voice sounding deep, gargled and very angry. 'the third stage of Dragon Power...' he thought to himself. Natsu let off some of his magic power, later he would guess he let off about 50%, and Jellal knew he couldn't win. The magic power he was letting off was at the Wizard Saint level.

"M-Meteor!" Jellal squeaked as he tried in vain to escape the tower. Natsu moved in front of him so fast it looked like he teleported. Natsu growled and punched him in the face so hard he broke the the side of the crystal tower as Jellal flew out, already out cold, for about half a kilometer. He had some serious brain damage from one punch and Natsu was finished charging his next attack.

He never learned how to perform Dragon Fate Spells they just came to him instinctively. And suddenly Natsu knew how to perform every move he was capable of during Dragon Fate. He grinned crazily, this was going to be fun.

"Flame Dragon's Beam Of Rage" Natsu yelled as he shot off what looked like a roar at first but stopped expanding at about 7 feet in diameter. It was so hot that the lacrima around the beam melted. In fact the rest of the guild members who where on the boat at sea could feel it rise about 10 degrees as they watched the attack disintegrate Jellal and carry on into the depths of space.

About every single one of them pissed themselves as they watched a man get obliterated by a single spell that seemed like it could kill anything. They could feel, even at their distance, the insane power of the spell. "T-Thats at Gramps' level!" Gray stuttered utterly shaking in fear of the sight before him.

The clouds had parted in a ring formation as the beam had blasted through. Steam was rising of the surface of the ocean that was within 200 feet of the condensed fire beam.

Erza had watched their fight happen as she regained consciousness. She winced in pain when she had stretched her muscles. She had received second degree burns all over her body from just being within 50 feet of the attack. She also had a few broken ribs, a broken arm and many many cuts and bruises. "Natsu!" Erza yelled as she watched his scales fade, horns and nails shrink, tail shrink back into his spine and his wings folded into his shoulder blades. Then Natsu fell unconscious as he fell from the tower's peak with a calm, lifeless expression upon his face.

Erza quickly requiped into her flight armor and dove after him in a panic. She caught him with her good arm just before he hit the rocks. With a huge sigh of relief she released the breath she didn't realize she had been holding. She slowly set them down on the beach thinking 'I love you... Natsu... Don't die on me..." before she fell into a blissful rest.

A/N Whadd'ja think?

This is my first ever Fanfic! Don't judge to harshly plz. Rewiew!

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