Times Change by The Creepy-Psycho-Loner

Disclaimer: All places, Characters, etc are not owned by me.I simply do the plot

A/N: Happy July 4th!


I looked up from the book I had been reading. Mikey ran in with a big smile on his face but it faltered considerably when he saw that I was not leaving.

"What're'ya doing?"

I marked my page and set the book beside me. "I was reading."

"Dude! We're waiting for you!"

"Im not going."


"Im not going," I repeated.


I sigh. I always enjoyed being out there, watching the fireworks but... I doubted my brothers wanted me there.

"You always liked fireworks..."

I kept my eyes emotionless. "Yeah, well, times change."

"But people shouldn't," Mikey insisted. He made so much sense that I had no choice but to look in his eyes, searching for a hint of lie in it. But all I found was desperation. He really DID want me there with him...

"Alright, Mikey. I'll come."

His infamous bright smile returned to his face as he grabbed me by the arm.

"Let's go! Raph is probably done setting up the fireworks by now and he gets real inpatient when it comes to blowing stuff up."

I laughed; that was very true. So Mikey and I picked up the pace. We made it to the garage quickly. We made it to Casey's Grandmother's farmhouse just after dusk. Raph had his arms crossed when we arrived. After a very humorous argument, we partied and, much to Raph's Sadistic glee, we released the fireworks. And honestly, I was an idiot to even think of missing this.