A/N: My first Supernatural fic! Hooray!

If you're a Superwholockian, read some of my Sherlock and Doctor Who fics?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! *insert Sam Winchester puppy dog face*

Good night, Sammy," Mary Winchester whispered to her six-month-old son as she laid him carefully in his crib.

"Mommy!" said a little voice behind her loudly. She spun around, putting a finger to her lips.

"Shh, Dean," she said. "Sammy's asleep." Four-year-old Dean clamped his mouth shut. Mary smiled. "I thought I put you to sleep ten minutes ago! What happened?"

"A monster." Mary's heart raced for a moment before she remembered that all toddlers thought there were monsters under their beds. "You forgot to check for monsters, Mommy!"

Mary followed Dean back to his bedroom, where she stuck her head under his bed and said, "If there are any monsters under here, go away now or Mommy will be very angry!" in a false stern voice. She sprinkled some salt under the bed before standing up again, just to be safe.

"Thank you, Mommy." Dean clambered into bed.

Mary went downstairs and saw John reading the newspaper. He looked up.

"I'll go say goodnight," he said.

She listened to him walk up the stairs.

She still hadn't gotten used to this life. It was just so... normal. Of course, she loved it. Still, John's rule of no weapons except in the cellar made her uneasy.

Just then, she heard John scream. She reached under the sofa, pulling a gun out of the hidden compartment (just because John made rules didn't mean she had to follow them). Sprinting upstairs, she saw nothing in Sam's room, where she was sure she had heard the scream, but, following the instincts of her training, looked up. John was paralysed on the ceiling, a bloodstain spreading across his torso. For once in her life, Mary didn't know what to do. But when he caught fire, she moved instinctively, grabbing a crying Sam and shouting for Dean, who had been woken by John's scream and came running in. He looked up at the fire, scared.

"Dean," Mary said quickly, crouching beside him. "Take Sammy and get out of the house. I'll be right behind you. Meet me at the car."

"But I'm not allowed to carry Sammy!"

"You're four years old now," she said, trying to smile comfortingly while fire blazed around them. "Sammy's in trouble! You have to get him out of here! Just like Batman."

Dean smiled and lifted his baby brother out of Mary's hands. "Don't cry, Mommy!" he announced (and Mary suddenly noticed the tears on her face). "I'm Batman!"

He ran off with Sam, suddenly brave. Most of Sam's room was on fire, but Mary stood up, cocking her gun.

"Azazel!" she yelled with false confidence, remembering that this was the ten-year anniversary of her deal with the yellow-eyed demon.

Azazel appeared from the flames. "Mary," he said as though he were welcoming her to his house. "Beautiful baby. Shame about the father."

"What did you do to my son, Azazel?"

"I'll give you a hint," said the yellow-eyed demon. Smiling, he pulled up the sleeve of the accountant he was wearing to show Mary a long, bleeding cut.

Her eyes widened in horror. She prepared to advance on Azazel, but saw flames about to consume her only exit, so she ran.

She caught up to Dean by the car. He had climbed into the passenger seat and was cradling Sam. Both of them were crying. Mary sat down in the drivers seat and picked up the baby.

"Daddy's... Daddy's dead, isn't he?" asked Dean quietly.

Mary nodded, and started to cry. Dean hugged her and told her, "It's okay, Mommy. We're gonna be okay."

She laughed without emotion. "Since when do you take care of me?"

He looked up at her. "If Daddy's gone, I have to take care of you and Sammy now."

The fire department doused the flames and left, then a few minutes later, Dean fell asleep. Mary leaned her seat back and thought. She had a choice to make. She could either go after Azazel for revenge, or buy a house and raise her sons. She remembered the promise she had made herself ten years ago, and chose the latter. But then she remembered something else.

She had figured out what happened to Sam. Sam would always be in danger, no matter what, and so would Dean. If she went after Azazel, she could protect them. Hunting could teach Sam right and wrong and that demons were not to be trusted. It would teach him that saving people was the most important thing in the world, so when Azazel came recruiting, Dean would say no.

And so Mary Winchester climbed through the burned remains of her house and gathered her weapons, once simply reminders of times gone by, and she loaded them into the trunk of a 1967 Chevy Impala, and drove away, ready to start her new life, her two sons beside her.

A/N: This IS going to be a multichaptered fic, so maybe follow or favorite or keep an eye out for updates. It gets better...