So this is the first chapter for the next installment of the Reunion series. It follows on after Home Coming and deals with life after their marriage and honeymoon.

This is going to be another multi chapter fic although I don't quite know how long it will be yet, but I'd say a similar length to Reunion and Of Families and Weddings. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything to do with this, Home Coming was posted February last year, but I wanted to finish the other things I was working on first.

I hope you like it.

They'd been back from their honeymoon for about six months. It had taken them a few days to get used to being back on earth, and not being able to rip each other's clothes off whenever they wanted to, but once they had they quickly slipped back into ordinary life. Well what they considering ordinary anyway.

Once all the scraps from their honeymoon had healed they went back to traveling across the galaxy and fighting the Goa'uld. To begin with it was a little difficult on the two of them. Before they had acted on their feelings they had gotten nervous and sometimes overly emotional when something was wrong with the other but now it was worse, but it was also easier too.

It was harder because now that they had each other they didn't want to lose each other, it went unsaid that if one of them was to die in the line of duty that the other would be devastated, if they didn't go together at any rate. But since they had each other it would also make it easier, neither would have to wonder about what could have happened because it had happened and the two of them wouldn't have had it any other way.

After a while it became easier, just like it had been before their marriage. Daniel decided that it was because they'd had feelings for each other for so long that they'd gotten used to the other being in possibly fatal danger. Sam and Jack hadn't said anything at the time but later they had talked about it and realised that Daniel was right.

Daniel and Janet were also going strong. Hammond had changed it so that Janet wasn't Daniel's main doctor which meant that the two of them had no problems being together. Cassie had loved it, she already saw Daniel as basically a father figure anyway along with Jack, so him being around more had been ok with her. Janet had told Sam at some point that when Cassie had found out about the two of them officially, a few days after the wedding, that she hadn't even been surprised and had been as excited about it as she had been about hearing about Sam and Jack.

The two of them very quickly got used to married life, and both loved it immensely. Every so often they would fight, usually after a particularly hard mission when they were both tired, but both had agreed to never go to bed angry which meant all the fights got resolved quickly. Everyone on base noticed a difference in the two of them, both were happier and Jack wasn't as short with everyone as he used to be. He however didn't mellow too much, except around Sam, because he had a reputation as a big bad black ops Colonel to up hold.

One day, after the two of them had been back for a little over six months; Hammond called Jack to his office. He had been in Sam's lab when the call came in and both had wondered what Hammond could possibly want. They weren't due to go off world for at least a few days and there had been no memos around about anything. Rather than to continue to wonder Jack had given Sam a light kiss on the check, about all they could get away with on base and in the relative privacy of Sam's lab, and headed over to Hammonds office, to see what he wanted.

He went through the control room, nodding to Walter and the rest of the people in the control room before he headed up the stairs and into the briefing room. He could have gone the other way but this way was actually just that little bit quicker, not much but a little, plus it meant he could see the gate, which even after all his trips through it he just loved to look at.

Once he made it up the stairs he headed over to Hammonds office and knocked on the door. He saw through the window as the older man looked up and then beckoned for Jack to come in. Jack opened the door, stepped in, and then shut the door behind him.

"Jack," Hammond greeted him. Jack knew as soon as he spoke that this wasn't an official meeting since Hammond hadn't called him by his rank.

"Everything ok George?" Jack asked as he took the seat opposite Hammonds.

Hammond nodded. "I've been offered the job as the head of the Office Home World Security," he stated quickly, jumping straight into why he had called Jack into his office rather than beating around the bush, "It's a new department that is being created within the government to cover everything from the SGC to the X-303 programmes, and I intend to take it."

"Congratulations," Jack replied, "That's a great opportunity and I'm guessing a promotion to boot."

Hammond nodded. "Yes it is. It also means that I will have more time outside of the mountain to spend with my family. I'll be working out of the Pentagon so I won't have to worry about lock downs keeping me from getting home on time."

Jack smiled at that before asking, "So what shrub is going to replace you George, some pencil pusher from Washington that the IOA like no doubt."

George smiled and shook his head before answering. "Well the President, the Joint Chiefs and I have all thought long and hard about whom we would feel most comfortable being in charge of the front line of our defence, and we think we've come up with my perfect replacement. He can be a bit of a pain but when it comes down to it he's the best man for the job."

"Sounds like they're going to be fun to work for," Jack commented, cutting across Hammond.

"Oh they will be," Hammond answered, "Brigadier General O'Neill."

It took Jack a moment to realise what he had actually said, but when it had sunk in he looked at Hammond, an incredulous look in his eye. "Are you serious George? I mean I suck at diplomacy for one thing and I always try and stick it to the man, I can't do that if I am the man." He then realised who he was talking to and gave Hammond a sheepish smile.

Hammond however just smiled at him, he knew how Jack's mind worked and he already knew that Jack would react like this to what he had just told him. "I'm very serious Jack," Hammond replied, "I for one cannot think of anyone better to run the SGC than you, you know what it's like off world and you know what works and what doesn't. Plus," he then added with a smirk, "You know when to ask for help and when you can manage on your own."

Jack just shook his head; he really couldn't believe that George thought he was the best man for the job, hell that anyone thought he was by any means suitable to take over from Hammond.

Hammond waited for a minute, to see if Jack was going to say anything in response. When he didn't Hammond spoke once again, "So Jack, do you accept?"

Jack stared at him, still processing everything that had been said. He then nodded, "I suppose someone has to do it and if it's not me then it could be some pencil pusher who has no idea about the programme."

Hammond smiled, he had known that Jack would accept the job, even if it did take him a while to realise that people knew he wasn't as stupid or abrasive as he acted. "Good," Hammond responded, "Because like you say a pencil pusher with no idea how the programme actually works won't be of any use to anyone." Jack just nodded as Hammond then continued to say, "If it's all the same to you I'd rather people didn't know for a while, until closer to the time."

"Keeping everything running as normal?" Jack questioned.

Hammond nodded. "I won't ask you to keep it from your wife though," he stated, "That's not fair, on either of you."

Jack smiled at him before asking, "So who will take my place as the leader of SG1?"

Hammond smiled at him. "I think you already know the answer to that Jack. I couldn't think of anyone better to take your place as our first line of defence."

Jack smiled back, he had hoped that Sam would take his place but he had wanted Hammond to confirm it before he said anything. "If it's all the same to you sir," Jack requested, "Can we keep Sam's promotion a secret? I want to surprise her on the day."

Hammond laughed but nodded. "So long as you make it clear that it was your idea."

'Of course sir," Jack replied before he stood and asked, "Is there anything else sir?"

"No Jack, that's it," Hammond answered, "Congratulations."

Jack beamed at him before he turned and left the office, heading back towards Sam's lab. He would tell her about his promotion tonight, once they were in the privacy of their own home he decided as he walked, that way they could celebrate properly.

When he walked in Sam looked up from her laptop and asked, "Everything ok Jack? What did the General want?"

Jack went and sat in his usual place before answering. "I'll tell you when we get home." When he saw her face he continued to say, "Don't worry Carter, it's nothing too bad or immediate."

Sam gave a low mm before she turned back to her work. Jack smiled at her back before he too made a start on the paperwork he had left earlier.