Prologue: Slender Mansion

"TOBI!" Slender shouted. Ticci Tobi lay in his bed, staring at his ceiling fan. He couldn't help but wonder, what in the world he had done this time to anger his 'master'. He chuckled at the very word. Master. He had no choice to become one of Slender's proxies. If he didn't…the cops would've caught him and put him on the chair right away. He cocked his brow wondering, if death would've been the sweeter escape.

"TICCI TOBI! DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOU ONE MORE TIME!" Slender screamed from his office. He sighed jumping off his bed baby butt naked. Rising his foot he kicked his door open, anger licked behind his eyes. Jane opened her door, gasping at the sight she saw. He watched her turn around covering little Sally's eyes.

His fists were clenched; jaw tightened growling under his breath.

"He better have a good reason to fucking call me into his office…" He was getting really irritated, and even angrier at the fact he was greeted by his other brothers. Masky and Hoodie who just stared at him.

"What the fuck did I do now?" He snapped at them. Hoodie stayed silent, and Masky lowered his head turning from him. Hoodie staying silent was normal, but Masky turning away from him? That was new…"Fuck…I must've really fucked up somewhere…but…where?" He couldn't recall anything that he did that would've made his brothers upset.

"Can't tell with Masky though…" He sighed in frustration.

Tobi marched into Slenders office, which just lifted his brow, tilting his head slowly then shaking it.

"I need to speak with you, my proxy." He said, outstretching a hand showing him a seat. Tobi cocked his brow, only to cross his arms.

"What do you want from me old man?" He asked sighing. A very unhappy cringe came across Slender's face, but a soft sigh escaped his nonexistent lips.

"You were caught in the act. You left someone alive…" He seemed…not angry but displeased.

"What's gotten into you Tobi? You used to be one of my BEST proxies…almost surpassing Masky even…" He asked standing. Tobi took a second to think…"I've never left anyone alive…I'm a VERY profound killer." He couldn't reply. He only stayed silent, stood straight…though still very naked. Slender almost couldn't really look at him.

"I'm very, very disappointed in you Tobi…you KNOW better than to leave a human alive none the less…how could you disgrace the creepypasta world? The folklore we had made for the humans to fear us. But you let one go…which would make them believe they have a chance of survival." His nonexistent eyes stared deep into his underdressed skin.

"Sorry master." He spat out the word. A deep, displeased growl escaped Slender's throat.

Tobi's face hit first on the hardwood floor from the tentacle that whacked the back of his head.

"HOW DARE YOU!"He growled, walking around Tobi.

"You RESPECT your master…you OBEY ME!" He screamed.

The small bump on the back of Tobi's head throbbed as he pushed himself up. He couldn't even remember letting someone go. Why would he anyway? Ugh…it didn't make sense to him. He shook off the abuse and got back up on his feet.

"Sorry boss. I don't know why I would do such a disgraceful thing." Tobi replied sarcastically. Another whack, this time from his hand; somehow it hurt a lot more than his tentacle.

"OW! You can stop that now. I get the damn point. I fucked up, and I don't even remember doing it!" He snapped turning around to face his Boss, who slapped him again. This time for no apparent reason.

"I give the orders not you. Now, go take a shower, and go to the dining hall for breakfast. You smell foul…" Slender walked back behind his desk, sitting down. Before Tobi could even open the door, Slender opened his damned mouth again.

"Don't think about doing rounds with Masky and Hoodie. You're on suspension till I come up with some other way to…ground you?...Punish you? Oh hell I don't know. I'll think of something." Slender leaned back in his large chair and Tobi could've sworn he heard the smile in his voice.

"Don't forget boy…I rescued you from the cops. Don't make me throw you in the slammer anyway." He chuckled. Tobi gritted his teeth slamming the door shut, stomping down the hall into his room.

"WHAT A BASTARD!" He thought.

"One of the brothers probably left someone alive…it wasn't me!" He kept telling himself. There was no way he could be getting rusty or anything of the sort. With a sigh he walked in to his well…un-normal room. Decked out in various metal, death metal, and grunge bands.

Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Carcass, Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth, Deicide, At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbeth (with Ozzy Osborne of course). Mega Death…the list could have gone on and on with the bands around his room. His bed spread consisted of ACDC, and the carpets were of zombies and some of the other statures on his dresser were of Zombies and the shelves filled of zombie novels and movies…he was just a dark person.

"And I used a lot of techniques of killing zombies to my killings…why? Humans…are disgusting zombies that needs to be rid of." It was his way of thinking and he loved it.

"Why am I getting punished for one of the other brothers? I didn't leave the fucking humanoid alive…Slends knows this…" It was irritating him more and more.

After a quick shower, he tossed on his long sleeved hoodie, skinny jeans, skater shoes and his bandanna tying it around his mouth and his thick racing glasses. He sighed, wondering what kind of punishment Slender would have for him this time.

"I've helped you since you were a child, young killer…I saw the deepest potential in you. That's why I made you my proxy…you came right after the other two brothers. Don't make me regret my decision Tobi…don't EVER make me regret my decisions." His voice chimed in his head. He shivered at the deep malice underneath his calm tones.

He never wanted to admit it much…but Slender did scare him sometimes. With all that power, being a demi-god and everything…just a flick of his wrist and anyone could be dead. Immortal or not…anyone would die by a broken neck.

"Or being torn apart…" He cringed at watching him nearly do that to Jeff…when he went AWOL and decided to…go against code

"Like I've been accused of…" Just the thought of his tentacles wrapping around him…made him shiver again. What was wrong with him? He never had this deep fear of Slender…ever…but watching him nearly rip Jeff apart sent a new fear through him that he never knew he had.

"Well I better go to breakfast before I anger him further…" He opened his bedroom door, hands in pocket he started down the hall. He hung his head, like he had become accustomed too. He hated humans yet he dressed like them…but his was for easier camouflage and easier for him to slaughter any human he wanted. It…kind of made his mouth water, and want to go on a killing streak again.

When he entered the dining room, everyone looked up at him and shook their head. The only one who wasn't present was L.J (Laughing Jack). E.J was picking at his kidney and Sally was eating her smiley face eggs and bacon.

Jane was still red as a beet while she ate. Tobi sat down next to Masky and Hoodie, who looked at him with…strange enough, disappointment as well.

"I DID NOT LEAVE A FUCKING HUMAN ALIVE GOD DAMN IT!"Tobi shouted on the top of his lungs causing everyone to jump, even Jeff. Slender looked up from his coffee and placed it down.

"I've decided your punishment today Tobi." Slender took a sip of his coffee.

"You must go hunt down this human, and kill her." Tobi could do that, it was easy enough. He nodded slowly.

"On one condition though." He raised his hand.

"You must become best friends with her, and then slaughter her…that way, she can know who it really was who killed her family and her little brother. On top of that, when you are ready to murder said girl…Hoodie here, will record it and show me." It was evil, it was…delightful. Tobi smiled underneath his bandanna. It was delish.

"Fine." Tobi stood from his seat, not even touching his food.

"You start high school tomorrow. Don't disappoint." Slender smiled behind his coffee and Tobi looked back at him.

It was almost…disgusting at this point. He was enjoying this…he knew Tobi hated school. Hated socialization and most of all…knew he was an anarchist.