Hey everyone OK so I decided to start another story I had planned on waiting until I'd finished Flames of the Soul until I started this because I had no clue what the plot was gonna be then out of nowhere the idea for the first chapter suddenly popped into my head so I decided to at least start this story before I forgot it.

By the way Izanagi-kun SURPRISE I hope those two lovebirds like my present.

It had been a week since Satan had possessed Yukio Okumura and opened the Gehenna Gate to try and fuse Gehenna with Assiah and things were still pretty hectic at True Cross Academy, Even though the city was still undergoing repairs from the massive demon attacks classes at the academy were going to start up again next week.

Currently a rather pissed off dark blue-haired half demon teen was walking around the campus of the academy, performing a rather tedious task with the help of his two-tailed cat like familiar. "Tch, that damn four eyes I can't believe he's making us set up all of these barriers in this blazing heat with no help at all." The blue-haired boy said stomping angrily in his frustration. It can't be helped Rin I mean we have to get all the barriers set up before classes start up again otherwise a whole bunch of mid-level demons are gonna be able to get in and that means a whole lot more work for us. The twin tailed cat said walking right beside his partner's heel. "Yeah I guess you're right Kuro but this totally sucks ass*heavy sigh*how many more of these barrier thingys do we have to put up anyway?" Rin asked looking down at his friend who used his teeth to pull a piece of paper tied on his collar round so he could see it. Hmm let's see we just finished setting up the seal on the east side of the boy's dorm right?*Rin nodded*Then that means we have…over two thousand left to go. Kuro said exasperatedly at which point his short tempered Tamer finally snapped.

"GAHHHH! HOW THE HELL'RE WE GONNA PULL THAT OFF IN A DAY NO NORMAL HUMAN COULD DO THAT DOESN'T THAT MOLE-FACED SADIST NO THAT!" Rin yelled running his hands through his hair in frustration. But Rin…you're not a normal human you're half demon. Kuro said "Oh yeah." Rin said ending his tantrum and sighing in defeat. "Okay let's get this crap over with." Rin said as he resumed walking with Kuro following close behind. After about five minutes of walking Kuro stopped walking to look at the sky as the wind around them started to blow stronger. When Rin noticed Kuro wasn't at his side he turned to look at his friend. "Kuro? What's the matter buddy?" Rin asked but there was no response, he decided to follow the small demon's line of sight to see what had him so entranced. "The hell are you looki- Woah." Rin said as he looked up and saw a bright blue light descending from the sky, the wind growing fiercer the closer it got to the surface. "Cool! Hey Kuro check it out a shooting star in the middle of the day." Rin exclaimed beaming Uhh Rin…I don't think that's a shooting star. Kuro said backing away slightly not turning his gaze away from the sight. "Whadyya mean o'course it's a star what else could shine that bright." Rin said pointing at the rapidly growing light.

"Wow I don't think I've ever seen one last this long before, looks like it's getting close almost like it's headin' right for- OH CRAP KURO HIT THE DIRT!" Rin said scooping the cat sidhe into his arms and running a few feet then dive bombing into the ground curling up to protect his friend as the so called "star" crashedonly about six feet away creating a large explosion. "Hey Kuro you okay?" Rin asked as the dust settled. Yeah I'm okay but what about you? You could've gotten yourself killed stupid Rin! Kuro said meowing angrily at his friend's recklessness. "Hehehe, sorry 'bout that I really need to start thinking these things through." Rin said getting up on his feet dusting himself off. "Well nothing seems to be broken." Rin said stretching his arms and legs. Hey Rin look over there! Kuro said pointing one of his paws at the direction in front of them.

When Rin turned to see what he was pointing at he was shocked to see a massive crater right in front of them which was clearly made by the falling blue light. "I wonder what that was that ain't like no falling star I've ever seen." Rin said looking into the massive hole, I told you that wasn't a star! Kuro yelled but Rin wasn't listening. "Hey what's that?" Rin said narrowing his eyes as he saw some kind of figure though the dark dust clouds. They snapped open when the clouds parted enough that he could clearly see a pair of legs. "Holy crap someone's down there!" Rin exclaimed jumping down into the crater. Rin wait! You don't know what's down there Ugh what am I gonna do with him. Kuro said before jumping down to follow. As Rin ran over to the pair of legs he saw he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw what the legs where connected to.

"The hell? A girl?" Rin asked aloud as he gazed at the person laying in front of him. It was a girl with long raven hair tied into uneven pig tails, her clothes consisted of a string bikini top under a black jacket. The jacket had a white stripe running along the length of each of her sleeves and it had a white star design on the front it on the left side and another larger white star on the back of it. She also wore a pair of tight-fitting shorts, gloves, and black knee-high boots. Her skin was also a very pale white like snow. While taking in all the details of the girl's appearance her eyes stopped at her face. She was unconscious and lying on the ground but was breathing gently through her ever so slightly parted lips, her eyes weren't closed tightly but rather softly as if she were sleeping. She looks so peaceful whoever she is. Rin thought as he couldn't seem to look away from the girls face.

Rin? Hey Rin! Kuro yelled snapping the boy out of his day dream. "Hu-huh what." Rin said looking down. Finally, I've been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes. Kuro meowed irritably, "Oh sorry I didn't even notice." Rin said scratching the back of his head. Ugh anyway this girl's weird she doesn't smell like a human but she's not a demon either, I can't sense any kind of demonic presence coming from her. Kuro said, "Huh now that you mention it I don't sense anything from her too and I don't remember learning about any kind of demon that falls from the freakin' sky in a blue light, well anyway we can't just leave her here like this." Rin said picking up the girl into his arms and carried her bridal style. Where are we taking her? Kuro asked as they climbed out of the crater. "Back to the dorm, maybe Yukio might know what this girl is and how to deal with her." Rin said, as he carried her he couldn't help but glance down at the girls peaceful face every once in a while.

When the girl finally opened her eyes she found herself in a bed. As she sat up slowly she looked around her surrounding and saw that she was in an average sized room with another bed on the other side of the room with two desks next to two windows at the front of the room. Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps and a boy with dark messy blur hair looked at her and started to walk towards her. "Oh you're finally awake that's a relief I was starting to think you'd never" Rin was interrupted however when the pale skinned girl raised her right hand and suddenly there was a brilliant blue flash which blinded him and when he could see again he was shocked to find a massive cannon attached to the girl's arm pointing at him with a blue flame bursting from her left eye. She prepared to fire at the strange boy as he backed up against the wall. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Hey don't shoot I'm not you're enemy, I'm the one who found you unconscious in that crater and brought you back up here cuz I was worried about ya!" Rin explained waving his arms around frantically.

The girl raised one eyebrow at the panicking boy. If his intentions were hostile he could've easily killed me while I was asleep plus wherever I am he seems to be a local, I should keep him alive for now he might be useful later. She thought before the cannon seemed to dissolve into bright blue particles and the flame in her eye disappeared. "Whew! Thank God for a second there I thought I was gonna die." Rin said sinking down to the floor before looking at the strange girl. "So you got a name?" Rin asked but the girl remained silent and just stared at him blankly. "Okay well my name's Rin Okumura." Rin said standing up. "My name's R-IN OKU-MU-RA CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME." Rin said rather loudly while the girl gave a slight nod in response. "Hey now that you're awake you've got really cool eyes!" Rin exclaimed earning another raised eyebrow from the girl sitting in his bed. "I've never seen eyes with that circular pattern in them before they're really neat." Rin said moving a little closer to the girl. What an odd human boy maybe idiotic is a better way to describe him. The girl thought.

The dorm door suddenly opened and the girl's eyes immediately snapped to the source of the new sound. Through the door came Yukio Okumura Rin's younger twin brother and behind him was Mephisto Pheles director of True Cross Academy and head of the Japan branch of the Knights of the True Cross. "I got your message Nii-san just what have you done now?" Yukio asked, "HEY! Why'd you think I've done something wrong?" Rin asked, Yukio then seemed to magically pull a file at least eight inches thick out from his coat pocket, "This is a record of all the times you've found yourself in a troublesome situation through your foolish actions do you want me to read them in alphabetical or chronological order?" Yukio asked straightening his glasses "DON'T SCREW WITH ME FOUR-EYED MOLE FACE!" Rin yelled. Are all humans this stupid? The girl thought as she watched the two brothers fight. "Now, now you two this is no way gentlemen such as ourselves should be acting in front of a young lady." Mephisto said causing the brothers to stop their bickering but it wasn't enough to stop their glaring.

"My humblest apologies Madame these two brothers are somewhat lacking in social grace and they do not know how to act when a lady is present." Mephisto said bowing while the brothers proceeded to direct their glares at Mephisto while the girl just maintained her blank emotionless expression. "Although I suppose their social ignorance isn't entirely their fault after all I don't there's a single person in this world who can teach someone how to treat an Otherself." Mephisto's statement suddenly caused the girl to glare rather angrily at the extravagantly dressed man. The tension in the room was almost suffocating and the awkward silence didn't help. As Mephisto and the girl continued to stare each other down all Rin and Yukio could do was exchange confused glances and remain silent not knowing what to say.

Finally the silence was broken unexpectedly when the mysterious girl was first to speak, "If you know what I am then you know full well that I won't be easily detained." The girl said quietly but it was obvious how much venom her quiet threat contained and it managed to make both brothers gulp in fear each for different reasons. Wow she's really scary when she's pissed. Rin thought while Yukio thought Is this girl out of her mind talking to Sir Pheles like that. "Detain? I think you have the wrong idea. To lock a pretty little bird like you in a cage? Now that would truly be a sin. However I'll just go ahead and assume that you are unfamiliar with this world and so I would like to offer you our aid, I mean think about it you have everything to gain by learning as much as you can about this world and as you previously said if you truly want to leave there isn't much that they can do to stop you, so what do you say?" Mephisto asked.

This one isn't a human but he isn't an Otherself and he's no fool either, I don't think I have a good chance of killing him not knowing what he is so while I'm here I might as well play his little game and I once I've learnt enough about him his species I'll decide whether to go against him or not. The girl thought before giving a nod. "Fantastic! I'm thrilled to know that you'll be staying here for a while now about you're living arrangements, Okumura brothers!" Mephisto yelled, "Yes!" The two boys answered. "I'm leaving this girl in your care for the time being but seeing as how Okumura-Senei will be busy most of the time she'll mostly be your responsibility." Mephisto said pointing at Rin. "EHH? Why do I have to look after her? I mean where the hell is she gonna sleep? And what was all that crap you guys were just talking about?" Rin asked. "One, because you'll have the most free time needed to look after her. Two, she'll be staying next door in the room right beside yours and three that information is on a need to know basis and right now the only thing you need to know is that you need to look after this girl, are we clear?" Mephisto asked while Rin only grunted in response.

"Good now Okumura-Sensei I'll need you to come with me and I'll brief you on all you need to know." Mephisto said as Yukio nodded, he then turned back to the girl who had returned to her blank expression. "I'll send someone with a change of clothes later and Okumura here will help you move into your room, now have fun kids." Mephisto said bfore he and Yukio left the room leaving the two blue eyed teens alone. "Damn clown, so I'm just gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up if you need anything just call for me." Rin said smiling as he turned to leave. "Black Rock Shooter." He heard her say before turning around to face her. "What was that?" he asked, "My name you asked what it was remember?" she responded. "Black Rock Shooter huh? That's a real mouthful so I'll just call you Rock from now on kay'." Rin said as Rock gave him yet another confused eyebrow look. "That's fine with me." She said quietly. "Cool, it's nice to meet ya' Rock." Rin said with a wide grin before leaving to go the bathroom. Rock watched him leave before laying back down in her bed.

What a strange boy.

So what you guys think it's just like Rock to not take crap from anyone right? So how did Rock get to Assiah? How will she adjust to her new life? And what will Rin's reaction be when he finds out what she is? Keep reading to find out please leave as many reviews as possible the really matter a lot to me see you guys soon. Oh and by the way I'll be working on this story a little more than Flames of the Soul so it might be a few days before that story is updated and just so you guys know when Mephisto said "they" he was referring to humans being un able to stop an Otherself.