Normal POV.
Bam! The guild doors flew open as they were kicked in..
"Hey guys! I'm back!" Natsu shouted over all the ruckus and chaos of the guild hall.
Lucy slowly took a peak from behind Natsu to get a look at what was going on, but had to quickly duck back behind him to dodge a flying mug of ale.
"Come on Luce, let's go!" Natsu said grabbing her hand and running into the guild. Along the way to the bar they had to dodge quite a few flying objects... and people... And managed to get there unharmed, well Natsu at least. Poor Lucy was just holding on for dear life as she was pulled through an entire mass of chaos. And her 'battle scars' were stained shorts from spilled beer and a raw wrist from where Natsu was holding her.
"Mira! Where are you?! I'm starving!" Nates yelled as he and Lucy sat down. "Hey Lucy! How are you feeling? I heard you and Natsu went out for training together." Mira said the last part suggestively.
Suddenly Natsu doubled over and onto the floor. Lucy and Mira looked down at him with concern, but Lucy knew immediately what had happened as she saw he was holding his sprained ankle.
"You idiot! You just ran across the guild pulling me with you knowing you had an injured ankle!" Lucy scolded as she got up to help him off the floor.
" Mira, can you get him an ice pack until I find Wendy?" Lucy asked as she made sure Natsu was balanced on his stool." Yeah! Wendy should be down in the library studying new healing spells.
"OK thanks! I'll be right back with Wendy, Natsu!" Lucy shouted as she dashed off towards the stairway to the library.
Natsu POV
Okay maybe this idea was kind of stupid. Owwww.
"Hey Mira. I have a few questions to ask you. And I need quick answers before Lucy gets back." Said sitting up from the bar counter.
"Don't tell me you hurt yourself to get Lucy to leave." Mira said accusingly. "Maybe. I don't want to ask these questions with her around. Its kind of new to me and I'm kind of embarrassed." I said looking away. I could already feel the heat rising in my cheeks.' Man I hope no one else is listening in on this.'
"Ooh. I get it. You want to ask me questions pertaining Lucy." Mira said with realization.
"Well, yes and no. It's kind of hard to talk about... Have you ever felt different about someone? Like, you only treat that person differently. You only think about them and the things they do differently than you would other people." I said trying to word my question as simply as possible.
"Is it a bad different?" Mira asked.
"No. I think it's a good different," I took a breath and hoped no one else was listening," its just that-... Can we go somewhere where we can talk in private. Everybody's listening." I said annoyed.
"Sure. Come on in the back. I'll get you something to eat too." Mira said waving me towards the back of the kitchen.
Once we were there Mira grabbed a few ingredients and went to work cooking at the nearest stove. Me being me I sat next to her and watched her cook.
"OK, well we are now alone with no prying ears. What were you about to say." Mira said with a smile.
I took another breath and tried to relax a little." What I was going to say is that ever since I met Lucy there has been something different. Different from all of the other girls here. When I first saw her I didn't think anything of it. I figured it was just because I wasn't used to her being around. But when I brought her here something changed. Like something in my head just clicked. I felt like needed to start being there for her all the time. I don't want to see her hurt. Is it normal to feel protectively over a person you just met two weeks ago?" I was relieved that Mira didn't try to interrupt. I don't think I would have been able to tell her all of this otherwise.
"I don't know. The way this sounds to me, you need to let your instincts guide you through this. It will all turn out in the end, but just to make sure my inference is correct, how do you react to seeing her or touching her? How do you feel when you are around her?" Mira asked with a small knowing smile.
"I don't exactly know how to explain it, but when I'm around her I feel really weird inside. Like there are a bunch of flying things in my stomach. When I get to touch her my heart beat picks up a little and my legs get a little weaker like I had just run a mile or so without stopping. And just seeing her can bring at least a small smile to my face." I said not really getting why she asked that question.
"Perfect! I was right on the mark. You should listen to what I said earlier Natsu. In these kinds of things the outcome is unpredictable. Just follow your heart, and it will all make more sense." Mira handed me a plate of hot food. Suddenly I felt like my stomach had been empty since last week and dug in.
"Natsu! Mira! Where are you guys? I got Wendy! She said that she would take a look at your ankle Natsu." I heard Lucy yell from outside the kitchen from the bar.
"Coming Lucy! Just fixed Natsu something to eat!" Mira called back to her winking at me.
"Come on Natsu. Let's get that ankle fixed so you can go on a job with Lucy today." Mira said walking towards the bar counter.
Lucy POV (in the library)
I ran down the stairs to the library, but when I got there I didn't see Wendy anywhere. I saw a lot of interesting spell books though.
I started looking over the books while I tried to find Wendy. There were some books based on telepathy and how to use it, some based on flame magic, and a lot of others of the sort.
"I'll have to see if they have any based on celestial spirit magic." I continued to the back of the library where I saw the shelf titled 'Healing' and looked around to see if Wendy was nearby.
After seeing nothing I sat down at a table and looked at the books that were already out and open. After reading a page out of them I knew that Wendy must have gotten them out. They were filled with ways to cure certain types of illnesses and injuries.
I looked up again and looked around with a sigh.' Maybe if I wait here she will come back.' I thought as I stretched.
Suddenly a little space between two of the shelves caught my attention. It was just big enough for someone to fit through.
I got up and walked over to investigate. I saw a lot of other books on the other side. The books in this little room I found made the opening almost invisible if you weren't really paying attention.
I looked around one more time, and then I slipped through the opening.
"Wow." I was astonished of how many books were in here. There was also a small table in here with a few chairs.
Although it wasn't the amount of books were in here. It was the type of books that were in here.
All the titles were written in a different language." Wait a minute. " I walked over to one of the shelves and wiped the dust off one of the books to get a better look at the lettering.
"Dras abr du skulblaka... City of the dragons. These books are in the ancient language. How did they get so many? Mama told me that she could find very few of these books." I put the book back and made a mental note to come back here.
'I'll have to be careful though. No one knows I use this magic. And they can't know. Not yet, not until I can control it completely.
I peaked my head out through the opening making sure no one was there and when I saw the coast was clear I stepped out.
Not even five seconds later Wendy came skipping around the corner. She was holding another book in her hands humming a little tune.
I dusted myself off, and started walking towards her with a smile." Hey Wendy!" I said and waved.
"Hi Lucy! Sorry I didn't see you there. Are you here to look for a book too?"Wendy asked while she tried to find a certain page in the book she just sat down.
"No. You see, Natsu got a sprained ankle while he and I were training and I was wondering if you could help heal it." I asked shyly.
"Sure! Where is he?" " He should be at the bar eating something with Mira." I said pointing towards the stair way.
"Okay! Let's go!" Wendy grabbed my hand and skipped to the stairs.
When we got the bar Natsu and Mira were no where to be seen.
"Natsu! Mira! Where are you guys? I got Wendy!" I yelled back into the kitchen area hoping they were in there.
After a few seconds I heard Mira yell," Coming Lucy! Just got Natsu something too eat!"
Wendy and I sat down and waited for them to come out.
"Is Natsu's ankle bad?" Wendy asked worry etched in her voice.
"Well, it shouldn't be that bad. He just dragged me through that at full speed." I said pointing a thumb behind me at the guild fight that was still going on.
"Oh. OK. So how does it feel to be a Fairytail mage? I haven't been one that long, but so far its really fun!" Wendy asked me with a bright smile.
"Oh. Well, I'm not a guild member here. Just a friend. I work in the library up town." I said suddenly wanting to go home.
"Why not? Don't you want to be a mage here? I'm sure you'll get better pay here than working at a library." Wendy said with a small laugh and smile.
Just then Natsu came limping out of the kitchen doors.
"Hey Luce! I see you found Wendy." Natsu said jumping over the counter to sit by her.
"Let's see this ankle of yours." Wendy said pulling her attention off of me and to Natsu's ankle.
"It doesn't look that bad. This should be quick and easy." Wendy declared as she began healing Natsu's ankle.
I kept thinking about what Wendy said and I kept getting this nagging feeling that I should go home. It was almost like there was a voice in my head telling me to go.
I stood up and looked back to Natsu and Mira." Thanks for the training Natsu, I'm going to go home now. I need a shower." I began to walk towards the door when I heard Natsu call out to me. I turned around.
"But I thought we were going to go on a mission once my ankle was better?" He said with a big smile.
My heart started to beat a little faster and I could feel my cheeks getting warmer,but suddenly it felt like there was a knife being jabbed into my head.
I held back a scream and managed to say," Maybe next time Natsu," another wave of pain rushed through my head when I said that," actually, isn't it against the rules for someone that isn't part of the guild to take a job?" I winced slightly as the pain subsided a little.
"Then why don't you join? I'm sure the guild would love you, and then we could be partners!" Natsu suggested as his smile got larger.
I grinned at his enthusiasm, but as soon as I went to take him up on that offer the pain came back full force. It was like whatever was causing this didn't want me to join.
I looked around to see if anyone was causing it. My eyes landed on a girl with short white hair that was sitting a few tables away talking to another person. She would occasionally look in my direction and when our eyes met she glared and the pain got worse. ' Lisanna? Why is she doing this?... Wait her eyes. They aren't blue. Something's wrong.'
"No, not right now. I have to much going on." I think the pain I was feeling was finally starting to show on my face because Natsu was looking at me with concern as Wendy and Mira were looking at me with worry.
"Are you OK?" Natsu asked getting up and walking over to me. The pain subsided then came right back. As soon as I knew who was giving me pain, I knew something was wrong. I had to get away from the guild.
As Natsu got closer the pain got worse. It felt like I has swords being plunged into my head again and again. Tears sprang at the corners of my eyes from the pain and I tried to hold them back. It was no use though, a few fell down my cheeks and a look of shock fell over Natsu's face.
He reached out to touch me, but the pain kept getting worse as he got closer. I took a step back and Natsu pulled his hand back. I felt bad for it, so I held me head to give him a clue of what was going on.
He looked confused, but when I looked past him Mira had seen Lisanna's strange eye color and she started to mumble worriedly something under her breath. Wendy looked really worried.
As Mira kept mumbling I glanced at Lisanna and saw that she was struggling to keep her spell up in my head.
Suddenly the pain stopped and when it did I took a breath and sobbed quietly. I glanced at Lisanna again and saw that she was about to do it again, so I turned and ran. All the while I was thinking about how her eyes were a dreadful looking purple. It was as if someone was controlling her.
"Lucy! Wait up! What just happened?" Natsu yelled as he began to run after me.
Natsu POV.
' I'm confused. First she's fine, then she wants to leave in a hurry. Then she starts to cry when I try to touch her?
What the hell?! Was she scared or something? No she started to hold her head like it hurt.'
I looked back to see Mira walking into the chaos of the guild with a concerned look on her face. I decided to go after Lucy before she gets so far a head I can't find her.
"Lucy! Wait! What happened?!" I began running as fast as I could to catch up to her.
I finally found her turning down strawberry street." Lucy! Wait up!" I yelled and picked up my speed.
When I turned down her street she disappeared into her apartment. I followed her, but instead of using her door I went to her window.
I took a look at my surroundings to see if there was anything to help me get in with. I heard her walk into her bedroom and sit on her bed. She kept crying, but very softly.
I don't know what she's crying about but I do know that I don't like it. 'When I get my hands on the person that made her cry there will be hell to pay.
I took a few steps back and then got a running start. I jumped up to her window and opened her window to get in. Luckily she didn't have it locked.
I carefully jumped over her bed and landed gently on the floor next to her bed.
"Lucy?" I called out gently sitting on the edge of her bed.
She flinched as I put a hand on her shoulder. I don't know why I felt like I had just been hit by a magic cart when she did.
"Lucy what happened back there? You were fine one minute, and the next you wouldn't let me near you while you stared at me crying. Please tell me what's wrong." I gently scooted closer to her as she began to turn around slowly.
Her eyes were red from crying and her breathing was uneven as she tried to calm down.
After a few seconds of just staring at each other she finally said something.
"Do you know Lisanna Strause?" The question threw me off, but I answered honestly.
"Yeah. She and I were the best of friends when we were little. We're still friends now just not as close. Why?"
She paused again and looked uncertain. "Lucy?" I asked gently getting her attention." If I tell you what happened. Can I trust you to believe me?" I was shocked. Sure we may not have known each other long, but I thought it was clear that she could trust me with anything.
"Of course! Why would you think otherwise?" I reassured her with a grin.
"Because it's about Lisanna, and what she did.." Lucy said looking down." What did she do?" I got this feeling that I knew what happened.
"She.. She was the one that made me leave the guild today. Something's wrong though. She isn't the kind of girl to do something like that. You see, I knew her when I was little. Its not an important story, but... I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me. " Lucy said turning over on to I her back and looking up at the ceiling.
I was shocked. Lisanna didn't act different when I was there. Is something going on that no one has told me about? And Lisanna hurting her? I've never known her to hurt anyone other than the enemy. Part of me wants to walk out and pretend this never happened, but the other part of me keeps telling me to believe Lucy, I mean, she did say something was wrong with Lisanna.
I heaved a huge sigh and laid down next to her, and she looked at me with surprise.
"I guess you would be right. I mean. I've never actually seen Lisanna hurt someone on purpose before, unless she is on a mission and she has to, but never actually witness her do something like that before. Something like this has happened before, but I didn't know what to think of it so I never paid any attention to the problem." I confessed staring at her bedroom ceiling.
"How do you know so many people in the guild anyway?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"Well, I know Levy because when I was little I would always run away from home after Mama died. I met her on a train and we traveled to Magnolia together. She was with her friends Jet and Droy of course, and she kept going on and on about books and the guild. She was going to join the day we met. I promised to try and see her twice a month. And twice a month, I would sneak out with enough jewels to buy two train tickets. One to get there and one to get me home. That is, if the guards didn't find me first." Lucy added with a giggle.
"You were quite rebeliouse as a child weren't you?" I asked looking at her smiling face amused.
"I guess so. I know Mira because one day I ran away and instead of taking my usual route to Levy's house I took a path through the woods. That way the guards wouldn't catch me. I wanted to stay a few days. Although, along the way it started to rain so I started running. I guess I took a wrong turn and ended up at the Straus's house. '
"I knocked on the door expecting Levy, but instead there stood an intimidating teenager dressed in black. I got scared and ran up the path a little more getting all muddy. I took cover in the roots of a tree that had fallen over. It was terrifying. The thunder and lightening were keeping my adrenalin high I guess because I didn't feel tired in the slightest bit. I saw a light in the distance. Farther down the path. I was about to go to it when the same scary teenager found me and took me back to her house."
"I realized then that she wasn't all that bad, and I guess I fell asleep because I don't remember how we got into her house's bathroom. She was filling the tub with water and bubbles. She looked at me and smiled the sweetest smile and asked my name. I told her but left out my last name, and she told me hers. I got to take a nice hot bath and she brought me new clothes to where. She looked after me that night. That's when I met Elfman and Lisanna. I learned that I was borrowing a pair of Lisanna's clothes that she refused to ever where again.'
" Elfman kept telling me how I shouldn't be running around in the woods at night. I tried to talk with Lisanna but she didn't really look like she wanted to talk. She just sat in the corner and stared at me as her family welcomed me with open arms. It was like she wanted to say hi but she must have been too shy... I really enjoyed that whole night until the guards found out where I was. They came and busted down their door and grabbed me. Elfman got hurt when he tried to get me back, and when I tried to help him Lisanna tried to pull me away, but got hit too. I begged the guards not to hurt them the whole time. I knew then that no one need me around causing trouble and pain the way I did that night." Lucy finished her story with a sigh and a smile.
"You know what? If you had kept going. You would have ended up on my doorstep. That light you said you saw was me lighting the lantern I would always hang next to my door. The next day I heard Mira talking to Master about a little blonde headed girl that got taken away by these strange guards injuring Elfman in the process. And when I went to Lisanna about it she wouldn't talk. I was too young to be how I am now. Rushing to save the day without thinking. She told me to leave her alone for awhile so I did. She was my best friend so I didn't pry." I said looking at her smiling.
"I wonder what would have happened if I had gotten to your house. What would have happened if the guards broke your door down?" Lucy asked turning her head to look at me with playful curiosity.
"Well, I would have let you in, gave you a new pair of clothes and when the guards came you wouldn't have had to go with them without a fight. I would have held my own to keep you." I said without really having to think about it.
I looked back to her and we just layed there staring at each other without saying a word. She held my gaze as she searched my eyes for something. What she's looking for I'm not sure, but what I do know is that I couldn't look away.
Her chocolate brown eyes stayed locked on mine until she slowly started to fall asleep. Once she was out I carefully got up and covered her up with a blanket.
I looked out the window and saw that it was actually pretty late. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 10:00 p.m.
I was about to jump out the window to go home after making sure her door was locked and the lights were off when I felt something grab the back of my shirt.
I looked back to see a sleeping Lucy grabbing my shirt and the only thing I heard come out of her perfectly shaped lips was," Don't leave me.. Please."
I slowly made my way back into her room and kicked off my sandals. I then stripped off my vest,but I left my pants on.
I gently slid under the covers next to Lucy and as if I were a magnet she slid to my side and snaked an arm around my torso continuing to snuggle closer. I smiled as I realized she just wanted warmth, but my smile faltered as she started to shake and mumble.
She was having a bad dream. I focused in on what she was saying and managed to hear," No.. You... Can't leave me... I don't want you to... Natsu... Please.. Don't leave... Me"
"I won't ever leave you Lucy. Not now, not ever." I said as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer. "Goodnight Lucy."
OOh. MY. GOD.. Does anyone else think that this is the best chapter I have posted so far? Because I am quite proud of myself. Well stay tuned for the next chapter! Please review your opinion. Fav and follow if you wish. Kbye!