A/N: HERMIE DOESN'T LIKE TO MAKE TOYS... And that's as far as my Christmas spirit goes. Anyways I'm still amazed at the amount of responses I've received from this story. Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed, followed and favourited. Don't stop just yet because we still have a few more chapters to go. Also I'd like to address the offers I received for betas. I would love a beta, but I barely have the courage to actually post this let alone letting someone Edit before posting. I appreciate the offers though. Also my wifi works now :D

So on with the story! I don't own squat.

Outside the Hub was filled with members from each factions, and even some curious faction-less members.

If you were below 16, pregnant or elderly you were excused from the events.

All of the factions grouped themselves together with their faction council members standing in front.

The faction less lingered in the back.

Marcus Eaton stood in the center with the representative leader from each faction creates a circle around him. They all hold a gun at their hip.

Executions are probably the most horrifying scene I'd ever have to witness in my life - because I've just recently turned 16 and went through choosing ceremony this would be my first one.

Hopefully the last.

It's a simple process really, but the set up varies depending if you're in a faction or not.

If you were in a faction, and execution was your fate, you'd be in the same set up like this but instead of all the faction representative leaders in the circle holding you at gun point it would be your faction's council members.

If you were faction less you'd find yourself in this set up right now.

Only one gun is loaded, they're given out at random and they all shoot at the same time.

Afterwards the body Is taken care of, the way the factions bury bodies varies within each faction.

Dauntless and erudite cremate to keep the remains of their fallen faction members.

Abnegation have the standard funeral burying them into the ground.

Amity cuts the body open and fills it with rocks before sewing it back up and dropping it into the river.

Candor has an underground crypt where they keep the bodies.

Faction less bodies are usually left where ever they died, and are usually disposed of.

However if you were executed you're set aflame right after you've been shot, without caring if you're alive or not.

"Marcus Eaton has committed crimes that we can no longer turn a blind eye too." Max speaks loudly to be heard over the crowd. "Since he was punished for his crimes before, faction less isn't an option. There are others beyond the fence that will be in danger if he is banished. We are left with no other option. Marcus Eaton, close friends and family will have a chance to say parting words."


Like Tobias said when we were deciding Skyler's fate - funerals aren't for the dead, they're to gain closure ; to say goodbye.

"Who's first?"

Tobias walks up into the circle and stands beside me, a mic is pressed into his palm. I take his free hand squeezing gently.

"Dad I have forgiven you for your actions awhile ago, with a little help." He says grinning down at me. I give him a smile. "It wasn't for you, it was for me. I needed to forgive you to finally be at peace with myself. To be free of the memories that crippled my mind. I choose dauntless because it was the only faction where you learn to fight. Of course we don't go around fighting or shooting each other but It was nice to know. To know I would be able to fight back if you ever tried to find me. Rest in peace Marcus."

He then hands the mic off to Max, gives me a chaste peck before disappearing into the crowd to join the rest of our friends.

"Thank you, four." Max says nodding his head in his general direction since he was lost to the crowd. "Evelyn."

Tobias's mother takes the mic from Max's out stretched hand. Her gun still sitting at her hip. I have a feeling that hers is loaded. She takes a deep breath before starting.

"Marcus and my relationship didn't start from love like the usual abnegation homes. It started during my initiation. We had an inappropriate affair that ended up with me pregnant. Our punishment was to take responsibilities for our actions. We would have to marry. I don't ever regret the relationship I had with Marcus because he gifted me my son." She smiled fondly into the dauntless crowd searching for him but he was to far back so she gave up. "My only regret is leaving him to suffer through your rage. To lead him to believe I was dead all of those years. Anyways rest in peace Marcus."

She passed the mic back to max, who handed it off to my father.

"I always believed everyone deserves forgiveness, no matter what they've done. I've always managed to see the good in others"

So that's where I got that from. Huh.

"But not this time. I want to forgive you for going against our ways of living. I want to forgive you for abusing your wife and kid. I want to forgive you for trying to hurt my daughter. I want to forgive you because I know you're a good person who made poor choices. But I can't. I can't see you as a good person. I only see a monster. I'm only giving you my forgiveness today so I can move forward. This might be a selfish act but I don't care. Rest in peace Marcus."

"Anyone else?"


"Alright. Marcus say your last words." Max says holding the mic to Marcus's lips.

"I'd just like to apologize one last time to my Evelyn and Tobias. I'm sorry for my actions and the monster I've become. I'm also sorry to Beatrice Prior. I also want to thank you for bringing my son the happiness he deserves. Goodbye."

Max nods, he hands the mic over to an amity member and they've all raised their guns. "On the count of 3"

"1" everyone sucked in a breath.

"2" they aimed and their fingers curled around the trigger.

"3" a gun shot rang through the air aimed for Marcus's chest. His knees buckled and he slumped to the floor at an unnatural angle that would have caused discomfort if he were still breathing.

Evelyn sunk to the ground, sobs wracked her body as she realized it was her bullet who killed him.

Tobias comes out of the crowd and scoops his mother up into his arms and walks towards abnegation. She kept mumbling the word "murderer" on her way.

Max throws a white sheet over the body, before dousing it in oil. Someone threw a math onto it and it went up in flames.

The crowds started to gradually disappear only leaving the leaders and two fence guards behind to watch the fire.


"You got the stuff?" Eric asks Caleb who only nods.

"Stuff?" I ask questioningly.

"Weak memory serum. It allows her to keep the memories prior up to this date but she'll not remember she killed the man she once called her husband." Caleb explained while taking out two shiny black cases from his pocket and hands them to me.

I open them both to see two syringes. One clear and the other blue.

"What will she remember? And why do I have to do it?"

Eric shrugs. "She is your mother in law after all so it makes sense."

I scowl.

"Plus you know your way around abnegation." Caleb adds.

"So do you." I retort

Eric rolls his eyes. "The faster you get there and give her the shots, the faster you can make it back to dauntless,and get ready for this stupid ball. Christina is having a cow because you're still here."

"I'm not even qualified to administer shots. What if I kill her?!" I ask throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"Then I guess abnegation will have themselves a funeral, and four will hate you for killing his mother." Eric say chuckling as if someone dying means next to nothing to him.

I reached out and slapped him upside the head, I was about to rip him another ass hole but Caleb sensing my rage cut me off.

"You won't kill her." He said rolling his eyes. "One is a sedative to calm her down - which won't harm her. The memory serum - the worst that could happen is she can't recall any of the events that happened in her life since birth. That won't happen though because I gave her the right dosage and this one is weak. If you're still eerie about it let your boyfriend do it."

After sending one last glare to Eric for good measure I turn on my heel and head to the bus that's still loading people and found a seat. It would have been the abnegation thing to do to give my seat to another or to walk there but fuck that. I'm dauntless now and for once I'm going to be selfish.

At least that was until an elderly amity women stepped onto the bus before it took off. Although the factions weren't that far apart from each other I doubt she'll last standing up. So I offered her my seat, which she took after thanking me profusely.

What can I say? Old habits die hard.


I waltzed into the abnegation home like I owned the place, I didn't bother glancing around to take it in. All of the houses were the same and nothing personal was ever on display.

I found Tobias upstairs with his mother on a cot. She was leaning against him crying into his shoulder.

I didn't want to ruin their mother/son moment but if we got back any later I bet everything I owned Christina would push me into the chasm or never speak to me again.

I'll admit the first option would be quite dramatic even for her.

"Here" I say handing him the small boxes. He gives it a questioning look before opening them. He raises an eyebrow at me as if to ask what to do with it. I roll my eyes.

"Since you give the fear landscape tests all the time I figured it would be easier for you to administer the test and not me."

"What exactly am I giving her?" He asks in a skeptical tone.

I shrug. "Sedative. I recommend you give her that one first. Then you give her the other one which is a memory serum. It takes away the memory of what happened today, but she'll still know he's dead."

"How does that work?"

I shrug. "They didn't explain it much."

He nods taking out one of the syringes, before poking it into his mothers arm. Her body goes limp instantly already feeling the effect of the drug. He then gives her the other one before lying her back on the bed, tucking her in and then kissed her forehead.

Tobias grabs my hand as we walk together to the tracks. "Do you think someone will be able to explain it?"

I shrug. "Any erudite member or ex member will know I presume. So ask Caleb or Eric about it."

He nods thoughtfully, then sends me a suggestive smirk. "Did you get a dress?"

I grimace but nod. "Unfortunately."

He chuckles. "Don't worry baby you won't keep it on long." He winks before we get ready to launch ourselves onto the train.


"Damn you, Christina." I grumbled as I stumbled in my heels for the third time tonight.

"You called me?" She asks coming up behind me with a drink in her hand.

"No." I say smiling sweetly. "Just cursing the day you were born."

She narrows her eyes at me. "Shut up Tris. You look hot!"

I roll my eyes. She some how got me into a purple wrap dress and black heels.

Christina went with that "v" dress. It didn't look as provocative as we originally thought it would but I still wouldn't be caught dead in it.

Obviously Will loved the dress because he couldn't keep his hands off her the whole night. I'm assuming the rest of the male population of dauntless enjoyed it as well because they followed her around like a bunch of dogs.

"This is stupid." Lynn complained as she came to stand beside us. She wore a short black dress with flats. "And uriah better not ask us to help clean up."

I glance around the room properly taking it all in. Instead of using the pit, they ball was held in the dining hall. All the tables were on one side of the room to make room for dancing. The room was filled with black and red balloons littering the floor and ceiling, streamers and banners hung across. It looked more like a child's birthday party than anything elegantly formal.

"Why did I have to wear a dress to come to this?" I whined.

"Uriah obviously doesn't know how to decorate." Shauna agreed. "Remind me to not let him decorate

For Christmas."

The rest of the night continued on like that. Us bashing Uriah for his decorative choices, stuffing our faces in food and consuming our weight in alcohol, people practically dry humping on the dance floor ignoring the fact it's supposed to be formal.

Until Tobias sensing my mood finally took pity on me and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there to his apartment.

Lets just say that the rest of the onight between us was so much better than that stupid ball.

A/N: lol that didn't go as planned but whatever. Hey remember when I said like two updates ago that I'd be done by late October or early November? Yet here we are. Sorry guys. Anyways review, follow, fave.

QOTU: favourite non - cannoning pairing?

Me: Carlisle/Bella, Aria/Jason and would Damon/ Bonnie be considered non-cannon? I don't think there's not one couple on that show that didn't hook up yet.