Hybrid Origins

Chapter 1 Paranormal Club

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not on Danny Phantom. This is just a story for fun.

It was a regular day at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In one room there was a sign tapped to a classroom door that read "Paranormal Club". Inside the room there were chalkboard with various pictures of mythological creatures on them such Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, aliens, and even a few ghost. The club consisted of two members. They were Jack Fenton and Vlad Masters. Jack was a bulky young man with black mullet wearing an orange T-shirt and jeans. Vlad was a young gaunt man black spiky hair with a grey streak in between the middle, he wore a green shirt and orange pants.

"So Jack what the next paranormal creature you want the club to investigate?" Asked Vlad.

"Were going to look into the afterlife Vlad. I'm talking about ghost! I have the perfect place to start investigating." Said Jack as he pulled out a picture of an old abandon house. "Were going investigate the old Johnson residence. There have been reports of odd moaning coming from the house. I have a gut feeling that will find something that will prove the existence of ghost."

Vlad took the picture and studied it.

"Interesting. Hopefully this won't end up like that Big Foot incident." Said Vlad.

"Don't remind me." Said Jack with shudder.

Several months ago the duo had heard some reports of a Big Foot sighting in some nearby woods. Jack and Vlad had traveled to the woods and set up a net trap hoping to capture Big Foot and prove it's existence. The trap succeeded, but the creature they thought was Big Foot turned out to be a very large hairy hillbilly without a shirt and really bad bunions on his feet. Jack and Vlad quickly got the net off the hillbilly and apologized, but the hillbilly was furious and called the rest of his family to chase Jack and Vlad out of the woods. It had taken Jack and Vlad over an hour to lose the hillbillies.

"Well hopefully nothing to crazy will happen." Said Vlad.

At that moment two jocks named Arnold and Stan came into the room to do their daily routine of making fun of the Paranormal Club. Arnold had short blond hair. Stan had short black hair.

"Oh look at the loser club! Still looking for fairies?" Said Arnold.

"Actual were looking for ghost." Said Jack as he crossed his arms and glared at Arnold.

"Oh how spooky!" Laughed Stan.

"Just laugh it up you two." Said Vlad with a glare.

The two jocks continued to laugh as they walked out of the room and closed the door. Jack and Vlad turned back to the blackboard. A few minutes latter the door opened again.

"Back for seconds?" Asked Jack thinking that the jocks had returned for another round.

He and Vlad turned around and were met by an odd sight. A girl with fuzzy brown reddish hair wearing a black shirt and sweat jeans stood before them. Jack and Vlad were amazed at her beauty, they felt their hearts beat loudly in their chest as they starred at the newcomer. The girl smiled and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Madeline. you can just call me Maddie for short. I saw an advertisement for your club on the bulletin board and I want to join you." Said Maddie.

Both Jack and Vlad were dumbstruck by this. Vlad was the first to find his voice.

"You...want to join our club? But...why?" Asked Vlad.

"Well I've always enjoyed science and researching the unknown. I'm just curious like that. You club sounded like my kind of thing, so I wanted to join. If that's ok with you guys." Said Maddie.

Jack found his voice.

"Of course will let you join! The names Jack Fenton." Said Jack as he shook Maddie's hand.

"I'm Vlad Masters." Said Vlad as he shook Maddie's hand.

"Nice to meet you both." Said Maddie as she studied all the pictures on the blackboard, her eyes landed on the picture of the Johnson residence.

"So your investigating an old house, what for?" Said Maddie.

"Were looking for ghost." Said Jack.

"Cool. I know where this place is I'll meet you both there around seven tonight. I have to go to my gymnastics class now, catch you two latter." Said Maddie as she waved goodbye and left the room.

"Catch you latter." Said Jack as he smiled and waved goodbye.

"See you tonight." Said Vlad with a smile as he waved goodbye.

Both friends just stood there with smiles on their faces. The only thing on their minds was Maddie.

"I think our luck is looking up." Said Jack.

"I believe your right." Said Vlad.

To be continued.