A Head's Up

Hey guys!

So, I went back to reread my Godzilla 2014 retelling and I came to a few conclusions:

1) I was much too cautious with it.

The reason for this was because I was going off of memory from watching it only two or three times, and though I have a good memory for things I really enjoy there were numerous details which I either omitted by accident or on purpose which I should have included for various other reasons.

2) It was tame in my treatment of Godzilla and the way humans viewed and responded to him.

Retelling the 2014 story was no excuse for being so tame and laid back. Human reaction to something like Godzilla and the MUTO's would be much, much more aggressive and proactive on the part of the military. Also, Godzilla and the MUTO's reaction to the humans and what they do would be different as well. I erred on the side of caution a bit too much, as stated in the previous detail, and I stayed a bit too close to the original movie which at times was not a wise decision on my part.

So to remedy this situation I will be re-making the retelling, but thanks to a very special source I have everything I need to include everything which I couldn't before including sections of dialogue, the ability to further set up and explain in more depth and detail the environments and atmospheres of numerous sequences throughout the story, and explain much more accurately emotions that were in play and how they related each character to one other and their effect on others around them.

For those who see this for the first time, since this is a retelling and not a duplicate of the original 2014 movie you will notice right away the differences between my retelling and the movie. Certain characters will live and die differently than in the movie, the monsters will act very differently, and overall the pacing of my retelling will be different as well. The story itself is largely unchanged, but each sequence will be longer and more action packed since as I writer I'm not limited by video time constraints.

As a final piece of happy information, there will be absolutely no doubt as to Godzilla being an anti-hero as opposed to an otherwise indifferent hero that was depicted in the movie.

So I hope you guys look forward to it and enjoy! I know some will wonder why I'm doing it, but trust me, from the moment I put up the first chapter, I can assure you that any doubts you have about another retelling will be put to rest as you'll notice an immediate difference in writing style and overall atmosphere.

I should have the first chapter up sometime tomorrow afternoon, so sit tight and I wish you guys all the best as I get ready to tell the 2014 story for the final time as I believe it should have been presented were movie time constraints not an issue. It will be longer, more emotional, more action packed, and more brutal on both humanity and the monsters than my original retelling, so I hope you guys enjoy!

I know I will!