A/N: Guess who alive once again, so like my last authors note, I promised that I was not going to abandon this story. Thank you for sticking with me this far, also you may have noticed that I changed by username from Corticarte la granges to Vixen Nuit, this is because my username was the name of my favorite character from an anime I loved. Now a few years later I'm my own person and I don't need to hide behind that character anymore. I will be drawing Brianna and the Batfamily and I will be posting it to my tumblr and Deviantart. My tumblr is Vixen Nuit and my deviantart is Vixen-of-the-night. I also draw stuff from anime, cartoons, games and comic books. You can even send me request to draw you something. Remember I own nothing but the plot.

Gotham: Wayne Manor: 4:00pm

"This is nuts!" Screamed Wally. Stepping out of the black limo parked in front of the grandiose manor. His eyes darting back and forth, trying to take in as much as he could. "You think they have those fancy toilets that shoot up the-" a soft brown hand quickly cut through the air covering Wally's mouth.

"I think we get the idea Wally" Kaldur sighed. He too began to admire the Wayne Manor as it held a certain charm and elegance that reminded him of Atlantis. Artemis and M'gann had finished climbing out stepping out of the stretched limo.

Coming up behind Wally Artemis reached her hand up high, she quickly brought it back down onto the back of Wally's head. *Smack* "Do you have to be so such a novice?" Shoving Wally to begin walking. "And are we going to go in, or just stare at a building all day?" She questioned sarcastically.

Following, after Artemis the group quickly began heading for the front door. Kaldur taking the initiative, stepping forward to ring the door bell, before quickly stepping back. Everyone began to self-consciously straighten their clothing. Each of them shuffling their gifts for Conner in their hands.

Kaldur dressed in a light, dark red track suit, doing his best to cover his gills without the use of a turtleneck. Any clothing heavier in June's sweltering heat would have him passing out from cooking in his own clothing. Wally went with a simple red T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

M'gann trying out a new outfit she had seen on T.V, she wore a lime green midriff tank top with blue capris and white trainers. (A/N: who's look is M'gann stealing? 😉 ) Artemis chose to wore simple blue jeans with a dark green tank top and matching converse.

They didn't wait long as the large manor doors were soon opened by the famous Alfred Pennyworth. There was a brief moment of silence, as the dark brown eyes of the long time butler scanned over them, judging them. Whatever Alfred had been searching for in each of their eyes, he seemed satisfied with what he found. As his eyes seemed to cold stare seemed to warm and almost smile at them, despite his unchanging face.

" I assume you are here for Master Conner's celebration?" Alfred questioned.

"Oh! Y-yes we are" stuttered M'gann, faltering slightly under his gaze.

Turning his body sideways, Alfred swung his arm gesturing toward the inside of the house. "Well then please follow me to the backyard, the party has just begun to settle in."

Needing no further invitation, the team quickly made their were into the manor, as Alfred shut the door behind them. Walking ahead of the group he led them to the on-going party/barbecue in the garden of the mansion.

Following after Alfred, the group had little time to truly take in the insides of the manor, everything seemed to ooze wealth and sophistication. Passing by expensive paintings and thousand dollar vases, they team wisely kept their arms close to them in fear of even knowing over a table. "S-so this is wear Conners staying now huh" M'gann asked sadly.

Her heart ached a little, ever since Conner had been taken in my Ms. Wayne the mountain seemed emptier than usual. "Yeah! Conner totally hit the adoption jackpot!" Wally exclaimed, an excited bounce in his step. "They've probably got an entire game room or movie theater in here!"

Artemis shook her head. "Is that all you been thinking about?"

"Uh Yeah" He answered truthfully. "What have you been thinking about?" Wally asked, in an obvious tone.

"I've been thinking about how lucky Conner is to get private training with Batwoman, aannnd what the BatCave must look like" Artemis answered confidently.

Nodding his head" I have to agree with Artemis" Kaldur joined in. "The wisdom and experience that Batwoman holds is not doubt vast, and it is a sure stroke of luck to be able to freely have access to such knowledge". Artemis, Wally and M'gann nodded and murmured in agreemant at this realization.

"Well I'm sure Mistress Brianna will have no problem answer your questions. IF you ask nicely" Alfred chiming in, nearly scaring the teens. How could they have forgotten that their guide was there. He soon came to stop in front of large glass door, for how long had they been walking through the house talking? Alfred then gently swung the glass door open, stepping out onto the patio and facing the pool. Letting the teens step onto the sunny patio, the sound of music, splashing and laughter engulfed them.

"We have reached our destination" he nodded slightly "Feel free to place your gifts on the table to your left, the buffet table is to your right" He gestured with his arms, disappearing back into the manor.

The group stood still for a moment, taking in the scene before them. The rich and vibrant pool was being used by the other party goers, they recognized Dick and Jason in the water. The others in the pool was a lovely,dark skinned African women, sporting a bun of box braids and wearing a bright yellow bikini. Her warm browns eyes smiling at the small caramel skinned boy in her hands wearing gray swimming trunks. This was the wife and son of Thor Odinson, Kiki 'Jones' Odinson and Troy Thorson. The Birthday boy himself seemed to playing a form of catch with the only to animals at the party, tossing a tennis ball into the pool for Wolf and Ace to doggy paddle for while escaping the heat.

(A/N: One thing I realize years later is that Janes character ain't nothing but a one dimensional character only there to remind us how hot Thor is so I might as well make a more interesting OC to pair Thor up with. Also I changed the name I originally had for Thor's son because I remembered that Balder is Thor's brothers name. Lemme know what you think in the comments)

Lounging by the pool side was the infamous SHEILD Director Nick Fury showing of a well-toned and trained body underneath all that leather. Beside him practically in his lap was none other the Loki dressed in a dark green bikini her long black hair braided in fish tail. The two seemed to be having a quiet and intimate conversation, whispering in each others ear. Nick's had stroking up and down Loki's back, every now and then slightly hovering over Loki's behind.

At a table nearby was Clint, Natasha and Phil playing what looked like poker but with cookies instead of chips. Clint wore a simple black tank top and purple swim shorts and sandals as a pair of shades nestled in his hair. Natasha dressed in black shorts and red bikini top, with a pair of tan wedges on her feet.

Phil was dressed the most conservative among them, in a pair of loafers, blue jeans and a dark blue flannel shirt.

Not too far away, near the shallow end of the pool near the patio was Steve Rogers and his wife Toni Stark Rogers, playing with their son James. The blond hair and blue-eyed baby splashed around excitingly as Toni swarm around him hair and clinging to her back. She wore firey red bikini as she mad tiny splashes at her son, encouraging him to do the same. Steve seemed content to simply watch his two loved one's play together his feet dipped in the water as he sat on the pool edge dressed in Captain America swimming trunks gifted from Toni.

Taking all of this in Wally was the only one who seemed to be able to speak for the amazed group.


To be continued...

A/N: Annnnd Scene. What did you think so far, let me know by leaving a review. Also if you do want to see my version of Batwoman which I will be doing in the style of Gotham by Gaslight go to my tumblr vixen-nuit it has my same avatar profile pic which I mad myself. If you want to talk I recommend hitting me up via tumblr cause I'm on there often, or by my deviantart vixen-of-the night.