A/N: I do not own anything except the plot of the story. Please review this is my first DC fan fiction let me know what you think.

No one's P.O.V

To say it was a good day at the Watch Tower was an understatement. A historical moment was taking place that would be remembered for generations. The Hero's and Heroine's were all practically party in different locations of the watch tower but weren't neglecting their heroic duties.

Yes to day was the day Batwoman would be going on a long two weeks vacation. To say it was shocking was also an understatement when she had told the original league members of her plan during a board meeting the only word that could describe their reactions was chaos. Flash had fainted out of his seat, Shayera was quick to whip out her mace and threaten Batwoman.

'You must be pretty stupid think we'd believe that crap, now where's the real Bat woman?' she asked.

Hal Jordan had practical screamed bloody murder gripping his hair tightly while slamming his head repeatedly against the meeting table chanting 'we're all gonna die!'

Batwoman and vacation were two words that shouldn't even belong in the same sentence.

Believing it was the end of the world he quickly ran out the room screaming for the entire watch tower to hear it was the end of the world. 'It's over It's all over. Everyone quick to the emergency safety bunkers, Save the food!, Restock the toilet the paper'!

Aqua man followed Hal's example and was quietly kneeling in a corner praying in Alantian to be spared hoping and praying that it really wasn't the end.

Wonder Woman had sat dumb founded in her seat not moving and inch a gun could have been pointed at her head and she would have never noticed.

Superman when hearing the news had ran straight the wall leaving a man shape hole in it, not even using the door rushing to the Monitor room looking for any sign of trouble, natural disaster, missile crisis, Global warming! ANYTHING! Was this it? Had Hell finally frozen over. Dropping to is knees when realizing that nothing was wrong no natural balance scale had been tipped.

The Earth wasn't cracked in two, no alien invasion, what next? Was Luthor going to confess his undying love for him claiming all his previous attacks on his life was just him playing hard to get? He could even still hear Hal screaming and running down the hall as other league members chased the Green Lantern in hopes of calming him down.

Superman would sooner believe that The Joker was currently dressing in drag and doing the hula.


Achhooo! sniffing his noes the Joker quickly gave a look around his lair he could have sworn he herd someone call his name shrugging his shoulders he went back to his game of Candy Crush on his phone.

Watch Tower.

The only one who was even remotely calm was J'onn but even the Martian was questioning Batwoman's state of mind calmly speaking over Shayera's yelling asking if she was OK and that she should go see a doctor or allow him a peak into her mind for safety reasons. The Watch Tower was in chaos.

When every had calmed down mostly Hal who had to put down for a "nap" The Flash was splashed with ice and water from his own nap on the meeting room floor.

Brianna Wayne now had even more doubts about going on vacation if this how the leaders of the Justice League acted by just the thought of her going on vacation. In truth it was her best friend Toni's AKA Ironman idea with the help of Alfred's power of persuasion it was decided that she Dick, Tim, and Jason would be going on what Dick called a Bat clan vacation. Barbra AKA Batgirl was invited but couldn't make the trip.

Brianna was actually dare we say excited about this vacation lord knows she needed it but the question of who was going to defend Gotham city was her main priority. If Batwoman left Gotham city to fend for itself for two weeks there wouldn't be a city to return to.

Another thing that still bothered Brianna was the care take of Conner Kent at Mount Justice. Brianna could admit that she held a small spot of sympathy for him. Raising three boys made her soft on the inside and the fact that Conner had no one to take care and mentor him made her worry.

Lord knows she couldn't ask Clark who was hell bent on keeping as far away from Conner as possible one of these days she was castrate him and force him to man up to what was obviously his responsibility. He didn't need to be his father but he did need to be looking after him, a clone of Clark with half his powers walking around unsupervised with no moral or basic understanding of the world around him spelled trouble.

Brianna was currently standing in front six other league members in the monitor room explaining on how to take care of Gotham and her usual lecture of them to only call her in extreme emergencies if they couldn't handle her being gone for two week and she was called back into the tower they would never live it down from her.

Flash was currently burning a hole in the metal flooring with his continues bouncing in one place he was excited too excited and he wasn't even the one going on vacation. Two whole weeks without the Bats was pure heaven nearly every one in the tower was counting the minutes she was leaving you would think it was new year.

Before Brianna could snap at the Flash to sit still a voice and faced popped onto the monitor

" Bri Bri I knew I'd catch you working, leaving the Tower all ready their all big boys and girls they'll be fine, at least tell me you've finished packing?"She asked

The person talking was none other than Toni Stark AKA Ironman. Of course calling Brianna's cellphone to tell her all this was to easy for a genius like her, no she just had to hack into the Watch tower computer and make her presence know to the other members.

"Toni what did I say about hacking into the Watchtower computer"she gritted out

"... To always... Never do it!"she answered finally remembering what Brianna had told.

Brianna wanted to face palm but doing that would ruin her entire reputation as the Bad Ass and Anti hero of the league.

Looking at her old time friend she couldn't help but smile making sure the others couldn't see with her backed turned to them. She could easily see that her friend was in her lab by the numerous Ironman suits lined up behind her most likely contacting her from her own computer.

Brianna and Toni had been friends for years and knew just how to push each others buttons Toni knew she hated being called Bri Bri and being called that would certainly raise questions among the founding members.

*sigh*"Toni what is actually reasoned you called me"She gritted out.

" I wanted to know what our schedule was for the vacation" She answered giving her a cheeky smile.

" I told you already we're flying the private jet and spending the first week at an exclusive spa in Greece then on Friday afternoon we're flying to Italy for the Dolce and Gabbbana Fashion show and spending the rest of our time in Paris for the Vera Wang fashion show" answering her question.

As the two friends continued talking about their plans for the trip ignoring the other Justice League members.

The other members couldn't help but listen in interest and slight jealousy. Their secret identities couldn't even afford first class on a plane let alone a private jet. The only one who could afford such tings and lavished trips other then Brianna was Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow. At least the knew that Brianna wasn't going to be sleeping near her com link hoping for them to call her. She'd be miles away from the Batcave and The Watchtower.

The founding members were startled by Toni's sudden appearance as they looked at the fellow hero. Long brown nearly black hair put up into a messy bun, hazel eyes while she wore a very low cut purple V neck as her breasts cradled the glowing Arc reactor.

The friends quickly finished their conversation as they said their good byes Toni threw a knowing look to Clark with a wink. Clark had no idea what it meant as the face disappeared and he tried to focus in on what Brianna was saying.

"... Do you understand Superman?"

"HUh" he was his smart answer.

"I said do you understand Clark!?"she asked him again.

" huh? Oh yea sure, sure" he answered

All he got back was the famous Bat glare with a look that said 'I know you weren't paying attention stupid'

"If that's all then I'll be leaving now, don't call unless it's absolutely important."she told them making her way to the zeta tubes as loud good byes were thrown at her.


'Don't come back'

'Take as long as you need'

'You'v earned it'

'Don't hurry back'

We'll be find'

Without even turning back she went to zeta tubes and left.

So... Bri Bri? questioned Hal.

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