a/n: So, this is an extremely late birthday present for one of my besties on this site, Danie! (CelticPrincessx3) She is the most wonderful person ever, always willing to hear my crazy story ideas and helping me out when I get stuck. I hope you like it, Danie, love ya! This story got so long that I had to cut it into three parts, they'll all be uploaded at the same time, so no need to wait for more!

Also, there is talk of drugs and alcohol in this story, discretion advised if you're not into that sort of thing. It's nothing too bad though. It got Rated T for a reason!

Chapter 1

He felt a pain shoot through his body when he shifted positions in bed, it must've been one hell of a night, last night. Finally opening his eyes he was greeted by very dim lighting, white walls, the TV playing softly in the background. Once his vision cleared up he noticed his brother and his wife talking to a man in a long white lab coat. Needles were stuck in his arm, IV's taped in place, there were even tubes stuck up his nose.

"Where the hell am I? What's going on?"

His throat felt like there were cotton balls stuffed down it, he was surprised that he could even get anything out. He was thankful that it was enough to get Matt's attention; he excused himself from his current conversation and hurried to his side. Worry was written all over his face as he looked down at him, the guy looked like he hadn't slept a wink.

"Jeff, thank God you're awake! I was scared out of my mind!"

"What do you mean? What's going on?" after an attempt to sit up caused too much pain to run through his body, he laid back down, "What happened to me?"

"You don't remember anything?" after Jeff shook his head, he continued, "You overdosed last night. You had twice the legal limit of alcohol in your blood, and they found traces of cocaine in your system. We should be planning your funeral right now, bro."

Eyes wide with shock, he looked hastily around his hospital room. Overdose? How could that even be possible? He hadn't done that since he was a teenager! Back then it was because he wanted to end his life, could that be the reason he's here right now? Or had he just simply lost control?

Sighing, he looked back at his older brother, "I – I don't even know what to say right now."

"You can start by telling me why. Did you and Trish get into another fight?"


"For fucksake, your girlfriend, Trish Stratus? You've been dating for almost four years now… am I ringing any bells?"

After a brief moment of silence it seemed like his memory switch, switched back to on; and he remembered it all.

Straightening the collar of his shirt, he took one last look in the mirror, then decided that he was ready for his night out on the town. This came up just a couple hours ago, an old friend of his was in town for the night; and they decided on dinner and some drinks. It would be a great time to just catch up with him.

He was already out the front door, sliding into his front seat when her Ford Focus pulled in next to his Fusion. Her door hadn't even closed yet before she was at his side wanting to know where he was going.

"I'm heading to a restaurant to see Dwight."

"Dwight?" he noticed confusion begin to come over her, until her chocolate brown eyes shot back to his green ones, "Dwight Blake? Your druggie friend? The one that got you locked up years ago? No Jeff, you've been sober too long to even think about being around him."

Rolling his eyes, he climbed out of the car and stood face to face with her, "You see, this is why I shouldn't have told you anything! You're always so negative towards my friends."

"You make it easy to be negative about them, Jeff! They are all good for nothing, plus they always seem to be causing trouble." Reaching out and grabbing his arms, she pulled him closer to her, "Why don't you stay home with me? We'll order pizza and watch Netflix?"

Looking into her eyes, smelling her perfume, feeling her body up against his… it would've been so easy to throw her over his shoulders, and take her inside. Unfortunately, he was stubborn and he needed to prove a point. He was a grown man and if he wanted to go out and have some drinks with an old friend, then he would. A couple drinks wouldn't hurt him anyway.

"No, Trish, Dwight is waiting for me. I have to go."

The softness in her eyes quickly turned to stone with every word he said, "Fine. Go on then, go see Dwight, see how much trouble he gets you in, then notice how he's nowhere to be found when you need him."

Letting go of him, she went to her car and unloaded the things out of the trunk before slamming it shut and heading towards the house. When he told her that he'd be home after a while, she turned around and stated, "You know what? I don't give a damn if you come home or not."

When she slammed the front door, he slammed his own door and sped off into the night.

When his mind went blank again, he looked over at Matt, "Yeah, we did get in an argument, over me going to see Dwight."

"Dwight?! That piece of shit that had you locked up for almost two years?!"

"Yeah, and obviously that was a mistake, has she come by?"

"Who, Trish? She came by earlier, but she had to get to work. She may come by later."

Before Jeff could say anything more, and elderly woman in scrubs walked in holding an envelope, "So sorry to interrupt, but I have a letter for a Mr. Jeff Hardy?"

"That would be me." Once the letter was in his hand he quickly tore it open, "It's from Trish."

Running his fingers through his jet black hair, the elder Hardy sighed, "Reby and I will give you some time alone. Do you need anything?"

Shaking his head, he watched as the two exited his room; once he knew that he was completely alone, he took a deep breath and focused on the letter…


If you're reading this, which means that my deepest fear didn't come true. I am so thankful for that. When I got the call late last night, I immediately rushed to the hospital; I couldn't keep my tears back! As I held your hand in the room, I was just a mess. The doctor said to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Do you know how badly that affected me? I didn't know what to do! To watch the man I love suffer and not be able to help ate me up inside. I couldn't bear it anymore, so when Matt and Reby showed up I told them that I had to get to work for a couple hours. I went to my office and cried the entire day, unsure of what my next step should be. Then, a moment of clarity hit me… I've known about the life you lived since the first day I met you. The booze, weed and pills; my love for you allowed me to turn a blind eye. If I didn't see it, it didn't happen, you know? But this? Almost losing you forever to these demons, is downright scary. I can't ignore it anymore, you need help.

Here's a number to a rehabilitation clinic a couple hours away, a friend of mine runs it. He said that he's willing to help, if you're willing to get it. And if not? Then you can come get your things as soon as you're able, you're choice. I'm so sorry, I just can't do this anymore.


A tear fell down his face as he read that last line. Without her, he knew he wouldn't make it in this life. She's what kept him from falling apart. But he's also tried life without the demons in his life, and he failed miserably. It was to the point that he began lying to her about his sobriety, just so she'd get off his back. He paid a kid to take his tests for him, what was important to him was that he got to keep all his vices; he never had to sacrifice anything.

What was he supposed to do now?

a/n: What did y'all think? Let me know in a review, please! Danie, I hope you liked it! What is Jeff going to do?!