"I will protect you from all around you,

I will be here don't you cry."

-Tarzan (Kala)

Holiday wiped angrily at a tear that had refused to listen to her when she had said no crying. Leave it to her emotions to compromise her like this when all she wanted was to go bed and leave the days events behind her. If Six or Rex saw her crying, they would worry about her and wonder WHY she was crying. She didn't want to explain how her first date in five years had ended with the jerk getting handsy, leaving her on the side of the road in a fairly dangerous neighborhood, and finally walking back to the Providence base in heels that really should have been used as torture devices. Not to an 11 year old and her coworker. At this point, all she wanted was a nice cup of tea and her fuzzy pajamas in a warm bed. She was already halfway to the kitchen, free and clear, but apparently fate had other ideas about how she should spend her afternoon than she did.

"Doctor Holiday, are you ok?"

The small voice made her jolt, sniffling to try and hide the tears and snot that were making their way down her face in the most disgusting way possible. She wiped at it with a sleeve before turning to face the boy with a fake smile on her lips. "Oh hi Rex, shouldn't you be in bed?"

The boy frowned, eyebrows scrunching up at the blatant redirect away from his question. "I couldn't sleep, what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong, I just..."

"Is that a bruise?!"

Darn it. She looked down to where Rex pointed at the purpling skin on her arms where her date had tried to manhandle her. She scowled at it for giving her away, but there wasn't anything she could do about it now. "Yeah it's a bruise."

"Did that guy give it to you? The one you were talking about earlier?"

Had she really talked about going on a date earlier? It must have been during one of Rex's tests or something, her way of making him more relaxed with idle chatter. She would have to change that for sure.

She sighed, kneeling to be eye level with this oddly perceptive boy. "Yeah, sometimes guys don't act the way they should with people, and they end up hurting others to try and get what they want."

"He hurt you?! Worse than the bruise?"

She smiled at the innocent anger that spurred on his face, clueless as to what she meant as he searched her up and down for any sign of cuts or bruises or anything of that nature. Not what she was really taking about at all, but it was sweet of him to care so much. "No Rex, I'm fine I promise. They didn't hire me just for my brains here, yaknow." she leaned forward, shocking the look of anger right off those still slightly pudgy cheeks when she kissed them.

His face lit up with red as he touched a gentle finger to the one of the spots, staring at her in shock.

Holiday chuckled, standing and holding out a hand for him to take. "Come on, promise that you'll always treat a lady with respect, and I'll make us some hot chocolate."

Rex smiled, taking the hand and dragging her along the hallway. "You got a promise, Miss Holiday."


It took all of twenty minutes after Rex had woken up the next morning to find out who had hurt his favorite person in Providence. And since providence pretty much consisted of his entire existence, he could confidently say that Ms. Holiday was his favorite person on the planet. Which was why upon waking, he'd run to the op center, and hacked into the security system with his nanites. It then took another 2 minutes to track the license plate to an address and place of employment. After that it was as simple as 123 to get out of the high security building and onto the streets to look for the creep that had ruined Holiday's night out.

Rex peeked out from behind the car he was hiding behind. The sorry excuse of a human being was hitting on this girl in the super market parking lot, staring at her feminine areas when she rolled her eyes in disgust and walked away from him. He wasn't sure what Holiday had seen in this guy to have gone out with him in the first place. Maybe it was a blind date or something? Didn't matter, Rex would make the guy pay for what he did to Holiday.

With a look of determination that he usually only reserved for when he was going to cure EVO's, he walked across the lot and tapped the guys shoulder to make him turn and give Rex his attention.

When he did turn, the man raised an eyebrow in confusion and bent down, "Do I know you kid? Why don't you go run to Mom-oof!"

Rex winced, shaking his smarting fist and rubbing the bruised knuckles, but he stayed with an emboldened face, jutting out his chin to say vindictively: "That's for what you did to Ms. Holiday."

"Why you little..." the man trailed off in anger, sending out a punch of his own that hit Rex squarely on the eye. He wasn't able to get in another hit though, because just as the fist made contact with the boys face, two swords sharper than razors crossed at his throat in warning. The man gulped, backing away slowly with his hands raised in a placating manner. "H-hold on here, he hit me first! It was self defense!"

Six hardly listened to him, kicking him in the chest to send him flying, one of the deadly weapons nicking his neck ever so slightly as a controlled warning. "If you know what's good for you, you'll leave now, and you won't think about this ever again."

The jerk actually had the nerve to take a moment away from his fear to spit at Rex, but was then quickly running when Six took a step towards him. After the ninja made sure the low-life was going to stay away, he went to go check on his ward. Rex was rubbing his eye with gentle fingers, wincing at the pain he felt there.

"Why do I feel like that won't be the last time I get punched in the face?" the boy asked, and Six smiled, happy that he was ok enough to make a crack at the situation.

The man reached out to ruffle Rex's hair, then helped to pull him to his feet. "Come on, I'm sure Holiday will want to hear about this."


When Rex had gone missing that morning, Holiday had been forced to tell Six what had occurred the previous night, concluding correctly that that was where the young Providence agent had gone off to. It was then a simple manner for Six to find the cretin in much the same way as Rex had (minus help from nanites). Now Holiday was left back at the base, trying to keep from fretting over the missing boy, without much success.

"We're back."

"Oh good," Holiday gathered herself together so that Six and Rex wouldn't see how worried she'd been when the younger left. She schooled her face into one that was more professional, then lost it as soon as she saw the swelling skin that was Rex's eye.

To the boys credit, he still had a crooked grin on his face, looking mildly sheepish for running. He raised a hand and gave a small wave. "Hi Ms. Holiday."


After that, it was a blur of medical attention for Rex. He tried to sit as still as he could as Holiday fussed at his eye and made sure that was the only injury he'd sustained. A head scan to make sure that he hadn't gotten a concussion, and other tests he wasn't sure what they were for.

After the fifth time of Holiday checking his eye to make sure the swelling wasn't getting out of hand, he smiled at her and joked. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were worried about me."

The doctor stopped in her work, biting her lip as she looked down. At last, she let out a sigh and continued to fret over his minor injuries. "I was worried Rex, I didn't know where you'd gone or what you were going to do. You could have gotten yourself into trouble, and I-"

She cut off, and Rex took that as his opportunity to speak. He smiled reassuringly, "I had to go teach that guy not to mess with you. There's no way I was going to let him go without teaching him a lesson."

Holiday stared at the determined and completely justified look that Rex had on his face, then laughed and shook her head. How had it come about that she had been given the opportunity to meet and care for this amazing young man? It could have gone completely different, their hopes could have been pinned on some bratty child that didn't care about anyone but themselves. Instead, Holiday was given Rex; who cared enough about those around him to notice when they had bruises, and then to subsequently go and try to beat someone up for it. Not even using his super human strength as someone lesser might have, but with his bare 11 year old hands.

Holiday leaned forward and hugged Rex tightly, replacing his previous expression with one of shock that then melded into a content smile.

A/N: I don't know what it is, but I just love interrupting sentences. I think I do it too much. Or maybe it's my theme... Hmm

So I'm not so sure about the ending here, but as all of what I've written has been poop, I'm going to keep working. In case you haven't figured it out (and why would you, I made it pretty subtle) this is going to be a bunch of Disney/Dreamworks related oneshots. I say Dreamworks too, because they do some awesome stuff and I want to include them in the fun! So each chapter will have a quote for a theme, and I'll go from there. Feel free (liberally free) to send in quotes you think would be good (seriously, please do so) and I'll add them to my list.

I'm sorry for any typos, but this is really just so I can try to get my mumbo back. Please let me know if you see anything wrong, and I'll fix it.

Thank you to YellowAngela for pointing out that I forgot my quote. Silly me!