Chapter 4

Last time...

Unknown to Happy, a blonde Celestial Maiden had walked out the door to see her pink-haired partner.

Normal POV

Walking down the stone pavement of Magnolia, was seventeen year old Lucy Heartfilia.

'I wonder if Natsu really is okay.' Lucy thought to herself as she was getting closer to Natsu's house.

As she walked to Natsu's house, Happy was following her from behind. When he found out that she wasn't at the guild, he went to go follow her.

'She can't get to Natsu,' he thought. 'She just can't! Natsu would-' his thoughts were cut off when the celestial mage was entering into the dense forest that led to the house Natsu and he shared.

"Stop Lucy!" Happy shouted, but it was too late. Lucy knocked on the door once but she got no answer. Happy flew over to Lucy as quickly as he could and knocked her to the ground.

"Happy?!" Lucy said in a surprised tone as she lied on the hard ground.

"Lucy! Natsu shouldn't be bothered right now! I-I gave him s-some b-bad fish t-today and he's not feeling g-great!" Happy said quickly hoping she wouldn't notice his stuttering.

'Happy never gives anybody his fish unless it's Charle. What's going on?' Lucy thought in her head, raising her brow at him.

"If he isn't feeling great then, I'll help him feel better. That's what nakama do for each other, right?" She said, still wondering what in the world was going on.

Happy started to get nervous. I mean, judging from earlier, he isn't the best liar. After a few minutes of the awkward silence they were having, Lucy decided to knock again.

"Natsu! Open up, it's Lucy!" She said while knocked on the door, still getting no answer. Just as she was about to knock again, she was pushed aside.

"N-Natsu doesn't like being around people when he's sick. W-when he s-sneezes he blows out f-fire like a Fire D-dragon's Roar and has an over-heated body temperature." Happy said, rambling on about why she shouldn't go inside.

"I'll still help him since we're nakama." Lucy said with a smile knowing Happy was lying for some unknown reason. 'Guess I'll have to ask Happy or Natsu about it later.' she thought to herself wondering why he still hasn't opened the door.

"Natsuu! Open the door!" Lucy yelled, hoping he would hear her. Instead there was still nothing.

"C-come on Lucy, Natsu's probably at the g-guild, so lets g-go!" Happy exclaimed hoping she would come with him.

"Yeah, I guess he is. Anyways we better get going." Lucy muttered under her breath.

"Now let's go so I can give Charle my fish!" Happy said excitedly.

Suddenly, an idea came into Lucy's head. Grinning evilly, she turned to Happy and said,

"Happy, don't you think you should buy some fresh fish for Charle at the market? It might make her want to actually take the fish this time." Smiling sweetly, hiding the smirk behind her smile.

"You're right Lushie, she would! But who's gonna walk with you to the guild?" Happy asked, rethinking if he should really let her walk to the guild alone.

"I'll be fine, Happy! I'll walk by myself, the guild isn't that far away anyways." Lucy said convincingly, hoping he would go like she had planned.

"Okay, meet you at the guild!" Happy said while flying to the market.

As he left, Lucy grinned evilly. Her plan was working!

"Natsu, open up! I know you're in there!" Lucy said, banging on the door. It took her five minutes to realize he wasn't gonna open the door anytime soon, so she did what Natsu would always do: go through the window.

Trying to pry the window open, which she utterly failed at, she finally noticed the lock on the outside of the window. That's when she had the idea of summoning one of her spirits.

"Open! Gate of the Crab, Cancer!" Lucy yelled while holding the golden zodiac key.

"How may I help you, ebi?" Cancer said looking at his master, while clipping his scissors in the air.

"Is there anyway you can open this lock with your scissors?" Lucy asked her Zodiac Spirit.

"I can try, ebi." Cancer said, while wiggling his scissors inside the tiny lock of the window. It took a while, but he finally got the lock to open up.

"Arigato Cancer! You can go back now." Lucy said smiling at him.

"It was a pleasure to help you out Miss Lucy." Cancer said. He bowed before he left for the Celestial Spirit World.

"Now let's see what's wrong with Natsu," Lucy said, trying to get inside through the window, but ended up falling onto the ground. "How does Natsu do this everyday?!" Lucy grumbled, as she went to look for Natsu in his 'clean' house.

'Why is it so dark in here?' Lucy thought to herself, as she tried her hardest to look into the darkness.

"I guess he's not here. Maybe he went to the guild earlier or something." Lucy said as she walked back to the window. As she was about to leave, she tripped over something. More like someone.


"Wahh!" Lucy exclaimed as she fell onto the floor for the second time that day.

"" Natsu choked out, as he slowly started to wake up from from his nap.

"Ouch..why are these floors are so hard?" Lucy muttered under her breath as she started to stand up.

"W-what are y-you doing h-here Lu-Lucy?" He said trying not to stutter but obviously he failed.

"I'm here to check up on you, since Happy said you had some bad fish or something." Lucy said with a smile.

"Oh! W-well I'm all b-better n-now! You should get g-going to the g-guild!" Natsu said trying to make an excuse for her to leave.

"Why don't we go to the guild together since you're fine? Oh, and let's take a mission since rent is coming up!" She said, almost forgetting her rent comes up in a few weeks.

"Um, I can't." he said, quickly not realizing that he just lied.

"Eh?! Why not?" Lucy said pouting at him childishly.

"Well I have.. This thing, where you um.." Natsu sighed at his attempt of lying to her.

"Fine, I'll go on a mission with you and the rest of the team" He said while sighing in defeat.

"Yosh! Let's go to the Guild!" Lucy exclaimed dragging Natsu to the guild.

To be continued..


Sorry for the late upload, I had writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write. So thanks to Whatifstoryteller for helping with that.

Shoutout to Tiffy-chan858 for revising this for me.

Also if I didn't reply back to any of your guys PM, I'm sorry because I'm an awkward person and I'm not that good with talking to people so yeah.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does.

Well see you next time!