Author's Note

Hi guys! This is my very first fanfiction ever. I know this chapter is short but the next few will have at least more than 1,000 words, I hope.

Well anyways enjoy and don't forget to favorite and follow.

Chapter One: All this Time

Natsu's POV

It was like any normal day in Magnolia. Sun was shining, birds were chirping, everything was perfect on this fine morning day.

Pfft like hell that happened.

I woke up feeling mediocre. My hair was a mess, the room was dark, and I felt like my heart had shattered into little pieces. All because of the events of last week.


A Week before

4:00 P.M.

I snuck through Lucy's Window at her apartment. Today was the day I was going to confess to her. I decided I would ask her to meet under the Sola Tree at the Magnolia Park and confess to her.

I could hear water running in her bathroom.

'She must be taking a shower' I thought.

I was about to sneak in and scare her, but that's when I saw a letter and pen on her desk. I knew it was wrong to read the letter but it was too tempting.

Dear Mama,

Today Erza, Gray and I helped Mira grocery shop for the Guild. Gray had to go for freezing and squashing too many of the of the Guild's food items from the last fight him and Natsu had. Erza had to come to help Mira and I couldn't leave Gray alone with the Guild's most famous Demons. Who knows what could have happened to Gray. I had so much fun except for the fact that one man from the market had stared at me the entire time. He tried to ask me out multiple times and every time I had said no. Soon he had tried to use force by gripping into my wrist. But before he could do anything to me Gray, Erza, and Mira had told him to leave. Fairy Tail was like a family to me. Erza and Mira were like my big sisters. And I think I love Gray..

After reading that my heart tore into pieces. I don't come to realize that i knocked over a chair in anger. Then I heard the shower stop, I quickly picked up the chair putting it in its rightful place and I made a run for it before she could see me. I ran all the way back home, bumping into people along the way. I didn't really care, all I knew is I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. I came home with tears running down my face. Happy wasn't here at the moment, he was over at the Guild. probably worrying about me. I did say I would come back there after telling Lucy. I guess he'll have to come home and find out why I didn't come.

I lied on my bed sobbing into my pillow. Why was I so heartbroken? I have never cried this much in my life. Sure, I did cry when Igneel left, and when Lisanna died. But this was worse than any of those times.

~End of Flashback~

I haven't seen Lucy since that fateful day and I plan to keep it that way. I hardly go to the guild anymore and people are starting to worry. Seeing her face breaks my heart. I can't help but start to cry every time I see her. That was when I realized I waited all this time to fall in love with her.

The silence was gone as soon as Happy interrupted my thoughts.

"Natsuu! Are you coming to the guild today? Everyone is starting to worry" Happy said

Without looking at him I said "No not today or anytime soon" saying the last part in a hushed voice so he couldn't hear.

I rarely talked to Happy ever since the incident. I don't blame him for anything it's just that every time I see Happy I remember all the times we crashed into Lucy's Apartment without permission. All the times we went on missions together. From the mansions, the S-Class mission we took without permission, The Jiggle Butt Gang/Crew and even more! Of course I told him about the incident. He was my partner after all.

"Ok" Was all Happy could say before heading off to the Guild.

While I stayed here moping about my love life...

To be Continued...

Author's Note

Sorry if I'm being annoying but please follow,favorite, and review

I can take the harsh criticism but don't be too hard on me!