Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: The last chapter…. Sigh…. It's been fun. Thank you all for your wonderful reviews and support! I love you all and appreciated all the feedback and suggestions! Be sure to keep an eye out for more fics to come!


"I wanted to wait until we got home… But no… we had to do it now… in the classroom…" Jou stuck his tongue out for a taste.

"You seemed eager enough." Kaiba chuckled a bit. Just as Jou's tongue made contact the classroom door flung open.

"What the hell are you two doing in here?" Honda shouted, barging in.

A groan escaped the CEO's lips…


Katsuya jumped at the intrusion and the next thing the three teenagers knew Jou had slammed down an empty shot glass onto his desk.

"Seriously what are you two doing in here?" Honda raised an eyebrow at the blonde who gave a disgusted shudder.

"Puppy wanted to try some Tequila and I happen to know that Coach leaves some in his office…" Seto explained.

"That tasted like drain cleaner…." Jou hacked.

"It was tequila what did you expect?" Hiroto gawked at his friend.

"Too much obviously…" Jounouchi groaned, frowning at his glass.

"How did you even get it anyway? I heard it was nearly impossible to get to that stuff without Coach's finding out…" The brown eyed brunette asked while shaking his head at the blond.

"The Cultural festival is the one time of the year that he isn't guarding it like a hawk due to the tea club serving Sake to the teachers…" Kaiba enlightened him.

"Ah… that makes sense…" Hiroto nodded tapping his chin.

"Well, anyway come on you guys! Everyone is waiting for you. Otogi is cooking at the Okonomiyaki stand and we're all gonna order at once and try to get him to mess up!" Honda grinned mischievously.

"Oh I'm so in!" Jou jumped to his feet and grabbed Seto's arm, pulling him up and out of the room after Honda.


"You guys are so mean!" Otogi whined, pouting at his group of friends. Various ingredients were caked in the black tresses of the thin man.

"Aw come on, we were just having fun." Hiroto teased with a stifled laugh. With a 'hmph' Ryuji stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a shower and change…" He walked towards the gym to use the showers.

The group walked around the festival, playing games, going through attractions, eating various snacks…. Kaiba left early to make sure everything was set up for the party at his home. It had been about a half hour and the dice master hadn't returned to the group… Honda looked around, trying to spot him.

Maybe he just can't find us? He thought as he eyed the crowds. I should go check the gym and make sure he's ok.. With that thought he announced to his friends that he was going to go find Ryuji and that he would meet them at the party if he wasn't back right away.


Honda entered the locker rooms and sighed in relief when he heard water running. He turned and walked towards the shower stalls, blushing when he saw Otogi's clothes on a bench. Of course he's naked he's in the shower! The brunette cleared his throat loudly to let the raven haired teen know he was there as he approached the shower stalls.

The stalls were slightly closed off, each one being separated by a frame that rose about five feet from the ground, and a door. The dice master turned and cocked an eyebrow at Hiroto.

"Come to see me naked perv?" Ryuji teased and stuck his tongue out at him. He then turned his back to him and raised his hair up to show his neck… more importantly what was around his neck…

"Well you're out of luck! When I tried to untie the apron it knotted itself and I couldn't get it off.." Otogi hung his head in shame and sighed dramatically, letting his hair fall onto his back again.

"Why didn't you just come back and have one us help you untie it?" Honda inquired.

"And be embarrassed like this in front of Mutou? Oh yeah that sounds fantastic!" He lathered his hair with shampoo. Hiroto sighed and shook his head.

"Here let me see if I can get it…"Honda offered.

He walked over the stall and put his hands over the door, blushing wildly when he realized he had a full view of the dice master from this spot. Otogi blinked confusedly at him for a moment but then accepted and moved closer to the door. Honda's hands nervously fumbled with the knot as his eyes couldn't help but stray lower, down the neck, over the shoulders and even between the shoulder blades of the man in front of him. Hiroto's blush darkened when he realized his eyes had found the small of the slightly shorter man's back and just below that was—

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the knot!" Otogi blushed, bringing Honda out of his trance. He quickly untied the knot and the apron fell the shower floor in a wet slosh.

"Uh, there ya go." The brunette blurted and quickly turned and walked back towards the lockers. "I'll um.. I'll be in the gym… I told everyone we'd meet up at the party at Kaiba's." He explained and darted out the door. Leaving a smirking, flirty eyed teen to finished his shower in peace.


Jou rolled his eyes and did the now classic 'Anna knock'. The rest of his friends insisted that he knock. Apparently being Seto's boyfriend automatically meant he would be kinder to them if he saw the blond first. It was Otogi's idea of course, the ebony haired teen and brown eyed oaf had just barely caught up to the group as they left the school, and now Ryuji wanted to make sure he was granted access to this Kaiba mansion party…

The doors quickly flew open to a well-lit entryway, the CEO nodded to his newest guests and brought them to the large room the party was being held in. The group grinned excitedly at all the food and various drinks. Well, they would have if Kaiba hadn't stopped one of the members of their little band.

"What are you doing here?" Seto glared at Otogi. "You weren't part of the play…"

"I'm… I'm a 'Plus One'!" The ebony haired boy replied with a trademark (according to Jou) rich boy smirk.

"Really… and who's plus one are you….?" The brunette leered.

"Lets see…" Green eyes scanned the group. Puppy: claimed… Yugi: uke… plus he has that whole seme inside of him thing? Ryou: same problem… Anzu: Hell No! Honda: ….. Honda?

"I'm Honda's plus one!" Otougi linked his arm with Hiroto's who gave him a look of surprise.

Kaiba quirked an eyebrow at the other brunette.

"Right?" The dice master bumped his hip with Honda's.

"Uh- Yeah. Plus one." Hiroto nodded in flustered agreement. Kaiba rolled his eyes but conceded.

I have more important things to do… like kissing my Puppy… He smirked to himself as the group entered the room to enjoy the party. Something was off though… like something was missing… Someone… Where's Puppy? The brunette quickly scanned the room looking for the blonde.

Blue eyes found the blond standing against a wall, talking to a tall man with ghastly red hair. That doctor… Ryuren wasn't it…How did he even get in here? Kaiba made his away over to the pair, watching as Ryuren took Katsuya's hand in his own and examined the still bandaged thumb. Seto slipped, silently behind the blond, listening to their conversation.

"You're not really going to send that video to Shizuka are you?" Jou whined.

"Of course I am! She was excited to see her brother preform!" Ryuren chuckled, glancing over at the brunette.

"You're the devil you know that….?" Katsuya pouted, glaring playfully at the man.

"You know you're cute when you pout." Ryuren mocked him, pinching his cheek and shaking it lightly.

"Yeah, yeah!" Jounouchi shoved his hand away and turned to get a drink, nearly stumbling right into the CEO.

"Puppy…" Kaiba smirked at the blush that crossed Jou's cheeks.

"Kaiba! I didn't see you there!" Jou tried to will his heart to stop pounding but to no avail.

Ryuren chuckled again and walked away to leave the love birds to themselves. Instead he met with Bakura to split the bet money with him.

"Come Puppy.." Icy azure eyes narrowed teasingly as he ran a finger from the collar of Jou's shirt, up to his chin, before turning and walking away.

Katsuya was momentarily stunned, frozen in place. He blinked in confusion. Was Kaiba just teasing me? He does that?! Seto Kaiba flirts?! Completely unashamed even! His blush turned darker and he trotted along following the CEO out of the room.

"What about the party?" Puppy asked as Seto shut the door.

"Mokuba and Anzu are the real hosts…" The brunette shrugged. "They can handle it themselves." He took Jou's hand and led him to the nearest empty room that they could lock themselves in. This happened to be a broom closet.

"Um… Kaiba…?" The blond asked as the light was turned on and the door was locked. "Why are we in a broom closet?" He asked looking around the small space.

"Any other place would be too obvious… They would find us faster…"

"I thought you said—"

"They're going to notice we're gone.. and Mokuba will want me to… Socialize…." The CEO shuddered.

"I see…" Katsuya giggled a bit but was silenced when Kaiba's lips met his own in a tantalizing kiss. Puppy let a small moan slip from his lips, causing the CEO to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along the blonde's bottom lip. Jou let his lips part, making way for the brunette.


It didn't take long at all for Mokuba to notice his brother was missing. There wasn't an awkward silence coming from one direction of the room for starters… The black tresses wagged and bounced as he made his way around the room searching for his brother. Then he noticed that Jou was missing too. The young Kaiba found his co-host and informed her of the situation.

They whispered amongst themselves for a few minutes before pulling microphones from out of nowhere. They grinned deviously at each other and turned the mics on.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" Anzu called out to the crowd, making everyone turn their attention to the devilish duo who were now on some sort of small stage that everyone could have sworn wasn't there before.

"It is now time for us to play a little game!" Mokuba announced. "Hans and Anna have gone missing!" Anzu looked shocked and sad. "We need your help to find them before time runs out!" Mokuba held up a stop watch.

"You will be given 30 minutes to find them! The first group of 3 people to find our missing stars and snap a picture with their phones will receive a reward of $100 each!" The brunette announced.

"There's a bonus prize if you catch them in an awkward or embarrassing situation! So make your picture count!" Mokuba added. He and woman next to him raised their hands in unison while the crowd cheered.

"Ready! Set! GO!" They announced simultaneously thrusting their arms down and away from them, Mokuba started the clock. The teenagers raced out of the room, most of them heading upstairs or outside to look for the CEO and the blonde.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Yugi asked timidly.

"Brother should know better than to leave me hosting a party." The younger Kaiba smirked.


"mmmmmmmmmm…." Puppy moaned, his arms wrapped around the taller man's shoulders. Slender arms wrapped around him, hands running up and down his back. Kaiba released the puppy's lips, the two, panting gently, and started kissing down his jaw line and neck.

"Ah! Kaiba." Katsuya blushed brightly, not knowing how sensitive his neck was until just a second ago. To his surprise, the CEO stopped, nipping his neck one last time before letting out a curt grunt.

"Don't call me that…" Kaiba stated firmly.

"What? Why not? It's your name isn't it?" Jou asked confused.

"Its that bastard Gozaburo's name… Call me something else…" Seto licked the prickling skin underneath his lips.

"Like what?" The blond shivered.

"Well…" Kaiba nipped at juncture of his neck and shoulder. "You could use my first name like a normal person in a relationship…"

"Yeah 'cause 'us' is normal…" Jou rolled his eyes. "Plus you don't use my name at all!" He tugged gently at the brown hair he had been twisting around his fingers.

"Because you're Puppy…" The CEO kissed the nape of his neck a few times; Jou could feel the smirk that appeared on the brunette's lips. "You could call me Ma—"

"Don't even say it!" Katsuya's face turned a brilliant shade of red and he yanked at the hair in his hands causing the CEO to growl quietly.

"But I'd like it if you called me that…" Seto whispered huskily in his ear. "Come on Puppy… just once?" He licked and nibbled at the lobe.

Jou's knees became weak. His head spun. He could feel his resolve slipping. One time couldn't hurt could it? It's just us… in a tiny closet… no one can hear us right? Jou shut his eyes tightly, pursing his lips.


The door to their little closet haven swung open and flash caused the two teens to freeze instantly- but not before Jou's lungs pushed out the remainder of the word. His brain unable to stop the embarrassing moment from happening.

"—ter~" The end of the breathless moan caught the three intruders off guard. So much so that they didn't quite register the brunette rising, turning towards them. The CEO was livid. The instant cognitive functions returned to the brain of the three men they ran like hell out of there.

Kaiba reached for one of them but, alas, his fingers didn't curl fast enough to catch the black ponytail. So instead he watched as Bakura, Honda, and Otougi ran down the hall laughing their asses off as they went.

Jounouchi slid down the wall, to sit on the floor. He hung his head and sighed deeply. Kaiba clenched his jaw and balled his fists as he watched them run. He then turned to his Puppy and saw him sunken on the floor. The CEO's features softened, his hands relaxed. He sat down next to Katsuya and kissed his head, wrapping his arm around the blond's shoulders.

"Never again…" Jou's voice was shaky. Kaiba quirked an eyebrow at him. "I'll never say that again…" He hid his face in his hands, the embarrassment getting to him again. The CEO grimaced and thought of a thousand ways to destroy the three stooges that dared to ruin this for him.


Afore mentioned stooges ran back to the party room and showed their picture to Anzu, Mokuba, and Yugi (who refused to take part despite his partner's pleas to join in on the fun). Once the 30 minutes was up and everyone slowly filtered back into the room, their hosts announced the winners.

Kaiba had managed to convince Katsuya to come back to the party by telling him he was more than welcome to pelt the stooges with anything he could throw. Jou agreed with a grin and so began a glorious food fight that only ended when the floor lost all friction. The guests slipped and slid out of the mansion laughing as they ventured home after the party.

Mokuba and Anzu were left in the room to clean up the mess as punishment for Puppy's embarrassment.

Otogi whined about needing another shower and to everyone's surprise Honda eagerly offered to help him undress… again…

"Well I guess he's moved on…" Jounouchi sweat dropped then looked at his boyfriend. Kaiba is my boyfriend. The voice in his head was giddy and he had to bite his lip to keep from giggling or squealing himself. The brunette had somehow managed to somehow escape the room just as the food started flying so he was mostly clean. Something Katsuya decided needed to be remedied…

Jou walked over to Kaiba who was closing the door as the last of his guests nearly slipped down the stairs that led to the driveway. Puppy wrapped his arms around the brunette from behind, pressing his sticky, food covered chest into the CEO's back.

Kaiba bristled.

"Puppy…." Seto said stiffly. Sensing that brunette was about to freak out Jou leaned forward, his lips grazing the other's ear.

"Yes Seto…" He whispered breathily into the CEO's ear, smirking as a felt a shiver cascade down the taller teen's spine.

"Go take a shower…." Kaiba broke free from Jou's embrace. He glanced over and took note of the pouting lip protruding from his Puppy. Payback.

"Only clean Puppies are allowed in Master's bed…." Kaiba smirked when the blond's face turned scarlet and he robotically turned and headed upstairs to shower.


The End


A/N: So what did you think? I had such a hard time writing this! There will an short Epilogue to follow so keep an eye out for that!

Again thank you guys for all the support! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it!