That evening...
Sunday, March 12th, 2017
Oak Pass Road
Los Angeles
It was a very relaxing atmosphere.
Erika, Mike, and Cammie were sitting on the couch in the open plan kitchen while Stephanie, Yvette, Ruth, Abigail, and Electra sat at the kitchen counter bickering amongst themselves. Owen, James, Kieran, and Maddie were playing table tennis up in the rec room which just left Eva, Chrissy, and Sky as they talked at the other end of the rec room. Eva was surprised at how well she found herself getting on with the twins who seemed amazingly friendly – at least compared to how she had last known them.
"I wish we could have been friends before," Eva commented. "Only, you had to keep yourselves to yourselves; we all did."
"It sucked," Sky admitted.
"How come you ended up here?" Eva asked.
"You mean in Los Angeles?" Sky responded.
"We fancied a change of scene, I suppose," Chrissy explained. "We'd had a few months in Chicago recovering from wounds we acquired in Toulouse."
"Then we got a second chance and Erika took us under her wing," Sky added.
"Good for you – I really mean that," Eva said. "You've both landed on your feet. I suppose I have too; me and Ruth."
"Erika mentioned that you had both been rescued from something bad, but she didn't explain," Chrissy said.
"We were being trafficked," Ruth admitted.
"For sex?" Sky asked in shock.
"It looked like it," Eva replied unhappily. "They were taking us to the Philippines where we were to be sold."
"I'm sorry for prying," Chrissy said, and she genuinely meant it.
"It's okay – it never went ahead, thank God."
"I wonder how many more of us are out there in bad situations," Sky said. "I sometimes lie awake at night worrying about who could be out there suffering."
Eva smiled.
"That Mindy seems to be doing a lot to help our kind," Eva commented. "Why does she do it?"
"She just wants to help," Sky stated.
"In her eyes, I saw darkness and pain. I also saw guilt the first time that we met. What has she to feel guilty about where we're concerned? It's not like she had anything to do with the programme."
Chrissy and Sky squirmed, knowing that they were forbidden from mentioning anything about Fusion or who Mindy really was.
Downstairs in the kitchen, Mike and Cammie were studying the bickering kids.
"Are they always like this?" Cammie asked. "I thought you said they were friends."
"They are," Erika laughed. "The very best of friends, I assure you."
"They come across as not liking each other," Mike admitted.
Erika grinned.
"It's just their characters and how they were brought up. Stephanie was once very much alone, a misfit. But then other misfits graduated to her. Yvette could not speak much English when she was taken, and Stephanie helped her to learn a new language before she was shot. Ruth took it upon herself to try and keep Stephanie alive. As for Electra, she was a slave, not fit to be trained, but Stephanie – while being punished – helped the girl and Electra became what she desired – a Predator."
"And Abigail?"
"Well, that's a little different," Erika grimaced. "Abigail and Stephanie were sent into some woods, along with some other kids. Only one was to come out alive. Stephanie won, but Abigail was allowed to live. I have no real idea what happened in those woods, but they both hated each other with a passion. However, they discovered on returning to civilised life that they needed one another. Those two are as thick as thieves and are rarely apart. I've heard them referred to as the Dubious Duo, due to the fact that they usually get into trouble as a pair. They are truly inseparable and one hundred percent loyal to one another, despite their pasts. I may be wrong, but sometimes I think that Abigail's bi."
Cammie thought about what she had been told – part of it still shocked her, but she had been very quick to understand that none of the children in Erika's care had asked for what they had endured. Instead, they had simply endured and survived a living hell. It truly horrified Cammie that so many young people had suffered within the borders of the country she loved and believed in, and indeed would fight for. Seeing the girls bickering actually made them seem more like normal children rather than what they truly were inside.
Erika left the girls and she took Cammie and Mike up the stairs to the rec room. Maddie and James were playing table tennis against Kieran and Owen – Maddie and James appeared to be winning. Owen was scowling and he was convinced that Maddie was cheating. What he did not know was that the girl had the rare ability to calculate the trajectories of her shots in real time, and she rarely missed where she aimed – a fact known only by James.
"Yeah!" Maddie exclaimed as she drove her ping-pong ball at Owen who missed the white plastic ball. "We won!"
"Only Maddie is not a Predator here," Erika commented. "She's relatively normal."
"Hah!" Kieran grinned. "I wouldn't go that far – Maddie's just nuts!"
Maddie simply shrugged as she laughed.
At the opposite end of the room, Erika was pleased to see three giggling teenagers.
"You three enjoying yourselves?" Erika asked as they approached.
"Yes, thanks, Erika," Sky responded, a broad grin on her face.
"I was hoping you two would get along with Eva."
"After seeing Rylee, the other week, we realised that we would be seeing more people we had once known in a different lifetime. Seeing Rylee and Simon brought back so many dark memories of how horrible and psychotic we were towards others. Seeing Eva and Owen brought back that guilt and we want to do anything to get along with our former enemies," Chrissy explained.
"These two are really good fun," Eva admitted. "I just wish we could have known each other better in the past, but I know that was impossible."
"She has a point," Owen admitted as he strolled over. "I know I was a little asshole..."
"Was?" Yvette grinned as she and the other girls appeared.
"Yes, I take some getting used to, but so do we all," Owen allowed. "We all have our good sides but some of us have trouble showing them in public . . . Yvette!"
Yvette grinned and nodded.
Cammie took the opportunity while dinner was being cooked on a ginormous barbeque to speak with the two girls – unsurprisingly, they had questions.
The three of them were walking in the garden enjoying the waning daylight.
"You know all about us, what about you?" Ruth asked.
"Fair is fair," Cammie chuckled. "I'm twenty-eight years-old and I am a United States Marine Corps pilot. I joined the Corps five years ago and I have been flying for the past three years. I hold the rank of Captain."
"What do you fly?" Eva asked.
"I fly the MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor for VMM-165 – the White Knights."
"Cool!" Eva admitted. "You have a callsign?"
"Awesome!" Ruth commented. "Can you shoot?"
"I'm a United States Marine, honey!"
"Okay," Ruth laughed. "You going to marry Mike?"
"Oh, yes."
The two girls lapsed into silence.
Later that night, far to the northwest...
Vancouver, Canada
Carrie and Ella were not getting along too well.
They had only been together a little over two months, and both girls were still endeavouring to figure out the new situation. Ella had spent fourteen years as an only child getting all the attention, and then, seemingly out of the blue, her annoying cousin, two years her senior, had moved in. Ella was trying being nice – when her parents were around, at least, but when they were not, Ella was a total bitch to Carrie. On the flip side, Carrie was a super-bitch, and she was not about to let her stuck-up little cousin get one up on her. Ella's parents, James and Amelia, knew what was going on and they tried to referee where possible, but generally, they decided it was better to just let the two girls settle their differences with a little bitchy sniping. A key side effect of the sniping was that the two girls avoided each other like they each had the bubonic plague. Therefore, as a side effect, both were able to go about their secret nocturnal activities without any interference, neither knowing what the other was doing – at least until a little after midnight that fateful night.
Carrie was in a bad mood, having had a difficult evening despite successfully disrupting more than one drug deal but she had also received several nasty bruises in return. Therefore, her usual careful attention to her surroundings and keen situational awareness had been replaced by a dark emotional state as she had nursed her bruises during her walk home from her container. As she made for the downstairs window, as she had done so often, where she could slip inside the house, she was startled by someone else, who was in much the same frame of mind, ultimately crashing into them.
Naturally, both girls instantly went on the defensive.
Carrie landed the first punch, eliciting a muted scream of pain which she instantly recognised.
Belatedly, Carrie realised that it could only be Ella – who else would be trying to gain entry at that time of night; there was very little crime in their neighbourhood. Then Carrie noticed what her cousin was wearing, and her eyes narrowed.
"What the fuck, Ella!?"
Ella bolted, scrambling through the window in a panic. The girl's mind was reeling at the way events were unfolding. She had been unmasked, figuratively speaking, and Carrie was the very last person that she wanted to know about her nocturnal activities, not to mention that the Vancouver Ninja's secret identity was now no longer very secret! As Ella raced into her bedroom and closed the door, she sagged to the floor, her heart racing as she sought out a solution to her predicament. There was no solution, she quickly realised as she stood up and she pulled off her jacket before she swiftly stripped off her boots and the shinobi shozoku trousers. She stowed the clothing in her backpack and then she was just about to shove it under her bed when the door to the bedroom flew open.
"You have some explaining to do, girl!" Carrie growled.
"You both have some explaining to do," Amelia Milligan said as she pushed Carrie into the bedroom.
Ella realised that things had suddenly taken a nasty turn for the worst and that she was in some serious shit.
"Hang on," Ella said suddenly. "Why were you out of the house, Carrie?"
"Oh, come on, Ella, you can't be that dense!"
Ella's head snapped around and stared at her mother, "Huh?!"
Amelia sighed.
"Carrie, go put the kettle on, please, then we can all sit down and have a chat."
Carrie winced as she left the bedroom and headed for the kitchen.
Twenty minutes later...
West 47th Avenue, Vancouver
Ella sat on the sofa in the living room unsure of what was about to happen.
Her mother was behaving like nothing was wrong – Ella wished that was the case, but she knew better. As she sat there, a mug of hot tea in her hands, she glared over at Carrie who sat in a chair, her legs tucked up under her, and a similar mug of hot tea in her hands. Carrie's expression was unreadable which annoyed Ella no end. Amelia wandered over and she sat down, then smiled at the two girls.
"Obviously, neither one of knows what the other has been doing," Amelia began. "That surprises me as I thought that the both of you were much more perceptive, but I was obviously very wrong. Let's start with you, shall we, Ninja Girl?"
Ella's draw dropped and she almost dropped the mug of tea. Various sounds came out of Ella's mouth but nothing which formed a recognisable word. Carrie's eyes had suddenly gone very wide in shock but then a look of comprehension spread across her face – the proverbial penny had dropped with a significant clatter.
"You know?" Ella muttered uneasily.
"We've known for ages, dear," Ella's mother replied with a slight laugh. "I know everything that goes on in this house and my only child sneaking out at night was fairly easy to notice."
"I check that vest we gave you – I notice when there's a new crease. I have also noticed that the bruises on your torso match the marks on the vest. Your father clocked your reaction when you first read that article about yourself in the paper – we've kept every cutting about you, by the way. Therefore, when Carrie appeared in the scene, and considering what she is, it wasn't all that far fetched to figure that she might also choose to go wandering about during the nighttime hours."
Carrie cringed.
"Then a second vigilante appeared on the streets of Vancouver. They call her Phosphor, I understand – her eyes glow..."
"Luminous green," Ella muttered. "I've seen them – I've fought her."
"And you ran," Carrie stated derisively. "You fight well, but there's little coordination or planning."
"I did not run; I chose to end the fight. And you said my arse was big!"
Amelia laughed.
"Maybe Carrie can help you with your skills, dear. I want you both to stop the bickering and sniping. The two of you are both very similar in your outlook in life. You both endured a traumatic event – Carrie's was admittedly longer, but it still stands – which has driven you both to try and help this city. I understand that your equipment is cutting edge, Carrie. You had help?"
"Yes, ma'am, but I can't tell you where from," Carrie replied cagily.
"No need, I can guess."
"Your Mom is really smart, Ella."
"Tell me about it!"
"I really don't know why you don't get together, sort out your differences, and involve the boys."
"The boys?"
"Jay and Dylan – the two boys you both tease on a daily basis."
"Oh, those boys," Ella conceded.
"You may as well involve them before either one decides that they too want to become vigilantes," Amelia suggested wearily.
"We've put you in a difficult situation, haven't we?" Carrie asked.
"Yes, you have," Amelia admitted. "James and I are both sworn Mounties, but neither of us are going to arrest our daughter – or our niece for that matter – for their decision to undertake nocturnal activities."
Neither girl said a word as they finished their mugs of tea.
"Now, both of you get to bed, and I don't want to hear another sound from either one of you, understand me?"
The tone of voice brooked no argument and the two girls nodded as they slunk off to their respective bedrooms and bed.
The following morning...
Monday, March 13th
Britannia Secondary School
Jay nudged Dylan as he saw the two girls walk towards them.
"They look angry," Dylan commented. "Periods?"
"Nah – wrong week; Carrie was two weeks ago," Jay responded.
"You track her period?"
"Easier to know when to keep her at arm's length."
"What's up, Carrie?" Jay asked.
"A long story, Jay – we need to talk."
"You and me? Why, what...?"
"No, all four of us," Carrie said. "Something happened at the weekend and you, me, Ella, and Dylan need to talk. I'll see you all at four o'clock."
"Okay," Jay and Dylan responded.
Dylan set off with Ella to class while Carrie headed off to her class with Jay following along behind.
That afternoon...
Phosphor's Container
"Why are we here?" Jay asked as they stopped behind Carrie who herself had stopped amongst a sea of steel ISO containers.
Ella looked uneasy as she glanced down a corridor of containers over to their left. Carrie turned to face her cousin, and her friends.
"One we are inside, we will speak," Carrie directed as she stepped towards a container which looked little different to the dozens of others all neatly lined up, side-by-side.
Jay watched as Carrie pressed her hand up against a section of the right-hand door and he thought he heard locks disengaging for a moment before Carrie pulled open the door and waved them all inside. Dylan looked unhappy about unfolding events and Dylan could tell that the boy was wary of something bad about to occur. As for Ella, she had said no more than three words all day and Jay could tell that something was very wrong as Ella was never normally lost for words. But then it was Jay's turn to be lost for words and he felt a sense of foreboding as he stepped inside the container and the steel door was closed behind them. Jay recognised a kill zone when he saw one, as did Dylan.
"What the fuck is going on?" Dylan asked for them both as his trained mind told him that something was very badly wrong, even as the door behind them relocked and another ahead of them was released.
"Move," Carrie said, echoing another, from just five weeks previously.
"Holy shit!" Dylan exclaimed.
"Oh, I see," Jay commented as he started to understand what was going on.
"What is all this, Carrie?" Ella demanded as her mind struggled to understand what was going on.
The two boys took in the mini kitchen and the table and chairs – not to mention one or two items which positively identified the place as belonging to Carrie.
"Hit Girl, it fucking has to be!" Jay exclaimed.
"Somebody call?" a voice growled, and everybody snapped around to stare up at a forty-inch flat screen mounted over a desk opposite a sofa bed.
Carrie grinned as she recognised the Hit Girl 'Black Edition' mask the bitch had worn during her visit to Vancouver at the beginning of February. How she knew they were there in the container; she had no idea.
"Who is that?" Ella demanded, a look of fear on her face telling everyone that she knew exactly who it was.
"Hello, Ella. Would you like to do the introductions . . . Phosphor?"
Carrie sighed as she glared up at the camera mounted above the flat screen.
"Boys, you know Hit Girl, of course," Carrie said.
The two boys grimaced but they waved, nonetheless.
"Ella, this is Hit Girl."
"Boys, I am the vigilante known as Phosphor. Ella, would you care to introduce us to your alter-ego?"
Ella groaned as she looked directly at the two boys and she took a deep breath.
"I am the Vancouver Ninja."
Dylan was floored as was Jay. Seventeen-hundred miles away, someone else was just as surprised by the confirmation. The silence in the container was deafening as everyone but Carrie, and to a limited extent, Ella, struggled with what they had just been told. Jay considered telling Carrie that she was full of shit, but the container was evidence that it was all true and the container reeked of Fusion influence. Dylan had not known Ella all that long, but the boy had developed a liking for the girl, despite Ella's constant dismissals of his advances towards her. Though he could barely believe what Ella had said, the revelation did kind of explain why she never wanted to go out with him on a Friday, a Saturday, or a Sunday night. Ella had some fighting skills, but nothing which he could see as being useful for a vigilante. They had sparred at school during Taekwondo Club and he usually got the blame for her bruises.
"We found out about each other, just last night," Carrie admitted as she looked at Jay and Dylan. "My aunt knows about Ella and me. She also suggested that we bring you two into this before either of you tried to do something similar."
"I would never do something like this," Dylan said quickly.
"Me neither," Jay added.
"Ella needs properly trained – her fighting sucks," Carrie stated. "Yes, we have both fought as our alter-egos without knowing who each other was – just a few weeks back."
"How long have you both been going out?" Jay asked.
"This is my sixth week," Carrie admitted.
"I first went out, July 15th, 2015," Ella stated for the record. "I have killed five in that time."
"Damn!" Dylan commented.
"Boys, can I have your attention?"
Dylan and Jay obediently looked up at Hit Girl.
"Do I need to spell out what might happen should either one of you say a word about what you are seeing or learning here today? If just one word passes your lips during that time you jerk yourselves off over Carrie and Ella, I will not be pleased."
Ella was stunned to see all colour drain away from the boys' faces as they both stammered out affirmative responses.
"Now, Carrie, would you show the boys next door while I speak with Ella?"
Carrie nodded.
"This way, guys."
Carrie led the two boys through the interconnecting door which led into the next container and Ella felt her legs buckling beneath her as she was left to stare up at the image on the screen.
Ella was scared to her very core as she stared up at the image of someone she hoped never to meet.
"I know who you are, Ella Milligan. I know all about you. However, one thing I did not know, was that you were a vigilante, let alone Vancouver's own Vancouver Ninja. Well done on surviving this long."
"I survive by the skin of my teeth most nights – luck, I suppose," Ella responded. "I feel fear every time I go out. I worry about fucking up. I know that one day, I will meet my match."
Hit Girl nodded.
"I am pleased to hear you say that, Ella. It shows that you have the maturity and mindset for being a vigilante. I have seen you fight, and I can tell that you are struggling, but not for lack of conviction. How much do you know about Carrie, Jay, and Dylan?"
"You mean their past?" Ella asked and Hit Girl nodded. "Not much. I know Carrie went missing for a good chunk of her life – the boys too, I suppose. I know that they are all skilled at fighting and that they have some dubious habits."
"I think you need to talk to them and ask them about Urban Predator. Your Mom and Dad know, I think you need to know. They can help you improve your skills. I know you've fought Phosphor – use her. I will help you, Ella, and the others, but you must demonstrate that you are worthy of my support and trust. I know you can keep a secret, and I know the others can too. Let me down, Ella Milligan, and I assure you, you won't live to regret it."
Ella suddenly felt very cold and she felt all the blood draining from her face as the screen went blank.
Jay and Dylan were still speechless as they were shown around the second half of Carrie's safehouse.
"That bike is fuckin' awesome!" Dylan admitted.
"Hit Girl must really like you," Jay commented as he surveyed the combat suit.
"She promised to support us all and she keeps her promises, it seems," Carrie stated, surprised to find herself openly defending Hit Girl. "Hello – Ella's arrived."
"Christ!" Ella mumbled as she saw the motorcycle.
Carrie grinned at Ella's fading pasty face and guessed that Hit Girl had scared the living daylights out of her cousin.
"Did you enjoy your little chat, cousin?"
"It was okay – maybe a little icy."
Carrie grinned.
"She said that I should ask you three about something called Urban Predator."
Carrie's grin quickly faded, and an icy chill rapidly descended on the container.
"What have I said?" Ella asked, very concerned at the three icy looks she was receiving.
"You'd better go put the kettle on, dear cousin," Carrie responded. "Then we can sit comfortably, as we're about to make you piss your panties."
Ella was regretting asking the question, even as she returned to the other container and stepped over to the tiny kitchen.
Sometime later...
West 47th Avenue, Vancouver
Three hours later, Carrie and a very subdued Ella arrived home.
"How did it go, girls?" Amelia asked.
"Ella met Hit Girl by video link, and she learnt what a Predator was," Carrie replied with an ominous expression.
"Oh, I see," Amelia grimaced in understanding. "Explains why she's not so chirpy."
"It was horrible," Ella muttered.
"Did you let the boys into your little secrets?"
"Yes, they know everything," Carrie confirmed.
"Well, I won't hold you both up. I am sure you both have homework to do before bed. Have you eaten?"
"Yes, we grabbed something on the way back," Ella replied.
Ella headed off to her bedroom and she sat down on her bed, staring at the floor for several minutes before she got up and made for Carrie's bedroom.
"You dare try to be nice," Carrie growled as she brushed her hair.
"I – I never knew..."
"Don't pity me, Ella. I suffered; I live with it. Why did you decide to risk your life, Ninja Girl?"
"It was three days and two years ago," Ella responded as she sat down on Carrie's bed.
Carrie said nothing as she too sat down, noticing the horror in Ella's eyes . . . and the tears.
"Tia died right before my eyes. The bullet took the side of her head off – her brains, they exploded over me. She died to protect me. She was my best friend."
Carrie was stunned as Ella simply folded up and collapsed into Carrie, sobbing her heart out.
From the doorway, Amelia simply watched as Carrie held Ella.
It was all confirmation as far she was concerned. She and her husband had known about Ella for a long time. They had also guessed at the reason behind their daughter's decision to risk her life fighting for those who could not help themselves. For a twelve-year-old girl to experience such a thing as her best friend being shot dead right before her – it had taken time for Ella to get past that memory . . . if she ever had.
Amelia could remember her first time – she had seen people shot dead, more than once, but her first was one she would always remember. She had been a very young woman, just out of training and with the whole world ahead of her. At the young age of just twenty, she was convinced that she knew everything about how the world worked – much to her training officer's chagrin. It had been a drug deal gone wrong – nothing sinister, just two drug dealing bastards who had fallen out. They had arrived on the scene just seconds before one of the men had drawn his pistol and put a bullet into his companion's face. Amelia had frozen as the back of the man's head had exploded out over the wall behind him. Her training officer had not frozen; he had challenged the shooter, then dispatched him to hell, all in just a few seconds.
Constable Amelia Leblanc had not even drawn her weapon. Afterward, she could not even remember how she had returned to the department. Much later, she found that it had been her training officer, Corporal – now Inspector - Alex Devonshire. The man had taken her back to the department and he had sat with her for several hours until he had deemed her ready to go home alone. Even then, the man had checked on her twice daily for the three days she had been allowed to recover from the traumatic event. Alex Devonshire had been rewarded – or punished, depending on which way you looked at it – by being named as Ella's godfather at the time of her birth.
Amelia could feel some of what her daughter felt, but only so far. The two men she had seen die had not been known to her – they had just been two more deaths to add to the yearly tally . . . although, in her mind, two dead drug dealers had been nothing to cry over – and that had been how she had got past the experience. Indeed, at one of the therapy sessions she had endured as a result of the incident, she had met an amazing young RCMP constable and they had hit it off right away. One thing had led to another, and the next thing she knew, one July, four years later, she was both married and looking after a tiny little baby girl they had named Ella.
Out of trauma often came hope, and maybe out of Ella's trauma, hope would come for her, her cousin, and her friends.
The next day...
Tuesday, March 14th
Britannia Secondary School
The two boys had had a lot to take in the previous evening.
The revelation that Carrie's rather annoying cousin was Vancouver's famous vigilante was still a bit of a struggle to come to terms with. As for Carrie deciding to take on the criminals of Vancouver – well, that was very Carrie, Jay had decided. Like most of Carrie's plans, it was a nice idea, but not very well thought out – such as when Carrie had unwisely tried to lead a mass revolt of Marauders from Hit Girl's hellhole . . . that had not gone well and had ended somewhat painfully. Mind you, he and Dylan had both agreed on one thing, however.
"Damn, I still can't get the image of Ella as a vigilante out of my mind," Dylan admitted.
"Is she naked, in this image?" Jay grinned.
Dylan's dirty grin told all.
"It's so hot!" Dylan persisted.
"Tell me about it!" Jay admitted.
Jay loved Carrie – he always had – but knowing that Carrie was out risking herself for others . . . well, it was a major turn on, for him – as well as a major surprise. Carrie had always been self-centred, and she rarely cared for others. Like most of their kind, they looked after themselves, ensuring that only they would control their own fates. Seeing her reinvent herself . . . well, it was hardcore, in his mind, and it made something hard elsewhere...
"What are you looking at me like that for?" Carrie asked Jay as she sat down beside him with her food.
"When was the last time you and I got between the sheets?" Jay asked as Dylan's mouth dropped open.
"Not since we got taken by you know who in Chicago," Carrie replied before her face took on a coy expression. "Something about me you find alluring?" Carrie then asked as she reached over, and she rubbed her hand up and down the front of Jay's trousers.
Jay actually squeaked!
"You, hard boy, are coming home with me, this afternoon," Carrie grinned as she then gave the youth a kiss on the lips.
"What's going on, and why's Carrie got her hand on Jay's dick?" Ella asked as she came upon the scene and sat down beside Dylan.
"Jay wants to get Carrie between the sheets so he can put his dick between her..."
"More than I need to know, Dylan!" Ella scowled.
"How about you and me, hot stuff?" Dylan grinned.
"In your dreams, Dylan!"
"Oh, we do."
"Do, what?"
"We do it in my dreams – you are naked, and so am I, and we..."
"One more word...," Ella warned as her face burned red.
"Little Ella's yet to find her clit, how sweet!" Carrie laughed. "Have you even busted your cherry, cousin?"
Ella went very quiet and she concentrated on her food, not answering Carrie.
That evening...
West 47th Avenue, Vancouver
Ella heard giggling as she walked past Carrie's bedroom door on her way to the kitchen.
Ella had never heard Carrie giggle before – normally the girl was either gloomy, grumpy, moody, or more usually all of the above. The door was not quite shut, so the inquisitive, nosy girl decided to peep through the one-inch gap. An act, she instantly regretted as she found her eyes catching sight of a very naked Carrie. Ella's mind admitted approval for the breasts before she found herself cringing at the sight and then her eyes moved down where they noticed that Carrie liked to trim her lower region. 'Was that what they called a runway?' her mind asked.
The fourteen-year-old's curiosity peaked as she watched the naked Carrie walk from where she had left her clothes draped over her chair to where an equally naked Jay – 'Wow!' Ella thought as she saw that the seventeen-year-old was very well equipped! It was the very first time that she had ever seen a dick go from dangling to pointing directly upward – 'Cool!' her mind said. Then it occurred to her that she had never actually seen a 'live' dick before, and she was fascinated as she watched it vanish from view as Jay slipped into the bed after Carrie. 'Yep,' she thought. 'Carrie had really nice breasts – ewww, where did that come from!' Then she found that she could not tear her eyes away as Jay began to 'molest' – 'Was that the word?' Ella asked herself – Carrie's breasts and especially her nipples which had the girl writhing and moaning as they were manipulated.
Part of Ella told her that she was invading Carrie's privacy in a major way, but the youngster was captivated by what she was witnessing, having never seen such a thing – at least on anywhere but her laptop screen. However, she cringed a bit at the kissing and the other erotic sounds which flooded her ears. Then she realised that the foreplay was over as Jay began to thrust inside Carrie and the girl braced her hands against the bedhead as Jay built up a firm rhythm. The moaning increased and then Ella suddenly freaked out as Carrie screamed and screamed. Ella bolted and she ran into the kitchen to find her mother standing at the stove, a broad grin on her face.
"Something happening?" Amelia asked her obviously embarrassed daughter.
"No," Ella responded in a very unconvincing manner.
Amelia chuckled.