I'm sorry if you think this story is going to have long paragraphs of descriptions, but I don't like doing it that way. I like writing my stories like plays.


"Liv, Liv, babe you gotta get up. Your gonna be late to work." -Trevor

"Do I have to." -Liv

"I don't want to go to court, but I have to." -Trevor

"Your a lawyer, that's different." -Liv

"A cop isn't any different." -Trevor

"Trev." -Liv

"Liv come on, I made you breakfast anyways." -Trevor

"I don't feel like eating anything right now." -Liv

"You never say no, to my breakfast? What's wrong babe?" -Trevor

"My stomach doesn't feel 100%." -Liv

"Oh, did it hurt last night." -Trevor

"No, it jus-" -Liv

In that instant Liv quickly got up, ran into the bathroom, and throw up. Trevor grabbed her hair and rubbed her back.

10 minutes later Trevor helped Liv back to bed, and walked into Noah's room to heck on him, but also called Nick.


"Nick, its Trevor."

"Hey Trevor, what's up.' -Nick

"Liv isn't gonna come into work today, she got sick this morning." -Trevor

"Ok that's fine, is she ok know?" -Nick

"She's pinking up." -Trevor

"That's good." -Nick

"She might be in tomorrow." -Trevor

"Don't worry, just make sure she gets better." -Nick

"Ok. Bye Nick." -Trevor


Trevor walked back into the room to see Liv trying to stand up. He ran over just in time to catch her.

"Your not going anywhere." -Trevor

"Trev, I'm fine." -Liv

"No, you are going to lay here, and relax." -Trevor

Liv knew this wasn't the first time that she had morning sickness. She thought it wasn't anything, until she took a pregnancy test 1 week after. She sighed.

"Trev, I need to talk to you, before you go all doctor on me." -Liv

"I will listen once you lay down." -Trevor

"I'm pregnant." -Liv

"Liv, please lay down and drink. Wait, what? Did you just say that your-" -Trevor

"I'm pregnant, Trev." -Liv

They both smiled.

"Oh my god! We're having a baby!" -Trevor

Trevor picked Liv up, kissed, and spun her. When he realized what he was doing he put her down.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt you?" -Trevor

"No, it's fine." -Liv

"How long are you?" -Trevor

"A month." -Liv

"Have you told anyone else?" -Trevor

"No, Why are you asking so many questions?" -Liv

"I'm just excited." -Trevor

"Me too." -Liv

They sat on the bed for a couple of minutes, when they heard Noah crying in the other room. Liv ran to get him, picked him up out of his crib and rocked him. Trevor stood in the door way.

"Shh, shh, it's ok baby boy. Mommy's got you, shh, shh." -Liv

"You know Noah, your gonna be a big brother. How exciting is that gonna be. " -Trevor

"Trev, he's 2, I don't think he understands." -Liv

"He will." -Trevor

Liv laughed, Trevor put his arms around her, and Noah.


2 months later

It was a busy day when Liv returned. Papers everywhere, Vics in every side chair, and lawyers wondering where their client s were. Liv knew she was home.

"Welcome back Liv. How you feeling?" -Nick

"Fine. What do we got? " -Liv

"Vics name is Kelly Lane, she was attacked in Central Park. We found that this M.O matched another case we had a week ago, But we had the attacker in custody." -Fin

"So we're looking at a copy cat." -Liv

"Not exactly. There was a time frame where he was left alone." -Rollins

"You mean even the standing cop, wasn't even there?!" -Liv

There was a minute of silences between the team.

"Ugh, 1pp, and IAB are going to have a field day. Find him!" -Liv

Liv walked into her office, slammed the door, sat in her desk chair, crying, and thinking. Thinking how she could balance her life, With her family, friends, and job. Also how she could keep this baby safe from all the dangers, out in the world. She knew it was going to be hard, but with help she could accomplish it.


"Come in." -Liv

"Liv, are you sure your ok?" -Nick

"I'm fine." -Liv

"You've just been acting differently the past couple of weeks." -Fin

"What do you mean?" -Liv

"Well, your eyes are watery. your skin looks like it's glowing, and your emotions aren't every you." -Nick

"What is going on?" -Rollins

"Ugh, ok, I could tell you know." -Liv

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm pregnant." -Liv

The room erupted with excitement. Nick went and hugged Liv, Rollins put her hand over her mouth, and Fin just stood there with a smile on his face.

"How long are you?!" -Nick

"3 months. Trevor, and I had to make sure to keep it a secret until we were out of the woods. " -Liv

"Makes sense, with all of the stress that has been going on in the squad." -Nick

"I know, there was a day I was so stressed that I had to go home." -Liv

"I remember that, it was a case that went back to Noah's mother right? " -Fin

"Ya, I accurately got a threatening letter, saying that they would hunt us down, and knap Noah." -Liv

"And you didn't tell us because?" -Rollins

"Well, we had to give it to IAB, because all of us were involved. Right?" -Liv

"Ya" -Nick

"Okay, then. So know that we have got this straighten out, did we find out where Kelly's attacker is.?" -Liv

"Yes, we just need to pick him up." -Fin

"Then what are you waiting for Rollins, Fin, go pick him up." -Liv

"On it Sarg." -Fin

"Go." -Liv

She laughed. she missed being called Sergeant, but never missed the squad room.