Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter but the thing I was using to type the book on, deleted my account so I had to start all over on the next chapter!

Oh well… on with chapter 10! WOOOOOOOOOO!


All you could hear was the sound of a sword swiping through the air. You could hear it slice through muscle and bone. It was as if the world were in slow motion. The mobs all around seemed to just watch with horror, the 5 friends stood frozen, as the huge red and black wings fell to the ground.

No, our princess, no… muttered the lead Wither Skeleton.

They all saw Nyx's head slowly raise, they could see tears streaming from her eyes as they fell on her wings, lying a couple feet away from her.

"Not so tough now are we?" Herobrine said to her, with a smirk playing across his face. "Now that you can see what I can do, will you be loyal?"

It wasnt a question. He was going to force her to join him, or he would finish his work. She sat there, hunched over, not looking at anything but her wings, then…

"FOOL!" She screamed at him as she jumped to her feet.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN INTIMIDATE ME JUST LIKE THAT! WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" her eyes glowed bright as she launched herself at him. She didn't even bother with a sword, she used her claws. Red smoke swirled around her feet, as netherache (Did I spell that right?) spikes sprung from the ground.

Lava poured from the tips causing her friends to have to back up. They weren't able to help, though they wished they could.

"You have hurt people for far too long, you have caused the monsters of minecraftia to have to kill against their will! You have hurt my friends! YOU. WILL. PAY." she yelled at him as she pushed him to the ground.

"Y-you can't stop me." Herobrine stuttered as her claws pressed him to the ground.

A glowing red sword appeared in her hands. And with a flash of white light, he was gone. Herobrine was gone.

All at once the Nether mobs that had survived cheered with their weird noises, the minecraftia (over world) mobs joined in as well because they were getting death glares from some of the other mobs. Nyx's friends all ran forward, or were carried over, and hugged their friend very tightly.

"You did it!"

"He's gone!"

"SUGAR!" They all stared at Nerp when she said that. Then Vincent just hugged her. But what surprised them all most was the Wither Skeleton that ran forward and hugged Nyx so tightly his arms fell off.

"Oops…" He said. There was an awkward silence then

"Guys, this is Wither Heart. He was also mistreated by Herobrine in the Nether." Nyx explained. Wither Heart gave a little wave.

"Wither Heart, this is Michael, Vincent, Lucy, Lilly, Nerp, and Kate." Nyx introduced.

"Yo Wither Heart! Do you want some candy or some marshmallows! Or are Marshmallows candy?!" Nerp said. Wither Heart gave a very scared look, towards Nyx.

After that they all became great friends. THey got to really get to know Nyx, Wither Heart, Lilly, and Nerp. They got to learn a lot more about the Nether thanks to the 2 Nether dwellers. They also got to meet some Minecraftia mobs and get to know them, such as, Dave a zombie. And Max, a Creeper. Life was all good for them. And they hoped it would never end.


And its done! YAY! Ok so thankyou all so much for supporting me throughout this book. It was really appreciated! And let me know if you want a sequel! I have to get at least 10 request for a sequel before I do it. Hey if you want to 'chat' with a character, let me know in the reviews because i will release one more chapter of people just either asking, daring, or just chatting with a character! Also that where all the shout outs will be and all the long thankyous!