The warm embrace of the precious summer had been chased by the cool grip of autumn. After the terrifying events of the knight Gundams and the great spirits it was if a plague of misfortune ravaged the kingdom. More importantly the royal family and the knights themselves, Zero rarely left the castle out of fear for his daughter's Rosalie safety. Bakunetsumaru, paranoid not only as a warrior, but as a father. For the well-being of his family, his swords never sheathed nor his eyes off guard. Percy and Rele had their duties as members of the Lacroain family. As did Tallgeese, he may have been Rosalie's godfather but he was also the teacher to the young knights in training. He had taken full responsibility over the task since Zero's reclusive behavior began. Growing more and more distant from his students they became worried. On those long bitter nights Guile and the others could see his shadow pace in the candle light of the bedroom. "It's been weeks, months even and he has not stepped foot outside since the encounter with the Feather Dragon." Chanse murmured beneath his cloak. "We were all gripped by dread that day, but to not leave castle or to search for answers it is unlike the Winged Knight we know." Ethel shivered at the wind biting at her pale skin. "It is not a life to live if not a life at all…" Guile spoke in a whisper standing near a dying fire. Ethel turned to her brother puzzled at the avowal. "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." Chanse clarified.

"You children say this as if you understand…" A voice heavy and rasped arose. The three fell silent as their teacher recanted. They had never heard him speak in such a manner so cruel and malicious. "That day for all of eternity will scar them, if at all you can sympathize with them. For the sake of their child they do what they must." Tallgeese jeered. Against their better judgment the apprentices decided to response. "But it has been so long; they can't just keep her there growing up not knowing the world outside the castle walls." Ethel grimaced. Tallgeese's temper lessened at the sound of the young girl's cries. "I know my dear Ethelgyth. As her godfather I too am afraid of what lies ahead."

"They're merely doing what they think is best." Tallgeese told them. Guile albeit wasn't about to bite his defiant tongue. "You think you know what's best? You claim to be her godfather but you've done nothing." The white knight narrowed his pink optics at the bold statement of his apprentice. He quickly gestured to Ethel and Chanse to return to the barracks, the twins ran in haste. Tallgeese stepped face to face with his student, "Would you care to repeat that…" He snarled his temper now boiling. The gundam said nothing in retorts to his teacher just scowling. "Very well." Instantly Tallgeese tore away Guile's cotton shawl, his only defense from the cold autumn nights. "You wish to act like a knight?! Fine then! You will stand outside the entire night sword in hand not moving an inch. That is your punishment." The white knight attested sourly. He stomped back toward the castle his metal feet clanking on the icy ground.

A shiver ran up his spine as he entered the palace and exhaled hot breath. As Tallgeese spun his head forward he met a ghastly sight, Bakunetsumaru appeared before him in a miserable state. His eyes had dark circles, his white skin faded, and his armor looked as though it hung loose on his torso. "Greetings Tallgeese." The samurai moaned. The tempest gazed at him in wide shock, "Baku you look a fright." He replied in plain view of the gundam's discomfort. "How long have you been pushing yourself like this?" The Ark Gundam couldn't answer as he collapsed to his knees fortunately; Tallgeese was there to catch him. It made the knight recall the time he himself was too weak to stand and the red samurai came to his aid. He put the gundam's arm over his shoulders and led him to the bed chambers where Zero was no doubt at. Tallgeese knocked on the door and it quickly swung open when Zero met his glance. The Winged Knight gasped at the horrible condition of his beloved, they laid Bakunetsumaru on the bed removing his armor and swords and kindly wrapping him in warm quilts. Zero and Tallgeese placed themselves on either side of Baku while he finally rested. "He looked like a walking corpse standing in front of me." Tallgeese explained the moment he saw Baku. Zero released a sigh, "He's done this on many occasions, when he faced an old rival and was gravely injured, he refused to stop fighting." But as Tallgeese took a glimpse he could see Zero wasn't exactly well rested ether.

"Zero, when was the last time you got any sleep?" Tallgeese asked. The knight was hesitant to answer but to say eventually. "Not much I've been caring for Rosalie…" Zero went reply. "Then allow me, as her godfather it's my duty and you've been pushing yourself to the breaking point." The white knight recanted honestly. That said Tallgeese left the room and ambled toward the nursey. Inside softly lit room the baby gundam fussed in her crib in need of attention. Tallgeese took the infant in his arms and cradled her in the warm cotton blankets. "Shhhh little rose bud, hush there is nothing to fear." He lulled rocking her gently. She lessened her cries as the knight spoke, it was clear everything that was happening was also affecting Rosalie. Tallgeese gazed down at the mumbling tiny gundam her big eyes wet in tears. He couldn't imagine what level of terror this fragile soul had seen in such a short time. "Someday my darling this will be behind us I promise you that." The tempest swore quietly.

To his surprise the baby began to smile and even giggled a bit. "The whole world could be ending and yet your happiness is what makes this ordeal bearable." Tallgeese held her above his head and whisked her around the room. Giving her the first taste of what flying would be like. For Knight Gundams they weren't simply born with the innate ability to wield magic they had to learn it. Once a knight became accustom to this energy known as "mana" in their body, they gained a cape, a sign of mastery over their powers. And considering that Rosalie was actually half Lacroain gundam and half Musha gundam, no one could say for sure when she would be capable of using magic.

As Tallgeese spun the little gundam around the room he soon realized that night was already upon them. Although by the look on Rosalie's face she wasn't interested. Tallgeese knew if he didn't get the infant to sleep, he'd be regretting it the next day. But he had a plan to help Rosalie drift off to sweet dreams, a lullaby. He laid the tender child back into her crib and began singing a rather amusing if not odd ballad. "There's a monster that lives 'neath your bed. Oh, for crying out loud it's a book on the floor, it must be flat as a board. There's a creature that lurks behind the door, though I've checked fifteen times when I leave, he arrives every night. Tell the monster that lives 'neath to go somewhere else instead or you'll kick him in the head. Tell the creature behind the door, if he knows what's good, he won't come 'round no more cause you're kicking butt on the count of four… Goodnight little slayer goodnight, now it's time to close your tired eyes. There are devils to slay and dragons to ride, if they see you coming hell they better hide. Goodnight little slayer goodnight! I won't tell you it's all in your head, this world of ours is not what it seems and the monsters are real but not in your dreams. Learn what you can from the beasts you defeat, you'll need it for some of the people you'll meet! Goodnight little slayer goodnight, now it's time to close your tired eyes. Goodnight my little slayer goodnight…"

Looming over the crib Rosalie was fast asleep as Tallgeese stroked her metal cheeks. "Sweet dreams little rose bud…" He kissed the top of the infant's head and quietly exited the nursey room. Before finally resting for the night the tempest peeked on Zero and Baku. Opening the doors just a tad to see and sure enough the two were slumbering in each other arms. Everything appeared in order convincing Tallgeese his work was done for the night. However, as he came to his chamber door the remorse of the argument between him and Guile hung on his neck. "I have to fix this." In a heavy sigh he rushed back out into the cold to Guile. Tallgeese found the young knight where he left him, shivering in the frost and his back against the barracks. In the freezing fog Tallgeese removed his fur coat and throw it on Guile. The pine green gundam beheld a gaze of confusion to his mentor, "Sir wh-wh-a-at are y-y-you doing?" Guile muttered. "I'm sorry about earlier it wasn't wrong of you, it was wrong of me for the punishment I gave. Now get inside before you freeze to death." Guile nodded and hurried to the barracks. The tempest knight glanced up at freezing night sky filled with twinkling stars and a quarter moon. The burden off his shoulders Tallgeese could at last return to his chambers and rest. But with all the terror of possible things to come getting rest wasn't on his mind.

◊~{~ ~}~◊

The morning unfolding with soft wispy clouds dress the sunrise and the cold fog from the night prior rested as a layer of dew on the trees and grass. Birds sang early at the first sign of day break and soon the kingdom came awake as well. Blacksmiths starting their fires and farmers letting their animals graze on the open fields. The royal palace was stirring as well at the grips of lights pointing through. Rele and Percy were up and ready for the day as the future rulers of Lacroa everyday was important. Tallgeese awoke from his lite sleep as always, he stood and gathered his things. Training for the apprentices began in the mornings and ended in the afternoon. However, he wanted to check on Zero and Baku before leaving. "Zero… Are you awake?" The tempest whispered knocking on the door. "Yes, come in." He answered on the other side of the door. Walking in he could see Baku was still asleep while Zero was up and about. "I can thank you for the full night of sleep. But I think Baku going to need more" The knight said.

Tallgeese was happy to see her better, "Rosalie was a doll last night after one song she was out like a light." But as Zero could tell the white Knight had more to say, "You know it's a perfect morning why not join us for sparring and magic lessons?" Tallgeese attempts in convincing Zero to leave. "Both you and Rosalie could use the fresh air and the children have missed you." Zero turned to the window and pushed away the curtains. "That day will forever haunt me Tallgeese… Seeing Fenn in such a fury of hate I could never imagine." Zero frowned. "We will all remember that Zero, but for the sake of your daughter and the kingdom you need to move pass it." Tallgeese said in hopes of healing the mental scars. "Even if you still fear him remember the spirits have him contained." Zero released a sigh, "You're right courage is not the absence of fear but rather that something else is more important." The decision was not easy to make but Zero knew he had to step forward. Passing through the door of the castle the sun's rays blinded him. "I'd been away for so long I almost forgot what the sky looked like." Zero said

The Winged Knight breathed in the cool, morning air and exhaling the anxiety from his being. Then suddenly heard his name called in the distance. He turned to see his students running forward and embracing him in sheer joy. "We've missed you!" Guile cried. "I believe he speaks for all of us!" Ethel added. "I've missed you all too!" The Knight said wiping tears from his eyes. "Remember students, give him some space." Tallgeese told the children. They soon withdrew from Zero's position. "It's alright I'm just happy to see you all." He replied. "The children were hoping to take you on a nature walk through the woods." Tallgeese asked. "That's a splendid idea, I would very much enjoy that." He agreed. They headed off down a natural path that went through most of the wild green pine woods. As the group walked Zero noticed many wild flowers and bushes were still in bloom. Fairy Primrose, Pansy, Amaryllis, Snowdrops, Cyclamen, and Blanca Lilies. "I thought flowers stopped blooming in the winter?" The Winged Knight inquired. "For many, yes but these are winter flowers." Ethel answered hopping along the trail. "Most flowers are seasonal like these ones."

While the children went on their own way Zero held Rosalie as the little Gundam gazed around the bizarre world that surrounded her. Off in the distance were many sounds, birds chirping and singing, insects buzzing, and colorful leaves crunching under their feet. "Enjoying the sights my little rose bud?" Tallgeese smiled watching the infant scope out the new world. "I'll take that as a yes." Zero giggled. Then suddenly a loud shrill like shriek resonated from the canopy above. Zero's eyes shot to the point of where the sound emanated. Up on a branch near the top of an old redwood. A large white bird with bright yellow eyes and sharp talons roosted on the tree. "Oh, nothing to be worried about, it's just a Snowy Owl." The Tempest explained. The Winged Knight was again confused, "I thought they only lived up north." Tallgeese nodded, "They usually do however, in the winter they come down south. Zero couldn't help it but felt an uneasiness from the owl as it eyed him from the tree.

◊~{~ ~}~◊

As the day came to a close Zero returned to the castle and put Rosalie to bed. The little Gundam was tuckered out from her day of adventure. "Goodnight my precious darling I'm happy you got to play outside today. Have the sweetest of dreams." Zero whispered kissing his daughter on the temple. Covering her in the warming quilts and gently spun the mobile. As the sun set on the horizon and the nursery grew dark, Zero was mistaken. His daughter would not be having any sort of pleasant dreams, rather nightmares. Once the night took over the sky a startling dark force emerge from the forest. Its bright yellow eyes peering through the stained glass of the castle. Then by some work of magic the creature passed through the stone walls. Not breaking or leaving a single trace of its entrance. It silently flew to the nursery its wings made not a sound. The creature's eyes peered down softly at the sleeping infant. Its sharp talons caressed the baby's metal cheeks. "At long last…" The creature finally spoke. "I shall take back what is rightfully mine. And to think the only one who tried to warn you, you branded a lunatic. You're all fools." She said vindictively.

She perched herself on the crib's railing and the room was engulfed in shadows. She had begun to cast a spell by singing and the shadows only grew.

"Hush, child, darkness will rise from the deep, and carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and carry you down into sleep.

Powerless one, I'll shape your belief, and you'll always know that your father's a thief. And you won't understand the cause of your grief, but you'll always follow the voices beneath."

And voices with in the shadows repeated her words. "Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me…"

"Powerless one, your spirit will hate her. The flower who married my brother the traitor. And you will expose his puppeteer behavior, for you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty."

As she sang the darkness became even more powerful. "Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me…" The shadows continued the chant.

"Hush, child, darkness will rise from the deep, and carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and carry you down into sleep."

Eventually her song reached its crescendo the shadows swirling like a storm all around her and the only light that could be seen was the mana she gathered. In the child's mind the images of past evils. The evil warrior Epyon, a draconic beast with two heads, Deathscythe the knight once known as Deed who betrayed Lacroa, and a much greater evil the child didn't recognize.

"Powerless one, each day you grow older, each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold.

The child of my body, the flesh of my soul, will die in returning the birthright he stole."

The room all at once halted and a bright light began to spring forth from the sleeping Gundam. The shadows were driving away, the owl opened her eyes to find the room entirely encased by ice and crystals. She sneered satisfied with her work. "So, the truth is to behold…Child is indeed powerful. Everything is falling into place." Her work done the owl left the castle phasing pass the stained-glass windows. Whatever she had set into motion could not be stopped now.

Another furious storm was barreling its way onto Tenchijo in the midst of summer. Rain pelted the roof of the fortress, and the thunder shook the ground beneath them. Meanwhile inside standing at a window pane was young Hotaru looking agape out at the raging maelstrom. Her single red eye enchanted by the vehemence and beauty of nature itself. Her parents watch from a table baffled as to why their daughter became so enamored by the howling wind and violent flashes of light. "How long has she been standing there?" The older maroon bot named Zapper asked. "For a few hours now, every time a storm starts, she's at a window." Replied Grappler a cobalt bot and the younger of the two. At another table sat the healer Ivyomaru and the snake like assassin Cobramaru. They were looking on as the scene unfolded sharing a bottle of sake. Just as curious as the child's parents as to why she admired the woes of nature. He couldn't understand for a minute why the healer always seemed so cryptic when she spoke of Hotaru. Sure, the child was a bit odd to say the least. But Ivyomaru acted like there was more to the girl's spirit then she usually let on. What was the old woman playing at? What did she know that no one else clearly didn't know?

The grey armored ninja sat tapping the table, his strident nails made a loud 'thud' on the wood. "Enlighten me, if you would healer-sama. What is it about the child that deems her special?" He questioned idly. The Musha merely pointed her head toward the child. Hotaru was now away from the window and moving her feet randomly in one spot. "That's cute she's doing a little dance." Zapper chuckled. The ninja thought nothing of it watching the child trot along but inspecting more closely. The girl's footsteps were coinciding with the crashes of the thunder and the lightening as they shattered the darkness outside. Cobramaru was confounded he had seen this dance before. Known as the Arashi Kagura or the Dance of Storms this was a ceremonial dance. It took years to master and only the high ranked members of priests were allowed to perform it. So how was it that a mere toddler with no knowledge of these matters could do this dance with ease. The assassin gave an unamused glare. "All things shall reveal themselves at the proper time." Not the answer he was wanting. Cobramaru spent the rest of the night drinking the remaining sake. He was utterly inebriated stumbling in the now empty room. The others had long since gone to bed of course in his drunken haze he was unaware. He continued to stagger until he tripped over the sake bottle and face planted, "Ughhh kuso…" he swore under his breath. Now with a throbbing head he returned to his quarters in feeble hopes of sleeping soundly.

The next morning was even worse, his head ached, mouth dry, horribly nauseous, and felt as though the room was spinning. "Never again…" He cursed himself. He knew the consequences of drinking so much in one night. One way to remedy the problem for a short time at least was ginger. Ginger was miraculous herb that aided in many illnesses and the best way to get it was in the form of tea. The only adverse part was how much he hated the taste of the root. He would take the taste over the excruciating pain in his head any day. As the fumes of the tea filled his nose he wanted to gag. He shook off the displeasure and drank the hot liquid, he coaxed himself into having three of the cups until his stomach had enough. He leaned his arm on the bedroom table rubbing his temple searching for relief. He wouldn't find it, "Hey Cobramaru!" Genkimaru's voice rang out suddenly at the door. "Grrr…WHAT?!" The assassin retorted irritably. "Someone's in a bad mood." The little Musha said. "I'm not in the best state of mind, I'm hungover." He explained. "Well duh, I smelled the sake all over you when came back to the room." Cobramaru couldn't remember a time that he became so angry that it made him drink.

"Doesn't matter now why are you in such a rush?" He asked finally. "Ivyomaru wanted to know if you're wake yet, she wanted you to join us outside." Of course, she did, but it had been raining for days on end so having a clear day of sunshine was fair. Cobramaru pulled himself to his feet and followed Genkimaru to the front of the castle. Alekimaru was playing with Hotaru while Grappler and Zapper watched nearby. Genkimaru joined in with the girls as Cobramaru stood by. "Was your night enjoyable?" The old healer said with a snicker. The ninja rolled his eyes, "Oh yes very funny." He thought sarcastically. He wasn't stuck in thought for long however as a shout came from Zapper Zaku. A large moth landed on the former Dark Axis soldier's face. "Agh! Get it off! Get this gross bug off me!" The children busted out laughing at the sight and neither could Ivyomaru or Cobramaru suppress the laughter. "Come now Zapper, it's nothing more than a silk moth it poses no harm." The healer said softly removing the creature from Zapper's head. The moth gently flew from Zapper to Hotaru landing on her hand. She stared at the strange winged insect and cocked her head as it flew into the blue sky. To the toddler it was sad to see the creature go. "It's okay Hotaru we'll probably see more of them just wave bye for now." Alekimaru explained. She caught on quickly moving her tiny hand back and forth. "Yeah like that."

"Tag you're it!" Genkimaru shouted hitting Alekimaru on the arm. He went sprinting into the tall grasses of the fields surrounding the castle. "No fair!" Alekimaru yelled chasing after him. Hotaru was eager to follow but wasn't exactly fast on her feet, fortunately Grappler was there to help. "Hey, hey wait for us!" He put Hotaru on his shoulders and ran after them, Zapper slowly in tow. "I must apologize for my words the night before. I wasn't trying to trample your nerves…" Ivyomaru began. "No, I understand, I ask questions but know I will not receive answers until the I am ready." Cobramaru interjected. "Despite my many decades of wisdom I do not hold all the world's knowledge. There are things we must discover and experience on our own." She finished yet found the assassin's attention was elsewhere. His eyes were closely scanning the tall grasses. Something was wrong as he drew his large curved blade. He rushed into the cover of the foliage and listened intently. Hearing the children play and talk but there was something else. A strange edge in the breeze as the wind changed direction, he felt a cut in the air. He turned on a heel and hurried towards Genkimaru and the others. "Please, please let me be wrong…"

He appeared from the grass to find the children all in one place thankfully. "Cobramaru what-?" But before Genkimaru could even ask another figure emerged from nowhere wielding the same blade as Cobramaru. He immediately shielded them, "Zapper, Grappler get the kids out of here!" The ninja demanded. They pushed through the grasses and ushered the children back to the castle only to face two more. "They're cobra ninjas!" Genkimaru shrieked. "What are they doing here? I haven't seen any of them since the civil war!" Cobramaru thought urgently. He fended off the first one and went to help the others. Grappler was keeping the other ninjas at bay swinging his black claw arm. Cobramaru leapt in and confronted the remaining ninjas, "Why are you here? Who has sent you?!" Cobramaru commanding an answer. The ninja emotionless eyes bore into him, "Many things have change since your departure from the village Cobramaru." That was all that was said and the ninja suddenly retreated. Vanished as quickly as they had arrived, "What was that all about?" Zapper inquired aloud. Cobramaru was afraid of what that might be.


"Cobra ninjas are you certain?" Ivyomaru said as everyone returned to Tenchijo. "Yes aunty, they were!" Alekimaru retorted. Cobramaru leaned against the window staring out trapped in thought as he overheard the conversation. "That doesn't answer why they came after us?" Grappler interrupted the girl. "The last of the Cobra ninja left when Kibaomaru fell out of power after the war. Them being here makes no sense." Born and raised in the village of the same name, his people usually return home. "So, what would it be?" Zapper asked him. "My people often act as intermediaries or tools for the highest bidder. Used for espionage or assassination so unless someone wants to start trouble in Ark this had to have been an order by the clan leader." He concluded sitting beside the others. "Didn't one of them say something to you." Grappler recalled. The assassin nodded his head, "They said much had changed since I'd left my home. Which doesn't help much at all." He pondered. Then Genkimaru spoke up, "I'll tell you what's changed when those ninja guys came in, they were acting really weird." Alekimaru added to the point. "Exactly it seemed as though they lacked emotions their eyes empty soulless like." Cobramaru saw that too, a ninja would normally have a fierce expression, a look of power. Instead these ninjas were devoid of any of this, whatever had changed he found it very disturbing.

"But that's not the only thing when the ninjas attacked, they weren't looking at us…" The little Musha girl paused. "They were looking at Hotaru…" Zapper and Grappler instinctively held their daughter tight as they heard those words. "Why would you say that?!" Zapper said in anger. "I'm just telling you what I saw, Zapper-san!" She cried. "Enough!" The old Musha said firmly. "There is a way to get to the bottom of this," She turned to the black clad ninja. "Cobramaru would going to your village help solve this?" Ivyomaru requested. He stood up and paced in the room, "Well?" Grappler insisted. "I'll go the one because I'm one of few people who actually knows where the village is. But if this was an order by the clan leader, they'll probably try to capture her again. I can't risk that…" He decided. "What do we do then?" Grappler said more frantic. The ninja shook his head "You're not going to like it if I say." Zapper stood and faced him, "I don't care tell us!"

"For this to work I need to hide her." He answered simply. Zapper was manic, "No that's not happen-!" Then another cut him off, "No he's right." Grappler said. Cobramaru raised a brow, "I'm honestly surprise especially with it coming from you." He replied. "Listen, I don't like this and frankly I don't like you." Another fair point he expected coming from the father. "You know these ninja guys better than the any of us. So, I trust you on keeping her safe and finding out what's really going on." In those words, it made Cobramaru feel worthy and honored to do a mission of this sort. And in his history the context of honor had reformed momentously. However, he knew this mission he could not fail no matter the cost.


At early dawn they departed, Hotaru was wrapped in her bamboo blanket asleep and her parents said their goodbyes. "Don't worry Lightening bug we'll you see soon." Grappler whispered rubbing her cheek. Zapper held her close nuzzling her, attempting to conceal his grieving face. "Be strong…" Those words more for himself then for Hotaru. Calmly passing her to Cobramaru he gently cradled her taut to his chest. The others gave their final wishes and farewells. "You better come back I mean who else is gonna keep these losers in line." Genkimaru wiping his eyes. The ninja knelt to the boy's level and smirked. "I doubt you need me for that my young lord." Next was Alekimaru she offered him a small knapsack of rations, "Hopefully these will last you a few days." Then finally was Ivyomaru, "Allow me if you will warrior, to say a prayer before your journey begins." He nodded silently agreed and lowered his head and the others fell quiet. "Hachiman, we pray and ask for you to watch over this noble soldier and his mission for the truth. Also please watch over the young child he carries and bring them home safely." Her prayer done Cobramaru disappeared into the wilderness of Ark. Had so much really changed in his absence? What had become of his clan? And what was their reason for hunting an innocent child? The trust that awaited him would forever haunt him.

Author's Note: Finally, Back! So, I made some changes 1. Zero has the proper pronouns he/him sorry it was bothering me. 2. As much as I would like to go back and fix my grammar and spelling in past chapters I can't because my old computer that had them crashed and Fanfiction. Net way of uploading stories is dumb. 3. Next chapter is all about Cobramaru and boy is going to get graphic I warn you now!