Sorry for the late update

I've been under the weather and college aint helped much either

Please review and hope you enjoy


Joker was sat on the sofa watching a cartoon. He would have watched anything comedy based but he was in the mood for cartoons today. There was a marathon on and so this put him in a better mood.

He was wearing his usual suit but had undone the bowtie a little and unbuttoned his shirt a little. He had kicked off his shoes and they were sitting in a heap beside the sofa but he would deal with them later.

Bud and Lou were in the corner sleeping on some blankets. They chuckled wildly every now and again but in a cute way. They were snuggled up together and enjoying each other's company.

"Mistah-J?" Harley called from the stairs. She sounded worried and somewhat anxious about something. If she needed help or advice she would sometimes ask Ivy or most often she would ask him.

"Down here" Joker called back irritably. He had been enjoying the tranquil peace on his own but it seemed that Harley wanted otherwise.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps upon the ground. He heard her almost stumble a couple of times but she stood strong. Eventually she burst open the door happily and smiled at him "Mistah-J!" she cried happily.

She was wearing her usual jester cowl and suit but had removed her make-up and jester hat. Her appearance was very cute and innocent which aroused him a little.

"What did you want?" Joker asked curiously. He had been enjoying the cartoons so he was none too pleased about being disturbed.

"I wanted to spend time with you Mistah-J. I was lonely by myself" She explained cheerily.

Joker sighed heavily. It was only natural she would pine for his attention but sometimes it became annoying. She was a needy brat who constantly sought attention to keep her at bay.

"Very well" Joker grumbled crossly. He could put up with her company as long as she behaved herself.

Harley squeaked happily and skipped towards the sofa. She leapt onto it when she was closer and leapt onto it causing a slight bounce.

Joker sighed heavily. She was a sweet kid but her energy was exhausting sometimes but he dealt with it somehow.

Harley snuggled up to him affectionately. She loved this man deeply and wanted to be with him always. It was just annoying that he wasn't always fair with the amount of affection he gave her.

Joker smiled wearily and patted her head gently. He wasn't in the mood for playing around so a simple gesture would have to do today.

"Say Puddin?" Harley asked curiously. A faint blush hinted her cheeks as she thought about what she was about to say. It was an embarrassing subject to bring up but they WERE a couple after all.

"Hmm?" Joker asked impatiently. He just wanted to enjoy the cartoons on TV so why was she pestering him so?

"Do you love me?" Harley asked shyly. Her feelings for him were undeniably powerful and passionate but what about his own?

Joker went quiet and said nothing. She meant a great deal to him but he wasn't one for explaining his feelings to others. He didn't always like talking about his feelings as they caused him inner turmoil.

Harley peered at him anxiously. She needed to know if she really mattered to him or if she was it was just a lost cause. Part of her felt guilty for asking such a silly question but she NEEDED to know.

Joker frowned crossly "Your my lover and henchwoman. You help me with my daily life and plans. Aint that enough information for you" He grumbled crossly.

Harley frowned crossly and folded her arms crossly "I was only asking!" she snapped crossly. It seemed that she couldn't even know about his personal feelings for her.

"Well I aint in the mood to talk about it!" Joker spat venomously. She could never just leave things alone.

Harley slapped him hard across the face and stormed out of the room. He never understood she just needed that small reassurance that her love was not in vain.

Joker sat there on the sofa crossly. She had power and strength behind her attacks and this time it had been more painful than usual.

He rubbed his cheek painfully. She was a stubborn bitch and had a real temper that was one to be feared. However she always had to poke at things instead of leaving them as they were which never helped.

Eventually he got to his feet and made his way upstairs. This spat needed sorting out once and for all.

Bud and Lou had woken up after the spat and decided to follow their master to see where he was going. They also missed their mama and sought her affections.

In bathroom

Harley was sat in the bathtub and hiding behind the shower curtain. She knew the first place he would look was the bedroom so she was being sneaky.

"Mistah-J you idiot" Harley sniffed sadly. He just never seemed to understand her anxious worries and concern about her life and relationship with him.

Suddenly the shower curtain pulled open and Joker stood there frowning intently at her. His cheek was still glowing red and had become somewhat swollen from the impact of her hand.

"Who are you calling an idiot?" he grumbled crossly. It was bad enough she had slapped him and now she was calling him names.

"You don't understand my feelings. How come you gotta be such a jerk to me" Harley whined bitterly.

"How do I not UNDERSTAND how you feel?!" Joker demanded crossly. He MADE her so of course he knew how her mind worked.

"You never appreciate me or take my love seriously! You treat it like a JOKE!" Harley snapped angrily.

"How DARE you say that!" Joker yelled angrily. He lunged at her crossly to which she dodged him and accidentally switched on the shower soaking them both.

The hot water poured down over them soaking their clothes and their hair. But they paid no attention to it and continued to stare into each other's eyes intently.

The outline of Joker's chest and torso began to show through his shirt. He was pretty toned as guys went. He may have been in his mid-forties but he ate a good diet and exercised when he felt like it.

Harley's toned body began to flash though her own suit. It may have been thick stretchy material but the outline of her breasts became more apparent and her body outlined underneath. Her mascara ran down her face a little making it look like she had been crying but it looked good.

"Why do you still KEEP me? You don't even show the slightest interest in me unless it's for personal benefit!" Harley demanded crossly.

The thought that she was simply a toy in his eyes made her feel even angrier and tears began to well over and spill down her cheeks but were masked by the showers spray which she was grateful for.

"I don't quite understand that myself. I would have normally killed anyone working under me within 3 days. Your quite the unique girl Harley I'll give you that" Joker confessed quietly.

Harley stared at him in awe. She had always believed him to despise her and simply see her as a toy. It had never occurred to her that he was at odds with his own feelings for her.

Harley reached out slowly and touched his chest. His heart was beating fast and strong meaning he was nervous. She opened his shirt a little flashing his chest and began to reveal his body slightly.

Joker twitched slightly upon her actions. She was a mysterious young woman that still surprised after all this time. He didn't fight back against her actions and simply watched her open his clothes.

His hands were pressed against the tile wall but he allowed one to slide downwards and touch her left breast and rest upon her heart. It raced fast and wild much like her personality which was rather amusing.

"I feel you" Joker said quietly his eyes gentle and sincere.

Harley smiled gently and said "I feel you".

Slowly Joker leaned towards her and kissed her tenderly. Her lips still tasted as sweet as ever and he never got tired of her.

Harley didn't fight back. She simply closed her eyes and returned his kiss pressing her hands upon his chest.

The hot water of the shower poured over them like rain. Steam blew wafted around them slowly and some went outside into the hall. Their desire for one another burned brightly like a flame. They sought each other out like animals to prey and their passion was hot and wild.