Wildest Dreams

Summary: Bella has a four year old son Seth and when Seth's father starts to become a problem for Bella she jumps at the opportunity to leave Forks and move to New York City. Now Bella has a shot at a new life and maybe it will exceed all expectations.

Chapter 1- You'll Be in My Heart

"You'll be in my heart yes you'll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more" – You'll Be in My Heart by Phil Collins


I couldn't help but smile when I opened my eyes. I already felt my son next to me. I laughed because although my son was four he seemed to always end up in my bed every now and then. I ran my hand down his back. There wasn't anyone in this world I loved more than my son.

I had just graduated high school when I told Jacob that I was pregnant. I still remember the day like it was yesterday. Our dads were best friends and so they made us hang out a lot together and as we got older making a go at a relationship seemed like the natural thing for me to do.

So when he asked me out in my junior year of high school I said yes and everything from there was the boring high school cliché losing my virginity, horribly might I add, on prom night. I remember missing my period just two days from graduation and when I told Jacob he told me to get rid of it. That he didn't want to me a father. But when I couldn't.

Looking at Seth now I knew I loved him even then, how could I not. I knew that abortion was for some people but it wasn't for me.

When I told Jacob I was going to have the baby he said that he didn't want any part of it that he couldn't be a father and didn't want to be. So he showed up the next morning with papers giving up his parental rights and I sat in my father's arms that night and cried. It wasn't that I was very upset with Jacob as my boyfriend but I knew how important having a father was.

Renee wasn't a horrible mother but she wasn't made to be a mother either, she was too flighty. When I was three she divorced my Dad and took me with her traveling. We didn't stay in one place long and by the time I started high school I put my foot down and demanded that I go live with my Dad, Charlie.

Now Renee has re-married to a man named Phil and they still travel because Phil is a baseball player and I couldn't be happier that I came to live with Charlie he was my rock when I found out I was pregnant with Seth. He offered to shoot Jacob but since he didn't want to be a part of my son's life I didn't want anything else to do with him even him paying child support. I let him sign away parental rights.

Seth had tan skin but it wasn't as dark as Jacob's son in the winter you couldn't even tell he was Native American. Especially with my brown eyes and my brown hair that he inherited and for that I was grateful. Everyone in this small town of Forks knew who his father was but I was still grateful it wasn't obvious to others.

Charlie and his girlfriend Sue, although he acted like I didn't know, were a big help because they watched Seth as I went to school. I also worked part time at the local dinner.

Charlie refused to take money from me since I lived with him and gave me money for food but I kept feeling like I was a burden to him and I didn't want to continue like that.

Today I was graduating with my bachelors in psychology. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life besides be the best mom I could be for Seth which is why I got a minor in childhood development. Psychology was a varied field so I was hoping I could get a good job in Seattle and get out of Charlie's house.

"Bells?" I saw Charlie pop his head in and he smiled when he noticed the intruder in my bed.

"I know I'm getting up. Thanks Dad." I said. Charlie nodded and closed the door behind him.

"Baby time to get up." I whispered in Seth's ear running my hands through his soft dark brown hair. I knew today was going to be a long day for him and me both.

I watched as Seth's brown eyes opened up and met mine.

"You remember momma's graduation today right?" I asked

Then he smiled at me and nodded his eyes heavy with sleep.

"Momma" he smiled reaching for me. I sat up and hugged him to my chest. Everything was fine as long as I had Seth.