"Damn" Is the only thing she could manage to say as she brought her hand up to her head. She hissed as she found a cut on the side of her head, wiping away some of her long blonde hair that had gotten stuck to the blood. How the hell had this happened? She looked around seeing no one, hearing only chirping birds and crickets. "Glenn?" She called, but no one responded. Where was he? And where the hell was she? She looked at her watch and realized she'd been out a couple of hours. The sun was going down and she realized night was coming. It was getting even darker in the woods because of all the damn trees blocking out the light.

"Shit!" She said panicking as she tried to get up from the ground in a hurry. She knew she had to get back to her camp before dark, because she would never find her way at night, she wasn't even sure where she was now. As she jumped up, she screamed in pain and came crashing back down to the ground. She looked down to see her ankle badly bruised and swollen. "Fuck!" She cried as she looked around the woods. She was completely lost. How had she gotten so far from her camp?

Where the hell was Glenn? He would never have left her here. Had he been hurt too?

She finally remembered they had been out looking for supplies and firewood before becoming separated after meeting a group of walkers. She hoped Glenn was at least somewhat safer than she was.

As she struggled to move around she stopped suddenly, hearing a noise in some bushes. She prayed it wasn't what she already knew it was. Her heart pounded as she heard the moans and groans of a walker coming straight for her.

She hurriedly tried to get to her feet, as it hungrily rushed towards her. She was in so much pain, from her swollen ankle to the pounding bloody gash on her head but she refused to be this things dinner.

She looked for something, anything to hit it with. Glenn had a gun earlier and she had a crowbar. Where the fuck was it? She thought looking around. She hovered as fast as she could as the walker gained on her. Finally, she saw it.

She screamed in pain as she tried to pick it up but instead she fell back to the floor, the crowbar just outside her grasp. The walker had finally caught up with her, falling to the ground and climbing on top of her. She grabbed it by the neck with her right hand while the other struggled to grasp the weapon. The walker was heavy, freshly turned. She knew because others had been nothing but skin and bones. This bastard however, still had meat on his body. It growled at her before trying to take a bite out of her. However, she had managed to pick up the crowbar and gave him one blow to the head with it.

She tried to get the walker off her but soon realized she hadn't completed the job. She reached for the crowbar again but the walker overpowered her. This was it, she thought. This is how her life was going to end. Being ripped to shreds by this monster. She didn't want to die, even if it meant staying in this god-forsaken world, she'd happily keep trying to survive. But it seemed she didn't have an option this time. Her time had seemingly come to an end.

She closed her eyes as the walker was about to sink his disgustingly blood stained teeth into her body. She waited to hear the sound of her body being ripped apart but instead heard a whistle and a swish.

The walker let out a groan before falling dead onto her small frame. She opened her eyes to see an arrow through the walker's head. She tried to wriggle free of its dead weight but couldn't move.

She began to feel sick and dizzy all at once. Why hadn't she been feasted upon? Who the hell had saved her? As she tried to think, everything became blurry. She was passing out. Suddenly she felt the weight of the walker being removed from her body.

"Hey, you ok?" She heard a husky voice ask. She looked up to see a man pointing a crossbow at her. Was she destined to be killed today?

"Glenn?" is all she could say before passing out.

"Shit." The man muttered to himself, swinging the crossbow around his shoulder. He bent down on his knees to inspect the young woman's injuries seeing no scratches or bite marks. He'd have stuck an arrow straight through her head too if he thought she'd been infected and he wouldn't have given it a second thought. He looked at the gash on her head and then at her ankle. She was pretty banged up. He didn't think her ankle was broken but it was most definitely sprained.

The sun was almost completely out of sight and he was a good two miles from his own camping ground. He put a hand though his hair for a moment while trying to decide what to do with the girl. He couldn't just leave her there, could he? Unconscious and alone, ready to be eaten at any given second. Even if she woke up, she could hardly defend herself in the state she was in.

"Fuck this." He said to himself, starting to walk away from the blonde who was still unconscious on the ground. The world had ended; it was every person for themselves now. She wasn't his to take care of. Hell he had already saved her ass from that mother fucking walker. He didn't owe her a damn thing.

As he continued to walk, he heard growling coming from all around the woods. He knew it wasn't just one walker this time. He looked back to see if she had yet to wake up. This girl didn't have a chance in hell of surviving when those walkers found her. He wanted to keep walking but his feet wouldn't move forwards. Something kept telling him to go back for her.

He stopped in his tracks and ran towards the girl again. He picked her up and threw her over his other shoulder. This chick was lighter than a damn feather. He easily maneuvered back to his own turf even with her extra weight on him. She grunted a few times as he approached his small camp site, she finally seemed to be coming around. He looked around for a motorcycle and was relieved when there was none to be seen. His brother obviously hadn't returned from wherever it was he had gone earlier that day. Maybe he should have been worried, but Merle had always done this kind of shit. He could take care of himself.

Entering his small tent, he gently placed her onto his air mattress. He ruffled his bag pack for a bottle of water and poured some of it onto a rag. He lightly dabbed the cloth along the wound on the young woman's head and tried to clear up as much blood as possible. The sun had gone and he couldn't see too much in the dark, he'd turn on a flashlight but he wasn't going to risk another run in with walkers. He decided he couldn't do much more for her other than put a blanket around her, she was only wearing a black tank top and denim shorts after all. He slowly removed her boot from her injured foot and placed it beside her. He lifted her foot onto a bunch of his clothes to elevate it. He'd really done more than enough for her today, more than anyone had ever done for him. Saved her ass twice, carried her ass back to his tent and even given her his damn bed.

He grabbed a sleeping bag and headed outside. He wouldn't dare dream sleep in Merle's tent. He didn't want to know what he did in there at night. But seeing the amount of Playboy's and Hustlers he had in there was enough for him to not want to enter his bigger brothers tent…ever.

He rolled the sleeping bag out onto the dusty ground and placed his bag back behind him to support his head, making sure his crossbow was at arms length away. He could hear her tossing and turning in the tent but was sure she was asleep. Where the hell did this girl come from? He thought has he placed his hands behind his head. She surely had others with her. He remembered her calling him Glenn earlier when he had saved her from the walker. Maybe that was her boyfriend? What was she doing all alone out in the woods? Didn't she realize how dangerous it would be? He had to admit however, that she had defended herself rather well even with the injuries she had sustained. But there was no doubt in his mind that she would have died had he not come along when he did.

His mind was buzzing with thoughts, all to do with the girl who was passed out in his tent. What would Merle say if he discovered her? He could never predict how Merle would react, especially when it came to a chick. He'd worry about all that tomorrow, he was too tired to care now. He'd ask her the questions he wanted answered tomorrow. But for now, he was getting some well deserved shut eye.