All I knew at this very moment was to keep running. To run as fast as I could. I didn't dare look back. I kept passing lots and lots of trees, but I couldn't find a way out. I whipped my head back to quickly glance behind me. Darkness, nothing but darkness. I could feel my lungs burning at this point. I don't know what I'm running from. Everything starts to spin around me. Things started getting fuzzy when I stubbed my foot onto something. My face met the forest ground. I kept panting, trying to get air into my lungs as I scrambled up. I whipped my head around; I was completely surrounded by the dark.
"No, no, no," I chanted under my breath. I felt my lungs close up. I desperately gasped for air; wet streaks poured down my face. I looked around to find some way to get out, my pants coming out short and ragged. I heard a snap. Whipping my head in that direction I tried to calm my breaths down. I placed a hand over my mouth so that they couldn't hear me. I could still hear my heart beating rapidly and wondered if they could hear it as well. A shadow approached me slowly. I was still on the ground. I tried backing up using my feet. My eyes wide in fear as the shadow got closer. I froze.
"NO!" The raven haired girl shot out of bed, unaware of the tears streaming down her face. Her brown eyes widened in fear as a shadow approached her. She grabbed the closes weapon she could find, a pen, to defend herself with. The shadow launched itself onto her, pinning both arms down to her side.
"Alice! Alice it's ok, it was just a nightmare," The shadow said taking away the pen and stroked her hair. Alice let out an airy sigh before allowing the remained tears out.
"Mary, I'm sorry," She whispered as she hugged the other tightly, not willing to let go, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."
"It's ok, I'm not hurt," Mary soothed, "It's all ok, you're ok Alice." Alice looked out the window, her tears leaving streaks down her face. She didn't know why, but she had the urge to scream that that wasn't her name. She glanced at the town clock. It's been twenty-eight years. She felt empty, feeling as if time never really moved.
"Things are gonna be different Mary," Alice whispered. Mary pulled away and stared at her in confusion. The only light emitting in their apartment was the full moon from outside. "Time's going to start again." Mary only gave her a small, uncertain smile.
"Get some sleep Alice." Mary squeezed her shoulder before getting up to go to her own bed. Alice laid her head back down, facing the window.
"Time's going to start again," She repeated. She hesitated before closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep surrounded by darkness.
Disclaimer: I own nothing that is Once Upon a Time related except for my oc (which you'll find out about soon enough)
Heyyyyy guys! Yes, I've started a new story! This is the first time I've written a TV show fanfic so please if you have any constructive criticism; I completely welcome it but please don't just be mean just because you don't like it. The character I have for this story is an OC and her background will be kind of confusing but it'll add up I promise! This is just the prologue aka the introduction. I'm actually really excited and I'm sorry if I get side tracked with the story because I' m actually only on season 2 of OUAT :/ but I couldn't help myself .
I'm not going to ask for reviews because as an avid fanfic reader I know how much of a hassle it is, but a quick favorite would be very much appreciated!
I love you guys!