The 3 day chase continued. Naruto hopped from branch to branch in a steady pace to avoid the man from gaining anymore distance. However, the abdominal pain from the wicked kick he received earlier sharply pestered him like a fly. His metal chest plate was bent from the blow. His weary legs moved of their own accord now as they seemed to mechanically bend and take off.

A whizzing noise sounded by Narutos ear, startling him, causing the nineteen year old to misplace his foot and fall with a sharp snap to the forest floor. The dull, metallic thud of a shuriken hit a tree nearby, heightening Narutos senses and panic. Narutos panic motivated him to run but he stumbled wildly over his own two feet. As he lay, Narutos eyes rose to see wooden sandals, coming closer and closer to him. His eyes widened as he slowly scanned the man in front of him. The man's black coat with red clouds remained stiff as if there was no breeze to dare disturb them. The still man had the all too familiar face of a long gone friend but remained stoic and more fear-inducing. Those long strands of inky black hair escaped from the pony tail, that attempted to bind them, hung beside the man's pale skin. Naruto peered through his cracked anbu mask to look at his final stunning feature; Those all knowing eyes that can bore into ones fantasies, thoughts, dreams, desires, and fears... How Naruto wished he were far from this man right now.

"I'll kill you if you come any closer..." Naruto pathetically huffed out as he rose from the ground. His teeth gritted against grains of dirt that entered his mouth from the fall. Acheingly tired, he unknowingly swayed left and right from the unfocused vision received by his eyes.

"Haven't you already tried that before?" The man with the controlled voice said.

Naruto blinked slowly as he remained in a weak defence stance. His thoughts were jumbled and undeterminable. There was no way to create a plan of action anymore.

"I'm suprised you survived the jinchuriki extraction. It seems you've grown...Naruto." His tone remained unalterable as he spoke, but eyes seeming to fire bullets upon Naruto.

"Then why are you hunting me? I'm not a priority to you anymore. You've completed your mission. So whatever fucked up game you're playing, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" With a burst of courage, Naruto lunged tactically at the man with a barrage of punches. The man met his barrage skillfully and in time was able to land a few elbows, kicks and punches to various places on Narutos body. A few were all that was needed to disable Naruto for a while.

The man rolled the numb Naruto onto his back with his foot and bore his eyes into Narutos. The man and Naruto continued this stare off until the man crouched down and placed a slender hand on Narutos jacket zipper. The long fingers gripped the zipper and slowly slid it down. "What are you doing?" Naruto screeched but the man continued to ignore the boy. He carefully removed the jacket and proceeded to remove the shirt underneath. "ITACHI! STOP! What do you want?"
Itachi continued until the boy was shirtless, revealing a faded seal mark around his belly button. Itachi would've gone on but a long silver sword appeared at his neck. Naruto followed the length of that sword and saw the missing nin whom he searched to bring back all these years.

"What a surprise to see you defending the boy who you've broken bonds with, Sasuke." Itachi calmly stated as he continued to stared into Narutos eyes.

With that, the two broke into a clash of weapons and fists. Naruto moved with great difficulty, using Sasuke as a distraction for Itachi to escape. Naruto first moved his arms only to find that every movement felt as if he had boulders tied to the bottom of every limb.

It didn't take long before Naruto decided to look up to find Itachi standing beside him. Narutos eyes widened at the sight of Itachi once again kneeling to remove his clothing. Confusion struck Naruto dumb as the question of Sasukes location roamed his mind. The last garment was removed and Naruto couldn't help but feel incredibly embarrassed as Itachi simply glided his gaze over his naked form.

"Let go of me and fight me instead!" Sasukes voice called out from the distance. Naruto had a desire to follow that voice but craning his neck seemed like far too much effort. 'Why is the bastard saying that? He's not the one naked in the hands of a mass murderer.' Naruto was sent back into reality as he felt Itachi lips crashing onto his. Itachi hands straddled the boys hips as Naruto attempted to struggle.

His hands reached out to flip the boy over onto his stomach. The rough dirt dug into Narutos skin like microscopic glass. Itachi extended his arms to grab the coarse blonde hair to yank it back, resulting in the sharp pain visiting Narutos stomach from previous injuries. Naruto grinded his teeth in an effort to avoid squealing from the pain. As his eyes readjusted, he noticed Sasuke bound to a tree with blue streams that let off a soft glow. Whatever jutsu Itachi used caused chakra to bind Sasuke to a tree like an invincible rope. Sasukes futility left Naruto feeling hopeless.

Once again Naruto was snapped back into reality as he felt something at the entrance of his behind. Naruto cringed at the sensation and feared the inevitable. He wailed as Itachi entered him with no mercy. The pain wrecked his whole body causing him to collapse with his behind sticking up in the air. After all that was all Itachi needed... at the moment.

The relentless attack upon Naruto was worsened as Itachi yanked his hair back so his face was turned directly towards Sasuke. As Itachi continued his assult, Naruto heaved as if he ran a marathon, all the while pleading to Sasuke with his eyes to save him. But Sasuke seemed too shocked to even struggle against the chakra.

"SASUKE! P-PLEASE! Make him stop!" Naruto wailed as heated tears betrayed his eyes and rolled down his disappointed cheeks. "SASUKE! Stop!" Naruto, unable to catch his breath was simply yelling for his request. As Itachi began to hit him faster Naruto began to beg. " SASUKEEEEEE!"

As Itachi finished his controlled climax Naruto couldn't feel any more betrayed. His mind gave up along with his body at that moment. It seemed that there was no good Uchiha left in the world. Naruto still, however, tried to regain his breath as his body felt on like it was on fire with a sheen of sweat. He didn't even resist as he felt Itachi drag Naruto towards himself. As he faced Itachi he realized that Itachi was standing so his waistline matched Narutos head.


Naruto knew what was coming but he wasn't aware that he was turned sideways where Sasuke could see everything perfectly. Naruto was face to face with Itachis member. Itachi forced his jaw open and locked it into place with his hand. He trusted his member into Narutos mouth. Naruto gagged on the feeling but it remained there until Itachi decided to pull out. Relief filled Naruto but it didn't last long when Itachi was back inside him.

Itachi continued this motion as Naruto felt a thick substance beginning to foam in his mouth. Naruto scrunched his eyes to avoid making any noise and he would've succeeded if Itachi hadn't released into his mouth. Naruto panicked as the substance began to clog his airway. The only option was to swallow the foreign substance. Naruto groaned as Itachi pulled out of his mouth completely, leaving a bridge of saliva from Narutos lip to Itachis member.

Itachi released Naruto from his grip and Naruto fell onto his back. Suddenly, a shadow darted towards Itachi and Naruto, with his faded vision, was able to recognize it to be Sasuke. Naruto remained silent as he heard distant yelling coming from Sasuke and retorts from Itachi. As Naruto lay slipping deeper into a unfamiliar darkness, a grip propped him up to his feet. A dark sleeve had a hand holding a kunai to his neck.

"Say it Sasuke. You enjoyed our little show." Itachi commented behind Naruto.

"You sick bastard... Let Naruto go." Sasuke steely replied.

"How I took your friends virginity. How I made him mine. It was fascinating, wasn't it?" Itachi brought the kunai closer to Narutos neck, nicking it.

"Don't touch him or else. I'm giving you one last warning Itachi. Let him GO." Sasuke wasn't able to completely mask the anger in his voice. His fingers twitched to grab his sword. How he wished to decapitate Itachi right now.

"But of course you weren't able to do anything until I was finished. Since you wish it were you in my position. You wish you had done what I've done. To taste his skin, feel him surrounding you, and hear him cry out your name made you excited. It was an obvious reaction...Sasuke."

"I'll kill youuu!" Sasuke lunged at Itachi with his drawn sword. An action he would soon regret later.

The kunai slid smoothly against Naruto's tan skin, cutting open the left side. Before Itachi could reach the mid-point of his neck, Sasuke successfully cut Itachis arm, causing Itachi to pull away. Itachi swiftly fled from the scene leaving Sasuke to a bloody Naruto.

Naruto watched as the darkness closed in on him from the corners of his eyes, soon engulfing him into a depthless pit.

Murmuring was heard all around Naruto. Vertigo gave him the worst migraine. Slowly he opened his eyes only to be blinded by white lights. The murmurs got louder, or were they closer? He opened his eyes to see the lights getting more dim, or were they getting further away? Nothing could've been processed by Naruto but as the light died down he began to see vague figures turning solid. The sterile white walls of the room indicated a hospital room. Why was he in the hospital? The figures were clear now. A familiar pink haired woman stood directly over him. Instantaneously a smile formed on his face.


His mouth moved but no sound came out. Naruto was struck dumb. Maybe his hearing was also adjusting like his eyes did. Naruto reassured himself that that was it. He took a few seconds before repeating his previous actions. Once again, the same result. Something inside of him began to clot up and rise to his chest. "What's going on?" He asked but only his lips performed their original function.

Seeing Naruto in a state of distress, Sakura nudged the pony-tailed doctor next to her. Tsunade moved her aside to appear in Narutos vision. Naruto looked up into her eyes with pure disbelief. Tsunade nodded with reassurance to the question in his eyes. "Itachi Uchiha cut your vocal chords. We tried. We really did. But it was unrepairable. Naruto..." Tsunade began calmly but was cut off by Naruto.

Naruto sat up and flailed his arms wildly as if to block off the sound waves coming from her. In the process he knocked the IV bag to the ground and caused a ruckus. His breathong quickened until he was hyperventilating. Tsunade called for others to restrain him and as they did, that familiar darkness took a hold of Naruto once more.