A/N: I have literally no excuse for posting this this late
Reviews really encourage me to write!

He held back a yell. Branded? Dell? Like some vulgar farm animal? Not that. Anything but that...the emotions that surged through him right there and then were enough to make him throw up and he clutched his arm and cradled it, as if he were the one who needed consoling.
He quietly pulled the cover over him and stepped out, closing the door behind him and sighing deeply. Gumiya was already up and noted in alarm his expression, pulling him to the balcony to talk. When Yuuma told him, he held a hand to his mouth.
"Who would do something so cruel?" He nearly yelled, "It must have hurt so much...shit, sorry, I shouldn't be saying that."

Yuuma shook his head. They talked a while more before Dell walked in, yawning.
"You can sleep more, you know," Yuuma told him with a smile, "You can also stay the whole day and leave in the evening."
Dell leaned against the door frame and watched them, wondering if they were a couple or just friends. They seemed to get along well. Must be nice.
"I need to go," he said quietly, "I think it's best if I leave early, Rook will worry."
Yuuma frowned. He didn't doubt Rook would worry, but probably not because Dell wasn't home- shit, he couldn't let him go back there so quickly.
He sat him down and all three of them had breakfast, Dell reverting back to his usual self, if not for a moment. Hell, he even grinned when Gumiya pulled some dumb joke Yuuma was too preoccupied to listen to. He was glad he still had some strength.

It somehow proved him wrong, in a way. He had thought Dell to be weak, but he had shown he was a lot stronger than Yuuma believed he could be. It made him feel bad. After all, he had labelled Dell as frail and weak when he himself would have died without a few hours if it had happened to him.

Remembering his illness made him frown. He didn't want to be selfish, he didn't want to sound like he was blaming Dell, but this situation really made him feel worse. He had felt fine before he had started thinking about Dell again...
But no, he didn't want to come to any conclusion where Dell was at fault somehow. It wasn't his fault, he wasn't doing anything wrong, it's just that Yuuma couldn't take it!

When he saw Dell smile again, he calmed down a little. He knew that Dell would probably be too scared to enter another relationship now, he understood that. But he didn't even care much about his love for him any more. Keeping Dell safe was what was important, not his fantasies, and he wouldn't be able to die happy if Dell wasn't and was still under the grip of that bastard.
Holding a hand to his stomach, he thought deeply for a while, not noticing the other two were looking at him worriedly.
"You okay?" Gumiya asked, tense. "You're not having an attack, are you?"
When he shook his head the man relaxed, but Dell was even more on his toes.
"Shit, have you still been having those?" he asked worriedly, "Probably my fault, I'm guessing. I should go, sorry."
Gumiya took his arm and held him down as to not let him leave, telling him to give Yuuma the time to give him an answer at least.
He didn't know what to say, and if there was anything he could say anyway. Dell knew he was right, so did Gumiya. So did Yuuma. So did anyone who knew them.
"I'm sick," he said, "It's not your fault."
Dell pulled a strange face, refusing to accept that that was all. He still let it go, just to please him.

Checking his watch, Gumiya hurried to finish his breakfast and bid the two goodbye, pausing at the door to glance at Yuuma with a look he knew too well. He had something up his sleeve...

"I'm going to take a shower," He told Dell as he picked up their empty dishes, "Take your time, man. There's no rush, really."
He nodded and contemplated the buildings in front, obscuring most but not all of the lake set behind them.
It wasn't a very quiet place. Yuuma and Gumiya had had the chance to at least live in a two-bedroom flat, with the money they had, it was a luxury. It was six stories high and was set in a block of multiple apartments not too far from the riverside, but also directly at the foot of the train station.
Dell watched a train pass by, deeply in thought. Deciding it was best to leave him be for a bit he stalked back inside with his tray and caught eye with Gumiya just as he was about to leave.
"What are you gonna do?" he asked, "No point hiding anything from me, I know you by now."
The student grumbled and readjusted his satchel onto his shoulder, and crossed his arms.
"I'm going to visit the Psychiatric ward of the hospital," he said, "It's all good getting help online, but I want to see what's really the best course of action directly with a professional."

Yuuma nodded.
"You're an incredible friend, Gumi, but he won't like it."
Gumiya gave him a smile, "He won't. Just keep him here till I get home?"

He said he'd try but that he didn't promise anything concrete. He wished him a good day and went to let the dishes sock, then hopped into the shower.

As the water ran, he couldn't help but think about Dell sleeping soundly next to him. Even now he couldn't even imagine how many months it had been since the guy had been able to get a decent night's sleep. He wasn't eating properly, either, and those damned burns –!

Striking pain hit his gut and he doubled over, holding himself to the wall and cough violently, gasping for air. He turned the jet to cold to make the heat more bearable and breathed slowly, making his mind blank.
No more, no more thinking about it for now!

"You okay in there?" came his panicked voice through the door.

Yuuma stayed silent for a while, but called out that he was fine as to not worry him.
He wasn't.

He stepped out, got dressed and staggered out of the bathroom, assuring to him he was okay.
"I'm fine, I might have let myself get a little stressed out, is all."
Dell didn't buy it, so he ordered him to put on a coat as he got dressed himself, then he marched him down into the elevator and out of the building.

He bitched and groaned for half an hour as he led the confused Yuuma into town, who only took the lead when Dell got lost.
"You need to chill, Yuu." he said, "Take your mind off of things."

He agreed.

They walked for a long time, chatting as much as Dell would let him without started to complain, and Yuuma had to admit he was a lot more stressed than he took on.
Most of what they did was look around for Christmas presents, since the time for sales was drawing near. They talked about Ruko and Luka, and the up-and-coming kid. He even told him more about his life that he didn't usually tell many people. Ruko was his dearest friend, but having other friends you can talk to was a nice feeling. Gumiya and Dell...he liked having them around.

He told him about how he had wanted to do something in arts, something he had loved for an extremely long time. Not having the level to enter a traditional art school, he opted for graphic arts instead. He hadn't hated it, the work still stayed creative even if it didn't let him draw. He continued to babble on about many things most people wouldn't care much about, like the company he worked for or what he did exactly. No matter how many words spilled out of his mouth, Dell had a face that said he was listening to his every word. It was a nice feeling, having someone that listened.
Fuck, any more sappiness and he'd end up getting upset.

Seeing a roasted chestnut stand he wheeled the older one into its direction and got a bag of them, snorting when he saw Dell's face.
He plucked one out and held it to his mouth, expecting him to eat it.

"Eat it," he insisted.
"It smells like Satan's anal beads."
"Eat it, moron!"

Dell huffed and bit into it, growing red when he realised he liked the taste a lot more than he wanted to let on.

Yuuma grinned as he ate one himself.

"Satan's anal beads?"
"Shut up!"

Yuuma laughed so hard he had to stop to catch his breath, and the smile on Dell's lips only made him laugh harder.
"Hearing your laugh is a luxury," Dell said once he had calmed down, "You hardly even smile anymore. It's kind of depressing, you know."
Yuuma answered with a wide grin and he ate another chestnut, offering one to him, that he gladly accepted.

"It's not like I don't want to smile or laugh," he said, "I've been under a lot of pressure, and it's mainly pressure I put on myself. I've been incredibly tired as of late, and I just...have no energy at all."

Dell scoffed.
"Seeing as your throw up most of your blood, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a little anaemic. You have to get a lot of rest and eat well."

Yuuma smiled and said he would, and that they should get some food whilst they were at it, too. Confused by the early lunch but not protesting against it, Dell let the younger one offer him a meal.

It was mostly because Yuuma was concerned. If he let Dell go before having lunch, he'd probably not eat for a while and he didn't want to let him go on an empty stomach. They chose a nice though cheap café and had a big lunch that ended with Dell exposing his obvious sweet tooth with a cake. A Carac, a swiss speciality made with chocolate fondant.

Yuuma used them as an opportunity to tell him something he had heavy on his heart. If Dell were to understand anything, it would be when something explained with cakes.

"Most of the time, we don't show who we really are," he said, picking up the Carac, "Like this cake. The top is bright green and the bottom is soft and shaped like a pie crust. No one can tell what's inside until it's eaten or someone else tells you what's inside."
He took a bit out of it despite Dell's protesting, and he looked at him curiously when he was shown the fondant inside the cake.
"See? I would have thought it was lime pie, but it's chocolate and, um...some kind of liquor..."
"Right. What I mean is that – dammit, Dell, people can't read minds! I want you to tell me what's going on inside your head. You're silent and making yourself small and I don't like it, it's too weird seeing you like that!"

Dell shook his head and told him to calm down.
"Is that what's been making you have these attacks?" he said quietly, "You worrying about how I'm doing? I'm touched, but I don't need it."

"You don't need it? Dell, he burned-"
He held his breath as Dell snapped back up to stare at him, wide-eyed, gripping the edge of the table because of how hard he was shaking.
"You looked!" He half-yelled, "You looked even when I told you not to!"
"No I just...I just saw, okay? Quiet down, people are staring..."
"I can't believe you!"

He got up and left, leaving the red Yuuma alone to deal with the other customers looking up at him curiously.

"He left?"
"No, I turned him into a newt and returned him to the swamp where he came from. Of course he left!"

Gumiya sighed and poured him some tea, turning the papers he had gotten from the psych ward in his hands.
"I think you should go see him," he said carefully, putting the documents down, "Rook is probably really upset, he's probably giving him hell now as it is."

He didn't respond.

Dell hated him now, he wouldn't want to see him, probably never again, too. Strangely, it didn't make him as sad as he thought it would. Actually, he felt more tired than he had ever been. He went to bed early that night, not letting Gumiya fret over him like he usually let him.

There was a searing pain in his head and all his movements felt slow, and all he wanted to do was sleep...

The next day, he felt worse. He struggled to his feet (how did he fall on the floor?) and realised he was still fully clothed. Maybe I'm just a lot more tired than I was, huh? He dismissed it and went to check the time, groaning when he saw he had slept for a whole day. Five already! Damn. He rubbed his eyes and went into the living room, surprised when he didn't see Gumiya. He always finished early these days.
He pushed it aside and caught sight of the phone, and his mind started to wander. Call Dell? Say sorry? But he didn't really have anything to say sorry for...

Taking a quick shower and taking a pill for his headache, he quickly shoved a notebook in his bag and headed out.
He didn't know what he was thinking, but he had to do it. He had to!
He felt nervous about taking his car because of how exhausted he was, but he didn't want to take longer by taking public transport. He didn't even bother leaving a note for Gumiya, he had to go.

By the time he arrived, he was so tired he could hardly keep focus. He marched up to the door and rang the bell, holding his head.
When Rook opened the door, his breath hitched. He growled something Yuuma didn't understand and he pushed him aside without bothering to talk to him, not hearing his insults and protest.

"What do you want? Dell isn't here!"
Yuuma stopped in his tracks and stared him down, and the glare was so strong even Rook had to back up a little by instinct.

"What did you say?" he asked slowly.
"Dell..." he stuttered, "Dell isn't here, alright? He left me. Isn't that what you wanted? He's gone now, and if he wasn't with you, then he's disappeared and it's your fault!"
He shrieked when Yuuma grabbed him by the collar, confused when he let go immediately.
"You fucking liar."

Rook didn't say a word. When Yuuma pushed into the house, calling for Dell.
When he found him, he nearly cried.

Hardly concious, beaten, bloody and cuffed to a radiator...Gumiya was right when he said Dell was probably going through hell.

He walked up to him and pulled on the cuffs, feeling the tears as he blinked hard to see clearly. He pulled harder and tried to slip his fingers under the cuff and shimmy it open, hoping it was low quality plastic.

It was metal.
Yuuma rushed up and searched for Rook, yelling his name throughout the house.
"You coward!" He yelled, "You beat him up because he's weaker than you, but as soon as I show up you start running? You're pathetic! Give me the key!"

He grit his teeth when no answer came and he ran back to Dell, finding him fully awake. He knelled next to him and tried to break them open again, using all the strength his headache would let him use.
"I can't..." he struggled, "I can't open it, I can't do it..."
Dell stayed silent, watching him pull on the cuffs, the bags under his eyes and the tears brimming them telling him just how difficult it was.

Yuuma swallowed and looked around the room for a key looking through drawers, for anything, anything that could get him out of there.
"He took it." Dell said, his voice small and hardly audible, "The key. There's no spares, either, so..."
Yuuma dropped to floor and held his head in his hands, unable to think. What could he do? What could he-

He thought hard and finally stood up to go open doors, found the bathroom and picked up the soap, wet it and sat by Dell's side.
"This is going to hurt," he said.
Dell felt a pang of fear engulf him and he sat up straight, trying to get his wrists away from Yuuma. "What is? What are you doing with that?"

"I'm going to break the bone in your thumb, that way we can get the cuff off. At least it's not both hands, but-"
"What? Break my what?"

Yuuma looked at him sadly and showed him his hand. "Here," he said, "By breaking this, we can get it off. Okay?"

Dell was reluctant, but he stayed silent when Yuuma soaped up his hand and started to pull. Dell groaned and bit his lip so hard it bled, but he didn't let out more than a small whimper. Once Yuuma got through most of what he could, he grabbed Dell's hand tightly and pulled at the cuff, his other hand gripped tightly on his vest, his groans becoming cries, to finally become screams of pain.

Yuuma couldn't bear to hear him, but he couldn't stop. He pulled and pulled till finally the cuff fell and Dell gripped his now-free hand against his chest, sobbing at the pain he had gone through.
"T-Thank you..." he mumbled to Yuuma, "I-I'm sorry...!"

Yuuma held him close and closed his eyes, then just before he got up, Dell stopped him.

"...you." he whispered.

Yuuma caught his eye and stared at him curiously.
"I like you, Yuuma. I..." he choked back a sob, "It's...I'll..."

Yuuma helped him up and smiled at him, kissed his cheek and carefully led him outside to his car.

"So do I." he said shyly. He opened the door for him and got in the driver's seat, turned the ignition and drove off.
There was a comfortable silence between them. One where you had nothing to say, but that nothing was needed to be said. But with the tiny smile Dell had on his lips, he new that there was nothing more that he could say.
They drove on for two hours, stopping only so Yuuma could rest. After a while they had started talking, and their conversation was more lively and more comfortable than it had ever been. Dell smiled, and he laughed, and he was happy. That was all Yuuma needed. So when Dell screamed his name after they had crashed when he went unconscious, he thought the only thoughts he wanted to remember where the few, few happy ones.

A/N: hehehe
See ya next chap!