AN- After having difficulty in finishing this story I've decided to end it with an epilougue so hope you enjoy!

6 Years Later

Natasha's POV

The Black Widow looked upon her family, there was Clint her handsome husband and then there was her two girls who were laughing in glee as they speedily ran around with their father chasing them. Then there was Issac, Clint and Natasha's baby boy at only two years old, a little brother to the six year old twins.

Of course life as a family hadn't been all peace and laughs; they'd had their fair share of troubles too, some bigger than others...


Natasha was in shock her baby had been stolen. Elvira was only two months old and she was missing, captured by the evil villain Midnight who S.H.I.E.L.D had highly underestimated.

Natasha could see that there was a lot of shouting taking place mostly between Clint and Fury but she couldn't focus on what they were saying. Instead Natasha held her remaining baby tightly in her arms and promised that no one would ever hurt her.

If only Elvira could be safe...


Natasha sighed thinking about that dreadful time, luckily though Elvira had been found unharmed and Moonlight or Courterney Abmurderub was currently detained in S.H.I.E.L.D under very tight security.

Natasha smiled happily to herself thinking about the wonderful life she now lived, she finally felt like she'd wiped the red from her ledger. Deciding that someone needed to make lunch Natasha left the garden and went inside the tower to do the task.

"Mrs Barton I'm afraiding it's happening again." was the first thing Natasha heard as she got to the kitchen. "What's happening Jarvis?"

"Mr Stark and Mr Banner are arguing about wether Mr Banner knows everything or not..."