A.N.: I know that all of you probably hate me already for not updating in such a long time...but something in my real life got in a way and I wasn't able to update… Some pretty nasty personal matters are still sort of "hunting" me… I also have pretty big exam in few weeks and I have to study for it really hard in the meantime having part-time job and working on my big essay for school…

I still have no idea how often I'll be able to update as right now my life is pretty hectic and for at least few more months it'll stay that way…

All I can say now is I'M SORRY and enjoy new (the longest I've ever written) chapter of my story ;]

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Marvel characters they all belong to their creators, I'm just borrowing them for some time.

Chapter 10 – Memory Lane Part 3 – Let me entertain you with my story

It had been four long days and nights since Skye had the nightmare that turned out to be just one of her many memories…

After that night Skye started forming a strong bond with Ward. She didn't realize that, but only her mind didn't remember him, her heart remembered him perfectly and that's why only after two days of (supposedly) knowing each other Skye was sure that she and Grant would make great friends to say the least.

Grant was telling many things about S.H.I.E.L.D., their team and missions. Of course he wasn't telling her every little detail, because he wanted Skye to remember most of the things on her own.

With much needed rest Skye's ribs and wrist were getting better and better. On the third day Skye was able to convince Grant to let her go with him and Steve for a walk. And on the fourth morning Skye surprised Ward with breakfast that she made while he was on the morning run with the dog.

As the days they spent together were pretty nice (with Ward constantly taking care of Skye and telling her more and more about her past), you couldn't say the same thing about nights. From Skye's perspective this nights were both terrifying and amazing at the same time. Skye was having nightmares, really bad nightmares. Of course they were all just reminisces of what happened to her while she was still working for S.H.I.E.L.D. or Rising Tide, but Skye herself wasn't aware of that and that part of the night was terrifying. Amazing part was Ward. As soon as Skye started crying or screaming, Grant would run to her room as fast as he could, wake her up and comfort her.

It became some sort of routine for them: Skye having a nightmare, Ward "rescuing" her and then Skye falling back to sleep peacefully in Ward's arms. It has been already five nights with nightmares for Skye and they both didn't figure out that maybe it would have been a lot easier if Ward just slept in Skye's room with her…

It was fifth morning now and Ward decided that it was time to cheer Skye up a little bit. He noticed that she was now scared and confused most of the time.

Now it was time to make Skye laugh and Grant knew exactly what story to tell Skye.

'Fitz? Fitz! FITZ?!' Jemma shouted angrily. 'LEOPOLD FITZ WHERE ARE YOU?!'

'I'm here, I'm here' Leo came running to the living area in Bus. 'What's going on?'

They were both currently in the Bus after their "time spent together", according to Kate it was of course them having a date, but Fitz-Simmons still refused to admit that they indeed had feelings for each other.

Jemma was holding in her hands Tardis-shaped cookie jar.

'Where are all of the cookies that I baked 3 days ago, huh?' she showed Fitz empty cookie jar.

'I didn't eat them. I swear Jemma!' Leo said panicked. Sure, he took maybe three or four of them (they were so delicious!) but he didn't eat all of them, that would practically be a suicide!

'Oh, Leopold do not play with me!' Jemma was really angry now. She baked this cookies for her movie night with Kate (Jemma liked her not only because Kate was taking care of Skye for almost two years, Jemma liked her because Kate was a genuinely nice person that she'd get along with). And because these cookies were best after two or three days after being baked Jemma stocked them in the cookie jar and left it on the Bus where no one would find them. 'Only you and I were on the Bus for the last three days and I didn't eat them! Beside everybody knows that you're the one that loves to snack a lot.'

'Okay, Jemma' Leo was nervous. Jemma always appeared to be the sweetest person on the whole earth and that was true, but when you'd get on her nerves you could wake up a beast. 'I ate two or three of your cookies, but definitely not all of them. I knew they were made for you and Kate. I swear I didn't eat them.'

'Then who was it Leopold, huh?' Jemma was anxiously tapping her left foot – a sign that she was trying to calm herself but couldn't.

'Ummm…I guess that would be me' new person came out of one of the bunks.

Fitz-Simmons both turned around as fast as they could and shouted in unison 'TRIPP!'

'No way! You're lying!' Skye exclaimed wide-eyed.

'I am not' Grant smiled at her.

'You seriously know Steve Rogers a.k.a. freakin' Captain America?!' Skye's mouth was now hanging wide open.

Grant chuckled, he was now telling her a story of how they met two of the Avengers – Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. After Ward told her earlier that day couple information about their team he wanted to entertain her and told her the story of the encounter that was famous around the whole S.H.I.E.L.D. – encounter between Iron Man himself and Skye – level 1 agent.

'You know him too, Skye. Or at least you did…' he smiled little sadly at her.

Skye took gently his hand in hers. 'Hey, Agent- I mean, Grant' she tried to smile hopefully. 'You know I'm doing my best to remember as much as I can… and it's not even a week since you started to tell me everything.'

Grant knew she was right, sometimes it was so good… talking to Skye, hearing her laugh again… that he was forgetting that she wasn't the same Skye he knew and fell in love with… at least not yet, but he promised himself that he'd do everything that's in his power to bring her back…

'Grant, hey' Skye waved her hand in front of his face. 'Are you okay?'

'What? Huh… yeah… I'm fine.'

'Okay, Robot, now get back to the story!' Skye said excitedly.

'Skye!' Ward exclaimed shocked. Did he really hear what he thought he heard?

'What? What is it?'

'You called me "Robot"' Ward was grinning like an idiot. When Skye first started calling him different names it was bugging him, but now he really missed her calling him like that.

'Oh yeah… I'm sorry, about that… it's just that sometimes you're so firm and strict and you sorta look like a robot…' she smiled sheepishly.

'No, I didn't mean it in a wrong way' he smiled reassuringly at her. 'You used to call me some names other than my actual name and among those were also word "robot". You do realize what that means, right?'

'Uhhh… that after all these years you still sometimes act like you're not a human?' Skye asked, sarcastic part of her nature showing up.

'Ha-ha… very funny' Ward was not impressed with her answer. 'It means that you're starting to remember some things from your past life, when you were a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

'Ohh…' Skye was surprised, she didn't think about it that way. She was remembering more and more about her previous life and that was great, because she wanted to remember as much as she could. Her face lit up instantly. 'That's great! But now back to the story!'

'Story?' Ward asked puzzled.

'Yeah! Story about how I met Iron Man and Captain America!'

'Oh that story' Grant smiled and started telling Skye the famous story that knew probably everyone in the whole S.H.I.E.L.D. 'it was the Christmas Eve three years ago…'

'Hey guys' Tripp appeared in the living area smiling.

Both Fitz and Simmons came up to him and gave him a big hug and immediately bombarded him with questions.

'When did you get back?'

'Why did you come here?'

'And didn't to our hotel?'

'Does Coulson know that you're here?'

'Whoa!' Tripp put his hands up as if he tried to silence science duo. 'Calm down a little bit, if you'll keep going with this interrogation you'll give me a serious headache.'

'Sorry' they said in unison.

'So will you tell me what exactly is going on? And why are you in New York?' Tripp sat down on a couch. 'Aren't we supposed to watch over Skye?'

'Wait…' Simmons started and Fitz finished her sentence '-have you spoke to Coulson?'

'No… I mean, not yet… I was at HQ coz' I got back yesterday in the evening and they asked there "Why you're not with your team, Agent Triplett?" and I told them that first I had to report either to Fury or Hill (like we always do) and then that I'll be travelling back to Malibu. But they told me that you guys are here, in NYC!' Tripp smiled. 'So I thought I'll get a room in a hotel and then in the morning next day (which means today) I'll figure out where our Bus is so I can get some of my stuff-' Tripp had to catch his breath, he was talking so fast.

'Alright' Jemma said. 'We understand, you got here and why you exactly you ate cookies? All of them?' Jemma was happy that Tripp was back from his mission all safe and sound but was still a little bit pissed off because he ate all of the cookies.

'Jemma!' Fitz had to barge in 'give man a break! He just got back from and you're already scolding him! Beside I'm sure I know the reason why he ate them…'

'Oh really, Leopold?'

Fitz winced at hearing his full name 'yeah…'

'And what would that be?'

'Because your cookies are delicious!' Tripp and Fitz said at the same time.

'When you start eating them-' Fitz started.

'-you can't resist the urge to take another one' Tripp finished. 'And then before you know it-'

'-they're all gone' Fitz said sitting on a couch beside Tripp, feeling again like a child that's been caught on eating some sweets before dinner.

Jemma's face expression went from angry to pleasantly surprised and flattered. 'Awww guys! You should've started with that!'

Tripp and Leo looked at each other and let out a huge breath of relief they both had no idea they were keeping, because you see. Jemma Simmons was really an angel – sweet, kind girl for basically 95% of the time and then there was 5% for the time when Jemma was getting mad at someone… and trust Tripp and Leo when they tell you that you don't want to be on Jemma Simmons' bad side… they've been there… only once and they didn't want to relive that memories. Ever.

'So…' Fitz looked nervously at Tripp and then at Jemma that was now sitting across from them on an armchair. 'You're not mad at me or Tripp?'

'No, of course not!' Jemma smiled 'I just wished there were more of these cookies, because I really wanted them for Kate to taste. Now I have to go to the grocery shop and just buy some snacks, however…' Jemma smiled triumphantly. 'You, Leopold will drive there and carry bags back to our hotel. That'll be your form of punishment.'

'Well…' Fitz started a little bit nervously. 'I guess it's not that bad idea…'

'Wait…' now Tripp was confused. 'Who's Kate? And what are you guys exactly doing here? In New York?' He was so terrified at first because of eating that oh so delicious cookies, that he completely forgot to ask them basic questions.

'Sorry, mate' Fitz smiled sympathetically at him. 'I have to go now, but you can talk to Coulson or May and I'm sure they will fill you in.' And with that Fitz left after Jemma who was now on her way to the one of the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s SUV's that the borrowed for the time in New York.

'It was Christmas Eve three years ago and Tony Stark hosted a giant party at the Avengers Tower in New York' Grant started. 'It was, I think, two months after Avengers found out that Coulson wasn't actually dead-'

'I still can't get used to the fact that in the world you live you can get resurrected. It's like living in a freakin' computer game!' Skye said.

'It was your world too, Skye' said Grant aloud and added in his mind "And I hope it'll be yours back again." 'Beside not everyone get resurrected, as it turned out it was too complicated process and Director Fury has never done it again. But now, back to that Christmas Eve party at Stark's place…'

'Right, of course. We were all invited, right?' Skye asked curiously.

'Umm… well… no.' Ward said. 'Stark invited only Coulson plus one and Coulson much to your disappointment choose May, for obvious reasons…'

'They're together, aren't they?' Skye said knowingly. Even though she hasn't seen that much of them together she could sense that something was up between those two senior agents.

'Well they're trying to hide it for a long time but they were epically failing at it, I mean, if I knew what was going on (and I'm not great with people) then everyone knew. Of course you were the first one to suspect anything.'

'That's so cool!' Skye smiled, she knew that she was always good at getting along with people, that's why she liked working in school. But right now, if she was being honest with herself, she didn't think about going back to work (thanks to very handsome brunet that was her roommate now). 'But I couldn't go to the party…and that sucks!'

'Well it's not like they forbid us to go to the party…we just didn't get the invitation. So you thought of that as a loophole and you came up with a plan (that you and Simmons thought was a great idea) so we could all crash Stark's party' Ward got back to the story.

'And what did I come up with?'

'Well first you wanted to hack into Tony's operating system and get us invitations, because you were a hacker, I told you about that already, right?' Grant wanted to be sure that everything will be clear for Skye and she just nodded her head confirming that. 'But we (Fitz-Simmons and me) talked you out of it.'

'Why exactly? You told me I was really good at breaking into other people computers…'

'And that's true but you couldn't beat J.A.R.V.I.S., he's too smart, even for you' Ward smiled slightly as if he remembered something. 'So when we thought that you just gave up on wanting to go to the party it turned out you came up with new idea…you wanted us all to dress up as waiters and waitresses and crash in to party pretending like we're working there.'

'And? Did it work?' Skye wished she remembered everything that Grant was telling her and she also wished that one day she will remember.

'Surprisingly – yes' Ward grinned. 'We did crash the party dressed in the uniforms and it was going great until-'

'Until?' Skye asked curiously.

'Until you spotted Steve Rogers' Ward sighed. He had to admit to himself that he felt a tiny bit of jealousy when he saw how Skye's eyes lit up when she saw Cap at that party. He also remembered how (when Captain America was on the Bus with them – helping them solve case in Belgium) Skye was fangirling over him. She was just as bad as Coulson was…

'What did I do?' Skye asked warily because she didn't know if she really wanted to find out what happened that night…

'Of course you wanted to meet him.'

One moment Skye was nodding her head as the sign that she understood what Ward just said and in next moment it was as if some visions started to appear in front of her eyes as if she was watching a movie.

Place where Tony Stark hosted his Christmas Eve Party was looking amazing that night. Skye hasn't been before in the Avengers Tower so the whole evening she was in awe. Her plan worked out, there were so many guests that Stark's housekeeper was actually very happy when she saw that there were four more people to serve drinks and food to the guests. Skye has never seen so many celebrities and agents in one room. Thank God there were so many of them and that this place was so big so it wasn't that hard to avoid people she knew: Coulson and May, Fury, agent Hill and some other people she recognized from the Hub.

Skye was forcing Grant to admit that her plan actually worked and even though they couldn't party like regular guests they could at least be at this party and at least see all those people. She was actually proud of herself for behaving quite nicely and not running to Iron Man himself the first minute she saw him and literally bombarding him with loads of questions.

Skye wasn't expecting anyone else from the Avengers to see on that party, she already knew that Bruce Banner was somewhere in South Africa having his "chill time", Thor was probably in Asgard and Natasha and Clint were still on a mission in Australia.

When she was recalling that night few weeks later she had no idea how she could forgot about Cap…

And then, there he was – entering room, being late. Even though he didn't have his Captain America's uniform on, Skye instantly recognized him. He wore great black suit and was definitely much much more handsome than she thought he was.

Skye had to get to him! She had to talk to him, for at least a second. Coulson told her before so many stories about Cap! She wanted to meet him in person and ask few questions about those stories…

'Skye? Skye?' Ward shook her gently.

'Wha- What happened?'

'You zoned out for few minutes… what happened?' he asked, concern evident on his face.

'I- I… uh… I think I remembered a small part of that party you were telling me about…' Skye wasn't sure what to think about this "vision" she had few moments ago.

'What?! Are you serious?' Grant was excited. Skye did remember a few little details in the past days but it wasn't something really big. Of course Ward couldn't blame her for it as unfortunately the S.H.I.E.L.D. team of scientists that took care of wiping Skye's memories was really good at their job. After all it wasn't the first time they did something like that… 'What do you remember Skye?'

'Uhhh… I remember us getting to a party, like you said in waiters and waitresses uniforms, I remember seeing Iron Man and avoiding people that I apparently knew… Coulson and May, black guy that looked like he just ended filming some movie about pirates and forgot to take off his eye patch-'

'That's Nicholas Fury – our boss' Ward chuckled as he remembered how Skye always referred to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. as "the pirate".

'Wait, I thought that Coulson was your boss' Skye was now confused.

'Well technically Coulson and Fury are both our bosses, however Fury's more important as he's the Director of our whole organization' Grant explained to Skye.

'Ohh! Now I get it… I think.'

'So what else do you remember?'

'I remember seeing Steve Rogers' she again had this look that Ward really didn't like. 'And I do remember that he's way much handsome in reality…' Skye got back to reality. 'I also remember that Coulson was telling me some stories about Cap… that he was really big fan of him… and that I wanted to go and talk to Captain America. Then I was here again, with you' she smiled gently.

'Yes, Coulson was always telling everyone (even if someone didn't want to listen to that stories or heard them couple times already) and you were his most dedicated listener' he chuckled.

'Wait… my dog's name is Steve… do you think I named him because of Coulson stories and the fact that in my previous life I really liked Captain America?' Skye unconsciously scratched Steve's ears.

'I don't know Skye' Grant replied honestly 'but it could be true. Aww and you didn't remember the best parts about that party... but don't worry I'll tell you everything that I can about that night.'

'Best parts for me or for you?' Skye was starting to think that this story was to cheer her up but most of all it would cheer Ward up.

'Both' he smiled mysteriously 'so… when you saw Captain for the first time that night you practically ran to Jemma to squeal with excitement about the new guest that appeared' Ward continued story. 'You said that you had to meet him, that you'll just go there to ask him for his drink and when you get back to him with it you'll just ask him few questions. We both (I mean, Fitz and me) told you to not do that but you being you wouldn't listen to us and because we were off the clock I couldn't forbid you doing that-'

'Hold on!' Skye interrupted him again. 'How could you forbid me anything?'

'I already told you, Skye, that I was your S.O., remember that? And that gave me some power over you at certain parts of the time or on missions…'

'Oh yeah… I forgot about that… sorry' she smiled sheepishly.

'So you went to get the order from Cap, he wanted-'

'Double gin with tonic because he had really rough day' Skye grinned.

'Exactly' Ward smiled because Skye remembered more and more from her previous life. 'You get that drink and were on your way to deliver it to Steve when you saw with whom he was standing and having conversation – none other than-'

'Our bosses – Coulson and Fury' Skye again finished Ward's sentence.

"Oh my God" Skye thought to herself. "I will surely be dead by the end of that night." She knew that neither Coulson nor Fury could see her on this party especially when she was dressed as a waitress. She had to hide somewhere or better – disappear for at least a short time before one of her bosses would spot her.

She quickly turned around and was heading in the opposite direction than Cap was. Skye was nervously glancing back to see if anyone she knew spotted her. During one of those glances Skye collided with someone as it turned out it was none other than Iron Man himself.

'Oh shit!' Skye cussed. 'I'm so sorry Mr. Stark!' Just then Skye realized whom Skye bumped into. 'Oh my God! You're the Iron Man!'

'Yeah, that would be me' he smiled gently.

'And I've just spilled that drink all over you...' Skye gasped.

'What did you remember this time?' Grant smiled knowingly.

'That I've spilled a freaking drink all over the Iron Man's suit!' Skye could just die out of the embarrassment.

Ward chuckled.

'Hey! Don't laugh at me! It was an accident!' Skye pouted.

'I'm sorry… it's just…'

'Will you just tell me the rest of the apparently not the best night of my life?' Skye sighed, readying herself for more of the embarrassment.

'Okay, okay' he smiled. 'So you spilled that drink all over Tony and as it turned out for him it wasn't that big of a deal-'

'Really?' She asked hopefully.

'Really, but you kinda did a big deal out of that situation…'

Skye hide her face in her hands and muttered 'oh God… how bad it was?'

'Well let's just say that the whole plan of you not fangirling over Tony didn't work out. When you started talking to him once you couldn't stop and unfortunately you caused that much attention that it draw Coulson, Fury and Cap to you both.'

'Oh my God!' Skye exclaimed. 'You really are the Iron Man! Is it tough being a superhero? I gotta tell you, Pepper – she's gorgeous! Are you still building new suits? Do you have some of them here in New York? Of course you have! How was it working with Bruce Banner? Weren't you afraid that he might turn into Hulk at literally every moment? Oh God, I'm rambling, aren't I?'

'Well a little bit-'

'Ahh you see I'm really big fan of yours!' Skye squealed.

'Skye?! What the hell are you doing here?!' Coulson asked shocked.

'Oopps… sorry I have to-'

'Not so fast' Fury with Coulson and Cap behind them appeared in front of her.

'Wait, you know her?' Steve and Tony asked together.

'Hiii A.C.' Skye was shuffling from one foot to the other. 'Director Pirate- I mean Fury! Director Fury' she greeted him blushing.

'Pirate?' Tony grinned. 'I was telling him the same thing for years know. I told you need to change your style Nick or sooner than later kids will start make fun of you.'

'Coulson! What the hell is she doing here?!' Fury was pissed. Coulson assured him that apart from May he won't see rest of Coulson's team here. That's the last thing he needed – kid making fun of him…

'Umm Sir…' Coulson was confused.

'It's my fault Director' Skye interrupted. 'A.C. told us we couldn't come-'

'WE?! Are you telling me that the rest of the merry pack is here too?'

'Yes Sir' by that time Fitz, Simmons and Ward came up to the group to try and save Skye from the misery.

'But it was all my idea!' Skye jumped in.

'It's my fault, Sir' Ward said. 'I failed to stop her…'

'Oh, shut up, Robot!'

'Robot?' Steve mouthed.

'This is getting better and better' Tony said laughing.

'What's so funny Stark? Huh?' Fury asked he's expression serious. When he agreed to go to the party, he thought he'll have nice time, drink something, chat with old friends and then go home without any drama for at least one day…

'You! We! This whole situation is ridiculous!' Tony was now laughing loudly but then he turned to Skye and the rest of Coulson's team. 'Guys, I had no idea, that you were free today. When I asked Phil, he told me that you wouldn't be interested in coming here.'

'A.C.?!' Skye smacked him over his arm. 'How could you?'

'Because I knew you would bombard Tony with questions just like you did few minutes ago!'

'Yeah… I'm sorry about that Mr. Stark…' Skye smiled sheepishly.

'Please, call me Tony' he smiled and extended his hand first to Skye and then to Jemma, Leo and Grant. 'You're all welcome to stay here, as guests of course, not waiters.'

'Really?!' Fitz-Simmons asked in unison.

'Of course! Please enjoy the party' Tony was about to go to Pepper as she was waving at him when he turned to Skye 'oh and Skye. Maybe not tonight but some other day we can meet for a lunch maybe and I can answer some of your pending questions. Just get the number from the Pirate' he winked at her and walked away. 'Come on Steve I have to show you something!'

'Oh-' Skye started.

'My-' Jemma said.

'God!' Leo finished.

'Oh my God!' Skye whispered.

'You remembered whole thing?' Grant was excited to see that Skye was having that knowing look on her face.

'Did I really go on a lunch with the Iron Man himself?!'

'Yes, you did' he grinned.

'Wait but what happened when Stark and Rogers left us?'

'The four of us just enjoyed party for few hours' he smiled. 'Fury and Coulson had to leave us alone. We had permission to stay from the host.'

Skye tried to stifle a yawn but she failed at it.

'Is it that late already?' Ward looked at his wristwatch, it read "1.30 A.M.". 'You have to get some sleep, Rookie.'

'Can you stay with me?' She asked him quietly, already half-asleep.

'If you want me to.'

'Sure, come on in' Skye moved a bit to make some room for Ward.

Ward didn't need another invitation, he got into bed and as soon as he did that Skye cuddled to his side. He wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes.

'Thank you, Grant' Skye whispered.

'For what?'

'For making me laugh today.'

'You're welcome, Rookie' he smiled kissed her forehead and soon following Skye drifted off to sleep.

A.N.: Soo? What do you think about it? Will you all have big, kind heart and leave me some reviews, maybe?