
Title: (Definitely Not) Platonic

Song: Friends by Ed Sheeran

"Godmother, can I ask you a question?" Aurora interrupts Maleficent's musings.

"What is it, beastie?"

Aurora cradles her head on both hands, arms resting on her knees. "You told me that you've released Diaval from servitude, correct?"

Maleficent nods and indicates her to continue.

"Since he's no longer your servant, what does that make him?"

"What do you mean?" The faery's brows furrow in confusion.

"I mean, what is he to you now that he's no longer doing your bidding?" Aurora queries. Maleficent realizes what answer Aurora seeks.

"Diaval is a good friend to me, beastie. I suppose he always has been, even when he was still my servant."

"Friend? Just friends, Godmother?" A mischievous smile plays on Aurora's lips.

"Yes, dear. Why, are you perhaps looking for another answer?" Maleficent raises her eyebrow at the golden-haired girl.

"I suppose not. I just thought… well, it doesn't matter. If you say you're friends, then your friends. If you'll excuse me, Godmother, I better go save Phillip before the Moor creatures make a mess of his clothes. They should know by now Phillip's not going to learn how to throw mud properly." The queen of the Moors takes her leave hastily then, almost bumping into Diaval who is now walking towards where they are. She gives the raven a brief hug before running off.

"What's got the hatchling so excitable?" Diaval questions, plopping down ungracefully beside her.

"She's always excitable, Diaval."

Diaval chuckles in response. "True." He closes his eyes and leans back against a tree trunk. Maleficent regards her companion. It's true that Diaval is her friend- her best friend, indubitably. However, sometimes she thinks friend is too quaint a word to describe what he is to her. He is family, certainly. He is a partner, an equal now. He prioritizes her needs and her wishes before his own. He was the only one around to witness her descent into hatred and bitterness, yet he never left her. He chose to stay with her when she told him he could go wherever he pleases. Maleficent realizes that he's as important to her as Aurora is- if she were ever to lose either of them, she would be irrevocably broken. She loves him, that much she accepts. She's just not sure what kind of love it is.

The breeze rustles Diaval's hair into disarray. Unconsciously, Maleficent fingers a few strands back away from his face. Her touch startles Diaval, and he opens his eyes to meet hers. His lips stretch into a smile that unsettles her stomach and makes her breath hitch.

She's positive friends don't smile at each other like that.

A/N: This will basically be a song-drabble dumpsite :)) anyway, leave a review if you have song suggestions!
