This is what happens when I have to much on my mind and watching a few images on tumblr of Ash pretending to be a girl. (Sigh, I still remember that episode with Erika...I never thought Ash could be so adorable as a girl!)

Anyway, this takes place after Ash defeats Grant in battle; deciding on a detour for a small tournament. I was planning to add this idea for my other fic, but I just couldn't help myself (perhaps I will do, eventually).

Enjoy this small fic. I plan to do at least three chapters of this...hopefully I managed to keep the characters in...well, character, hahaha! Hope you enjoy!

Clemont and the Princess!

Perhaps taking a shortcut through Camphrier Town had not been a good idea, Serena decided as she glanced at the closed gates of Parfum Palace along with Bonnie and Ash.

"That Allie is the worst!" Bonnie whined, with a pout. "She has no right to take big brother with her!"

"She really is," Ash agreed, glaring at the closed gate. Serena sighed next to them.

"We really should have thought this through," she muttered, shaking her head. The girl took out her town map and began clicking a few buttons. "Was there any other way to reach Santalune City quicker?"

"It's not your fault, Serena," Ash told her, smiling sadly. "I guess it's mine. I was so excited about that tournament that Grant mentioned yesterday that I completely forgot about our experiences back here in Camphrier." Serena only shook her head.

"Yeah, but I had the map…and besides," she looked up from her map towards the palace. "I thought she would get over Clemont after what he did to get away from her." Bonnie sighed next to her, hugging her bag and Dedenne close.

"That's just Clemont's luck," she began. "The only girl that likes him is the one we don't like. Even Daddy wouldn't like her as a daughter-in-law." Ash and Serena chuckled at the last part and the little girl soon joined them before they all stayed silent. "So…how are we going to get big brother out of there?"

"Hmm…" Serena began, before snapping her fingers, causing her companions to look at her in wonder. "We could ask the Lord of Shabboneau Castle for help! Maybe he can help us."

"I don't think that's a good idea," the young man went on, with his Pikachu nodding as it sat on his shoulder. "Remember what happened last time?"

"I do! But, he would be the only one that would be able to get inside Parfum Palace without any protest from the princess. I mean, Lord Shabboneau may owe a debt to Allie's father but I doubt they'll deny him an entrance, right?" Serena was silent for a minute before she went on. "Even if it doesn't work, it's still worth a shot, right?"

"Yeah, maybe you're right…well, then, let's go!"


Minutes later, the group minus one inventor, arrived in Shabboneau Castle.

Recognizing them immediately the butler argued them to come in. They met up with the Lord of Shabboneau Castle seconds later and he looked a little pensive as the gang told him the story of how Princess Allie had sent a group of maids to kidnapped Clemont as they arrived in town.

"I see," the lord began, a hand on his chin. "And let me guess, the young lady is absolutely insistent that your friend remain at her castle an indefinite amount of time, correct?" The group nodded.

"She gave the order to not let us in," Ash put in, with Pikachu nodding in agreement.

"She was mean," Bonnie volunteered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And we were wondering if you could talk to her father and…well," Serena began, stopping when she noticed the old man raise his hand as he shook his head sadly.

"I'm afraid that will be very difficult," he told them. "I wish I could help you but…"

"The ruler of Parfum Palace is just as spoiled as his daughter," the butler put in. Lord Shabboneau gave his butler an amused look, but nodded either way.

"Just…just great…" Serena remarked, massaging her forehead.

"You mean there's nothing you can do, sir?" Ash asked, glancing at his friends. "Even if the ruler of the palace can be as bad as Allie, he can't really keep Clemont there."

"True," the lord told him nodding. "But once his daughter manages to convince him otherwise…"

"In other words, nothing you say will change anything?" Serena asked, looking at the older man. Everyone was silent for a while, before they heard sniffing from Bonnie.

"But…but that's not fair! My brother isn't some object that she can keep forever!" she cried. "I want Clemont back!"

"Bonnie," the older girl said sadly, as she and the Dedenne tried to calm her down. "We'll get him back you'll see…"

Ash and Pikachu looked at the crying girl and then turned to look at the old man and his butler, a determined look in his eyes. "…are…are you sure there's nothing we can do?"


"…maybe you can!" the butler suddenly exclaimed. Immediately everyone stood at attention at the servant as he turned towards the lord. "Do you not remember, my lord?" When he noticed his master give him a blank look, the butler sighed and turned to Ash and his friends. "Lord Parfum announced two days ago that he'll be having a ball to celebrate his upcoming birthday," he began. "The ball is going to take place tomorrow…perhaps during the confusion you could find your friend and get him out?"

"That…that could actually work!" Serena remarked, smiling only to frown later. "But how in the world are we going to get Clemont out of the palace? Allie has us in her black list…I doubt that even if we had invitations she would let us in…" A small silence took over the group before Ash snapped his fingers.

"How about we disguise ourselves then?" he asked, looking at Serena and Bonnie. "It's a ball right? So we can just pretend to be some lords or something like that and then, when she's not looking grab Clemont and get out."

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu remarked, smiling at the idea. Serena and Bonnie, who had dried her tears, smiled back.

"That sounds like a good plan," the lord remarked, amused. "I could ask for Lord Parfum for an extra two invitations for some 'friends'."

"It won't be any trouble at all?" Serena asked him, as the little girl cheered silently along with her brother's Pokémon.

"Trouble?" the butler scoffed. "More invites mean more gifts. And as long we provide an acceptable gift that man cares not who you are."

"Whoa! He really is just as bad as Allie, then!" Bonnie said, looking at the two older men. "Yep…Daddy wouldn't have liked them at all…" Lord Shabboneau chuckled in amusement.

"Well, then…considering I do owe you for helping me recover the Poké Flute, I will do anything in my power to help you get your friend back." He turned to look at his servant. "But, how are we to take on this endeavor?"

"Perhaps the gentleman and lady could do more than we can, my lord," the butler remarked. At this, Serena blushed, understanding the implications immediately. "One of you could pretend to be a family member of my lord's while the other pretends to be their 'date'."

Date!? Serena thought, her face becoming an extra shade of red. A date with Ash!? Even if it's a pretend date…I…I…

"We'll do it!" Ash exclaimed, smiling. He looked at his friends with a smile. "If we can manage this, we'll get Clemont out in no time!"

"Yeah!" the young girl cheered, while Serena just smiled, while she tried to mentally erase the images that had suddenly appeared in her head. Damn it all! Why was her mind creating scenarios about possible confessions and kisses by the moonlight!?

Focus, Serena! Focus! The girl thought, looking to the side, ignoring everything around her. Stop fantasizing about those kisses! Clemont comes first! Clemont comes—but a kiss wouldn't be a big…argh! Sometimes I hate myself so much!


"Huh?" Serena snapped at attention as she heard her name. Everyone was looking at her in concern.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked, looking worried. The girl immediately nodded, smiling nervously.

"I'm f-fine! Don't worry! I was just thinking about…about how we'll be able to pull off the disguises…."

"True," the butler began. "Even if you could get past the gate, the moment the princess sees the two of you, she'll throw you out. Not even the fanciest of dresses and suites will be enough to throw her off." He blinked suddenly, and then, smiled towards them. "But perhaps we can trick the young lady…but it would be," the butler scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish. "Strange, so to speak."

"If it can help us trick Allie, I'm all for it!" Ash remarked, looking determined. Pikachu nodded in agreement looking as determined. For some reason, Serena became a little nervous as the butler began speaking.

"Maybe you could switch roles?" the butler suggested, looking back and forth between Ash and Serena. The lord of the castle gasped behind him.

"You are not suggesting that…"

"…I am my lord…after all…" He directed a small mischievous smile towards Serena. "She would be expecting a dark haired young man and a blonde haired lady, correct? How about we switch roles on her?" The young man looked confused for a second, before he began blushing.

"You don't mean…" Ash began, only for the butler to nod.

"I mean it, young man," he told him. "It would appear we must decide who will wear the dress to the ball tomorrow."

Serena felt lightheaded. Was this actually happening? Her dreams—okay, maybe not—he wasn't serious was it? Ash!? Wearing a dress…? Not that he wouldn't look good wearing one; he would look so adorable, so charming…so, so...oh! Maybe...maybe that wouldn't be so bad...

Somebody kill me…I have such a dirty mind.

"If it's the only way to trick Allie," the young man began, looking at the blushing girl nearby. "Serena, come on, we can do this!" He smiled, determinedly. "It'll be just for a day and besides Clemont would do the same for us, wouldn't he?"

Serena smiled, trying her best to contain her thoughts about Ash in a dress. "Ye-yeah…we…we can do it."

"Excellent!" the butler remarked, smiling. "I will leave immediately to get you your invitations…and then, provide you with some appropriate clothing for tomorrow!"

"Ah, the local boutique could be of use," the lord of the castle chimed in, smiling. He turned to face the group. "I'm pretty sure Madame Gigi could provide the young man with a wig for the occasion!"

Was the Lord of Shabboneau Castle actually going along with the plan? Serena didn't know. She was still very lightheaded and wondered if she was bleeding from her nose, the images of Ash in a dress still circling her head.

"Yippee! We'll rescue big brother!" Bonnie cheered, smiling. Ash only blushed, but he smiled determinedly. He glanced at Serena and frowned in concern.

Was she getting sick? Her cheeks were so red now that he took a look at her face. Ash wondered if she was just nervous about having to cross-dress as a man.

Serena, for her part, really wanted to get sick, but that didn't stop the thoughts in her head. Oh…why did the imaginary cross-dressing Ash look so cute in her head!? But better yet, why was she there as a handsome young man, putting her lips on the girl Ash's hands and then grabbing her face and getting closer and closer—Serena shook her head.

This was going to be a long two days.