A/n: This idea has been niggling me for a while. I'm going to try and do weekly regular updates so hopefully I should really get into this!

Title is from Macbeth. Idk, it kinda fitted! Also on AO3

As the city of Camelot burned from the sorcerer's attack, Merlin took his place on the throne lounging back with a smile as their warriors reported that Uther had turned tail and fled the city. Uther was a coward and Merlin had expected nothing less of the tyrant king. Uther would not be able to run for long however, their men would hunt him down and bring him to justice.

Beside him, Morgause stood, leaning against the throne inspecting her nails. Morgana was stood be the window, watching something going on down in the courtyard below. Her face was slightly pale and Merlin watched her for a moment. He was never quite sure with Morgana. She was committed, he knew that, she would give her life for their cause, however, that did not change her feelings towards Camelot, the place that had once been her home.

"What do you see Morgana?" he asked quietly, resting his elbow on the arm of the throne and leaning his head on his fist.

"We've secured the courtyard," Morgana said, not taking her eyes from the view below. Something in her tone however made Merlin want to know more.

"And ..." he prompted.

"We've taken Arthur," she said, her tone attempting light but Merlin could hear the tremble.

"What?" he jumped to his feet, Morgause moving beside him.

"They're bringing him in."

Morgana was paler than she had been and Merlin was motionless. A captured Prince. What sort of trouble could that cause?

"Peace, my lord," came Morgause's silky voice from beside him, a hand on his arm and a small curl to her lips. "Arthur's capture is a good thing. We will break him and through him, break Uther, destroying all he holds dear.

"Break him?" Merlin asked, raising an eyebrow, relaxing slightly and stepping back to sink down again onto the throne.

Morgause smiled wider.

"I have my methods."

Merlin pressed fingers over his lips frowning slightly and letting silence fall for a moment.

"No," he said eventually, "I'll do it."

Morgause shifted in surprise.

"Are you sure my lord?"

Merlin didn't like the way she said his title. It sounded more like a mockery every time she did.

"Yes," he replied stiffly. "I am Emrys, newly crowned king, delighting in the spoils of my new kingdom. Surely I deserve a little ... fun?"

Morgause looked marginally impressed and nodded her assent.

Merlin leaned back again and smiled lightly.

Glancing over, he saw Morgana had not moved.

"Morgana, I think it would be best if you weren't here when Arthur arrives. Perhaps you should retire."

Morgana looked startled at the command but after glancing at Morgause, who nodded, she left, slipping out of the room just a a knock came on the doors.

"Enter!" Merlin called.

The doors opened revealing four of their men restraining a blond haired man who was struggling in their gasp.

Merlin had never met the Prince before but he'd heard the tales of his renowned good looks. The tales did not lie. If anything, they failed to comprehend the sheer godliness of the Prince, even red-faced and struggling as he was in the soldier's grasp.

They had either removed his armour, or perhaps he had never had time to put it on when the attack started. He had no sword and as the soldiers forced him to his knees, they bound his hands behind his back. As they stood back however, he raised his chin, defiant to the last.

"Prince Arthur," Merlin said, not moving from his seat. He was the Prince as Arthur watched him, each studying the other. "Or should I just say Arthur? I'm afraid we'll have to remove you of your title."

Merlin let a smile tug at his lips as he watched Arthur's glare deepen.

"You'll be sorry to hear your father has left, he didn't wait for you," Morgause, spoke with satisfaction.

Arthur however gave a small snort. "That was the idea," he replied, a hint of smugness in his tone.

Merlin briefly let his magic crackle at his finger tips and he saw Arthur flinch.

"Do you know who we are Arthur?" he asked.

"All I know is that you've taken a throne you have no right to, have destroyed the city and taken innocent lives. And you're sorcerers," he added, glancing warily at Merlin's fingers.

"Very good," Merlin drawled.

He enjoyed this, watching Arthur defiance. At first he had been repelled by Morgause's suggestion to break the Prince. But now, now he was tempted, Arthur was so like his father, he had so far to fall.

"So when are you going to execute me?" Arthur asked after a moment's silence.

Merlin shared a smile with Morgause.

"Oh we won't be killing you just yet," Morgause said, "There's still much you can tell us about Camelot and Uther's plans. And well ... we're eager to fully delight in the spoils of our victory."

For a moment, Arthur clearly didn't understand, but then he did and he visibly swallowed before hardening expression.

"I won't say or do anything you want me to."

Morgause outright laughed, the sound caused Merlin's skin to tingle.

"Oh believe me little Prince, if it gets to that point, you won't have a choice."

The other men in the room were laughing and the was a hint of a blush on Arthur's cheeks.

"Take to his chambers, they're as good as any for me to call me own," Merlin said, pushing himself upright in the throne.

Arthur glowered again before he was roughly pulled to his feet.

"You're all the same, you sorcerers, vile, evil things," Arthur spat as the men began to drag him out the room, "no matter what you do, this kingdom will never fall, the people will never turn to you!"

Merlin let his magic rise up at the jibe, letting a single burst lash out at the Prince. Arthur's head snapped to the side from the invisible blow and he felt silent, gasping for breath. When he turned to face the throne again, Merlin wasn't smiling any more.

"You should start to learn some obedience," Merlin growled, purposefully letting his eyes flare gold. Arthur flinched again. "Soon very soon, you will bow before me, swearing your allegiance and life blood to me."

Arthur jutted out his chin. "I will never bow to you."

Merlin jerked his head, fed up with the Prince's games and signalling for the soldiers to take him away. Arthur kept his firm, stony gaze on Merlin until he was out of the room and out of sight.

Only once he was gone did Merlin relax.

"Don't worry my lord," Morgause said, "I'm sure you can break him."

Merlin nodded, standing up, his back straight.

"For now though," Morgause continued, "Camelot is ours. We are victorious."

"Yes," Merlin smiled. "We are."