LAST CHAPTER! The next story will be coming up very soon, so be on the lookout for it, I guess. I'm thinking it's going to called "Forever, For Always". I'm really excited to start and it will pick up right where this chapter leaves off. So if you feel like this is a terrible ending, have no fear! For this is not an end :) I plan to write about SCorpius's time as a Healer - his life, the people he treats, his feelings, his family, his relationship. I'll make it worth a read, I promise. thanks for being such faithful readers throughout these chapters. It's been fun, and I hope I can continue to keep your interests in following me to another story in this set. :) 3

Scorpius slipped on his new, freshly starched white robe over his clothes. A rush of nerves over took him. But he smiled despite that, because he'd turned around to look in the full-length mirror. There it was: a healed Healer. Scorpius stood up a bit straighter, shifting ever so slightly to see a side view of himself. Soft footsteps sounded near the door. Astoria put a hand over her heart as she took in the sight on her son looking so grown-up. "Mother," Scorpiu said, catching sight of her form in the mirror. "I didn't hear you come in." Astoria didn't speak, only walked forward and stood behind him in the view of the glass. She rubbed her hands over his shoulders, tears building up in her eyes. They stayed like that for a long time. "Mother, are you crying?" Scorpius asked, turning to face her. She averted her eyes and tried to smile. "You just…" she began. But the tears choked her. "I'm sorry…" she whispered as she dried her eyes, Scorpius setting his hands on her shoulders. "It's just…when I held you in my arms for the first time…I was too weak to do it myself. You and I have been together since we were both put in intensive care after birth. And now…you're going off as an adult….even though we've spent more time together than I thought we would because you were born early…I still think it…isn't enough…" And with that, she broke into quiet tears. Scorpius wrapped his arms around her, holding her as she did for him all those times he cried. "It's not forever, Mother…" he murmured. "And you'll still always have me. I'm just going to be working at St. Mungo's, but I'll be home for you whenever you need me."

"…This is so hard…"

"But I've gone away to Hogwarts for years, and sometimes I would even have to stay weeks in St. Mungo's…"

"I know….but this time you're going off by yourself…you don't need me anymore."

"…I'll always need my mummy…."

Scorpius pulled her into a tighter hug, which only made her cry harder. But she was smiling through her tears. The pair stayed in an embrace for a long time; until Draco interrupted quietly to bid his farewells to Scorpius. The small family huddled together, hugging, kissing, loving each other. "Things will not be different between us," Draco whispered. "You always have a home to come back to at night, you always have parents that love you. It's all the same. All the same, Scorpius." The small blonde nodded, allowing himself to be hugged. He wiped his eyes as they all straightened and let go. "Let me know if Albus writes," he said. "He's working as an apprentice to his father—his OWL and NEWT scores weren't good enough to enter the job right away, so he has to work up to the level of an independent Auror." Draco laughed. "I'll tell him you're starting today."

Scorpius turned around and let his parents take him to the front door. After one more hug goodbye, he stepped out, closed his eyes, and focused hard on his destination—St. Mungo's.
