Thank you for giving this a read! This story is a sequel to "Redeem, Restore" - it picks up where that one left off, and I encourage you to read it a little to understand some of the background issues circulating this new one. I hope it was worth the wait, and if you don't like this chapter, please don't be disappointed! There is so much more to come, and the plot immediately soars in the very next chapter! :)

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy spread his tiny hands against the glass window of the Hogwarts Express as he looked in awe at the enormous castle off in the distance. It was even bigger and better than he'd imagined. Albus Potter nudged him as the train came to a halt, hauling his friend's trunk down from above. "Come on! We've got to get off the train fast because the next thing is the Sorting!" he encouraged. Scorpius turned to him. "The Sorting? I thought that comes before dinner." he said.

"It does! We've been sitting on the train for hours now, and I'm starved!"

"Really? It felt like only a few minutes."

"You were too busy looking out the window to keep track of the time. Now hurry, let's go!"

The two boys caught up with Rose Weasley, James Potter, and the Scamander twins as they exited the Hogwarts express. "Daddy says I'm going to be in Gryffindor, just like he and Mummy both were!" Rose proudly announced, tilting her chin up a bit. James snorted. "Great, it looks like I'll have my cousin and my younger brother in the same House as me…" Albus looked up at him, a little confusion clouding his face. "But how do you know I'll be in Gryffindor?" James shrugged. Albus glanced over at Scorpius, who was having quite a time trying to carry a trunk that was monumental compared to his size. "What House will you be in?" he asked the struggling boy. "My daddy was in Slytherin—everyone in his entire family was. In fact, he was the first ever to marry outside of Slytherin. My mummy was a Hufflepuff. I don't know what I want to be. They said they'll love me no matter where I am placed, but Grandfather told me that he would be extremely proud if I followed family tradition." Scorpius replied, looking down a bit to hide his anxiety. Albus patted his back. "You'll probably end up in something like Ravenclaw if you're so mixed. But I personally hope you're in Gryffindor with us." he said, which did not appease Scorpius's nerves at all.

The children rode in carriages for the rest of the journey to castle. Upon entering, Scorpius had to stop and put his trunk down just so he could take in his surroundings properly. The candlelight made everything look so warm and comfortable; the long tables appeared capable of holding tremendous amounts of food. "First-years, this way!" a giant man with a scruffy beard shouted. Albus pointed. "Look, Rosie! That's Hagrid! That's who Dad said we're meeting for tea tomorrow!" he shouted. Scorpius shrunk back a bit—suddenly everything looked so big and frightening. Other people knew each other, other people knew the adults sitting at the big table in the front of the Hall. But he didn't know a single soul. Scorpius Malfoy was scared.

The first-years sat down at a table, immediately silencing when Headmistress McGonagal raised her hands for attention. "When I call your name, you will proceed to this stool and sit. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you then are Sorted by it into the House that fits your personality, interests, and character best." she said. The children began shaking with fear and excitement. James nudged his younger brother as he took a seat at the Gryffindor table with his other older friends. "Scamandor, Lorcan!" McGonagal called. The young blonde twin sat down, squeezing his eyes closed as the Hat was placed upon him. "Ravenclaw!" a magical voice shouted aloud. His twin was Sorted into the same House. "Weasely, Rose!"

Rose's knees knocked as she sat on the stool. She even clasped her hands together in front of her as if in prayer. "Gryffindor!" the Hat yelled. A swirl of applause welcomed her to the red-and-gold table. Scorpius gulped. "Potter, Albus!" Albus smiled at Scorpius as he stood up. "Wish me luck," he grinned with a wink. It took a few moments longer than everyone else who had already been Sorted—apparently Albus was quite the mix of personalities. "Gryffindor!" the Hat declared after a stunning silence fell. Albus grinned, giving a thumbs-up to Scorpius. "Malfoy, Scorpius!" McGonagal called, smiling gently at the tiny boy that had a bit of trouble getting onto the wooden stool. A few kids sniggered. He felt the rough fabric fall upon his head…he waited…and waited…and waited….an eternity seemed to pass before he heard the Hat softly say, "You want Slytherin to please your family," It wasn't a question—it was a statement. As if the thing had read his mind. Scorpius gasped in shock; he didn't know what to say. "Yet I get many readings from you." the Hat went on. "You're a very brave young boy that's seen a lot, but has a big heart. You're caring like a Hufflepuff, yet imaginative like a Ravenclaw. But your bloodline follows Slytherin. You've got it in you, but I don't know what your best fit is…." Scorpius felt tears starting to burn in his eyes as he nervously awaited his decision, so he closed them to not look weak. "You've…been a tradition-breaker before, yes? Your father was first to marry out of Slytherin. What's wrong with breaking the rules again?" the Hat whispered. Scorpius felt McGonagal give him a little reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. What did she know? The Hat let out a small chuckle. "You're a real family-man, young Scorpius. I can tell you love them more than anything, and you want them to all be safe and protected. Is it because of your mother's condition? Knowing that you're so connected to your family tradition, I can tell that you need to follow the bloodline—they were all focused on theirs too: Malfoy, Black, Lestrange, Tonks; all deserving of the same House. SLYTHERIN!"

Scorpius was completely numb as he slipped off the stool. He'd never had anything read him like that; know so much about him and then judge him without hesitation. Relief washed over him when a Prefect guided him over to the green-and-silver table, where a bunch of kids applauded his arrival. He'd made it. He'd settled tradition. It was in his blood—he couldn't wait to write a letter home to tell them about his placement. After being seated, he glanced over at Albus. To his surprise, Albus gave him a sad smile. What was wrong? Couldn't they still be friends even though they were in different Houses? Scorpius didn't understand. Within a few more Sortings, an entire feast sprang up onto the tables. Everyone dug in as if famished for days. Everyone was happy, everyone was smiling. The Houses enjoyed meeting their new members and wasted no time in getting them acquainted to the staff and the Great Hall in general.

Once dinner was finished, the Prefects led everyone out to the commonrooms. As he filed out, Scorpius caught the sleeve of Albus. The dark-haired boy gave that same sad smile. "Congratulations on making Slytherin, Scorpius." he said. The small blonde shook his head. "Why are you sad for me? I thought Houses didn't really mean anything—that's what my daddy says!" he cried over the joyous noise.

"You don't understand, Scorpius."

"I do! I do! I thought we could still be friends even though—"

"You haven't been out in the real world. You don't know that Gryffindor and Slytherin have an age-old rivalry. We'll always be competing against each other. I just thought…well…never mind."

"What did you think?"

"I thought maybe you'd be in Gryffindor because of everything you've been through so far in your life!"

Scorpius stopped walking, staring at Albus as if he'd just said something in a different language. Albus sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so…like that. What I should've said is that when I met you on the train, I just thought you were really brave and good-natured. I guess I sort of took over the Hat's job for myself and automatically set myself in thinking that all of my friends would be in the same House as me." he explained. Scorpius looked down at his shoes. "So…we can't be friends anymore?" he asked. "And I can't be friends with James or Rsoe either?" Albus shook his head, patting the boy on the shoulder. "No, you can still be friends with us. We'll still like you. It just may be hard at Quidditch matches and in class with House points. But we can still all be friends just as long as we don't get all caught up in that." he assured. Scorpius brightened. "I'll never get caught up in it!" he promised. Albus laughed and nudged his shoulder. "I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow morning, alright?" he said. Scorpius nodded. He was glad to have a friend that knew so much about Hogwarts already, because he himself sure didn't. Things didn't really make sense, but it all seemed super organized. But what was a Quidditch? How did one get House points? Where did rivalries come from? Scorpius's parents prepared him for life at school, but he felt young and scared.

He wondered if he was ready for this new 'real world'.