Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any aspect of it, it all belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

Author's note: This will be the last chapter of a Brush of Sweetness. I really hope you all enjoy it! Thank you!

A Brush of Sweetness

Hinata's shirt was hitched up, exposing her flat belly that would soon be swollen in a couple of months, and Sasuke's hands rested against it with Hinata's on top. He rubbed her stomach, smoothly, and the Uchiha nestled his face in her peach smelling indigo tresses.

A child, their child was germinating inside of this beautiful woman he had called his wife.

"I know you just started your job, hime, but I don't want anything to happen to you or our child so how about you work for now, and take off immediately when your belly starts to grow."

"B-but, my belly will grow in the first m-month." Hinata said, shocked.

"Exactly." Sasuke informed. There was no way in hell, he was going to have his pregnant wife work, and anything could happen when he was at work. He also needed someone to be with her to check up on her. "I cannot allow something to happen to you two."

He would now become more protective over Hinata than ever.

"H-how about two m-months?" she asked, curiously. "T-then I will take off maternity leave." There was a silence exchanged between the two.

He couldn't say no to his goddess.

"Okay, but if anything happens before." Hinata looked up at him, smiling, and she lifted up, kissing him.

"I-I promise."

"We need to take you to the doctor." He said next.

"Un. I have to go on p-prenatal care now. And um… we h-have to tell my father, and your brother." Sasuke groaned to himself, he could already anticipate the Hyuuga head to look down on him for impregnating his daughter so soon.

And he wasn't quite sure how Itachi would react.

"Your father is going to kill me." He stated. She giggled, and shook her head.

"No, he w-won't." She assured. "After all, t-this is first grandchild."

"I will take off tomorrow, and we'll go visit your family."

"Okay. I w-will too."

The next day, the Uchiha drove to the Hyuuga estate, and the gate holder opened the gates for them. Hanabi was the first one to greet them was they pulled up, and Hinata giggled at her sister.

"How was your honeymoon?" Hanabi asked, curiously.

"It was g-good, thank you."

"I still can't believe you're married ugh." Hanabi grinned at the pale beauty. "I hope one day I can get married to such a handsome guy."

Hinata turned ten shades of red, Sasuke smirked at her, and he folded his arms across his chest. She knew that Sasuke was nervous about delivering the news to her family, but she would make sure everything went well.

Neji came out to greet Hinata, and he bowed, slightly. "Hinata-sama, it is a pleasure to see you again." He half turned to Sasuke. "And you, Uchiha."

"Likewise." Sasuke replied, nonchalantly.

"So, what brings you here?" Neji asked, curiously. She took a deep breath, walking over to Sasuke, and took his hand, interlacing their fingers.

"I'm pregnant." She informed. Neji's eyes widened at her, and he was rendered speechless. Sasuke couldn't contain a chuckle.

"That's great news!" Hanabi said, breaking the ice.

"Congratulations, Hinata-sama." Neji said now with a smile.

"Do you know where, father is so that w-we may tell him?"

"In his office. I will get him for you." Neji assured. Hinata nodded, walking with Sasuke into the house, and she squeezed his hand.

"I told you it would go well." She assured. The Uchiha scowled.

"We still have your father."

"D-don't worry." She lifted up, and kissed him on the brow. The expecting couple waited for Hinata's father in the living room for a few minutes until the shoji door slid open, and Hiashi walked in.

Sasuke took a deep breath.

"Daughter, son-in law, to what do I owe this visit for?" Hiashi asked, coolly. Hinata began to speak up, but Sasuke cut her off.


He was not going to let her do it.

"Hinata is pregnant." The Uchiha stated. Hiashi stared at the Uchiha hard, Sasuke stared right back at him, and the impregnated silence was broken by Hanabi.

"So there is a baby growing in there? That is awesome, sister, I can't wait to he or she comes out." She hugged Hinata, and Hinata hugged her back.

"So you two are having a child?" Hiashi said, finally. "The child will be strong, Uchiha and Hyuuga family blood will run through its veins. Although, I can say I was expecting this news to be a little… later."

Sasuke saw Hinata's face turn red, and Hiashi took a deep breath. "Nonetheless, I am pleased to hear the news."

"I'm going to be an aunt." Hanabi informed, and then she smiled. "Wow, I am a pretty young aunt."

"There are some very good doctors, I know who can provide you with prenatal care."

"T-thank you, father." Hinata stated.

"We'll make sure that this pregnancy goes smoothly."

"I will help Hinata in everything she needs." Neji added. Sasuke waved his hand.

"That is not needed, my brother and I will have it covered."

"Nonsense, it is my duty as a member of the second branch of the Hyuuga family."

"And it is mine as her husband, and the future of that child." The two men stared at each other, rivaling, and Hinata raised up her hands.

"Neji, y-you can come on days that Sasuke and his brother c-cannot." Hinata compromised. "I-is that okay?" She tried to smooth over the situation.

The two men looked at her, intently, and then gave her defeated expression.

"That's fine, Hinata-sama."

"Yeah, it's okay with me." Sasuke shrugged.

Hinata could make the two men bend to whatever she wanted regardless of whether she realized it or not.

The news was to be next broken to their friends, and Itachi. Sasuke scheduled for them all to meet at their house once they returned back from the Hyuuga estate.

"So what did you call us for?' Naruto asked, skeptically.

"I'm p-pregnant." Hinata stated. An aura of elation instantly filled the room.

"Whoa, you are, Sasuke you horny man, you couldn't have waited a little longer?" Naruto teased. Sasuke shot the ugliest look he could muster in his direction, and Naruto walked up to Hinata.

"This is awesome news." He reached to touch Hinata's belly, and Sasuke pulled her away from him. She looked at Sasuke, shocked.

"Don't let Naruto touch your belly." He warned.

"Why not?"

"Because our child may pick up on his stupidity." Naruto shot a glare at him, and stuck his tongue out, pouting.

"Whatever, man. You're so mean."

Hinata giggled at the two.

"That is just... imagine what your child will be when he or she comes out. They will be a knockout!" Ino exclaimed. "Your child has good genes!"

"I'm really happy for you, Hinata and Sasuke." Sakura said with a smile. Itachi nodded in agreement with a faint smile.

"If she needs help around the house as she grows, I will help." Itachi offered. "After all, I'm going to be an uncle."

"We will all help!" They offered.

Hinata couldn't help, but feel a certain warmth arise in her chest.

During the first weeks, Hinata saw the doctor, and started on care for their child. She put in her maternity notice at the job, and Sasuke was at every doctor appointment with her during the whole process.

Even stopping what he was doing at that moment at his job.

Neji also came to check up on her, several times a day. Then, if it wasn't Neji, it was Ino, sakura, and so on. She could tell it was going to be like this the whole pregnancy.

But, she didn't mind.

Hinata grew pretty fast during the first month, and was already poking out. The Uchiha found it rather cute, she wore pregnancy very well.

However, with his growing family, he realized that they would need a bigger home.

"We need a bigger home, hime." The Uchiha stated as he looked around at their house. Hinata looked at him, perplexed.

"Why? I-I think that the home is o-okay."

"Yes, but our family is growing, and I don't want you or the child to feel cramped." Sasuke informed. "What I will do is talk to the landlord, and see if he can give me a bigger home, and this home will be like our vacation home."

Hinata grimaced. "W-won't that be a lot of money? I mean having this c-child will be expensive enough." He reached over a hand, and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Nothing, that would be serious, Hinata." He assured. "You know, you did marry a well off man." She looked at him, sourly.

"That is n-not why I m-married you." She gave him a teasing smile, and kissed his brow. "I married you cause I-I love you."

"I love you too, Hinata."

Their new home was a lot bigger, there were several rooms in it, and Sasuke leaned over in her ear.

"Want to fill every room with our children?" He whispered, seductively. He kissed her ear, and chuckled when she nearly fainted.

He loved to tease her.

Also, during the first month, Hinata was made to sit on the couch the most of the time while Sasuke did everything for her. He treated her as if she were about to break.

However, she was a little obstinate about that. She didn't want to be served.

So, they came to a compromise. Hinata was going to help him with whatever he was doing like cooking them dinner by sitting in the room they were in.

Then, they moved onto setting up the child's room.

"What name d-do you want f-for the child?" Hinata inquired. "I mean I know I'm only a few weeks, but it is good to start early r-right?" Sasuke shrugged.

"I'm not really good at names, Hinata, whatever you decide I'll gladly do that." She gave him a sour look, and he gave in.

"Okay, Well, I think Ryoshi is a nice name for a boy. What did you have in mind?"

"I like Koichi." She stated. The Uchiha smirked, liking the sound of the name.

"I like Koichi. Let's use that. See you're far better at it than I am"

"W-what about Ryoshi, I-I like that too!"

"Next boy." Hinata giggled as he leaned over, whispering the name of their child against her belly, and she could have sworn she felt him bustle around, although it was too early.

She had a feeling though, he liked it.

"And what about if it is a girl?" Hinata asked, curiously. Her eyes were met by ash burned ones, and he smiled, a rare one.

"I like Hanae." He informed.

"Oh, t-that's a great name, w-where did you g-get that from?"

"Nowhere, I just came up with it."

"It's a b-beautiful name. I-I want our daughter to be n-named that when we have one."

"We can name our children anything, Hinata." Sasuke sighed against her. "It will not change how I feel about them, they still came from you."

Hinata wrapped her arms around him, and she buried her face in his chest. "They c-come from us." She added.

"Sasuke?" Hinata asked one night after dinner. "Do you find me y-you know… attractive?" Sasuke cocked an eyebrow at her, and she fumbled with her fingers, nervously.


"Well, I-I know that some g-guys lose interest in their wives when t-they are pregnant, I-I mean… I know you're not some guy… I-I-"

He cut her off by snaking an arm around her waist, pushing her against him, gently, and pressing his lips against hers.

He gave her no room to talk then, tugged on her bottom lip with his teeth, playfully. She gasped for air.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked, curiously.

"Y-yes." She squeaked. The Uchiha grimaced.

"That doesn't sound very convincing." Before, anything else could be said further, Sasuke scoped her in his arms, and carried her to their bedroom.

He was going to prove to her how attractive he found her.

He laid her on the bed, gently. "Maybe, I should show you?" He began to undo her buttons, kissing the flesh as he exposed it, and she bit her lip, suppressing a moan.

He climbed on top of her, he would be careful with her during this, he wouldn't want to hurt her in any way.

The sex was slow, soft, and sweet. He played with her breasts, teasing the nipples, and aware at how sensitive, how fragile she was. Her legs were still spread far apart so his thrusts could penetrate deep into her cavern, but his thrusts were gentle.

After they were finished, Hinata laid next to him with disheveled hair, and Sasuke laid his head on her stomach. He was fascinated how he could hear their child's movements inside of her.

"Did I convince you?"

"You did." Hinata said, breathlessly.

"I am going to buy a box of condoms so you don't get pregnant after our child is born so, we can space them out."

She nodded. "H-how do you want to s-space the children?" The Uchiha lifted up, and he moved closer to her.

"Hm... perhaps maybe three years spacing or whatever I don't care."

"T-that sounds g-great."

At Hinata's second month of pregnancy, they were given a surprise at the doctor's office. Hinata was not having one child, instead she was having two.

Kami, Sasuke had impregnated her with twins! He groaned at this news, not that he was happy, but that he had really done it. However, he was comforted by Hinata who pointed at the screen of the two babies, and smiled.

"Hanae and Koichi." She stated.

The Uchiha couldn't contain his smile when she said that.

"But, you don't know the genders yet." He defended.

"I k-know." She assured. "A mother a-always knows." They made adjustments to the baby's room they had already set up, and now made it accommodating for two. When they did this, Sasuke found certain fears began to arise out of him.

Would he be a good father to these children? He tried to push the thoughts aside, but they plagued him as the pregnancy progressed.

He didn't tell Hinata about it because he didn't want to add any unnecessary stress to her. It kept him up at nights, and one night, he couldn't contain it.

Sasuke got up from the bed, careful not to wake his pregnant wife, and sat in a chair in their bedroom.

However, he couldn't hide anything from her.


Hinata reached out a hand, feeling an empty space, and she stirred. "S-Sasuke…." She lifted up, carefully, and Sasuke reached over a hand, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Go back to sleep."

"W-what's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"Nothing." She rubbed her eyes, furiously to get a clear look at her husband, and she noticed he looked a little trouble. She placed both hands on the side of his face. "You can tell me anything."

Sasuke sucked in his teeth. "I just a little… apprehensive, hime?"

"A-about me being p-pregnant?"

"It has to do with the pregnancy and me." She looked at him, perplexed.

"I don't u-understand." Sasuke ran his hands through his hair, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What if I am not a good father, Hinata?"

"Of course y-you will be." She assured. She leaned in, and placed her head on his chest. He stroked her hair. There was a silence exchanged between the two.

"How do you know that? His voice was dark. "My father was not a good one. He constantly placed stress on my older brother, stung us around like dolls, playing favorites, and when Itachi didn't meet his expectations. He set his eyes on me. He held us to impossible standards, nothing was ever good for him. I don't want our children to go through the same thing."

"How do I know? Hinata looked up at him, and kissed him. "Because I love you that's how I know."

Sasuke gave her a weary smile, and he closed his eyes as she traced the contours of his face with her finger.

"I want to be perfect for you, Hinata. For our children."

"Then, let's try t-to be perfect t-together." Sasuke wrapped his arms around her, laying down, and squeezing her against him, feeling her baby bump against him.

She didn't need to strive to be perfect, she was already there.

The third and fourth month, she grew more, and at that point Hinata went on maternity leave. An as it turned out Hinata was having twin boy and girl, fraternal to be exact...

He took notice of how sometimes, Hinata would wince, and her hand rested on her stomach.

"Are you in pain?" he asked, concerned.

"J-just a little."

"Want me to run you a nice warm bath?" Sasuke offered. She smiled at him as a yes, and he did. He helped Hinata get into the tub, and pulled out a bottle of bubbles. She giggled, resting her eyes, and he stayed with her in the bathroom filled with floating rounded soap.

She soaked in the tub for a good while, the Uchiha watched her fall asleep, and he shook his head. He leaned over, brushing hair out of her face, and kissed those plump lips of hers.

"You dummy, you're going to get prune looking." He released the water, and lifted her out of the tub. Sasuke dried her off, dressed her, and put her to bed.

She slept more often in the third and fourth months. No doubt attributed to the fact that she was now providing for herself, and two other human beings.

The fifth and sixth month, Hinata waddled about the house, and Sasuke smirked at the sight. She was growing cuter by the second.

A baby shower was set up soon.

"The baby shower is at two o'clock right?" Hinata asked, curiously. She had a blue and pink tapestry in her hands.

"It is, hime."

"Sasuke, can y-you help me up the l-latter to hang this t-tapestry up?" The house was decorated in all pink and blue, food was laid out for the guests, and Sasuke took the tapestry.

"No, I'll hang it up myself." She giggled as he grabbed it from her, and their son and daughter's name was displayed on it.

Hinata was overwhelmed by the amount of gifts that came, her family came bringing a truckload of gifts, and Itachi was no better.

The babies' room was filled in no time.

The last month of pregnancy, Hinata was put on bed rest, and Sasuke may had been as well because he stayed with her most of the time.

Her eyes shot open in the middle of the night when she felt water gush between her legs, and she gasped.

"S-Sasuke!" she nearly cried. Almost as if he had never even been asleep, he gathered her up in a bed sheet, and she was rushed to the hospital.

The Uchiha sat in the waiting room, he hated to wait, but even now more since Hinata was in labor. He tapped his finger against the chair seat, and Itachi soon joined him. Not too longer after Itachi came that all their family and friends joined him as well.

They waited for news for what seemed like hours, and just as he was about to storm back there. The doctor came out, and he nodded.

Sasuke and everyone went to see Hinata who smiled at Sasuke when he entered, and the Uchiha felt his chest tighten. He walked up to her, seeing their son and daughter who stared at him with innocent eyes. Koichi had ash burned colored eyes. His hair was the same color as Hinata's and Sasuke could already tell that Koichi would be a blend between the two. Hanae seemed to take more after Sasuke, she had Hinata's eye color, but everything else was Sasuke.

Koichi cried when Hinata handed him to Sasuke while she still held Hanae, and Sasuke took his little hand with his. He then stopped, and began to be soothed.

He reached a hand, pulling Hinata into him, and he touched Hanae. She cooed at him, and he closed his eyes.

"Perfect." Was all he could say.

She was perfect. Koichi and Hanae were perfect. This family she gave him was perfect. It was all perfect.

Koichi and Hanae were pretty calm babies, they only cried when they wanted to be fed or needed their diaper changed. However, Sasuke could tell Koichi and Hanae reveled in their parents attention.

They both liked to be played with by Sasuke and Hinata. Koichi loved to touch his mother's hair, and Hanae liked touching Sasuke's face.

The twins were also a little spoiled as well. They didn't like baby food as Sasuke had to learn it the hard way when Koichi and Hanae pushed their bowls to the ground.

So, the twins ate fresh foods.

He eyed his children as Hinata fed them. "You two really know how to work us don't you?"

And as if understanding what he said, Koichi and Hanae giggled at him.

The twins were also inseparable, and loved to be around one another. He guessed it was some twin bond thing between the two.

Then at times, the couple would lay on their bed with the twins in between them, and Sasuke would plant kisses on their heads, and Hinata's lips.

He would invest every fiber of his being into this growing family of his.


(Fifteen years later)

Sasuke kissed Hinata's back as he helped zip up her dress, and she smiled at him. She turned around, and helped fix his tie.

"Are you r-ready for the p-party?" She asked, curiously. The Uchiha leaned over, kissing his wife, and nodded.

"To celebrate our years together, yes."

Today was their anniversary.

Everyone had set up a huge party for the husband and wife. She giggled, and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her deeper in for a kiss, this woman had been with him for fifteen years, and he would never tire of the way she looked at him, every day.

Like he was the light of her world.

The door swung open causing Sasuke to look up, and Hinata squeaked, hiding her face in his chest.

The next thing he knew was flowers petals were being thrown at them. He cocked an eyebrow at his children who held several bouquets of flowers in their hands.

The flowers ranged from roses to daisies. Koichi had their youngest daughter, Ai on his back, and Hanae held their second youngest son, Ryoshi's hand.

Hanae and Koichi were fifteen, Ryoshi was ten, and Ai was six. Unlike their older twin siblings Ryoshi looked like Hinata except for his ash burned eyes, and Ai was a blend of Hinata and Sasuke once more.

Koichi held a bouquet of roses, Ai had daisies, Hanae had lilies, and Ryoshi had orchids.

"Happy anniversary!" Ai cheered.

"We bought these for you guys." Koichi informed. They handed them the flowers, and Hinata smiled at them, warmly.

"T-that's so s-sweet, come h-here." Hinata outstretched her arm towards them.

Ai, Koichi, Ryoshi, and Hanae hugged Hinata and him.

"I love you all." Hinata affirmed.

"We love you too, mom, and dad." The Uchiha smiled to himself as he was surrounded by his beautiful family.

He was Sasuke Uchiha, father to four strong children, and husband to Hinata Uchiha.

These years with Hinata and his family had made him experience something like never before.

And that was true happiness.

The End

Please review the story, I would greatly appreciate it, and I hope you all enjoyed the story!- TheValkyrieGladiator