Past Battle Royale!: I just had the perfect idea for a new narusasu story... buh buh nah nah based on battle royale! I thought it would be the perfect story, I was missing the excitement of writing an action and horror filled story like survival of the dead and the sequel... so this story will have all I need. I got a complaint on my grammar for my newest story, and I'm really sorry I use open office so it corrects my mistakes but sometimes I write things at the wrong places so yup very sorry. Okay alright. So yup.

Warnings: explicit violence, mature content such as: language, sexual content, use of weapons, gore, sai.

Disclaimer: all the naruto character in this story do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owner.


New Battle royale... Battle royale: A new age

So yup, I'm rewriting Battle Royale because I did not like how things went with it and I'd like to repent for how bad it was by revamping this story. So here we go!

Disclaimers: all the naruto character in this story do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owner.


Warnings: explicit violence, mature content such as: language, sexual content, use of weapons, gore, sai.

Student Roster

Grade 9/C- Chosen.

21:Girls 21:Boys -Total 42

1 Choji A.

2 Hidan Jashin

3 Neji Hyuuga

4 Tsunami

5 Iruka Umino

6 Jugo S.

7 Kiba I.

8 Sasori R.

9 TenTen

10 Naruto U.

11 Obito U.

12 Deidara C

13 Sora

14 Shion F.

15 Kakashi H.

16 Kakuzu S.

17 Shino H.

18 Suigetsu H.

19 Gaara S.

20 Karin U.

21 Temari S.

22 Shika. N.

23 Ino Y.

24 Sasuke U.

25 Konan

26 Lee R.

27 Hinata H.

28 Sakura H.

29 Kabuto Y.

30 Orochimaru

31 Anko

32 Kurenai

33 Shizune

34 Tayuya

35 Rin

36 Shizuka

37 Ayame

38 Pakura

39 Mabui

40 Emiru

41 Susuki

42 Momiji

Choji A.-1


Hidan Jashin-2


Neji Hyuuga-3

Shion F.-3

Iruka Umino-4

Karin U-4

Jugo S-5

Temari S-5

Kiba I.-6

Ino Y.-6

Sasori R.-7


Naruto U-8

Hinata H-8

Sasuke U,-9

Sakura H-9

Deidara C-10




Kakashi H-12


Kakuzu S.-13


Shino H.-14


Suigetsu H-15


Gaara S.-16


Shika. N.-17


Obito U.-18


Lee R.-19


Kabuto Y.-20




Student number above. Once a student is killed the name will be bared and the total number will decrease.

The rules are:

A randomly-selected school class is placed on a deserted island. There, they have to kill each other in order to survive. The game ends when there is only one survivor left behind. Prior to the game, each student is fitted with a bracelet that monitors their positions, vital signs and other info. They are given one bag of supplies each, which contains water, rations, a compass, a map and some randomly-selected weapon. The weapons range from bladed weapons to pistols, full-auto guns and also the occasional "surprise", such as a boomerang, paper fan and poison. The island is divided into a grid network of more-or-less equally large "zones". Once in a while, one of these will be deemed a danger zone. When that happens, the neck-collars of any students inside it who stays there longer than the allowed time will detonate, killing them. If no-one dies within 24 hours, everyone's collars detonate and nobody survives. Also, if more than one person is still alive at the end of the 72-hour time limit, everyone's collars will also detonate."

Let the games begin!

Chapter 1: You are not safe

In the centre of Japan, a tall building touches the sky. The business building looks like a spotless, harmless building from the outside, where cars zoomed by and young Japanese children made their commute to school together. However, there was nothing innocent about a certain room, in the building facing the street. A man stood at the window, watching the urban life, dressed in an expensive suit that was above the expenses of most citizens in the economic crisis Japan now faced. He wore a grim expression on his face as his eyes trailed on the uniforms passing by, laughing wildly. The man turned away as the door opened. A tall man emerged from behind the door, his long black hair was well kept and his suit looked pristine.

He stood in front of the owner of the room, the desk separating them. He held his hands intertwined behind his back as he stood erect, awaiting his superior's demands. Said superior, sat at his desk, seating himself on his plump chair, his hands moving to rest under his chin with a stern look on his face.

"It is time." The stern man said with a slight eery feel to his voice, he continued when the other man's full attention was on him, "They have become too comfortable with their easy lives. Comfort leads to rebellious thoughts and resentment towards the government, he can not let something like that happen again, the games must begin again to replace this comfort with fear. Please, Madara, could you get me the bag to your left? In there lies the numbers of classes for the ninth-grade students here in the province." The man recited, pointing at a decent sized bag resting against the wall on Madara's left.

Madara obeyed quickly, his excitement perked up. For many, the games were a cruel sense of entertainment that kept the viewers on the edge of their seats and the scared families of the victims in tears. The amount of viewers brings a handsome amount of money that would surely pay his bills once the money returns to them after the game is done. The man grabbed the bag with enthusiasm, returning to the stern man's side with much speed. He opened the back for the man who dipped his hand in the sea of small papers and soon enough, the man pulled out a small folded up paper.

Madara watched with intrigue as the man gingerly unfolded the paper and with a diplomatic tone, he read the class number.

"Group 9/C of Konoha High has been chosen. Start the preparations, the game must begin next week. I want you to mentor this group Madara. I trust you will do well."

A cynical smile spread over Madara's pale features.

"I will, sir."

And so the games have begun.

-You are not safe-

Tsunade watched her class with content eyes, these were the students she had taught and watched over for many years. She felt nothing but pride for them. They were not all academics and they were not all sport advocates but they all had their respectable qualities. There was no words to describe her love and dedication to the kids of Class 9/C.

She watched them with admiration until the in class intercom sounded, announcing that she was summoned in the teachers lounge to pick important papers. She quickly assigned Self Study before leaving the class to get the slips. The minute she left, the groups formed and people started small talk of everything and anything.

In the corner of the class a small group formed where a blond haired boy sat with his good friend Kiba. The blond was named Naruto Uzumaki, a young bulky student with the ambition of becoming a military officer. The young man was cold,quiet and a little timid while his brown haired friend was outgoing and kept the conversation going like the other students who made a lot of noise in the class. Despite his cold character, Naruto's heart would skip a beat for the young boy sitting across the class. His eyes were glued on the young beauty called Sasuke Uchiha who sat with his close cousin Obito Uchiha. Both boys were known for their pale complexion and silky hair. Many yearned for them and many scorned them out of jealousy but it was hard to feel any anger since they had the personality of angels.

Sasuke was sweet and caring while Obito was funny and kind. They were quiet the due but Obito Uchiha was already claimed in a promised relationship with Kakashi Hatake who sat next to him with a beefy arm around his thin waist. Sasuke was smiling like an angel and Naruto could not keep his eyes off him. He just looked so beautiful but Naruto had only ever admired him from a far. Kiba took notice of his friends longing gaze and he knew it was not directed to Tayuya or Temari who stood in the way of his gaze but it was directed to no one other then Sasuke.

"Go talk to him before somebody takes him."Kiba singsonged as he drew the graffiti on the desk with the tip of his finger. Naruto snapped out of his daze to look at Kiba with an incredulous look. There was no way he could possibly ask a beauty like Sasuke out. Besides it was well known that Sasuke's type fit the characteristics of Neji who had already proclaimed his love for the boy. Sasuke had not straight up rejected him but had told him that if the circumstances were different, his answer would be geared towards a 'yes'. Naruto remembered hearing about that and he remembered how worthless he felt in the eyes of his distant love because Neji was his polar opposite.

"I can't." Naruto said simply and Kiba was usually quick to reply but this time he was interrupted by his girl friend Hinata Hyuuga and her friend Tenten who stopped at their table with huge smiles on their faces. Naruto turned his face towards the window, not partaking in the conversation his best friend was having until suddenly the door was slammed open by Tsunade who had a pale look on her face. The class turned silent, everyone was shocked and a little scared. Naruto spared Sasuke a quick glance, his big black eyes were wide.

"I-I have some permission slips here, you guys h-have a field trip this Friday. The date return of the slip is tomorrow. So please bring it in tomorrow. Make sure to grab a sheet, class dismissed." Tsunade dismissed the class after setting a pile on her desk. She quickly stormed out of the classroom with a shaken look on her face that shocked the class. Everyone packed their things slowly, each one of us grabbing a sheet before exiting the classroom.

Naruto walked along side, Kiba, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten and Lee. They talked about the weird event that just took place. After they were dismissed from class, those seven out of forty-two students of their classroom went to the faculty room to see if their beloved teacher was alright but they were told that she had left in a hurry. Naruto found that very odd. Almost alarmingly odd but he had no idea what would soon take place. The girls of the group bid their farewell to the boys at the intersection of the hallway, all four of them had after school activities to partake in.

So the trio moved along, heading towards the exit, Lee held a sad look on his face the separation from his girlfriend, Sakura, always got him like this. Kiba was whining, his stomach grumbling from hunger while Naruto remained silent, his gaze locked on the screen of his phone as he looked at updates and text messages. Hoping that miraculously, Sasuke would have sent him a quick text but he had no such luck. He and Sasuke were not close enough, the boy would definitely not text him. He bid his friends farewell, both Lee and Kiba decided that it would be best for them to pick up a snack at a near by vending machine while Naruto just wanted to head home so he refused.

Naruto continued on alone, finally reaching the exit door where he was surprised to see a very familiar mop of black hair and a supple body seated on the front steps. It was Sasuke, he had his phone out, concentration on a game of Candy Crush. Naruto immediately felt nervous, he did not know whether he should interrupt or just walk by without saying a word. The young blond, bunched up his nerves and gathered the courage of a wolf and said,

"Hi, Sasuke..."

But no response came. Naruto felt immediate regret and rejection until he noticed the thin cord plugged into the phone and nestled in Sasuke's ears. The boy didn't hear him, he was not ignoring him. The blond felt better and took the time to fully experience what his crush's beauty had to offer. Though it was dully noted compared to his personality, his appeal was something that could not be missed. It was absolutely breathtaking. Naruto eyes trailed over the not overly plump thighs exposed by ridden up shorts, the pale slender arms bent to play with his phone, the curve of his back that revealed a little trail of his spine as he hunched over, the soft looking hair that naturally stood in spikes at the back of his head but fell over his eyes and the sides of his face, the large dark eyes twinkling with wonder at every given moment, the button nose that looked so fragile and the pouty pink lips that looked so kissable it almost hurt. Naruto gulp as his heart beat quickened.

He recalled Kiba's words from early, "Go talk to him before somebody takes him" those words spoke so much truth, there was no way his emotions could reach the young Uchiha if he never takes the initiative to talk to the beauty without backing out at the last second. So with a rejuvenated confidence, the Uzumaki rested a hand against Sasuke's shoulder, knowing what to say the minute he touched him. Sasuke squeaked in surprise, his arm accidentally ripping the ear buds from his ears and his phone falling on his lap. He looked back with wide black eyes that became wider as he saw who had touched him. He sighed deeply after the surprise wore off, resting a small hand over his beating heart. Sasuke had a soft smile on his face as the orange light of sundown played on their features.

"You scared me, Naruto-san. What's wrong?" He asked with a smile as he tucked his phone into his back pocket so that he wouldn't be rude. He straightened up to face the taller blond who was nervously running his hand behind his neck, looking away.

"I just wanted to know if you were alright, you aren't with your cousin after all..." Naruto trailed off, not really knowing what to say anymore. He expected the brunette to simply greet him back and return to playing his intense level of Candy Crush but instead the boy decided to talk to him and that was enough to make him happy. He felt his ears burn and his cheeks tingle, he prayed that it wouldn't be noticeable. Sasuke would surely find him weird.

"Yeah, Kakashi-kun took him out after school, I don't really like walking home alone so I decided to wait here for my brother to come pick me up but it doesn't look like he'll come either. I was just about to start walking before you showed up. Oh! But don't take that wrong, I'm glad you came!" Sasuke finished quickly as he saw Naruto's face start to crumble but as soon as he finish it returned to it's previous expression of neutrality.

Naruto felt even more timid now, he was giving two options that were both very tempting. One more so then the other. He could just bid Sasuke a farewell right here and now or he could offer to walk Sasuke home and get to know him better which sounded really tempting. He didn't want to lose this chance giving my God so he took it before it went away.

"Well if you don't like walking home alone...I could walk you...if you want?" Naruto said in a small voice. Sasuke smiled widely, his cheeks dusted a light pink. He picked up his bag, strapping it on his shoulder. The blond's beating heart swelled like a blow fish.

"That's very nice of you, Naruto-san. I'll take you up on that offer." Sasuke said in a cheerful tone as he motioned for Naruto to walk along side him. The Uzumaki could not stop the beating of his heart as he walked down the path of the school with Sasuke at his side. This reminded him of something a couple would do, that sole thought was enough to make his cheeks burn. They were standing so close, every time the wind blew he could smell the sweet scent of Sasuke's shampoo and every time their hands brushed together, he could feel the smooth softness of the pale skin. It made him even more timid. Someone so gentle could not possibly like someone as robust as Naruto.

"You know...Neji-kun would never do this for me." Sasuke said softly, breaking the silence that had seetled between the two as their walk towards Sasuke's house progressed. Naruto snapped out of his romantic thoughts as the name of Neji was mentioned, it blew his happy bubble because he knew that Neji was perfect for Sasuke.


"Oh nothing. Anyways, let's talk about you. I've never really talked to you... Haha I kind of thought you didn't like me all that much so I don't really know much about you." Sasuke said pointedly and it was partially true. They had talked before but it was simply words and not a consistent conversation that could give the young Uchiha any knowledge of who he is. Naruto felt kind of bad but kind of happy because Sasuke had noticed him but for the wrong reasons, he never wanted Sasuke to think that he didn't like him since that clearly isn't true.

"Of course, I like you!" Naruto blurred out against his will, his voice booming in the street causing a bright cherry blush to gracefully settle on their cheeks. Sasuke let out a small sound as he held his cheeks between his palms, his eyes hazy and looking down. He looked like an angel, so adorable and full of undisguised cuteness that could not be replicated by anyone but Sasuke.

"I mean... I don't ha... I don't hate you and stuff." Naruto tried to cover up quickly, but his voice came out nervous. He hoped that Sasuke did not pick up his stuttering and call him out on it. He cursed his stupid timidness, it stopped him plenty of times during life and this moment was one of them. Sometimes he wished he was confident and courageous so he could swoop Sasuke off his feet and impress him but he couldn't.

"Oh...well then...I don't hate you either, Naruto-san." He said after a while, with a kind smile on his face. Naruto sort of wanted Sasuke to have a look of disappointment on his face but he could not pick out the Uchiha's emotions. He did not know that the Uchiha's were known for not showing their true feelings when they are hurt or upset. Obito was an exception of course.

"Yeah..."Things had become awkward between the two, the birds chirped around them and the wind whistled but between the two teenagers walking down the urban streets there was nothing but silence. Sasuke had started to fiddle with his finger and Naruto had started to rub the back of his neck nervously, extremely awkward. Naruto wanted nothing more then the disappear and Sasuke sensed it. He stopped walking and gently grabbed the blond's free hand, holding it firmly. Naruto looked at him, staring into the uncharacteristically serious eyes.

"Hey...I'm here with you and there is no where else I want to be right now. It's the same for you right?" Sasuke asked firmly, looking up at Naruto through his thick, long, black eyelashes. Naruto blushed, his bangs covering his eyes and he nodded. Agreeing with Sasuke. He had no idea the boy could be so adorable yet so firm at the same time. He now knew Sasuke had a strong will.

"Good...My house is just around here." Sasuke said as they continued their walk, hand in hand. The Uzumaki was in cloud nine, his heart was pounding in his burning ears. There was no day better then today.

After dropping Sasuke off, Naruto returned home to a father who ignored him and the picture of his dead mother who looked nothing more then beautiful. That night, he pulled out the slip and forged his father's signature. He'd confess to Sasuke that day.

-You are not safe-

While Sasuke and Naruto shared a moment, Obito and Kakashi were consuming a moment of their own. Obito had his hands buried in the silver hair of his tall lover as the man lavished the skin of his neck with kisses, worshipping his body with large pale hands. Hearts were pumping blood filled with fiery passion through every vein in their bodies. Their relationship had long ago reached the peek, they had done what adults do and there was no one to tell them otherwise. They both lost their families. Obito lost his mother and father, he lived with his cousin Sasuke and his family while Kakashi lived on his own, refusing to be taken care of by anyone.

The kisses were heated, heating up the room and soon enough shirts were hazardously thrown away and the boys were half naked. The older man ran his large hands down a pale chest, pulling and pinching at erect pink nipples before replacing his fingers with his mouth, sucking each one of them with strong sucks causing Obito to moan softly as his nerves were stimulated. After the nipples had become slightly red, Kakashi pulled away and kissed his lover gently.

"We can't go further." Kakashi whispered over his lover's eager lips, his erection raging in his pants but he could not take care of it with Obito's body. He knew the boy would have to return home soon, that was one reason and the other was that, he didn't have a condom. He couldn't risk getting his beautiful lover pregnant at such a young age. It would be too much of a burden for both of them.

Obito whined but complied, finding his shirt and pulling it back on to pout in the corner. Kakashi chuckled and wrapped his naked arms around Obito's waist, pulling him into a deep kiss that caused the boy to melt against the strong chest. The orphaned Uchiha was panting heavily when the other pulled away, resting a large bulky arm around his lover's shoulders while the boy sat comfortably on his lap. The passion was cut short when a thought returned to plague his mind.

"You know... Rin-chan told me she is in love with you...that she would try to win you over." Obito said softly, drawing shapes on Kakashi's chiseled chest. The man looked down at him with indifferent eyes that showed no concern for what Obito had just said. The boy huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"And why are you telling me this?" Kakashi asked with not much interest, not understanding why his pouting lover would even care about someone being in love with Kakashi. There was many people who were interested in him but he did not know that Obito cared so much about that, after all, he would always belong to his adorable lover.

"Because it's Rin! We've known her since we were small and...and she knows how much I love you so...I don't understand why she would even try to cause me unhappiness." Obito whispered but did not want to admit that Rin had also mentioned that they were enemies now. They could no longer speak like long time friends and that kind of hurt Obito more then her feeble claim of winning Kakashi over. That was impossible, the relationship they had was set in stone and could not be erased.

"I don't care for her. A handful of the self-claimed most beautiful people could bow down to my feet but I will always turn to you, bow down to you, love you. A thousand of the richest people could offer money for my heart but I will refuse without hesitation because you are the only precious thing I need and a million people could try to convince me that you are not good enough but my mind is set, I know that you are perfect for me." Obito blushed brightly as Kakashi whispered those words into his ear, it was pleasantly embarrassing. The Uchiha kissed his lover deeply, holding his face between his hands gently as if holding a small bird.

"I'm in love with you and your corny lines." Obito said weakly, his eyes shining with love he could not hide. This man was everything for him.

"And you have no idea how madly in love I am with you Obito." Kakashi replied with much love, wrapping his strong arms around the blushing boy, pulling him so close that it almost hurt. Their hearts swelled with intimacy and strong devotion, they were much like a married couple but they shared no tittle or object of promise because they did not need it. Their souls had claimed each other and no signed paper or shinning ring could beat that kind of connection.

"I'll always be by your side..."

"I'll always protect you..."

They felt safe in each others arms. They both signed their sheets together, forging signatures.

-You are not safe-

A week later, school started as it had every other day. People strolled in, talking and laughing, not really there to learn but more so there to mingle with friends. Nobody in this school took education as a concerning matter, they rebelled against education, treating it with unimportance. None of them knew that their comrades from grade 9/C would be paying for such behaviour.

While even the grade 9 class C students remained unaware, their main teacher Tsunade sat at her desk, a grim look on her face because she knew and to save her own skin, she accepted without thinking about the young lives that would never return with the same smile on their blissfully unaware faces. She would ruin their lives, force them to fend against each other instead of working as a unit as she thought them for years and years. She felt like nothing but a hypocrite as she watched her class enter the bus to their very own hell. She sat back down limply as the bus pulled away with all her students, she buried her head in her hands and sobbed over the letter sent from the government.

The guilt was overbearing and it burned her from the inside out. All those trusting faces...They all thought they were safe in her caring hands but they weren't.

-You are not safe-

The students were having so much fun in the bus, everyone had a smile on their face as they chatted over seats, read books or listened to catchy tunes. Everyone had their partner, but for Naruto this was extra special because he was sitting next to Sasuke who had his ear buds tucked in his ears again. The boy had kept them off for a while but Naruto was too nervous to speak so the boy slipped them on to avoid silence. Naruto clenched his fist, feeling disappointment, this was his chance. Obito chose not to sit with Sasuke in favor of sitting with his boyfriend while Kiba chose not to sit with Naruto so he could sit with Hinata.

Naruto picked at the seat belt that was oddly on the bus. Usually buses like this did not have seat belts but he brushed it off as being a new safety feature he did not know of. He looked back at Sasuke who was looking forward with a distant look on his face before he sighed deeply and looked outside. What a bust. He hated himself for not being able to speak a word to the beauty beside him. Even worse came as Neji peaked his head around the corner, gently resting a hand against Sasuke's thigh. The boy jumped in surprise and removed the earphone from his left ear to look at Neji in question.

"You look bored, why don't you switch places with Sora and come sit next to me?" The long-haired boy said with sensual wink and Naruto felt his stomach drop. He prayed that Sasuke would not accept the offer, that would hurt a lot. Luckily his prayers were answered in a favourable way. Sasuke did not like the cocky assumptions Neji made and looked away quickly, leaning closer to Naruto.

"No thank you, I like sitting next to Naruto. He's great company." That was a lie but Naruto was grateful he said it because Neji let out an angry grunt before straightening up in his seat, leaving the two alone. Sasuke waited until Neji was done before sighing deeply and whispering to Naruto, "Now talk to me please."

"Y-Yes." Naruto stuttered unwillingly, this wasn't usual for him but whenever he was around Sasuke he couldn't seem to keep his cool. He didn't want the boy to find a flaw in him and chose to no longer want to speak to him. He was terrified of losing what little he had of the boy who he loves so much but unfortunately his love was one-sided because he could never be right for Sasuke.

Sasuke sighed as Naruto kept silent so he shoved one of his earphones in the red ear.

"Here, listen to music with me." To say Sasuke's music did not fit him would be wrong, Naruto completely expected it. It was nothing too loud nor nothing too soft and tame it was simply...Sasuke. The beat bounced in Naruto's head as he watched Sasuke close those beautiful eyes and those long lashes brushed those naturally pink cheeks. So beautiful...So adorable. Naruto shut his eyes and felt the music, drifting with the sound.

He felt the once moving wheels come to a stop and he became confused, he looked at Sasuke who had removed the earphone to look at him with equally confused eyes, they were suppose to be going to the city. It was a much longer trip then this. Wait didn't they pass on a bridge? Naruto nor Sasuke ever recalled crossing a bridge to get to the city. Everyone in the bus slowly started to realize the sudden stop, thinking they had run out gas but the driver remained unmoving, his hand on the door opener. He opened it and a women stepped inside, wearing a military uniform. The seat belts felt so tight. Nobody could move, they all stared in confusion.

Naruto felt Sasuke's hand wrap around the sleeve of his uniform, the pale appendage was shaking. He looked at Sasuke who whispered his name shakily as the women slipped on a gas mask and pulled two cans from her pockets. They had the little metal rods sticking out of them much like the grenades used in war but everyone in that bus knew that it wasn't a bomb. Well, technically it was a bomb but not a fatal one. It was a smoke bomb but nobody knew what kind of smoke would be coming out of it until the women threw them down the middle aisle and slowly, one after the other, forty-two students lost consciousness. Their heads limp against the windows, the seat in front of them or the shoulder of their classmate beside them.

The women chuckled as she motioned the driver to continue driving until they reached an island and the bridge lifted as soon as the bus wheel's touched the island's soil. Closing off the forty-two students in the decent sized island that would soon be the playing field for their game of fate and soon every television in Japan would be broadcasting the sick game of bloody torment and abuse. Everyone would watch with eager eyes, the younger students fearing they would be next and the older ones thanked the Lord that they were not the ones chosen to fight to the death.

The bus finally stopped in front of school building that was not the one the students came from but it was one where forty-two students came in but only one returns. And soon, the new set of forty-two will start the game, waking up from their gas induced slumber to face the camera's broadcasting their new hell on earth.

They were each placed in the room with not much care, slowly awakening bodies thrown over each other. Naruto regained consciousness fast enough to catch Sasuke's limp body, holding him close but he was still too dazed to understand what was going on. He could see the students slowly waking up, Kiba and Hinata were huddled together, Kiba looming over her protectively while Hinata's friends, Sakura and Ino, huddled beside them with large tears in their eyes. The other students all held tears of fear in their eyes except for a few exceptions being; Naruto, Kakashi, Hidan, Shino, Orochimary, Kabuto and Tayuya. All the others were shocked beyond belief but they all knew now why Tsunade left so pale. They were part of The Program and no one could save them.

Obito crawled to Kakashi who was waiting for him with open arms. The man gathered his love close, whispering in the crying boy's ear, "I'll protect you, just wait for me." He kissed the sobbing boy deeply before turning back to pay attention to the scene. All their classmates were huddled on the floor, everyone was scared but some did not show their fear.

Naruto was grinding his teeth, his arms wrapped around a sobbing Sasuke who was clutching him so tightly he thought his uniform might tear to shreds if the grip became tighter. Sasuke was shaking uncontrollably, the blond tried to comfort him but nothing seemed to work. The door suddenly slid open and Sasuke's eyes trailed to the door. He followed the large fear filled black eyes towards a tall man with long black hair wearing a suit. Everyone could distinguish the pistol tucking in his belt, the intimidating weapon sprung fear and cries of outrage and extreme terror.

Nobody could believe this was happening as the man stood straight in front of the blackboard, men heavily armed stood at attention next to him. Their weapons held down but would be shot without hesitation if revolt were to happen.

"Hello young participants, as you may very well know your class was honourably chosen to be the set of forty-two to partake in The Program this year. As you all may know this is a game where only one of forty-two will make it out alive so that means, people will have to be eliminated before time is up. Yes, your time is limited, you have a total of 72 hours to kill off forty-on of your classmates so I suggest you get to it and outdo each other." The man said with a sick smile that made everyone cringe.

'I couldn't possibly...I can't possibly kill Sasuke. There's no way.' Naruto thought to himself as the man drew a oval like shape on the board, followed my points situated on various spots.

"This is your playing field, they are shelters but every few hours a broadcast will be made, telling you all which spot has been cut off of the map. If you remain on the spot, you will be blown up but the metal bracelet around your wrist. This bracelet also tracks your position and vital signs as well as other things. But that's off subject, anyway-"

"Excuse me...sir?" A soft voice sounded from the back of the class, all students turned to look at her with wide eyes. It was Shizune, the girl had wiped her tears and bucked up to courageously ask a question but unfortunately for her, interrupting the 'teacher' was considered extremely rude. The man's face turned dark and before anyone could react, his hand reached for the gun and fired it straight at her. She made no sound as the bullet blew a perfectly round and bloody hole in her forehead. Blood sprung from her face as she fell beside her long time friend Kurenai who yelled in fear, moving away in a scurry from the large pool of blood forming underneath the girl's blown out head.

"How rude." The man snarled.

Sasuke couldn't take it anymore, his tears streamed as he cried out loudly, protesting with all his might. Naruto begged for him to stop as the man slowly turned his head towards them, he moved to stand in front of the sobbing and screaming boy, his hand still holding the gun. Naruto took a protective stance in front of Sasuke, standing up to face the man. Sasuke looked up with startled eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"There is no need to yell, but if you fell the need to then I really don't mind silencing teenagers like you." He said to the trembling Sasuke who froze as he was addressed. Naruto growled as the gun was lifted but it was placed back in it's holster.

"Watch it, boy. I don't want to have to punish both of you, that's the students job." The man warned and Naruto snapped.

"You will not lay a fucking finger on him nor will anyone else. If anyone dares, I'll slice their fucking throat and throw them in a river." The blond threatened, glaring at everyone who remained silent and shaking in fear. The man smirked and let it slide, their was no point in killing the boy off here. There was no purpose. This would prove to be an entertaining game. Naruto sat back down, his eyes hard. Sasuke sniffled with tears still running down his face as he moved closer to Naruto silently thanking the man as he cuddled close to the arm that wrapped around him. Everyone let out a small breath of relief but they were reminded by Shizune's corpse that nothing was going to be okay.

The man continued when a large trolley rolled in with many duffel bags stacked on top of each other. He walked over to the bags, patting them with his hand.

"This will be what will keep you alive just a little bit longer. There is a map and pencil to mark territory, a random weapon that could range from useful to not useful as weaponry, some rations. That's it. I believe I have covered everything. Now it's time for the call outs. Starting by the ladies."

"Girl 1...Tsunami. Get up at go." The man called the first girl, she got up quickly running over with tears in her eyes, she did not look back as the bag was thrown into her arms. She came out quickly, desperate written all over her face.

"Boy 1... Choji!" A large boy got up, he was sweating as he grabbed his bag, his eyes wide and shaky as he looked back at his best friend Shikamaru who nodded for him to leave. The boy gulped and quickly left.

It felt like forever until Naruto was finally called to leave, he let go of a reluctant Sasuke who begged for him not to leave. Naruto leaned down, brushing the dark hair away from the pale face. He did not know what came over him but he suddenly felt as if he was the only capable of cherishing this beauty and the very thought gave him so much confidence.

"I'll wait for you." Naruto whispered his promise to Sasuke who nodded with a teary look but a small smile on his face. The blond ripped his bag from the man's hands before running out in the hall towards the unknown. The reached outside quickly and his breath caught in his throat, it was Tsunami. She had an arrow lodge in her throat. She was gagging as blood spilled from her mouth and neck onto her dark hair. Her blood was thick and flowed in streams down her punctured neck. Naruto ran over to her, looking into his classmates pleading eyes, she was fading.

"I'm sorry this happened."Naruto said through clenched teeth but the girl did not seem to hear his apology, her eyes were desperate and locked on a spot behind him. Naruto quickly looked behind him but was faced with nothing until he looked up at the small perch over the door. There stood Choji, tears streaming down his frantic and red face as he held a loaded crossbow at the young Uzumaki.

"What...Choji...Why?"Naruto whispered, he never thought Choji, the nicest kid, could ever do something like this. He knew Choji was playing by the game but to kill someone before they even had the chance to survive was too cruel to be done by someone like Choji. Naruto had barely time to react when the next girl got out but Choji did not react quick enough either. Hinata froze and ran despite locking eyes with Naruto, a person she trusted. Naruto tried to call for her but he was interrupted by an arrow grazing the skin of his cheek. He winced, cringing as blood dripped down his cheek, the arrow embedded in the ground in front of him.

"Don't turn away from me Naruto! This is a game that I will not lose out, I will not be pushed around. I refuse! Shikamaru is the only one I'll leave alive, I'll kill everyone else!" Choji cried out as he fired another arrow in the ground beneath him but this time it wasn't Naruto was received it, it was Sasuke's leg. The arrow puncturing the back of his leg the minute the boy walked out. Sasuke screamed in surprise and fear as his leg burned. Naruto reacted quickly, he grabbed the arrow from the ground, throwing it with all his might at Choji who received it in the arm causing him to drop the crossbow. Naruto quickly made his way towards Sasuke, grabbing the boy's bag and helping him stand.

"Na-Naruto-san..."Sasuke panted, his eyes squinted in pain as he held around the arrow in his leg, red blood dripping down his wound in thin streams. The blond knew that there was no way Sasuke could run with his leg like this so he gently picked the boy up in his arms bridal style before running as fast as he could away from the school. There was no way he could trust anyone anymore, they had to stay away from everyone else.

"My c-cousin..." Sasuke sobbed as he reached for the school but Naruto kept moving away from the school until he reached a relatively sheltered part of the forest where the leaves were thick and hid them well enough to be out of everyone's sight or so they hopped.

Sasuke leaned against the tree, tears streaming down his face as he bit his finger to ease the pain in felt in his injured leg. Naruto made quick work of ripping the leg of Sasuke's pants causing him to squeak in surprise, exposing the pale leg that was soaking in blood.

"We'll have to wrap this... the arrow head penetrate you skin. It might get infected if we don't take care of this so bare with me okay? It will hurt a bit." Naruto said apologetically, as he slowly retracted the arrow head from Sasuke's pale skin causing the boy to bite his finger with force to distract him from the pain that eased quickly when the arrow was extracted. He opened his bag, taking one of the water bottles and poured it gently over the wound to clean out the blood before pulling away to wrap the wound with a piece of cloth ripped from Sasuke's pants that now looked like a weird combination of shorts and pants.

"It's not that great but it has to be enough for now." Naruto said as he started packing up the things until a soft hand rested just below the cut the arrow caused on his cheek. Naruto looked into Sasuke's worried eyes as he caressed the cheek with such finesse and care.

"You're wounded." Sasuke said slowly, his voice low and worried. Naruto plopped down next to the boy, propping his arms on his knees while Sasuke tried to get comfortable without hurting his leg.

"I-It's nothing serious." Naruto blushed at the concern offered to him, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, his heart pounding. Before he whispered, "I can't believe Choji..."

"What happened to him? Why would he even participate?"Sasuke asked with a sad look on his face, Naruto sat next to him, pulling the bags near him to pack the water he had taken out before answering the pale boy who was shaking slightly from the remainder of pain in his leg. "He snapped. He's not our problem now, he's Shikamaru's problem now. For now, we have to concentrate on helping ourselves. First, let's see our weapons."

"That's a good idea."Sasuke agreed as he grabbed his bag from Naruto, he unzipped his bag, reaching in to pull out a vest. Sasuke looked at it in question, not quick understanding what it was. He would be rather disappointed if it was just a simple vest so he turned to look at Naruto who held a pistol in the palm of his hand. Naruto was so relieved, he looked over to see that Sasuke had gotten a bullet proof vest. He smiled, this was perfect. They were probably the lucky ones.

"Good, we got good things." Naruto said and blushed as he saw Sasuke cock his head to the side cutely, holding the vest up in confusion. He rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks burned red, he should have know that maybe someone who didn't have the same want to be part of the military would not know how useful a bulletproof vest was.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked as he fingered the plump vest on his lap.

"It's a bulletproof vest, you wear it under your clothes and protects you from bullets to the chest and back." Naruto explained, smiling as he saw the beautiful Uchiha's face burst with excitement. The boy turned his wonderful smile to the blond.

"So we are pretty lucky aren't we!?" He explained happily, hugging the vest to his chest with a big smile on his face. Naruto couldn't help but blush once again, this boy was simply everything to him and seeing him so happy in his presence even thought they are in the worst situation made his heart swell and his pulse quicken.

"Ye-Yeah..."He replied timidly, he looked away with a blush, pointing at the vest that could save a life. "You should put that under your clothes. You'll need it." Sasuke's smile died down slowly, a blush burning his cheeks.

"I'll put it but coul-could you turn around, I don't really like changing in front of others." Sasuke whispered causing the blond's cheeks to burn for the thousandth time, Naruto swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he nodded and slowly turned away from the beautiful boy who was blushing as well but when he turned around he was met with dark eyes.

-You are not safe-

When Obito finally got out he screamed, falling to the floor on his tender behind. Tears welled in his eyes as he saw the dead bodies of his classmates. Tsunami was laying on the cold ground, an arrow lodged in her throat. Not far from here was the largest boy in their class, he laid there on the floor a rock lodged in the back of his head, his skull completely crushed. Obito slapped a hand over his mouth as he felt the bile rise in his throat, Choji had tears in his dead eyes. The young Uchiha scrambled up as he heard the next student's footsteps, he couldn't trust them. He had to find Kakashi who had left a good while before him. The man had whispered for him to find the residential area and meet him there.

Obito slid in thick buses near the school so he wouldn't be too disorientated, he wanted to keep the school was a guidance point. He unzipped his bag, pulling out a pack of dartboard darts. There was no way he could do anything with this! They could hurt but certainly not kill anyone. He shook his head, he did not want to kill in the first place. His cousin and his boyfriend...he couldn't possibly murder them. He hoped they felt the same, at least he knew Kakashi felt the same way.

He set down his darts, pulling out a map in a plastic bag with a pen. He opened it, pulling out the map to inspect it. He smiled, the residential area was not to far away. He got up after packing all his things and took off in a run before anyone could get to him. He ran and ran until he saw the back of the house, sighing in relief he searched until finally he reached the fourth one. He knocked once, praying and hoping until his love opened the door with a Uzi in his hands. He pointed it at Obito who shrieked in fear.

"K-Kakashi? It's me...?" He whispered but the gun did not drop. Obito felt tears prickle his eyes as he felt the horrible feeling of betrayal settle in until slowly the gun descended and the Uchiha got a clear look into his lover's eye. His eye? Obito cried out, reaching forward to cup Kakashi's bloody face in his hands. Half of his face was covered in dark blood that came from the long cut across his eye.

"Tha-That fucking whore ha-had a knife...Karin...That bitch...sliced right down my eye and ran." He was trembling in anger as he spoke, causing more blood to spill from the wound. Obito's tears ran down his face as he looked at the handsome face covered in something such a face should not be covered with.

"We have to tend to that! Let's-Let's get inside, alr-alright?" He whispered, his voice less then stable as he gently led his bleeding lover inside, locking the door behind them. He brought the man upstairs, and laid him down on the bed without any protests from him. The only thing heard between the two was the sobbing from Obito as he scurried around. The Uchiha made a mess of the bathroom until he found bandages and a syringe with string in the drawers. He felt lucky as he stormed back in the room, pulling Kakashi in a sitting position.

"It's okay...See? I have this. I'll heal you." Obito said frantically, Kakashi watching him as his hands shook, unable to fit the thin thread into the needle. The man rested his own hand against the shaking hand, easing his lover.

"Don't be scared...I trust you." Kakashi said heavily, the loss of blood was starting to get to him. He leaned back and closed his functional eye as Obito got the thread into the needle. Wincing as the needle went through the cut wound, puncturing his skin. It burned, yes, but it hurt less then the actually wound. What hurt the most for Kakashi was seeing the tears roll down plump cheeks.

It took Obito a good few minutes to finish stitching the wound close, he was paler then paper and he was trembling slight. He moved back to the bathroom to wash his hands that were drenched in blood. He cried and cried as the blood disappeared into the drain. When all of it was gone, he grabbed a rag and soaked it with water. He sat back down near Kakashi and dabbed around the wound, wiping off the blood to reveal the stitched wound. It looked awful and painful but Kakashi kept a straight face, albeit pale.

"I'm done."Obito whispered as he set the moist, blood covered towel down onto the ground. Not wanting his hands to linger on the blood. Blood absolutely made him sick, it scared him to no end because blood led to death but he had no choice. After all, he'd shoot a man for Kakashi. He'd kill for Kakashi...He's play the game for Kakashi.

"Good job, my love." The injured man praised his shaken up lover, he felt bad for putting the boy through this. If anything, he wished that Obito would have been in a different class. Someone this sweet didn't deserve to be here. "But it's not over yet, this wound needs to be wrapped so it won't be infected. Can you do this last thing for me? In return, I promise I'll do whatever you ask." The man whispered, his voice breathy and tired. Obito nodded, grabbed the bandages and wrapping them the best he could without covering the good eye or hurting his dear boyfriend.

"T-There..."Obito whispered shakily, falling onto his lover's strong chest, sighing in relief as an equally strong arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him close. The Uchiha laid on his chest for those precious few minutes before tears began to well up in his eyes, his hands twitching on the pale chest. Kakashi was running his fingers through dark hair. A sad look on his face as he listened to the soft sobbing coming from the young boy atop him. He wanted nothing more then to sooth him, luckily, he knew how.

"Look at where we are, Obito. We're in a house? Remember what we talked about? We talked about owning one someday, we'd buy it after I finally ask you to marry me. We'd live in that house together, we'd adopt dogs and take care of them. You'd never have to work a day in your life, you'd spend your days plump with my children in your stomach. You'd give us the family we never had. Remember talking about that?" Obito was looking at with wide eyes full of spilling tears, but they were tears of happiness not of sadness. The boy rested his hand on his own belly, looking down at it fondly.

"With...Kakashi's babies?"The whispered, caressing his stomach lightly, as if a baby was in his stomach at this moment. He gasped softly as a larger pale hand rested on his hand, another hand lifted his chin until he was faced with a loving face.

"No our babies." He said with a smirk, pulling his lover into a deep hug. Promising him silently that they would make it off the island.

-You are not safe-

Saying Hinata was a scaredy-cat would be nothing more then the hardcore truth. The girl would tremble and cry a mere jolts but by no means was she not strong willed. That's for sure. Here she was, in the program, pinned to the floor by a boy who once was her classmate but is now her predator. It was Hidan, the boy she always feared, even before this, he was always vicious. She prayed she'd never be alone with him but here she was, looking up at his sick smirk.

"Please, just let me go!" She cried out, trembling as he wrist were pinned by strong hands and her lower body made useless by the weight of Hidan's lower body on her own. She TRIED to run from him but the man held a small gun. It was funny how something so small could be so intimidating. She had nothing but a mere fork that was easily knocked right out of her hands the minute she pulled the utensil out.

The man laughed, a sick laugh. Hinata found it funny how something that was suppose to be so joyous could sound so evil and menacing. This man wanted her in a way she did not want him. He slammed his hand against her neck, chocking her until tears came out of her pale eyes and down her red cheeks. She was scared, he licked his lips, he liked it. Fear was something Hidan always liked to see, he wanted the world to quake as he walked, everyone trembling at his mere name. That was a happy ending to him. Watching the world burn.

"Wh-why?" Hinata managed through her clenched throat, her hands trying to pry off the thick hand from around her neck. She felt her tears strengthen, they were all classmates...friends. They weren't suppose to turn on each other. At least, not like this. This was not suppose to happen, she prayed every night for this not to happen. Nobody listened to her prayers. Oh but Hinata knew that God was there as the light from the sun beamed into her eyes as this vile creature restricted her air. God was watching her! She had to show Him how strong she was!

The girl's arm fell limp, causing Hidan to smirk, she would soon be dead. He liked the sound of that. However, Hinata wasn't done just yet. She swung her fist at the side of his head with all her strength, causing the surprised man to lose his balance and fall on his side, the small gun falling beside him. Hidan was strong but Hinata was quick. She grabbed the gun with confident hands, pointing it at the man who held his head. He shot her a vicious glare before he noticed the gun and cowered on the floor.

"O-Okay c-calm down here..."He tried, holding his hand up as she advanced on him, the small gun pointed on his head. Now, Hidan found it funny how something so small could be so intimidating but he wasn't talking about the gun. He was talking about the girl. Tears were streaming down her soft face as she glared down at him with the light shinning behind here.

"I-I re-refuse t-to die here!" She cried out, her hand shaking more. Her finger twitching on the trigger, her face determined. She was ready to shot. Hidan braced for pain, looking death dead in the face until a loud noise resounded and a bloody hole ripped through her pale cheeks, pushing her eye up into her socket. She let out a squeak before falling limply on the ground, the light still shined on her. God had her now. He'd protect her up in heaven.

Hidan looked at the pool of blood following under the girl's blown open head. He whipped his sweat knowing that it was a close call. He looked up as the shadow of his saviour loomed over him only to feel a stinging pain in his eyes. He howled in pain, crying out as his eye burned He couldn't see with it anymore, he could only make out mid-length black hair before the knife was pulled out and he received a fateful blow to his head.

Kurenai admired her work, pulling out her knife from the blood soaked head. They killed her good friend. She knew that all these bad kids were the cause of this program. She knew so she could not forgive them for causing Shizune. She'd kill them all.

-You are not safe-

Orochimaru did not feel like a bad person, he was simply a scientist...a dreamer? He loved the human body and it's complex system. Sometimes people called him sick for the admiration he felt when he dissected a frog in science class. He was partnered up with Sasuke who squeaked as the knife dug into the frog's fleshy body. The boy's fear confused him as he tried to get the boy to touch it but Sasuke kept crying out and refusing. It was not long before the class heard his cries and the evil eye was pointed at him. They called him names and he'd fight back. He liked was the perfect way to see the bruising marks the body could create.

Orochimaru was also a fast learner, adapting like a snake. He was also extremely smart, to the point where his intelligence was far superior then what the school could teach him but he stayed because he liked seeing the fear in the others eyes. The long-haired man laid in the grass, processing his competition, he was ready to play this game without restraint. It was hard to class his classmates by their personalities since he did not know many of them so he'd have to go by natural selection. Does incapable or with small flaws would be the first to go... Kabuto would be one of them, the boy had glasses. Iruka would be another, he looked so frail. He'd break like a twig. Those were the only two he could think about at this moment, the others had favourable traits.

He touched the cold metal around his wrist, he did not want to die. There was still so much he did not know, he had to know more. He knew what he had to do as he pulled out two grenades from his bag, what a wonderful weapon. It wasn't as accurate as a gun but it didn't matter because he did not know how to shot it. He would rather have a knife but he had no such luck. That was too bad. He really wanted to dissect a human body. He got up from the bushes, heading towards where the map said the hill would be. It would be easy to ambush students from there. When he arrived he was met with a small group of three girls and two guys. He peeked from his spot on the hill, pushing his hair back so it would blow in the wind and alert them.

The girls were Momiji, Susuki and Emiru. The boys were Sora and Lee. They were talking, not looking hostile at all. Momiji held a microphone in her hands, holding it tightly. What a terrible weapon to have...It could be used as a weapon but Orochimaru knew that Momiji would not be smart enough to use it. Susuki held a fan, the paper blowing in the wind as she talked to Emiru who held a sickle in her hands. That was a decent weapon, not for long range but for close range it could cause damage. The boys were talking to each other looking worried and kind of frantic. He could not see their weapons but he knew that Lee was dangerous in himself. The man was known for his expertise in martial arts.

Orochimaru suddenly felt an impulse, his hands twitching on his grenade. He reacted quickly, loving his smart mind. He activated the grenade, throwing it down but he did not keep in mind the fact that Lee was active and could not stay in one spot for to long. The boy had moved farther away from the hill to look at the forest. The grenade fell between the four who looked down, shocked looks on their faces but it was to late. A large bang resounded and then blood rained down with the limbs of four people. Lee fell to the floor, his eyes wide and filled with fear as he scrambled backwards. Breathing hard Orochimary barely noticed the boy run away as he watched in amazement. This was perfect. He killed four people! He dissected four people! No scientist had ever done that so quickly! This game was the best!

-You are not safe-

Naruto scrambled back as an arrow shot into the floor between his legs, he collided with Sasuke's naked back. The Uchiha squeaked in the middle of taking off his shirt, he pulled it back down quickly, holding the vest tightly to his chest.

"Get up and give me your weapons." The feminine voice said. Naruto was breathing hard, holding a protective hand out to protect Sasuke who was paler then paper. The boy was trembling, taking one hand off the vest pressed to his chest to hang onto the back of the blond's shirt. The Uchiha could tell that Naruto was just as scared as he was. Sasuke was the first to get up, pulling himself up with shaky legs that wobbled. Naruto remained on the ground, his blue eyes wide and afraid. Sasuke bent over to pick up the pistol, making slow movements in fear of being shot once again. Naruto couldn't believe the amount of courage Sasuke had while he remained on the floor shaking.

A shaky hand reached the give her the gun but Sasuke had another idea on mind. He threw his vest at her head, catching her off guard before pointing the gun at her. The girl quickly recovered, holding the crossbow firmly, pointing it at the Uchiha. They were both shaking, looking scared. Sasuke had tears in his eyes while Tenten looked crazy, her eyes frantic.

"We-We're not p-playing this game! We are not killing out classmates!" Sasuke yelled, his body shaking as his voice bounced in the trees. Naruto tried to must up his courage but he could not, he was frozen. This was the second time he was faced with his fellow student but Choji did not look as insane as she does. This girl looked absolutely crazy. She twitched at the tension, her face contorting, droll slipping down her chin.

"We h-have no choice okay? My parents...they...are waiting...My parents!" She repeated frantically, his finger twitching on the trigger of the loaded crossbow. She had token it after hitting Choji on the back with her actually weapon, a hammer, before grabbing his crossbow and shooting him with it. Now she pointed the weapon at the most beautiful person in their class. She had always been jealous of the admiration given to the crying boy in front of her.

" we ha-have to go!"Sasuke cried out, his eyes welled up with tears of fear. Naruto stood shocked, unable to do anything but sit there until Sasuke looked at him with those beautiful eyes full of tears. The will to live burning in his eyes.

-33 students remaining-

HERE IS THIS FINALLY -' Took me forever! But hope you enjoy and please review!